A daily cacophony of sounds, Jeepneys downshifting and their brakes squealing, Trike’s roaring along with the baffles removed from their exhaust thinking it will save them gas. Kids; as school get out heading home and whooping and hollering in excitement. Dogs barking whenever you pass the compound gate, roosters whenever they damn well feel like crowing they will, chickens clucking and ducks quacking Do-dong the Pan-de-Sal guy with his little horn at 5 am and a thousand other noises you hear on any given day here in the Philippines. Oh and nay I should forget Karaoke that sound that goes until the rent is up on the machine. But remember there is a lot of happy noise, kids playing people laughing things like that and I do wait to hear Do-dong and his hot Pan-de-Sal.

Here is something I know, it’s not going to stop, there is no “Noise Abatement Ordinance” on the books in my Barangay (THAT I KNOW OF) and no one is trying to get elected by campaigning for one. I’ve found that 75% is happy noise, people living life and seemingly enjoying themselves, the other 25% are minor irritants that with time will become white noise or at the very most background sounds.
Firing a Naval Gun trapped inside a steel turret, while members of the US Marines requests ”Gun Fire” support and gives you the coordinates to some unseen location that he strongly desires to make disappear, and we’ll gladly oblige. But within a short time you find your hearing has degraded to the point that living in the Philippines is fun. Ahh more white noise!
I just turned 68 and still haven’t filed a claim with the VA for my service connected hearing loss. I figured it has done me more good, than harm, albeit my wife might not agree at the level I set the volume when watching TV are listening to music. The “What‘d you say honey KO” is not music to her ears either. But I can go to sleep while my family is having a party downstairs and not be a killjoy. Even to the point of tuning out the constant drone of the “Damnable Singing Machine”
That in itself makes me happy that I could help make stuff disappear with our Mk-42 5-inch/54 caliber gun for our Marine buddy sitting ashore in harm’s way. The thank you and the beer from a Marine on R&R after he reads USS Mullinnix on your ships patch in a bar in the Barrio makes it all worthwhile.
If this noise is going to bother you and in anyway affect the quality of your life, I strongly suggest stocking up on ear plugs or Government Issue Mickey Mouse Ears, and I’ve been told that Gated Communities” have rules that they enforce, but remember that you’ll be subject to their rules too
Last but not in any way the least is Fireworks. Olongapo City has banned them, but the towns on both sides have not (Which is also Dinalupihan where I live). So now it’s just a matter of if they can catch you, and a person would be foolish to fire them off in close proximity to the police or some Barangay Officials that might enforce the ordinance but for the most part except that special “perfect” area, where you live that strictly enforces all rules. There might be a chance you’ll hear them. This is a subject that I’ve written about, I’ve not ever been a fan of fireworks, for no other reason than MOST people using them can be idiots. I love the sign that says: “Kids, stay away from fireworks, allow the adult who has been drinking all day handle them” But I will take no action to stop people from using, them except on my property.
You as a free thinking individual may agree with me or not, but know that noise in the Philippines is not going away any time soon, the faster you resign yourself to that fact, the easier life will become, and as in my case, you might even grow to ignore it thanks to a hearing impairment (LOL), or at least get used to it. In the words of that famous British One Hit Wonder song by: MARRS. “Pump up the volume.”
DISCLAIMER: Not once did I say I liked the noise, I said I can’t hear most of the noise.
The VA will offer me hearing aids…I might just decline.
There’s some charm hidden somewhere in that fine article about an expat who doesnt seem to be that bothered by the noise as i am.
I have a life time on ships to thank for the noise not bothering me as much as others. The noise from the ship’s power plant is constant 24-7-365. If you talk to any sailor they will tell you that if the engine stops (Called losing the load) the silence will wake them up. The female voice is difficult for me to hear, and I’m not making that up. (lol)
I love most of the noises but as to am I hard of hearin. nothin to do with big guns but… big drums and guitars…many years on the road a sa musician did my hearin in years ago. I like Pauls writing always funny. and his intake of san miguel is appreciated also. I stand with him on that haha
Noise is part of the Philippines. There is really only a couple that really irritate me. When the house full of Korean children across the street decide to have a loud chat session when I go to sleep. We have the windows open which might exasperate the problem lol. The worst is what sounds like a dog is dying at 2:00am, which is not a regular thing.
The Korean kids yakking’ I can live with, the kimchee I can’t. In Pusan I once walked out of a place with absolutely gorgeous Korean girls because they had just finished eating.
Wyatts Torch Farm;
Giant speakers pushed by huge Amps! That would be like a gun mount. But it does make it easy to live here, doesn’t it? (LOL) I do see SMB’s in our future, and they make no noise at all.
