Harry Truman explained to Gen. MacArthur the meaning of Politically Correct:
Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by clean end!
But “Snopes.Com” claimed that is false, which begs the question; “Who checks Snopes?”
We in the west are ruled by the media and what they tell us what is proper to think and what this week’s “PC” term is .One example: on face book I used the term Handicapped and was attacked by turd handlers saying the proper term is “Person’s with a disability” That caused me to beg the question “If that is true, when is the United States going to change all the signs that say Handicapped Parking and “Handicapped Access” but since it didn’t involve the administration I was not called a racist which is the current “PC” term meaning; “One Who Disagrees”

A guy named Bruce has had plastic surgery and wants to be referred to as a woman, while still retaining his male equipment. but to me in my life I really don’t care, and if I had to live with his wife Chris and that many Kardashian people the loss of his manhood would be completely understandable I’m sorry but if he tried to enter the same public rest room of my daughters or granddaughter, I would demonstrate to him the term “Politically Incorrect” no matter how many awards for being a hero, his sycophant Hollywood crowd and the media award him. (Which he did deserve for the abilities he demonstrated as an Olympian Swimmer), He is still a guy who has had hormone injections, and the money for a new wardrobe. The term “Trans-Gender” is the term de jour in the states this year, where here in the Philippines it is just “Bakla”, and no awards are given for it.

In my purok, there are three Lady Boys, (How’s that for not being “PC”?) In Thailand they are called Katoy’s, or Girly-men and none of these terms are considered by their citizens to be demeaning, it’s just what they are called. Since the Tagalog language does not use pronouns like he and she, what else can you say.
But the truth again they don’t bother me, they have the right to exist unbothered by anyone or any group, and the right to live their life the way they want. If they want to get married, and the liberals in the West thinks that is wonderful, fine by me. It’s time we shared divorce and the pleasures of In-Laws with them.
But what I really want is my language returned to normal, I want to hear the Christmas Carol “Deck the Halls” and the liberals not giggle when they hear the verse “Don we now our gay apparel” thinking it means to dress up in drag. Gay means happy and that’s it! And rainbows happen after the rain.
One Bakla across the street from my Bataan mountain home owns the re-opened Sari sari store and comes to work from 0500 untill 2200 every single day, in full makeup and lady clothing, and is very well liked in the purok., In the evening it has become the purok “Hang Around Spot” for all the ladies, and way too many guys.
BTW, I have met the young Lady Boy, and enjoy the banter that goes between us, a very funny person (She/he was shocked that a Kano was not homophobic.) BTW Mayang is also one of the nightly regulars

I respect the Filipino are more mature than the West in their tolerance of different lifestyles, and I find it pleasantly refreshing. We in the West need to learn to take things in stride, if it’s not in your face, and doesn’t detract from your quality of life, than why let it bother you, just follow the Filipino way, shrug your shoulders and utter that old time honored phrase “Wala” Because Eat Bulaga is going to have Juan for all, and all for Juan with YaYa Dub on everyday and it cracks the viewers up. (Me too)
ITS A BOY” my friend shouted “A BOY, I DON’T BELIEVE IT, ITS A BOY” and with tears streaming down his face it was at that moment that he swore to the rest of us that he’d never visit another Brothel in Thailand again!
Thanks for the great article!
P.S. Bruce was a speed skater.
He won his medal in the decathlon. We both got it wrong
Swimming I was thinking of Johnny Weissmuller who played Tarzan in the movies, oh hell what do I know! (lol)
Let’s clear this up PC stuff up once and for all: The rumor that Bruce Jenner is now posing on the cartons of Half and Half is completely false.
LOVE the post ! One reason i enjoyed my last visit back to the PI is because i could say whatever the heck i wanted… being a fairly respectable guy it was not anything much; but here in the states jail time…
Four of my shipmates and I were sitting in a bar in San Francisco (I know shocking isn’t it.) and this San Franciscan unicorn herder informed us that he found our conversation to be “Rude”. I stood up got into his face and said: “We find eavesdropping to also be rude, go home right now!” Problem solved!
Great article Paul. Yes, it is nice to be in Phils where people are accepted for what they are without political correctness. By the way, Bruce was an Olympic decathlon champion, not a swimmer.
Byron above told me Bruce was a speed skater but I did get it wrong when I said swimmer, It won’t be my first gaff and I know it will not be my last. (lol)
But it is so nice to be away from the “PC” Police and all their silly ideas.
I would rather be right than politically correct
I posted that above in the captions, so yes I completely agree with ypu.
