Here’s a resume/CV I wouldn’t mind having myself: Professor Daniel M. Kammen, University of California – Berkeley Daniel M. Kammen is the Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor of Energy at the University of California, Berkeley, where he holds appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the department of […]
Hard times?
You know, for a year or more now, financial times have been really bad worldwide. The mortgage crisis has thousands of families in America losing their housing. Banks are failing all over the world. Food prices are soaring. Oil prices have skyrocketed, although in the past couple of weeks, they are falling back down to […]
How Much Government Is Enough Government?
I was casting about thinking over several things I might write about this morning when my friend Bob kind of made my decision for me. Bob wrote a post about the advantages of free market versus government managed economy and some of the comments he received absolutely blew me away. I’m a bit older rhan […]
Construction Everywhere!
In the past months Bob and I have been traveling a lot. I notice a lot of road construction. I just didn’t pay much attention to it until lately, because I realize that it is almost election time here. Always here in the Philippines politicians will work on their projects when its almost election time […]