Damn I must be losin it. Ol sir San Miguel talks to me all the time ! Maybe it’s just the voices? But who the hell cares when it’s hot and the beer is cold
If you’re hearing from San Miguel, then listen up, as San Miguel only speaks the truth.
Hmmm, no bottles clinking? I woke up the other night because of the urge to shake the dew of the ole lily and as a sat there I said to my self, “self here that, the beautiful sound of absolutely no sound, no frogs singing, no crickets chirping, absolutely no sound”. It happens here & is one of the things I miss when in the PI.
No sound at all? That proves you’re as deaf as me, did you ever notice when we are sitting having adult beverages we never argue? It’s because we don’t know what each other is saying….(lol) Tommy is just as bad as us, Paul the music is too loud, Tommy, we’re not playing any music! Get back soon, I was at Texas Joe’s and there are new Cowgirls who don’t know us.
Oh no! ! Did my grand daughter run of with a stud?
Over the past year there were a few that got married and quit work, but the worst one was at Sit-N’-Bull, Joy married a Kano and ran off to live in the U.S. of A.
My favorite word lately has been “”What”” ??……yeh same boat but mine was like a canoe versus yours….Get your $$ from VA for your hearing incurred loss…If you owed anything to them you know what would happen..You deserve whatever you need from your service to the country…Bet if someone offered you a San Miquel you can hear that plain as day hahahahaha
San Miguel? I can lip read for a free Magoo!
My wife nags me to see the VA Rep. (They come down here to Olongapo) but I think she wants the hearing aid for me. I’ve felt that if my minor hearing was not claimed that a person who is in real need will get to the head of the line quicker. If I can outlive the current president and we get someone who cares in office I’ll do it. If the “Benghazi lady” Mrs. “What does it matter” then I’m out of luck. (lol) I’ll just buy an old fashion hearing horn!
It’s your pinay wife howling at the moon on them special candlelight nights that makes all other sounds acceptable. Turns out your hearing is purrrrrfect after all . Hear only what u choose to hear. Purrrrrfect
Michael Boo;
Candle light? I’ll light off my generator before I’d light a candle. (lol) I hear what I want to hear as long as it’s not in the high range. I think it was the loud rock music we played in the gun mount that really caused the hearing loss.
It’s your pinay wife howling at the moon on them special candlelight nights that makes all other sounds acceptable. Turns out your hearing is purrrrrfect after all . Hear only what u choose to hear. Purrrrrfect
I wonder if people feel more secure with constant noise of one kind or another as opposed to complete or near complete silence ? Something like a noise curtain or security blanket ?
Your article brings back memories of those sound effect records that were popular, especially when stereophonic records began their popularity in the early 1960’s LOL.
I wonder if there would be a potential market for a ” Sounds Of The Philippines ” recording of the many sounds encountered in living there as you describe in your article, plus many many more. Enjoy the sounds of The Philippines right in your own home wherever you are.
Bob NY;
You might have a new idea like that New Age CD’s: Sounds of the Rain Forrest or Whales mating. The Sounds of the Philippines would sell like hot cakes, but of course for me to hear it I’d have to pump up the volume, now that would drive my purok up a wall.
My uncle Bert, not the sharpest knife in the box built the first stereo (There were something’s he excelled at) and would sit in the middle of his living room as trains roared through. And he would invite you to join him; he could clear a room faster than anyone I ever saw.
The noise here in Gingoog is not bad at all, most of the time. After about 10 the level drops unless there is a party close. Other than the dogs barking, all the noise here just puts me to sleep, I find it calming or maybe my hearing is going the way of yours. After all I am now 68 years old and I think my ears are just tired and just not working up to par. All the time with loud music, using earphones and the sounds of life. So my hearing lose is not related to my 7 years in the Navy, I was one of the black shoes that went to school for 2 years, then to Hawaii, Comm Sta for 2 years, then 3 years here in the Philippines up at the Comm Sta at San Miguel. It was a hard life but someone had to do it. I was only on a couple of Ships and that was down at Subic fro a couple of hours, when I was sent down to see if there was anything we could do for the ET shops.
I agree if you are due for your earing loss you should get it. After all the Government is the first in line to get their cut from our checks.
Great article. Thank you
I’ve met many a sailor who didn’t do any ships, a tad jealous of you Station Ditto guys when we pulled into Subic for rearmament and R&R. But that was the way it went sometimes. It was nice to sail away and get a month’s rest. (lol) Plus you were being stationed in San Miguel, which was named after our Pale Pilsner friend.
