After my March and April medical emergency and my release from hospital to home care in mid May I’ve left that subject alone and went back to normal writing (Hey Paul, how’s that working out for you?) But this week I feel the need to emote.
I explained, since I’ve been under the care of Doctor Wak-Wak (Mayang) I have improved both mentally and physically, I was one gloomy Gus when I first got home convinced that my life would never be the same. I mean hell; they stopped me from smoking, and the consuming of all alcoholic beverages. Who does such a cruel thing? My balance is still not 100% and I now use a walking stick to get around, but I do look so cool with it. But I refuse to operate my car until I’m A-Okay once more. (Your families will thank me as they get home safely from being on any road that I might have been driving on.)
The Beginning of June at my third outpatient appointment, my Doctor said; “Kuya, I don’t need you back in to see me until your weight is 150 pounds and since I was gaining weight at home at a goodly rate due to the non smoking, which causes food I don’t like to taste good, and I can eat my weight in Ice Cream anytime I want, They should be able to; “Put all my bits and pieces back in place.” With one more surgery finished by August or September.
There is a monetary incentive for me to be done with it all by October 31st. as November 1st is the beginning of the US Governments new “fiscal year”. I’ll explain: My Tri-Care has a co-pay of 25%, until I reach a $3,000.00 cap then Tri-Care picks up 100% of the tab. My cap was met in March during my first of three operations and I go back to zero on November 1st 2016. To wit, if I have the finial operation prior to that date I will save $3,000.00 out of pocket! Let’s see Obamacare try and beat that deal!!!
Yes friends, we also have Phil Health, but it can’t be used in conjunction with Tri-Care, I only have it as it covers Mayang’s Mother, well worth the money!
I’ve been promised that cocktails could be back in my life by December this year, driving is an unknown, depending on my equilibrium, or inner-ear. But I still want to keep my most cool walking stick, which does look like an Irish shillelagh that brings out the Boston Irish within me. Plus it’s on the Logo of the Boston Celtics. BTW the Politically Correct crowd has not tried to help us Irish by saying the logo is insulting, because those assholes just don’t understand that we Irish are not thin skinned pansy’s who need a liberals help defending ourselves. On Facebook if someone rushes in to defend another group, I always ask who hired them to speak on those groups behalf. We Irish damn sure didn’t!!!! Besides leprechauns are harsh little dudes.
So I’ll be off line (Maybe) during the next operation and I’ll let everyone know in advance this time, but I hope maybe it won’t be required, as I said before it took me a month to figure out how to use the computer after the last three operations scrambled my brain. So it’s “Phil Health, or Its Paul’s Health!” and it’s improving everyday!
What’s the difference in Tri Care and Phil Health? Are they both offered by the government?
Tri-Care is the health plan for retired US Military, and is accepted here. PhilHealth is a Philippine Government low cost health insurance and you can be covered under your wife’s policy it is about 50 to 60 dollars a year. it is limited but great for the money it costs you.
Just want to clarify on this.. PhilHealth was changed a couple years ago. As a foreigner, you do not need to be married to a Filipina to be covered. Even if you are just on a tourist visa, unmarried (or even married to a non-Filipino) you can get your own PhilHealth account by applying at the PhilHealth office!
Just think of that first SMB sliding down, HEAVEN.
John J.;
That image has came to me both while sleeping and awake! As that old folks (That’s me now) used to say; “You’ll never miss the water ’till the well runs dry!” Bless me if that ain’t true!!!!!!!!!!!
When I left the big Po I had serious doubts as to whether we would ever share another Rum & Coke. Now it appears we have about a 99.9% chance. What a miraculous recovery you have made. The alter boy days are paying off. And of course the Doctors are great. Once they figured out they could put restraints on a Senior Chief to keep you from removing the tubes, things took a definite change for the better. Welcome back to life Paul.
Who in their right mind would put a plastic tube in another person’s nose? When I woke up ripping it out was my first instinct, albeit did anger them immensely. But I must have been right as here I am, waiting on that next cocktail with friends while looking down from Pogue Mountain on the Big “PO” below!
Hi Paul,
I enjoyed reading your article and looking at the pictures!
Your comment on the Irish reminded me of Mel Brook’s movie “Blazing Saddles”. The line “We will take the N…… and the Ch…., but not the Irish!” I suspect you know what I am referring to.
Glad you are on the mend!
I didn’t know that, thanks for the info!
After my grandfather and his brother legally immigrated to the US at the turn of the century, the signs for employment said “Irish need not Apply” So as the fasted growing group in Boston, they banded together and elected Irish to most offices, and opened both the Police Dept. and the Fire Dept to the Irish. My grandfather went into construction building houses all over the city. He hired anyone willing to work and never carried the bull shit they encountered as a crutch that would hold them back, they grabbed with both hands the American Dream, and needed no help from anyone. Not like today crying over something that happened long ago.