I was about to make a long comment but instead I’ll just say , I’ll drink to what Paul said.
In my bar in Puerto Rico there were two customers who were gay, and the Navy kids were very upset about it. I asked the most out spoken kid if he knew for certain that he was straight. Of course he said yes. I smiled and then said: “That would mean that you’ve tried it and decided that you didn’t like it?” Even his two shipmates ragged on him about that and no more homophobic comments were uttered.
We’ll have that drink as soon as you get here!!!! Live and let live.
There is tolerance here but I wonder what will happen when certain types start demanding their “rights” such as being married, etc.
I can’t really see what difference it would make to the average citizen struggling to feed their family. It requires people with too much spare time on their hand to worry about trivial matters like that. When Ireland (My families country of origin) legalized same sex marriage I yawned, and did the same when it happened in the US. It affects my life or religious beliefs not one whit. I woke up the nest day and my life was unaltered. I’ll assume (Except for the church) the same will happen here. But as always I reserve the right to be wrong. (lol)
Good morning, chief! Nice post. I believe in political correctness but there are times people go overboard. People here can be just as overly sensitive, Filipinos being the very sensitive types.
Such as the initials “PWD” or “people with disabilities”. I view it as what I call “Filipino English”. If people have disabilities, aren’t they handicapped? How could “handicapped” be offensive? When we visited the States last July, that was one of the first things I observed there. I didn’t see any handicapped person being offended. Here, there are people who will see in bus seats reserved for so-called PWDs.
And then there are the “OFWs”. What is wrong with “Filipinos abroad” or “Filipino expatriate workers” or “Filipino migrant workers”? I find “OFWs” callous because people have been reduced to initials. It used to be “OCWs” or “overseas contract workers”. As if changing one letter gave some measure of dignity.
And did you know that calling stray dogs and cats as “askal” and “pusakal” is illegal here? The proper terms are “aspin” (asong Pinoy) and “puspin” (pusang Pinoy). As if most Filipinos take care of stray dogs and cats the way Westerners do.’
Enjoy an SMB for me later.
You know Wikipedia is great for follow up. I had no idea that the word I have been using for decades to call the dogs in the Philippines is now wrong. Not one of my relatives told me!
I will keep using it until someone tells me to stop, then i will read them the Paul Thompson riot orders. LOL!!!!
Tito Joe;
They are not my marching orders, as a free thinking man they should be yours. I categorically refuse to allow any group to try and instill their way of thinking onto me.
If anyone thinks that the sitting president of the US is doing a great job, that is their right. There right will come to a speedy halt when they try to instill their beliefs onto me. It’s just that simple.
I didn’t know about it until last year when I brought my two cats for spaying to PAWS, the local animal rights organization. And then I remembered a news story about such a legislation coming out of Congress, which produces a lot of nonsense anyway.
And now we have the Azkals football team. Nobody seems to be bothered about that.
I found the legislation. RA 8485, the Animal Welfare Act of the Philippines. I didn’t know that it’s been there since 1998.
To be politically correct on the subject of your being political correct, I’ll agree to politely disagree. When only the few “Enlightened” individuals get the memo as what is the term de jour on any subject and use it to chide the rest of us (The unwashed masses) while looking down their nose with sanctimonious glee, I refute their right to do so, as I’m in the majority and they are not.
But when they try I’ll smile and ignore them along the vast majority of the world. I’ll quote Yoda of Star Wars Fame to them;
“Offended you are? A shit I don’t give.” (LOL)
In the United States, the term American Indian, should be changed when the Indigenous People of the US ask the rest of us to change it. Not some limousine liberal from LA, NYC or pray tell Washington DC.
I’ll not be offended when you disagree! (lol)
Actually, I agree with you for the most part. The world used to be much more simple. It irks me at times that when I feel that being politically correct is becoming ridiculous. Another thing that I don’t like is when people think that you’re being a bigot when you’re not, and then they shout you down. Already happened to me occasionally.
Anyway, I don’t see anything offending with “American Indian”. But I WAS careful to watch my choice of words when I was in the States just the same.
By the way, just a historical trivia, the first US troops in Philippines fighting in the Philippine-American War sometimes referred to the Filipinos as “Indians”, meaning uncivilized. They also used the N word, but the most common epithet was “gugu”.
We in the states have put up with the worst 7 years in our history caused by the “PC” and rabid liberals, for if as a citizen I disagreed with any policy set forth by our sitting president, I was shouted down and labeled a racist, which would mean that any person of color who disagreed with any president in the past would also be subject to the same logic.
