Is it Tagle time? It may be, but it’s too early to be certain.

I’m talking about Luis Antonio G. Tagle. That’s Cardinal Tagle. Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church. Tagle is the highest ranking Catholic official in the Philippines.
Could he be the next Pope? Some are saying so. I predicted it in my 2013 Philippine Predictions just last month! Indeed, I predicted that there would be a new Pope in 2013, and that new Pope would be Filipino!
When Pope Benedict announced the other day that he will be resigning on February 28, my prediction became half right, because there will indeed be a new Pope, we just don’t know who yet.
A lot of people are saying that this will be the first Third World Pope, indicating that the new Pope may come from the developing world as opposed to a European as has always been the case.
How did I predict it?
Since the resignation of Pope Benedict, I have gotten a lot of e-mails asking my how I possibly knew that there would be a new Pope in 2013, it seemed to be so unlikely.
Well, to be honest, I just sat here trying to think of things that I think will happen in 2013, and when it came down to looking for my last prediction, I remember hearing something on the news that Pope Benedict had been falling ill. He is in his 80’s, so it’s not outlandish to think that he may pass at some near date. I never figured he would resign, in fact, I didn’t even know that a Pope could resign, it’s been like 600 years since that happened! On top of remembering the news that Pope Benedict was getting a bit sickly, I remembered that Luis Antonio Tagle had been elevated to a Cardinal toward the end of 2012, and I had also read an article that Tagle may be considered as a possible contender to be Pope at some time in the future. I knew it was a pretty wild prediction, but I put the two together and went with it as a kind of wild prediction that was like 99.9% unlikely to ever happen. Now we are half way there.
Do I think that Tagle will be the next Pope?
I think it is a possibility, but still unlikely. I mean, there are literally dozens of possible Papal candidates, and to focus on one man is a real long shot. But, I do hope that it happens. Even just the possibility of a Filipino becoming Pope has brought a lot of joy and hope to the Philippines. I just can’t imagine what this place would be like if it were to actually come to be. Remember when Pope John Paul II become Pope. He was from Poland, a country that was still under the thumb of the Soviet Union when he became Pope. John Paul II played a big role in bring the end to the Soviet Empire and in freeing his homeland. What could Cardinal Tagle accomplish for the Philippines were he to become Pope?
Can you imaging the impact that a Filipino Pope could have on ending corruption in the Philippines. I can’t imagine any Filipino politician, no matter how corrupt, doing corrupt actions with a Filipino Pope keeping a close eye on his homeland! I believe that a lot of good could happen for the Philippines and for the Filipino people should Luis Antonio Tagle become the next Pope.
Tagle has a few things against him. Chiefly, he is young, just 55 years old. The problem with youth is that those who choose the new Pope may not want to make a decades long commitment to a single leader of the Church. Then again, others may consider youth to be a benefit, in that he could have a long time to fully implement reforms in the Church. Truth is, there is no way to know for sure what would be considered strengths and weaknesses.
I am not Catholic
I was raised Catholic, but left the Church when I was 18 years old. It just was not the right Church for me. Because of that, I don’t really have a horse in this race. I watch with interest, though, because the country where I live is such a strongly Catholic nation. If Tagle were to become Pope I believe that for the first time, who the Pope is would have an impact on my life, because I do believe that he would have an impact on the Philippines. His impact could be good or bad. I mean, having an even more influential Church meddling in the government of the Philippines may not be a good thing. But, in the end, I believe that if Tagle were to become the Pope, his impact would be positive. At least I hope so. At the very least, it would raise the hopes and dreams of the Filipino people, and that is a good thing, no doubt.
So, is it Tagle time? I hope it is! We’ll know in a month or so, I’d guess.
For the good of the Philippines, I hope that the second half of your 2013 prediction turns out to be true, Bob. With the Philippines already on the march to a rosier future, I definitely see the elevation of Tagle to the papacy as an added boost to the economic confidence of a Filipino nation that has been in the doldrums since losing its lustre as the pearl of the orient sea a half century ago. The World Bank country director for the Philippines announced just this month during an economic forum held right there in Davao that the Philippines is no longer the “sick man of Asia, it is a rising tiger”. Just to make sure that I was reading that correctly, I went to YouTube and lo and behold, this is what I see:
Hi John – I think it would be a big boost to the Philippine nation if Tagle were to be chosen as the next Pope! Will it happen? Unlikely, but still possible!
I think you should change your name to The Amazing Kreskin!
Ha ha.. I have to admit, that was a pretty amazing prediction, even if only half right. If the other half becomes correct, I might go on a speaking tour, Casey! ha ha…
Thanks for the like, David L Walter
Frankly as a Catholic I think the Church hierarchy in the Philippines is out of touch with the modern world. Just look at the recent example of the RH bill debate and the ongoing case of Carlos Celdran.