Hi Paul. Glad you are getting better.
Is it ok to ask what caused your health troubles to start with? Alcohol?
I used to work in a bottle shop in Australia and seen first hand the troubles alcohol played with people lives and health. Certainly opened up my eyes because I myself was once a heavy drinker.
Have you considered giving alcohol away forever? Just a thought. Trust me, you we will be way better off. Hope I havent offended anybody.
By the way, love your articles and look forward to many more!
Please don’t try to fit me into anyone else’s mold, if alcohol is someone’s demon, don’t assume it belongs to me.. As a US merchant Marine, alcohol abuse would be cause for termination; I retired with a good pension, and was asked to come back to work a year later.
My medical problem had nothing to do with drinking, yet two weeks prior I was out having cocktails with friends with no ill effects. I have taken alcohol in moderation most of my life, and it has never adversely affected my life, albeit I’d have a lot more money without it, but the same goes for owning a car. BTW I owned two nightclubs in Puerto Rico and never had a drink in either one, as someone has to remain the boss at all times.
No worries. I was just curious. No offence meant
No offence was taken by me I was just pointing out the problems with assuming things not known. If I came across as harsh, I apologize, that was not my plan.
Your inner sense of humor is still great. Glad your feeling better Paul
Bob Stone, born in Dorchester…grew up in Braintree.
Living here in Cebu past 1 1/2 years..
Boston Irish!!!
Go Celtics.
Boston Strong.
The odd part is women I’ve been with in the past failed to understand the male sense of humor. We do some funny stuff!!! (lol)
OFD (Originally from Dorchester) is a Facebook page just for Dot Rats like us, check it out! I had cousins’ from Braintree, Bobby and Dickey Lombard. Go Red Sox, if I had a dollar for every spring day I spent at Fenway, when I should have been in Dot High! (lol)
Pleased to hear you are improving all the time.
We seem to have gained quite a collection of walking sticks including a shepherds crook a family friend made us. They come in useful now and then.
That picture must have misled you; unlike your collection of sticks those in the picture are not mine, just a sample of different types of walking sticks. I have one that was hand carved here in the Philippines that does look like a shillelagh that my great uncle from Ireland had, that I use to steady my balance while I’m out.
Paul, is VA any help with your health costs? I understand they have some kind of health care facility in Manila?
Old AF Guy;
I was born in 1947, the USAF was formed in 1947, both me and the Air Force turn 69 this year, so how can you be an Old AF Guy? (LOL)
But seriously Tri-Care covered it all with my out lay being only 25% of $3,000.00. Or $750.00 total from me and that is why if they finish the procedure prior to 1 Nov. I won’t pay anything at all.
I have no service connected injuries so I’m not covered by the VA. I could file for loss of hearing and other nickel and dime stuff, but the way Obama and his liberal crew fund the VA I don’t want to take any money from a real hero that needs VA help.
Tricare is a great coverage for you and your family. I am three years older than the USAF as I was born in 1943. 🙁 Therefore the old AF guy. I was interested in VA there because I do qualify for their services normally. Thanks for your service and articles. Have a nice sunny Philippine day. I was there in 1962 – 1964 also 1965 – 1967.
Hi Paul, good to see you getting better nice photos if all goes well you should be
Back on the San migs come December, I have a great doctor here in pasig city
Got to visit him in November just the usual preventive medicine we’ve got Phil health for the family never had to use it yet but it’s there just in case,
Take care, hope to see you one day in Texas Joe,
Derek in pasig.
Just curious, if you were in the US, will your current insurance of 3,000 dollars be enough to cover you? I know it’s cheap here in the phils, and insurance companies everywhere likes to screw everyone.
Somehow I have misled you, my insurance (Tricare) is without a limit. The three thousand is a cap and I must pay 25% of the bill until it reaches $3,000.00 then I pay nothing. The comment I made was pointing out that my CAP had been met in March, but in November it will start once more. I apologize for any confusion I caused. BTW Tricare in the states works the same way, but stateside the cost is astronomical compared to here.
Preventive maintenance is always the wisest course of action for the over 40 crowd. I am looking forward to a normal cocktail hour again with friends. As you can see my family takes me out all the time, do you think it’s because I always pay? (LOL) Texas Joe’s is a deal!
Old AF Guy;
I was stationed on Diego Garcia in 1980; I was part of a nefarious group of two senior Chiefs and one Master Chief that the USAF smuggled into Clark on a weekend, and the Navy never knew we were off island. And a great weekend on Fields Avenue was had by all and heartfelt thanks to our Flying friends. Tricare albeit is not perfect, and is not the free medical that the military promised us when we joined, it sure beats Obamacare!