American Indians find nothing wrong with that term (That I have ever heard) or the names of the countless sporting teams also named after them, again it is that small group that stirs the pot, and causes dissention among the citizens, which I believe was the ultimate goal anyway.
Yes Paul not just the USA. In Australia if you criticise muslims you are racist even though muslims can be any race including white. Aboriginals can’t be called black even though they refer to themselves as black and the rest of us whiteys. At present there is a debate over a free trade agreement with China and now anyone questioning the deal is called a racist or xenophobic even by our Prime Minister. If you criticise a women you are a mysogynist (like Donald Trump) etc etc etc. I find it all infuriating.
It only means that minorities have better press relation people in the majority, and the liberal media are terrified of them. I don’t walk on egg shells and I don’t go out with the intent to insult or demean anyone. But if PC crap is thrown in my face its “Katy bar the door” (No insult to any of the Katy’s on Earth) Plus I thought misogynist was someone who liked massages. See what the hell do I know?
Personally I don’t pay attention to the PC crowd. Why? It is a waste of time.
I taught at an all black school and never once had a conflict. Truth is those working in a ghetto area are too focused on their own problems to be concerned about something someone might say.
Those that don’t like MLK Day, or Kwanzaa Day, or whether Santa Claus is white or black shouldn’t be involved with a ghetto area. It doesn’t really matter anyway, right?
One could say is Gates, Buffet, pick someone, are white. But why? Too many people just aren’t going to change their opinions.
And I like living where there is no PC crowd, and I’m the minority and am never offended when I’m called a Kano.
I really have no thoughts on Kwanzaa Day as it doesn’t exist but in the minds a few. MLK was a great republican and deservers to be honored for his peaceful work on civil rights.
Great post, Paul. Yes, PC has certainly gotten way out of control in the States. Something are OK but too many people look for any remark to call someone a racist/bigot/whatever.
I tell my wife she is physically challenged as she can’t pull into a parking spot correctly. I am sure if a liberal heard me say that they’d find fault.
I cured my wife’s parking disability; I installed a back-up camera on the car. The main reason I want a male president, is so if I disagree I can’t be called a sexist. Eight years being called a racist was plenty for me.
I could careless what the transgenders/gays do as long as they don’t interfere with my life. Actually a lot of them are funny and they crack me up. Well it’s now September and the start of the Holiday Season lol.
And may your Christmas season be merry and gay for you and your family. The Fourth of July is also a Holiday so that’s why I used the word Christmas. (I am still allowed to aren’t I?) (LOL)
Paul if the powers that be had invented new words instead of changing the use of established words things may have been better. Or perhaps if they took the trouble to find out if a word has more than one meaning. Folk have been walking up and down slopes long before the American soldiers gave it another meaning, majority of Brits would not even know the American change of use. So why should people be condemned for using a word as it originally was used.
I am off to have a gay time walking up and down a slope hanging my washing out lol. The joys of living on a hill.
If you’re talking about Boondocks, that is also a military boot.
From now on whenever I see a naturally formed rainbow I will shout out; “My, my, see that straight rainbow. I’ve heard Royal Navy say, “That bloke is “BENT”, does that mean he’s not straight?
Joking about this has made me feel so happy and gay.
‘Bent as a chapel hat peg’ was a saying I grew up with.
I think the PC brigade are just short of something to do.
They must live very sad lives.
“PC” Police are mostly failed Hall Monitors from our grade school days, lurking around the interwebby just waiting to be offended ready to pounce from the darkness, and then scurry back to their dank an dark sad little lives.
If one gives no value to what they have to say, then they remain just that, valueless. Me, I insult them until they go away.
It was the word slope I meant. There was some controversy when it was used on Top Gear. The rumour is that an American women complained to the BBC about it.
Slopes, yes I know exactly the negative meaning of that word, bit fortunate enough to also know the true meaning of the word as in I live on a 25 degree slope.
Actually boondocks comes from the Tagalog word…BUNDOK literally mountain, but co-opted to mean boonies or out in the jungle, forest or any where away from the ville we all love.
Now one more…berserk. That was a tribe in the old country that ate funny mushrooms prior to battle and went well…..berserker. Funny eh?
Tito Joe;
Thank you for that information, so Vikings were berserk? Let them join the club. (lol)
The word “boondock” was coined during the Philippine-American War when the Filipino revolutionaries switched from conventional warfare to guerrilla warfare and staged hit-and-run ambushes. Historians consider the conflict a preview of the Vietnam War. The word “guerrilla” (Spanish for “little war”) also became popular in use that time. The word was cemented in WWII when the Filipinos established the resistance against the Japanese after the fall of Bataan.
