One of the nice things about living in the Philippines, combined with working from my house is that I sometimes go a couple of days between shaving. Just yesterday, John Miele wrote an article about body hair, and this article was not planned to be in competition with that, nor in conjunction with it. I just happened to have an experience at the store the other day, which led me to write this article. Anyway, yes, I do sometimes just shave a couple or three times per week, admittedly. That said, if I am going out to the mall, or anywhere out from the house, I do make sure that I am not too scraggly, because the “5 o’clock shadow” look is not really looked upon kindly here in the Philippines. Especially in Davao, a respectable person is expected to dress neatly and also be well groomed, and I try to follow the local customs as much as I can.
For years, I have been shaving with a Gillette Mach 3 Turbo razor. It is a triple blade system, and I’ve been very happy with the job that the Mach 3 does for me. My only complaint about the Mach 3 is the cost! I have two nice Mach 3 handles, which were given to me by a visitor from the States as a gift. The blades themselves, though, are very expensive here in the Philippines. I just looked on Amazon and found that the blades are not only expensive (by my standards, anyway) here in the Philippines, but they are expensive back in the States too! I regularly pay about P450 for 4 replacement blades for the Mach 3. That’s $10 for 4 blades, or about $2.50 each. To me, that is expensive.
Another downside on the Gillette blades, aside from the cost, is that about 25% of the time when I buy replacement blades, the blades are dull. I don’t know for sure why that is, but I figure that either they are sending 2nd quality blades to the Philippine market, or that perhaps some local vendors are selling fake Gillette blades, I can’t say for certain.
I have, for a long time, really wanted to go electric for shaving, but I have never been able to get good results with an electric razor. I own two electric razors, and they are both high end ones. One is a Norelco and the other is Remington, each is one of the higher end models from the respective manufacturer. I just never feel like I get a close shave, though, from an electric razor. Sometimes, I will use an electric razor to “touch myself up” in between blade shaves, though, if I am going out to the mall or something, and just shaved the day before. I can get a close enough shave on the day after using a blade, but for regular shaving, an electric razor is just not for me. Another problem with an electric is that they are harder to find here, and getting replacement parts like new blades and such is not easy, and also expensive.
In the past couple of months, I have been experimenting with different, less expensive razors. I have tried cheaper Gillette razors, some of them twin blades instead of three, and such. I have also tried some Schick products. Since all of the razors I have tried have been “lower end” products compared to what I have been using, I really have not been happy with the quality of shave that they would give me, though.
Yesterday, though, I was in the grocery store, and I saw a razor on the shelf that I was not familiar with. It was called a “SuperMax Swift 3” razor. I looked at it, and it was a 3 blade razor like I was using from Gillette, and it looked pretty good. I was shocked when I looked at the price. For the razor handle and 4 replacement blades (3 blades on each one), it was P57. Yeah, that’s right just P57! That’s just roughly $1.25 for 4 blades! I couldn’t believe my eyes. My natural feeling was that it must be a pretty inferior product, but for P57, I didn’t have much to lose if I tried it, so I bought one. I thought it was a Philippine made product, but after getting home and looking at it, I noticed on the package that it was made in India. A lot of inexpensive products here come from India, especially in the health care field, and prescription medicines.
Well, I was kind of anxious to try out my new razor and see if a P57 razor could do a decent job for me or not, so I gave it a try. I needed a shave anyway (I had broken my rule and gone to the grocery store with a 2 day “shadow”), so I gave it a try. I was shocked at the results. Frankly, it was way better than any of those “cheaper” Gillette and Schick products that I have been testing and not been satisfied with (and these were all way more expensive than this Swift 3). It was not quite as good as the Gillette Mach 3 that I have been using for years, but frankly, it was pretty close! Considering that the blades are about 1/10th of the cost, heck, it was good enough for me. So, I have decided that I am going to make the change to the SuperMax Swift 3 Razor!
My only thing is that I will continue testing this to see how long the blades last, that would be the only thing that might make me switch back – if the blades are dull after only a shave or two. Frankly, though, even if I needed to change to a new blade after each shave, it would be cheaper than the Gillette that I’ve been using.
Bob, maybe you have been away from the US too long. Gillette now has a “Fusion” with FIVE blades. A bit more expensive, however, but can get on amazon for $2.50-$2.99. And better. As for lasting, one blade does me very well for over a month. At $0.10/shave, worth it to get a better, closer, easier, smoother shave. (And no I do not work for Gillette.) There is also a battery powered model that I have not used.