Hi Mark – Well, I am not trying to push religious opinions here, but I think that the entire Catholic Church is out of touch with reality of the modern world. The RH Bill debate… well, they only towed the Church line, the entire Church, right?
Point taken Bob. Give me a good local parish priest over those in elevated Church positions any day! I think if a third world Pope is chosen it would be a boon to whatever country he’s from.
No doubt on that, Mark! They are talking about the possibility of a Pope from Africa, Asia or may Latin America. Any of those regions stands to benefit greatly if one of their own is chosen to be Pope. In fact a Pope from any of those regions would, in my opinion, benefit all three regions by placing more emphasis on the Churches in those previously neglected regions.
Hi Bob,
I think that you might be onto something. This would be a big source of pride for many in the Philippines. Maybe we’re on a roll after the recent canonization of a very young Cebu native martyr, Pedro Calongsod this past October! Only the second Filipino saint in history.
Time will tell if this pretty new Archbishop of Manila will soon become Pope.
That’s right, Queenie, if it were to happen, I think it would have huge benefits for the country! Only time will tell, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
as i am not catholic i dont care a lot about it ok for thay set him up as a god and that is not right ok for ther eis but one god and he did die for u and me ok and heis ot a man off god for he is put there by men ok to do just a job he get payed to do ok……god bless peter martin tassie
Hi Peterjoy – I have problems with many Catholic Church policies and beliefs as well, but I’m not here to debate that. Thanks for your comment.
Yes indeed Bob, it was a far out prediction. I think the fact that Tagle’s relative youth may have stood against him in the past, it may actually turn out to be in his favour this time, given that old age and frailty has brought about the current situation.
While I tend to stand against organised religions, I do agree with you when you say that his election would likely bring enormous benefits to the Philippines, and for that reason I would certainly be a supporter. (On the other hand, the demise of religion worldwide would bring about greater benefits…but that’s another conversation). On the other hand, due to my pledge to tenfold my lip christmas drive contribution, if he wins it’s gonna cost me two hundred and fifty bucks, so I might not be a supporter after all!!! 🙂
Ah yes Jim I forgot about your 10x pledge! Thanks for the reminder on that!
It should be a fun month or so watching there events.
Hi Bob,
In the states there is big talk of the 3rd world pope, i need to take you to Vegas!!!
I want a 50% cut on any winnings, Dirk plus you pay travel costs! Ha ha.
I think that the field of papal candidates is down to ten including Archbishop Tagle, so those are pretty good odds..
Hi Queenie, that is what I have heard too.
At 55 years old Tagle is too young. Maybe next time.
Only time will tell, Gary. There have been younger Popes before. Pope John XII was only 18 when he became Pope!
The very charismatic and well-loved Pope John Paul II was 58 when he became Pope.
Whether one agrees with all his beliefs, Archbishop Tagle is considered very charismatic by many in the Philippines, and popular among bishops elsewhere and in Rome.
Queenie, you are getting me more excited with each of your posts! I just feel so strongly that this could be a real great thing for the country, and for the people of the Philippines. There would be so many great things that would come to pass connected to this, in my opinion.
I’m hopeful too Bob, and think that he has a good chance.
I think that pressure from some factions to have a Pope from Asia could come into play. The only possible drawback seen for him, is that he has only been an archbishop for a little over a year, but his relatively young age, charisma, past excperience and alliance with John Paul ll will be in his favor I think.
We could all hear by early March if it comes to pass.
Queenie – Can you imagine the jubilation that we would see if Tagle were to become Pope? I honestly believe that there would be a multi-day holiday in the Philippines, and I believe that people would be overjoyed, even dancing in the streets! If we think we have seen big celebrations in the Philippines in the past, they would be dwarfed by having a Filipino Pope!
I’m mean a cardinal for a little over a year.
Actually, he has only been a Cardinal for about 3 months. He was elevated to Cardinal on November 24, 2012. Amazing, huh?
In the very devout Catholic area of Cebu, people went crazy with joy before and after the canonization of Pedro Calongsod! I can only imagine the jubilation all over the Philippines if Tagle should become Pope!
I believe that even the Muslim areas would be joyful if it happened. It could bode well for the Peace Process too.
And I’m also wrong on the spelling of Calungsod! Better get my details right!
Don’t worry.. I am not the spelling police. I didn’t know how to spell the name anyway! Ha ha… 😉
Anyway Bob– let’s hope it’s “Tagle Time!” 🙂
Indeed,Queenie! If it is Tagle time, we’ll raise a drink and toast him!