As for going berserk, the Spanish referred to the Moros in Mindanao as “juramentados”. The Filipino word is “huramentado”, which means “going berserk” or “running amuck”. Running amuck in Tagalog is “amok”.
The Moros took hashish before going into battle to deaden pain, but hashish also had some hallucinogenic effect, which gave the impression of going berserk.
When the US started extending colonial control into Mindanao, the Moros used the same frontal assault tactic. It took at least three rounds to bring down a Moro warrior and by that time the Moros had usually reached the US lines and killed one soldier. That was why the US Army developed a pistol that had greater stopping power, the M1911.
Thank you for clearing up those meanings, any day you can learn a new thing is a great day.
Great article brother Paul.
Once again, the nail has been hit squarely on the head.
To My Brother Dan;
Whereas normally I’d hit my thumb, Thanks Dan.
Pesky “injuns”, John Wane must be turning in his grave lol.
Jay Silverheels maybe but not the Duke.
Absolutely a great article, Paul. One of your best ever! And the quote from Captain Picard is just so appropriate. It really should say “the Philippines” as well as the Internet. So many people contact me for help or just to vent about situations here in the Phils which “offend them”. It’s sad.
If the Philippines frequently “offends” you I strongly suggest you stay back there in the land of PC and mandatory bicycle helmets and shin guards. I’m leaving for the US in just a few days and I will be counting the days until I am back home in the Philippines. Not going there by choice, for sure. Just hope I don’t get shot or arrested for saying the “wrong” thing.
I can’t believe what has happened to my dear land of birth during my life time. I’d say more bit it wouldn’t be “politically correct” *sigh*.
First a safe journey and a speedy return home. Do you remember grade school where those Hall Monitors trolled seeking out infractions? Well the internet is the new “Hall” thing to them, but now are called PC Police, yet still doing the same job.
The only PC I know is the now-defunct Philippine Constabulary, which was used to implement Marcos’s martial law. I remember them with dread.
PC meaning: the over used term of one who pretends to be Politically Correct vice understanding reality. (lol)
Good article Paul.
The world has gone completely mad going overboard not to offend someone. I hate racism etc. but it now means that you can’t say anything to anyone these days without the threat of a court summons hanging over your head.
Back to reading LIP now after a couple of wonderful weeks in the USA.
Encountered bigotry aimed at my wife in Vegas but now I know not to spend the weekend there due to the scum, some of them at least, who frequent the place on Friday and Saturday nights.
Now, a question for you Paul. Do you have any brothers in Arizona? I swear that every gas station that I went into when driving to and from the Grand Canyon had a guy behind the counter that was the spitting image of you! Just wondered.
I lived in Vegas for 20 years. My wife never once came across biogtry. It is too bad you experienced it.
It has been my experience that bigotry, etc. Is preceived because of what people “think/or read into” a situation. Did you ask the individual what he really meant when the situation arose?
Hi Rusty
He was from out of town and very drunk. Referred to my wife as a prostitute. I did attempt to have a meaningful conversation with him but my wife dragged me away which was probably sensible as they were 4 drunken louts. His mates must have realised that he upset me as they pushed him very roughly into his room.
I have been to Vegas before and found the locals very nice people. It is only drunken visitors that give the place a bad reputation at times. I will go back but not during a weekend when the louts are around.
That was me in Arizona I was working my way across the country to Massachusetts, as after 8 years of good government I can’t afford to fly.
Singapore 1994 the Imperial Hotel, my wife was treated like a criminal while I was out to the ship for a couple of hours the “INDIAN” management would not allow her into the room until I returned. After I returned and spoke with them, they apologized and paid for our meals for the next ten days.
Hi Paul, great post again how you do this every week amazing ,well back to the topic
The UK like the U.S. You have to think about every word that comes out of your mouth,
I was taught by my father treat everyone the same and only apologise if you do something wrong, that’s why I like living in the Philippines you don’t get any hassle and you can talk
To anyone , I talk to the garbage men in the morning I also talk to the mayor but never
Talk about politics, and like you said Paul have a beer and chill out, Derek in pasig.
Honest to god, while visiting my hometown (Boston) I said garbage collector and was informed they were now “Sanitation Workers” We were in a bar and a Donnybrook damn near broke out. We’re safe here in the Philippines
Yesterday, I was reading the voluminous text called ‘agenda 2030’. That is the UN’s utopian agenda where all countries will be mandated to implement a strict set of governing rules.