I have not seen the Fusion in the Philippines.
Wow, Don, I have not heard of a 5 blade razor! That’s amazing to me! But, to be honest, I am really happy with this new India razor!
Hi Bob, If you get a chance, give the Fusion razor a try. I was doubtful too, but got one real cheap on a store closing out sale. ProDon is right – the blades do last more than a month. I used one the whole six weeks in the Philippines, shaving daily. And the handle is a dream to hold. But, as all admit, the blades are horribly priced.
Hi John – Problem is that razor is not sold in the Philippines. I am trying to use less stuff that I have to order from overseas. I just can’t see ordering razor blades from overseas! Too difficult and too much of a hassle. 😀 I would like to try it, but it just doesn’t seem feasible.
You’re right about the razor blades – they are dull.
And what’s this ? A new look to the site ?
Hi Gary – You’re behind the times, my friend! I changed the look of the site about 2 months ago! 😆 I hope you like it.
Yes,but it takes me that long to download the site ! No matter how fast I pedal !
I think you need a new Internet Provider! The site is very fast for me!
Yerrrsss – I’m on dial-up.
Dial up? what’s that? 😯
I recently arrived on holiday in the Philippines 2-3 weeks ago and my Gillette mk3 blades are getting dull/blunt, I tried to buy some today from the Puregold store in La union in Sanfernando and got a shock when I came to paying my bill I came to 825.00 passoes which considring I was only buying 2 blades was a complete rip off.
So I refused to purchase them and tried Mercury Drug but again was ripped off they wanted over 500.00-625.00 pasos for the same product which again I refused to pay.
I am going to Hong Kong soon in the next two weeks on a business trip for 4 days and there I can buy a whole pack for that price and It’s a lot cheaper.
Why are these products so expensive as they are the same quality as in abroud in Hong Kong are they made of gold?.
Anyway I guess I’ll just have to use the ones I have got although they are rusty and blunt as they lasted 3-4 years.
Yours sincerely
Good luck, Kwan.
What you can get on Amazon for $2.50-$299 is one Fusion refill blade, if you buy 24 at a time. The last time I tried to buy refills for my Fusion (a gift), they were so expensive I bought a plastic bag full of the cheap single blade Bics, $3.48 for 12(0.29ea). Since I shave in the shower with a small mirror epoxied to the wall, I don’t even need shaving cream to get at least 10 shaves out of one. Of course, with a goatee, I probably only shave 1/2 the area as Bob. Looks like it would take a long term study to determine which are the most economical! 🙂
Based on price alone, the SuperMax even edges out the Bic.
Hint: I’ve found that no matter what you buy, they last longer if you dry them out and keep them dry between shaves.
Hi James – Thanks for sharing your take on the razor debate. I have tried some of the cheapie disposables too, but never found on that I would want to shave with. Just the flimsy feel turns me off, and I feel that I don’t have enough control over the shave I get. Hopefully the SuperMax will continue to serve me well!
Hi Bob;
My father used to give me electric razors all the time, being in the Navy at the time, they never cut the mustard at Inspections.
Dragging cold steel across my face every day is something I gave up upon retiring, so I shave with my Gillette Marh3 only when going out or when Mayang gives me “the look”. Now all I can find is the mach3 turbo which is also a good shave.
Prior to that I was using disposable knick makers, and wore tissue paper on my face after every shave. I’ll look for that Super Max Swift3 you spoke of and give it a try, because my blades are high, and sometimes hard to find.
Hi Paul – I’ve been using the Super Max Swift 3 for over a week now, and I still like it very much. Without a doubt, the Mach3 is the best shave I have found in the Philippines, but the Swift3 is very close to it, and a fraction of the price.
Hello Bob.I have had the same experence with razor blades and found mach 111 to be the best.A little known fact about razor blades is to clean and dry,drying being very important as leaving a razor wet will dull a blade much faster.I have tryed this method with cheap razors and you still have a cheap razor.With the mach 111 it really works.Dry that steel.Good luck.Jim.
Hi Jim – I’m glad that you have had good success with the Mach3, as I did too. To be honest, I always clean my razor, but I have never dried it before, maybe I should try that and see how it works.
I learned about drying my razor from el cheapo a guy in the states that wrote a book about how to make things last longer.He was on TV and claimed he used the same cheap razor for a year by drying it everytime he used it.I have used my mach3 for over a month and its still good.
Wow! A year on a cheap razor! That guy is really “el cheapo”! Well, congrats to him!