I called it background noise in the article, so I know what you’re talking about.
Paul you should get those hearing aids. There is a huge benefit in using them you can have truly selective hearing. When the karaoke machine fires up you can just click the switch and turn them off….
And you can get all manner of gizmo’s that go with them these days so you can listen to the TV and your phone and the radio just like you are wearing a set of headphones.
Who knew they would do all that? I have my cella phone on max volume, because I like to share my conversation with all that are around me. No just kiddin’ I leave the phone on my dresser 24-7. But I will try them out before I get a pair because as with the good, I have friends that hate theirs. So I’ll see. I can stop karaoke by going upstairs, turning on the A/C and shutting the door. But your information will cause me to view them in a new light!
It was big engines and things that go BOOM that did my hearing in, There’s no such thing as complete silence for me anymore. In the absence of other noise, my ears ring. I’ve rarely been bothered by the everyday sounds in the Philippines. I do carry earplugs with me in case of encounters with karaoke or a P.A. system.
At Fort Bragg, they made me get a hearing test. The tech told me all about the frequencies and such that I could and could not hear. He must have seen the blank look on my face, ’cause he cut it short and said “Mostly, you can’t hear the normal range of female voices.”. I said “Write that down!”
Take care,
Send me a copy of that medical report my wife doesn’t buy the female voices deal at all. BTW 5 inch guns also go BOOM, and then echo in the steel incased gun mount we’re sealed into. But again I’ll blame the loud rock music we played. (lol) Luckily our engines were mostly 500 pound steam plants a low steady hum and vibration every minute of your day while onboard. Many of the ships 1MC (PA system in our staterooms were damages in day to day cleaning and hammers.
Hi Paul, after living here in the Philippines for 7 years you kinda get used to
Noise I don’t mind it , the only one is those motorcycle muffler or lack of one
Bit noisy the little motorcycle here, I love the sound of the old British motorbike
It had a sound of its own another good post Paul by the way I’m a bit deaf like
You wife is always complaining the TV to loud lol, Derek in pasig.
British Bikes I’ve had a couple, 1st in the 1960’s a BSA 500 one lung. 2nd 1970 Norton 850 Commando both were great bikes. Those underpowered mopeds they drive here sound like a mosquito heard through a PA system.
Turn down the TV is all I ever don’t hear! (lol)
Hi Paul
You would love the walk down memory lane here in India. They still make the Royal Enfield motorbikes here and the Classic is still a beautiful looking machine. I’m not a motorcycle lover but I can appreciate a beautiful design.
As for the noise, my gated and guarded sub division is perfect for a rest after living in noisy cities for my work. I think it would drive me crazy in retirement though. Being a law abiding citizen of the world, (cough cough) I have no problem with the rules. Mind you, being in Davao City means all rules are enforced and the city ones tend to be more stringent that the estate ones.
The Royal Enfield a dream machine, when in India we were told we could not bring them to the states, there were myself and four shipmates on my ship that wanted one and the ships master had no problem with us putting them in a cargo hold (Yes we would have paid the import duties.) we never got the full story from the US Embassy. So a missed chance.
The cost of renting a Damnable Singing Machine is PHP 1,000 per 24 hours, so they are rare around here.
Regarding karaoke: Don’t lose hope. We just moved to a barrangay north of Cebu City which has a local ordinance banning Karaoke on all days but Sunday and Festival days. Then, on the allowed days, they must be quite after 10:00 pm. What a dream. We had been living in an apartment, which was inundated by three separate Karaoke machines that were usually very active until 4:00 am. If the Barrangay Captain can get the ordinance pushed through here, there’s hope for your neighborhood!
If such an ordnance,were to pass then would come enforcement and who would do that? The Barangay official with the microphone in his hand sing a Matt Monroe song, sipping Imparaflu with his buddies? And as I said I hope it is never taken away from the folks, we have no Karaoke bars within ten miles so it would only be at Purok parties. I can’t hear it, so live and let live. Besides my family does it too! (lol)
I just tried out a set of what was supposed to be the best hearing aid on the market, during my visit in May/June. I returned on the 2nd of July and returned the aids on the 6th. They make the “quiet life” in the Philippines nearly unbearable. I gave them the suggested 30 day trial and found that the noise was amplified more than the human speech that I needed.
Oh well, I guess I will just have to suffer 🙂
A common complaint of most of my friends that wear them, I know I’m getting closer to getting Augmented Hearing Devices but I think I would only put them in my ear when engaged in a conversation that I want to be in. I’ll wait and see what happens, thanks for sharing your experience.