Tuesday night (09-22-2015) and Mayang said to me; :Honey Ko, we need to drive over to San Fernando in the morning to go to Home Depot to avail of door and draw pulls to replace the 34 fifteen year old ones we have in the kitchen. As they no longer match the new Granite counters we installed months ago, and for some reason it has instantly moved to the top of her “To do” list. I had no prior warning of this impending trip. I shrugged and said: “Why not!”

A drive to San Fernando using the old national highway is an hour and a half depending on the amount of road repair, as here on Luzon all road repairs are accomplished during the rainy season, so shoddy workmanship and cheap materials cannot be blamed when the road needs new repairs in six months. It keeps people gainfully employed and puts rice on the table every night so I fully understand.
We set off at 0800, then I hear; “Honey Ko we must go to Subic first to hit the ATM.” Why; because it is her bank’s ATM and she only trusts that one as she knows all the folks inside the bank. It’s very true San Fernando has no shortage of ATM machines, but can you really trust them?

Not a word, I smile and say yes dear and drive 45 minutes out of my way, because I know it’s the right thing to do. No Cella Phone Guys are scheduled this week anyway so my day belongs to her.

But I’m a guy, and what guy doesn’t like the smell and views from walking around a hardware store? Picking things up and grunting (Remember Tim Allan) oh that manly feeling it brings out in us guys. Oh Home Depot, what memories you bring to mind, okay I’m committed to the trip detour and all. Need I mention that all purchases will be placed on her NFCU Visa debit (Interest Free) card? But cash is king in Mayang’s life she is still not used to not using cash. But will grudgingly give in to the wonders of non cash transactions.
While on this trip I came off a new bridge that has a drop off where it meets the road. Of course I was chided about the loud bang the suspension made on contact with the road. I waited until she was done with her tirade, and asked her; “Darling since you seemed to know it was there, next time please tell me about it.” Silence was king until we reached San Fernando.
We arrive at the Home Depot and as I approach the main entrance I notice the parking lot is empty. I wondered what time they opened. They were open but Mayang and I were the only customers there that Wednesday morning. Note to self: Buy all that you’ll ever need today, they’ll be closing soon.
Also the people waiting to be hired to install all that you buy were conspicuously missing from the parking lot! Wait…that’s San Diego California, not San Fernando Pampanga no Chevy pickup’s hanging around here.
It is huge, where was this place when I was building my house? What a selection of stuff. Drawer and cabinet door pulls is the plan, put the blinders on and get to that section, stop fondling the power tools and grunting. Employees, out from behind every shelf and aisle they appeared, and kept coming until we were surrounded by a sea of fresh faced employees eager to help “The Ate” the Kuya was ignored.
The selection of hardware for the doors was vast, from the least expensive (68 pesos each) to the high end (Up to 500 pesos each) Mayang went to the mid range section. I was partially pleased. But here is where my Kano wisdom kicked in. I slipped to the back of the crowd and watched the selection process begin. Many places to sit in Home Depot, I availed of one of them.
Eureka, the decision has been made; I step into the fray for a second quickly measure the new one with my old piece of hardware, announce that they were of the same dimensions and made my exit. We need 34 of them, and I know you are waiting for the famous “Out of Stock” but they had them all plus more in stock. I was amazed! Then check out and pay, just over PHP 4,000.00 and out the door.

That is a long drive for just one item; but Kitty Corner is S& R store where they sell Corned Beef Brisket and fresh milk from California. Fresh milk, the very thing my grandson discovered in Florida and deemed it “GOOD”. Plus many other hard to find items, well worth the drive.
But a warning about the S & R store, they are in “FULL CHRISTMAS MODE” with a huge area dedicated to Christmas decorations. I saw the look in Mayang’s eyes and I was struck with fear, will there be enough funds on her Visa Debit card to cover it all? I looked at her and promised we would return in October for Christmas shopping. A problem averted.
At the checkout line it was noted that our membership card was one week expired. Waiting for the hammer to fall and be told of the long renewal process, I tip my hat to the management as the young lady said: “I can fix that for you and it will only take a few seconds” True to her word it (The Membership Card) was reactivated on the spot with no muss or fuss.
Now we are on the way home, as we approached the car shattering bridge, Mayang tapped me and reminded me of the drop off. I smiled and thanked her, as I wanted a pleasant end to our “Road Trip”.
Installing 34 drawer and cabinet pulls, I’ll need my drill to widen the holes and a ratchet screwdriver to quickly set the 68 screws. I estimate two hours then eat lunch and have a reward of a nice refreshing SMB………….. Did you know that in Mayang’s rolodex we have a hardware installer guy? I’ve been shuffled aside and replaced, but have no fear, I still get the beer. Next month Christmas decoration road trip, Oh joy!