Hi bob,
Don’t feel sad about the cost of Mach3, I use the same brand and model and it cost a lot more here compared there. there are many indian products here but I have not seen one the one you showed, perhaps I must go to an indian store here to see if I could find one.
Hi dans – Give it a try, you might like it like I do!
Hi Bob…I think if one wanted to save money the folding straight edge razor like the barber uses to shave you with would be the best….of course you would need one of those belts they have to keep it sharp. Of course one would have to know how to use Razor and also know how to sharpen it……or it could be dangerous to ones health..but they do give a close shave.
The best reg razor I have found for the price and lasting a long time is made by Schick and they call it the ST2..these have or so it says Vitamine E on the blade……they have something because they are pretty darn smooth…….Cheap at Wall Mart and I can get over 10 or more shaves with it and can not even get one with one of those Yellow Bics….
Hi Dan – ha ha.. “living in the Philippines” and “getting it at Walmart” are mutually exclusive statements… we don’t have a Walmart anywhere in the country. 😆
Oh! did not know that…..thought Wall Mart was all over the world……maybe just in China now….interesting…
Hi Dan – Indeed, WalMart has stores all over the world, but it’s doubtful that they will ever open in the Philippines. Why? The Philippine laws are very protective of Philippines businesses, and foreigners are not allowed to freely do business here. I would be surprised if WalMart opens a store in the Philippines within my lifetime. I wish that it would happen, but I doubt it.
This may be the answer to why things like digital cameras are more expensive there than in the states, even ones manufactured in the same time zone. Lack of competition?
Hi James – on things like the digital cameras there is a huge import duty! Like 100% in many cases. You may say… but they are made there! But, what happens is that they are made for export only, then they must be re-imported to be sold here, and taxes are due. Whether the camera is made in the same time zone, or in a time zone half the world away of of no consequence.
I still use my single blade ‘Fatboy’ – the blades are cheap here and it gives the smoothest shave of any razor I have ever used. The “Body Shop” has some great shaving cream also — the best I have used (kind of pricey but worth every peso)
You’re “old school” Miguk! 😉
Believe me it still works — best shave ever. I should grow a beard and be done with it but my beard is almost all gray! (just a few on my head) — very strange
That’s a sign of dignity and being deserving of respect, Miguk! 😆
I could easily go without both hahahaha
From time to time I have seen pallet loads of certain model Gillette Razors being sent in the mail, free to the recipients. They give away the razors in a promotion and make the money on replacement blades !
Similar to some of the lower cost Inkjet printers for PC’s, sell the printers at not much more than cost and make the money on replacement ink carts.
I have just about always used Norelco Electric shavers myself.
Hi Bob – Yes indeed, Gillette really invented that type of marketing, and has been very successful with it for many years.
I hear ya, I have been using the same Gel style aftershave for many years. I have tried to use everthing else and I always get razor bumbs unless I use the gel aftershave. they dont have it in PH that I have found 🙁 Im hoping someone will be kind and send me some after my stock runs out :/
as for shavers I gota try that Indian made one when I get there!
Hi Jack – If you can find a network of friends and family who can resupply you with stuff from your home country, that’s a great thing. My experience, though, is that it is not an easy thing to do.
Good luck when you try the razor, I know that I’m happy with it.
Hi Bob – Well, you’ve saved me from deciding whether to hit the barbershop every morning for a shave or buying a straight razor and doing the deed myself.
Was using Gillette, Shick and Bic disposables back home (brought a bag of Shicks with me on vacation). It wasn’t an issue of not being “brand friendly” but more of a “take what I can get” thing. One week, the stores will have the blue one, next week the orange one, etc.
Will definitely be on the lookout for the SuperMax Swift 3 Razor – both when we return home and perhaps while we poke around the shops here.
(Even thought about the bolo a couple of times while wearing tissue paper a la PaulT!) 😉
Hi Paul – Ha ha… I haven’t tried a bolo yet! Hmm….
Tried three different “lower-end” stores here. No joy. Even went so far as to check just about every razor to see whether they could be the same razor with a different name used for the USA. Nope!
Will still look (and will keep the bolo razor sharp!). 😆
Hi Paul – That bolo is sounding like a better and better option for you. If you don’t mind, I’d like to add one piece of advice, though…
If you have your wife using the bolo to keep your beard in shape…. just make sure you don’t get caught looking at or flirting with those Ilocana girls up there… I wouldn’t want that bolo to slip when it is so close to your jugular vein! 😆
One thing I like about visiting the Philippines is going to a barber for a shave. In La Union it is only 30 pesos
Hi Ray – I love going to Philippine barbers for haircuts, but my two experiences of having a shave here were terrible. Both tried to dry shave me, and it was pretty painful! Probably would have hurt less if they plucked each hair with tweezers! 😯
Bob- I have used only mach 3 blades for several years now. I find that by using a toothbrush on the blades regularly I really extend the blade life.