Hi Bob;
Here is a little known fact about becoming the Pope.
There are no formal requirements other than the candidate is a Catholic male. In theory, one doesn’t even have to be a Cardinal (Or a priest!) to be elected Pope. In practice however, this has not occurred since 1379.
Females need not apply.
I had thought about throwing my name into the ring.
Hi Paul – Unfortunately, I am not Catholic. I imagine it’s a good paying job, too bad I can’t apply! ha ha… I don’t know, wearing some of those clothes wouldn’t really fit my style, though! 😉
Are you all aware of the prophesies of St. Malachy? According to the visions of this saint, and the list of 111 popes that it predicted, the next pope will be the LAST one. (and lots of other things besides that!) Google or Wikipedia it, if you were not aware.
The conclave of cardinals certainly ARE aware of the predictions and this will make this election a particularly difficult one.
Maybe better for the Philippines to let this one pass.
Hi Joop – yes I am aware of the prophecy but I don’t believe it. I put it right up there with the Mayans and their 2012 end of the world predictions.
Well, if it was Tagle, and he lives for another 40 years…that may be long enough ….he may indeed be the last pope??????
I suppose you could be on to something there, Jim!
I’m also not a Catholic. Most of what I’ve seen from attending mass with my wife is somewhat mysterious to me. I agree with what you said in your last paragraph. A Filipino Pope could be a two edged sword. A source of pride and a watchful eye over corruption, or a heavy handed church meddling in secular government. It’s been said that the US observes a separation of church and state to keep the government out if the church’s business. And France has the same to keep the church out of government business.
Take care,
It will be an interesting thing to witness if we get the chance!
I think what the world needs is a young Pope with new views. Tagle would be the ideal candidate to implement major reforms and get the Catholic Church back on track. Main thing would to get membership and attendance up. Have a nice day
I tend to agree with your thinking, PapaDuck. As a non-Catholic, it really is not for me to offer an opinion, but I think you are on the mark. We’ll see what the other Cardinals think soon.
I have always said your information is accurate Bob !
I appreciate that, Bob!
Hi Bob.
I was born into and raised in the Catholic religion. Though I haven’t participated much in many years. My wife Daisy has the same experience. We both consider ourselves Catholics albeit “casual Catholics” We do not intend to join a new religion. Too much trouble. We believe it is an important religion and has many uniting and good functions. It is very important in the unity of the Philippines… Just needs to get up to date with realities of contraception in our present age. In past history when the world was small catholic population increase was important. That policy is now counterproductive. All the rest is ok with me.
Go Tagle I hope you get the post!
Bob. Hope not to be too personally invading but why do you choose to be noncatholic. To me it is too much bother to do so. I observe on the sidelines. When I moved to Florida in 72 my father took me to the Methodist church in Citrus Park there were guest speakers every Sunday and the people were friendly and not pushy. (not like the old dried out priests mumbling the same old stuff every week. Mom was always flowing Dad for falling asleep!) Dad was Lutheran before he married Mom. But being Catholic she made him convert. (kind of like iglesia de christos philosophy) To him the brand didn’t matter.
In my opinion the Catholic church is a great and powerful institution and could do much better with young blood and current relevant philosophy. If they do that I might even start going back semiregularly. How about you Bob…
Hi Jade, I agree that the church would do great under the leadership of a young charismatic leader, which is what I believe Table is.
Me going back to the Catholic church? There is no chance of that ever happening.
Hi Bob.
He he he…
I respect your opinion/philosophy.
I was in cath parochial school from 2 to half of 3rd grade. I still have nightmares about it. That was enough for me. I could say much more. I respect your decision.
For me and my wife we remain lapsed Catholics. And are comfortable with our decisions.
The church if they decided to modernize could become strong again.
I have a friend in the Lutheran church and at a h.s. reunion some years back I was sitting at his table and there was diviciveness at each side of the table upon their interpretation af some specific bible phrase.
That to me is getting in too deep…
Do on to others as you would have them do on to you. Pretty sums it up to me.
I am not agnostic. But there are some things that we do not have the intelligence to understand.
Imagine that!
Thanks Jade.
Flowing = elbowing oops defective spell check
Casey Drebin said:
I think you should change your name to The Amazing Kreskin!
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MindanaoBob said:
Hi John – I think it would be a big boost to the Philippine nation if Tagle were to be chosen as the next Pope! Will it happen? Unlikely, but still possible!
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MindanaoBob said:
Ha ha.. I have to admit, that was a pretty amazing prediction, even if only half right. If the other half becomes correct, I might go on a speaking tour, Casey! ha ha…
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