Change 3 to modification four on the simple project. Who knew that 15 years ago the Marine Spar Varnish was not applied to the entire door, I damn sure didn’t. “Installation Guy”, now must sand and varnish every cabinet as the new pulls of course do not cover that blank spot. The good news is that this will not affect my beer consumption one iota; well “Installation Guy” will now be able to put more rice on his families table for the next few days, and I guess that is a good thing. Yes I’m still smiling…….
Beer ! Truly is all that matters…..
I heard from non-believers that there were other things that were more important. But so many people will lie to forward their own agenda. Trust in Our Lady of San Miguel..
You got the beer. He got to sand all those cabinets. Sounds about right, Paul!
Tom N.
He earned his salary, I earned my beer. Capitalism……. ain’t it wonderful?
Paul does the SR have computers, generators, BBQs ect? By the way you can freeze that fresh milk and it will last untill you thaw it and then seems to last as long as the fresh stuff.
They have a long shelf life on the milk so I’ll be back before I’d need to freeze any. Yes some of the items but nor all, the Home Depot has every size generator and brand known to man and it’s across the street. If it’s still open (LOL) we’ll take a ride over when you get here.
Hilarious!! Nope, can’t trust any ATM. I’ve heard some ATM’s have different colored money.
Which reminds me I read where someone was confused and gave someone 1000 instead of 100. I thought don’t go to the States as the money is all one color.
Elizabeth Bowers;
In my Night Club in Puerto Rico in the 1980’s I had a group of Canadian Tourists who were drinking and dancing up a storm. One young girl pointed out that it was dumb to have all our US money one color. I pointed out that any government that has to make different colored money might think its citizens are not bright enough to read numbers. She gave me an odd look and ordered another drink.
She didn’t tell you about their “loonie” (one dollar) and “toonie” (two dollars) coins? 🙂
Jose Porfirio:
I wonder what color the coins were, to help the citizens figure out what coins they had?
I’m not sure if the woman who said she gave someone a 1000 when she meant to give only 100 was try to cheat the other person or not. How can anyone make a mistake between the bills? The 50 and 20 are close to being the same color.
Still, the greenback is green. I never liked the $2 coin. That and some other coins were too close. Except for their value. That I wouldn’t mistake.
I must assume the lady who gave the 1000 vice the 100 was not talking about US ir Canadian money as I believe neither country uses a thousand note bills.
In the US the idiots in charge have tried a few times to give us a 1$ coin, and found them in every dresser drawer in the United States along with the 50 cent coins. But they’ll try again because in fact they are all idiots.
I’ve never seen a $1000 US bill. For that matter of fact the $100 bill was only in my wallet if someone gave it to me at Christmas. Which happened I think once.
Now where did I put that wallet?
The US once printed a 10.000 and 100.000 note, but found that if you ordered a beer most places couldn’t cash it.
The last time the US used $1000, 5000, 10,000 and 100,000 bill was in 1934. All were suppose to be taken up and destroyed to combat organized crime. The 10,000 and 100,000 was primarily used for cash transfers between banks.
Bart Maverick always had a thousand dollar bill pinned inside his suit jacket. (Now are you old enough to remember that old TV show?) (James Garner)
I remember the money pinned to Mavericks coat.
I watch Maverick when I was a kid, even though it was reruns. Came out a few years before my time, it was cancelled like 3 years before I was born. Love watching it and all the westerns to this day. They just don’t make shows like that anymore.
Even if you watched reruns it was still one of the best on TV along with Gunsmoke
A great show would leave the “Corner” to get home to see it.
Honey ko adventures ! Whooooo X-Mas ,never fear beer drinking Santa is here.
Michael Boo;
Santa dressed in red polar suit, makes no sense, dress him in tropical wear like we did in the Caribbean, hand him a rum & coke and celebrate. (Beer fits the hand also.)
Hi Paul, know that road well will they ever finish repairing it lol , had a road trip last
Month went to vigan took 12 hours from Manila that was some ride stopped of in
San Fernando on the way home, my wife is currently painting our bedroom I just give
Advice when needed, like you I prefer to hire a local worker to do any repairs or joinery,
Seen a sign on the San Fernando olongapo road windshield or windscreen if you’re British
Repair, then saw all the loose gravel and rocks on the road lol very clever guy shows good
Business sense , enjoy your beer you’ve earned it, Derek in pasig.
Drumming up business with scattered gravel (Grava in Tagalog) also aids his brother who owns the auto paint shop across the street. Vigan is quite a beautiful town..