Hi ian – I hope you don’t use the same toothbrush on your razor blades and your teeth! Ha ha… 😆 Just joking!
Wow! thanks for the heads up Bob ! now i realize why I keep finding tiny hairs in my teeth lol
😉 Haven’t seen you lately, Ian… where have you been hiding?
Thanks for the tip. Long time mach3 user here & just found out i needed replacements yesterday.
I haven’t bought the local blades yet, so i hope they’re not dull. If they are, i’ll try the maxswift product.
I also found electric razors lacking and I generally skip disposables because they seem so wasteful.
Unlike you though, I tend to shave whenever I feel like it. I think I blend in nicely with or without a few days shave 🙂
If all else fails, I’ll keep the bowie knife handy.
Hi Macky – I don’t like to go around town if I have too much stubble. I feel like a lot of people here look down on that… you can probably get away with it more than I can… you’re a local guy! 😉
Mmm…I wonder if the ladies here have anything to add to the finer points of shaving body hair. I use Mach 3, they cost around cad $20.00 for 4. But they last long (month each blade). I think the trick is getting your face properly lathered and it works more efficiently. I also have an old atra shave for backup when I travel. I will keep that made in India shave in mind. Alex
Hi Alex – Wow! Those blades are sky high in Canada! Figure that the C$ is almost at parity with the US$, and that’s a steep price for razor blades!
Bob, the price of those blades in the country “moved” me to comment. I am going to buy a whole lot of them when I come back in a few weeks. I pick up a lot of ideas just trolling this site. 🙂 Alex
Hi Alex – I’m happy that you were able to pick up an idea or two here!
I will be there in February so one more thing to add to my gift bag. See you then.
Hi Ron – I didn’t realize there is a trip on the horizon! Gift bags are not necessary for me, Ron, I’ll just be looking forward to seeing you again!
Bob why not go Filipino … buy tweezers and a mirror?
I use an electric. I used to feel the same way you do but found that the advice in the instructions is actually true: it takes two or three weeks before your beard somehow adjusts and you get a good close shave. I still use a blade occasionally but the results are not really any different now.
Good morning, Ken! Ha ha… the tweezer thing ain’t gonna happen, my friend! 😆
At times in the past, I have gone up to a year using an electric, but I just never reached the point where I got a good shave. I wish I could do it with an electric, it’s a lot less hassle.
Hi Bob,
Where do you purchase the India razor? Ive found the same problem here with the cost and having been searching for an alternative Razor.
Thanks in advance
Hi Lloyd – Nice to hear from you, Lloyd, I hope you are doing well. Still swimming?
I bought the razor at Park & Shop Grocery Store at Victoria Plaza.
Hi Bob
All is well here with me and the family in Davao. We are on vacation this week in Bangkok and will stay in our condo in Manila prior to returning to Davao on the 18th of July.
Haven’t been swimming in over a year as my new activity is taking Adam to school and waiting to take him home after school (Parental duties as a father)!
Thanks for the information as Ive been until to find anything except disposables and expensive Schick products.
Ah, Daddy Duty! Makes sense, Lloyd. Have fun!
bob check out this page regarding blades:
Hi Rich – I watched the videos… interesting. It makes sense, although it is not something I had ever heard of before. I’m going to give this a try, for sure. Thanks for passing this along.
no problem 🙂
Hi Bob- when in R.P, I visit the barbershop every 3rd day and my barber (Sammy) gives me a great shave for 50 pesos. (plus 50 peso tip) I bring a few packets of blades for Sammy, which come from Japan, to fit the barbers straightblade razors, as the blades in Phils are poor quality. I have a young Japanese girl here in Aus who can give me a great barbers shave, but at $25 AUD it is really a luxury for special occasions.
So now we have another great reason to visit the Philippines. Cheap shaves
Hi Anthony – Those blades from Japan must make a world of difference, because I have not found a good shave at the barber shop yet! 😆
Good find Bob, God I hate the replacement cost of the Fusion razor, it’s a darn fine unit but the cost is not worth it . I don’t get much of a beard even after a few weeks so looks like that will be my brand when I finally move there 🙂
Hi Bilal – I keep hearing about that Fusion! Now I’m getting curious!