What a wondeful and enjoyable reading it was! Everything that is proposed is so politically correct!
The world as we know today will be gone and will be replaced by an equitable and just society world-wide.
What they don’t write about is who will be the losers and who will be the gainers.
That my friends, I’ll let you figure out.
First being a true PC society there would be no winner or loser, it’s not PC to keep score. Never worry about anything from the UN as they could never agree on what day it is. I’m age 68, like I could care what would happen in 2030, if it does happen, the people that let it happen deserve all that they get. As long as the US has the 2nd Amendment it won’t happen there.
Paul, did it ever cross your mind that Hollywood always made sure that all their movies about the ‘apocalypse’ will have a black president as THE LAST PRESIDENT.
We have a black president NOW!
By the way, do you have any idea how many executive orders Obama signed since 2008?
Over one thousand!
Do you have any idea what that means?
Palawan Bob,
is your last name Clinton? I think you’d better go to Google and actually check some of the statements you make.
Obama has signed much fewer executives orders than Reagan or Bush. You stated he’d signed over a thousand executive orders.
You obviously just make things up.
Executives orders
Reagan 381
Bush 291
Obama 216
16 months to go in office and signed a few yesterday not updated until the 20th of each month.
We obviously do NOT look at the same sources when it comes to REAL information.
What you see is “show business”, what you should be looking for, is “shadow bisiness”.
Palawan Bob,
I’ll Google Shadow Business? The compare it to real life business.
That means 16 months before the apocalypse, it could be sooner than that. The White House is considering bringing in “Migrants” without documentation to the US from Europe, it is only fair as Europe has taken so many of our 12 Million border jumpers. Oh wait, Europe has taken none, so when they get to 12 million Muslims then we should think of helping, at least we got Christians.
I don’t want to scare you but you better be ready for a nasty end of this year.
Enough said…
The number of executive orders that you see on official websites look cool, don’t they?
For the true numbers however, you must make a little effort
When I say nasty, I mean really NASTY.
If I find a suitable moment, I’ll try to give an advanced warning.
But the worst will come next year.
Please tell us your reliable resources?
The population graph wasn’t reliable. The written information didn’t support the graph.
Remember what happened to Alice when she went down that same rabbit hole. Enough said…………………
Palawan Bob,
You always make these outlandish statements as if there fact. You get your information some place but 99.99999% of the people don’t have access to your pole tapping research.
It Seems strange that those who control large corporations/billionaires can make plans for 50+ years from today. But you seem to believe in 4 months something earth scattering will occur.
Please tell us all wherevyou get your information?
Have a GOOD LOOK at this.
I looked at the data and read the article underneath the data. It seems the writer switches topics quickly. The US would be the best place if there was an ebola outbreak.
Who, Bob, has the resouces to develop whatever is needed to combat all the horrible events that more than likely won’t ever happen? A 3rd world country or the USA? Why worry about something that will probably never happen?
China has been successful because the US props them up, right?
That link (the table) shows the population forecast for the year 2025.
Have a particularly good look at numbers for US.
The US loses 80% of population in 10 years from now.
However, assuming that you survive, the worst part will be the PPP of US… meaning, we become the new banana republic.
The US Dollar will be a distant memory and our pensions a dead illusion.
So, what will be the cause of this?
After looking at this issue for the last 5 years, I have realised that, if told, the people can’t handle it.
So, I prefer not to say anything.
Palawan Bob,
Let’s suppose that something, that multicorporation leaders, ect. don’t think is going to happen, happens. Let’s suppose pension plans and the dollar evaporates. Let’s suppose corporations disapper. Let’s suppose banks and insurance companies are suddenly gone.
What are you going to do when you need medicine even if it’s’ just an asprin? What are you going to do if there is an emergency? What are you going to do for toilet paper? Or a box of twinkies? And the list goes on.
Do you really think a 3rd world country can make it on its own? I think you do. But it can’t.
Too many “end of the world people” just make wild statements without and thought behond them. Do you have any proof. Answer=No. You just read, and believe, what some fanatic prints on the internet. If you had any you’d tell us where you read it and why you believe it.
Now, if you ask me if there are any safe places in USA, the answer is definitevely a big NO!
The only alternative left is to leave.
The problem is, we are already on count-down…it’s already too late…!!!
The count-down means, we have less than 10 months to go…!!!
Believe it or not, is irrelevent at this point.
Palawan Bob,
Why wait 10 months when you said a catastrophic event will happen by the New Year?
Another definition of PC is the current victim gets to be the bully
And super bullies they are. But that is why they hide behind the media and a keyboard.