Quick….back to home depot and change the handles for ones with bigger escutcheon plates, coz that sanding will have to be all the way back to bare wood.
Way to late the job is done and he already stocked up on rice. It all came out find and the beer was very cold! (lol)
Hey Paul,
My wife is there in the Philippines to Get our house ready for our move. We had new windows and doors put in. Well that was an adventure in its self. I found out the Window guy did not remove the windows that was the window removal guy. And that same guy does the concrete work so the Window guy could put in the new windows. Well I asked my wife not to let them take the old windows out till they had the new ones there. Well that is just not the way things work. They removed the old ones and did the concrete work and they said it had to dry for a while. Well needless to say it was 5 days with no windows in the house. Finally the ne sliding windows with screens was installed. Next she went and bought new doors and hardware. She had the door guy come out and install the new doors and hardware. She sent to me a picture a 3am of the front door. Well I looked at it and about died laughing. They put the door knob to the outside and the pull handle to the inside. I told her it was backwards and she or the door guy could figure out why it was backward. I had to get up find a picture of the type of door hardware installed on a door. Then she said oh I see now that it is backwards. 5 minuets later and it was fixed, all I could do is just laugh. I was surprised there was not a door knob guy, really I was.
My friend was out to sea, I was by his house as they were installing his Nara doors using only two hinges. I interrupted her and my wife and informed her that they would not hold a door that heavy. She told me that her construction guy knew what he was doing. Two months all three Nara doors fell off the frame and she called and asked me how many hinges I used I told her four and never told my friend.
hahah, I would say Paul is the guy to call for “the guy” needed for any occasion 🙂
Roger Craft:
I’m the “Guy” to call if you are overstocked with too much SMB. Then I’m your man!
Hi Paul
I trust that you had an extra SMB to remove the dust that your handyman kicked up.
A dust free afternoon, I made him a deal, he stayed in the kitchen and I sat out front under the tent. It worked out well between us. (LOL)
The national highway. Prior to my first visit to The Philippines, I looked at a map and saw where I would be traveling along ” The National highway ” from Cagayan De Oro to Iligan City. My imagination indicated to me that we would be buzzing along the equivalent of an Interstate highway at about 120 KPH !
When I finally got there, much to my surprise it was more like a trip down memory lane, or should I say memory highway. A 2 lane road, the slow moving trucks, construction here and there, the small shops and villages it went through, pedestrians, livestock and much more.
Rather than it being a dissapointment, it brought back a flood of memories of growing up in the 50’s here in the USA and going on our annual family vacations.
Our Route 66 is long gone but the PH National Highway (s) just keep on Rockin’ .
Bob NY;
In the 50’s it took 4 hours to get to our summer house on Cape Cod from Boston on the old two lanes which went through every town in New England on the way. 45 minutes to the cape now if the road is clear. I can take the toll road (Expressway) to the same place but because of the route it takes longer.
Paul – “The greatest words of wisdom are those not uttered.” And you are a master of the unspoken word when it comes to marital relations. If you are in need of cash, get Bob to help you publish a book on the subject – it will sell.
And if you aren’t in need of the cash, write the book anyways and I’ll let you know how to forward the funds to someone who could use them.
John Weeks;
In the 1960’s I tried marriage for a couple of years and really was bad at it. So I remained single for the next 30 years and found I was good at that. In the early 1990’s I met my wife here in the Philippines and decided I’d try it again. Then I thought about past mistakes and figured I’d already did that once so no need to do it again. My theory is: “Is winning the discussion really that important?” Or would staying calm and just letting it slide off my back be the best way? Then I wait until she wants to bring me that next beer, and I let her think it was her idea. It’s as simple as that.
Don’t all married couples get along 100% of the time. I mean there is only one opinion that’s correct, right? Isn’t my opinion always, right?
In my house I always do as I want. It is a man’s castle. That’s what Tim, on Home Improvement” said. Loved that show.
Lots of great themes. I remember a German foreign exchange student disagreeing with a program. I tried to explain that Tim was just try to show how foolish people’s actions can be. The German student didn’t get it. Different cultures.
It is only your castle if you’re he one that cleans the moat. Me I just live here and keep my beer cold.
amusing as always Paul
I find most of life amusing and for the most part I always have.
great story as usual. remember october will be here very soon. you should get you whole case of smb cold in refridgerator waiting for after christmas shopping.
John Barnes;
The day I find only one case of beer in my “Beer Ref” I will fire the beer delivery “Guy”, it’s his responsibility to call and check. The rice “Guy” already does that.(LOL)