Hey Bob,
I got my Fusion free in the mail. They just mailed it to me. It worked good, but now they got me and I have to pay for expensive refills. 🙂
Ha ha.. yep, Hudson, you got suckered in by the old “razor blade” model… give them the razor for free and charge big for the blades! Those razor companies are real slick! 😉
I have an older variation on this electric razor, but it’s the only one I can use. I don’t know if you can get the Panasonic’s there though.
Hi Bill – Thanks for passing that along.. I’ll check it out.
I thought I was the only one that believed the Gillette Mach3 blades available in the Philippines were dull before I purchased them! It is a great relief to know that others can relate the same experience .
In New Zealand I buy the Mach3 blades and they are performing OK after 3 weeks of use but those purchased here feel dull after the first shave.
I emailed Gillette several months ago asking if they produced two qualities of blades or did they dispose of production seconds to the Philippines. I received a response advising that a customer technical representative would reply to my concerns in due course.
I am not holding my breath while waiting. But, I am keen to know the name and location of the store that sells SuperMax Swift 3 as I would love to try one out.
Incidentally, I frequently travel by air and I have a collection of those small pouches offered by the airline containing a pair of flight socks, a toothbrush, comb, razor and shaving cream. Sometimes, I am upgraded to business class and there is clearly a difference in the quality of the razors provided to passengers in economy and in business class.
Anyhow, I will look forward to buying a SuperMax Swift 3. Thanks
Hi Paul – Nice to hear from you, I hope you are doing well. The SuperMax Swift 3 is available at Park & Shop Grocery Store in Victoria Plaza. That’s the only place I’ve ever seen it before.
Thanks for that Bob and we must meet up again soon but I do know how busy you are! any of us came here to retire but many of us are busier now that before retirement! I love it though.
I shall go to Vic Plaza tomoorow to pay the water bill and to buy a couple of SuperMax Swift3 razors.
Keep safe
Hi Paul – I better get down to Vic and stock up on those blades, a lot of people have told me that they are going to go buy them after my article! I might have sold them out of razors now, and ended up shooting myself in the foot!
ha ha.. yes, I do keep busy, but I enjoy what I am doing, so that’s the important thing! Take care!
One morning last February during a trip to Samar I happened upon my future father-in-law as he was shaving in the ‘outdoor kitchen’. He musn’t of heard me come in as I startled him when I said ‘Good Morning’ and he cut himself. It was at that point I realized he was shaving with a double edge razor blade held in his fingers! No razor just the blade! I still feel bad about it. I’ll make plenty of noise from now on before I pop in on him again. I too like the Mach 3 but I won’t pay for the blades even in the States. I’ve used the disposables and found some 3 bladed ones that aren’t bad. I don’t know the brand, they may even be your Indian ones but so far so good. I always rinse the blade and dry it off. They just seem to last longer.
Hi Mark – Interesting about the 3 bladed disposables! I have not heard of those before, and certainly never seen one. The razor that I bought here from India is still doing well for me, and I am still very happy with it!
Hey Guys…Thought I would pass this on …..I have used the “Jeans method” in V/nam and it worked for me, also the drying and the oil …..used gun oil and also hair conditioner…that worked great ……take a look below:
1. Dry the Razor
One of the most popular theories about the life of a razor blade is that dullness is a result of oxidation, not use. When water sits on the razor blade between shaves, corrosion will make the metal flake off, and the blade itself can become either blunt or jagged.
Exactly how people choose to dry their razors varies, and there are even products on the market to help you (but if you have to buy something to dry your razor and make it last longer, you are probably not being frugal).
Here are the most popular and effective methods of drying a razor:
Blow Dryer
Although it is a pig on power, using a blow dryer will help you to ensure that even the spaces between and behind the blades get dry.
You can also blot the razor dry on a towel. Be careful of cutting or otherwise wrecking the towel — or your hands — in the process though. Be sure not to rub the razor; just blot dry.
When using either of the above methods, first give the razor a rigorous shake to eliminate all the excess water.
2. Coat the Razor
Not only water, but oxygen in the air plus the salt from your skin will contribute to a razor’s quick demise. So not only drying but also coating your razor can protect it from the water, oxygen, and corrosion that dull the blade.
Soak vs Dip: Some people advocate soaking the razor in a cup or vial filled with the substances below and storing it this way between shaves, while others indicate that a quick dip will do everything necessary to coat the blades and preserve the razor’s shelf life.
Alcohol (eg: Rubbing Alcohol)
This dissipates the water, encourages drying, and sanitizes the razor for an extra benefit (especially if you are prone to acne problems).
There are a number of oils you can use depending on preference, availability, and cost:
Mineral Oil — This seems to be one of the most effective oils to use, as it is also good for your skin.
Grape seed/Almond Oil — The cost-conscious might want to use a mixture of these oils instead of mineral oil, which can fetch a specialized price.
Baby Oil — I read about a fellow who actually used baby oil after running out of mineral oil (in an attempt to save money), and apparently even baby oil works well.
This is a purpose-driven anti-rust formula used by hairdressers and barbers for their scissors, combs, and razors. A little bit can go a long way.
Yes, vinegar is even good for your razor. It’s also great at eliminating any mineral build-up on the razor over time. Gotta love the stuff!
Hybrid Approach — Alcohol and Oil
Some people like to dip the blade in alcohol to get the water off, then dip it in oil to protect the razor against the elements between shaves
Hope this may help for those who need to save a peso or 4 !!
Denny – Vegas
Hi Denny – Wow, that’s sure a complete primer on how to handle a razor! Thanks for your very precise instructions!
Hi Denny, Bob:
Not sure if I remember this correctly. I read that if you keep a razor blade inside the Pyramid or some structure that is shaped like a pyramid, the blade will remain sharp forever? Anyone heard about this?
Hi John – I have never heard of such a thing before.
Pyramid power refers to alleged supernatural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape. With this power, model pyramids are said to preserve foods,[1] sharpen or maintain the sharpness of razor blades,[2] improve health (some people “were so energized that they could not cope with the dynamo effects they experienced”[3]), function “as a thought-form incubator,”[4] trigger sexual urges,[5] and cause other dramatic effects.
credit to wikepedia
All sounds crazy to me! 😆
I recently stopped using shaving cream and just lather up some soap. Mostly I did it for environmental reasons, but my cheap gene likes it too. I never had much luck getting decent shaving gel or cream when I live in Cebu. I also relate to your story about the total dry shave at the barber shop, I will never get a shave at the barber shop in the Philippines again.
Hi John – I also stopped using shaving cream a few years ago, and use soap instead. It works great. I shave in the shower, which is very convenient.
I guess i will just stick with my Norelco rechargeable,i shave my head also lol.I will use a bic now and then with shaveing cream just to ge tthe feeling of the barbershop back in the states years ago.I do love the Norelco its washable to.
Hi Maynard – I’ve tried so many different electric razors over the years, but just never found one that worked well for me.
I have about 25 Gillette Track II s and about the same Gillette Sensors that I bought new in north america which i will never use so if anyone one stills uses them I will sell them for a very reasonable price.
Just found the Supermax Swift 3 razors here in CDO at the Ororama Super Center store. They are much better than the Personna Twin Blades I had been using since my arrival. At just under 51 pesos for the razor and 4 blades you can’t beat them.
Hi Ron – I’m glad you found them and that you like them! I also feel that they are quite a bargain!
i have found a Supermax Swift 3 at a local chinese bargain store for 1,25$.
I shaved with it this morning and the result surprised me in a good way.
It’s very sharp, and it beats hands down the Mach 3 for me in term of of price .
Hi Jon – Amazing how a $1.25 razor can do such a good job, especially when you’ve been paying like 5 or 10 times that price! Good luck with the Supermax! I know that I love mine too!
Hi again,
im curious to know what kind of shaving cream you can get up there in the Phillipine?
Im mostly a shaving cream guy( the one that are meant to be use with a shave brush).
It’s cheaper and much more eco- friendly.
Hello Jon – I don’t recall what brands I have seen, but there is no problem buying shaving cream here, except that it is expensive.
the razor is very bad, i have de second, but bij 3-4 blades is the razor defect, hopely you have one new for me then i have 20 blades and they cannot in another razor.
Hi gerrit – I am sorry, but to be honest, I don’t really understand what you are talking about.
Hi Bob,I am also “old school”.Double edge blades cost peanuts.I can buy 100 Supermax DE blades for 8-9 dollars and they will last more than a year with everyday shaves.I use shaving brush and shaving soaps like the Arko and Godrej.Cheap and better than the expensive cans that contain butane or propane that they dry the skin.Of course i use my Edwin Jagger de89 safety razor.Bob this the way every man must shave.
Hi George – This is quite an old article. I have since found a good source of razor blades, and also I have a beard now, so I don’t shave often! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.