On 4 September I received an emergency warning from the US State Dept. via the US Embassy in Manila. (As if I’d believe anything the State Department would have to say) telling me that I should avoid visiting the Philippines because of the bombing in Davao City on Sept. 3rd. I do not remember receiving a similar warning after the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino or Orlando warning me to avoid the United States because of those terrorist attacks.

The Abu Sayyaf Group has already claimed responsibility for the arrack, but someone is spreading the ridicules rumor that the Philippine Government is responsible for the bombing. What planet are these people from, and it should not even be dignified with a response. But the media will.
Something that I can’t verify but my wife and her sister have been watching the news for days now, and told me that President Duterte has banned foreign media from the Davao area to prevent bias reporting and speculation from distorting the truth. As I said this I have no proof of, but I would agree with that decision. I watched CNN distort the news of Typhoon Yolanda, for the express purpose of selling their sponsor’s products. The most blatant example was when Anderson Cooper found this poor human being living under a plastic tarp, where his house once was, and after losing his entire family of wife and children, Cooper jams a microphone in the man’s face and asked “How do you feel?” Then with connections in Washington, Cooper and his entourage board a Marine relief Helicopter, so they can tour the devastation and send home to Atlanta tape of the calamity, while relief supplies could not be delivered by that Marine bird.
So if the foreign was in fact barred, I can understand the reasons why.
What the Filipino can be proud of is that the next day President Rodrigo Duterte personally visited all the victims and the families of the deadly bombing at Roxas Night Market in Davao City without delay, and I can remember another president who interrupted his golf game and went to a fund raiser, but couldn’t be bothered to fly to Louisiana to comfort the flood victims, and now wants to lecture President Rodrigo Duterte personally in Laos on human rights.
What world leaders need to do is develop “tener cojones”, which is a Spanish translating to English as having a “lot of Balls” The Philippines has now got a man like that, and after the years of the politically correct and UN worshipers in charge we need people like that, the pendulum is swinging the other way now as demonstrated by voters in Britain with Brexit (Which with my not being British it remains wholly their decision, but it proved that they are tired of the same old way of government where nothing gets done Only talked about.
Hopefully “Tener Cojones” will become the norm with our leaders, In America we had one president put a man on the moon, and another president put a man in the ladies room.
Very true Paul, the media is sick these day’s. The people in the UK refuse to listen to the PC trash broadcast by the likes of the BBC, once the most respected broadcaster in the world. Brexit was won with social media.
I believe that President Duterte’s victory was also won with Social Media.
After typhoon Yolanda he was the first to say in Tacloban, “I`m NOT going to enroll as a next president of RP!” So he just forced the media and the people to beg him to enroll! That`s the power of media…for good or bad purposes both. Now praying the best for the whole Philippines!
Excellent article Paul!
John J
The founder of CNN Ted Turner, started out with a good idea, but then he married Jane Fonda, do you think I’d trust anything associated with CNN (the Clinton News Network) And I agree in the 60’s and 1970’s while on Navy ships in Europe we got truthful news from BBC, but when it went from the middle to the liberal side it was done.
I was with Henry Fonda when he took his last breath. Jane said she was at his bedside. It took the nurses weeks to find her. Like HRC, you tell when she is lying… WHEN HER LIPS ARE MOVING.
“Preach it, preacha mayn! Lawdy, lawdy, lawdy that mayn has da werd!” As they’d say here in south central CA. And they’d not be wrong, Mr. T.
Upaw Phil;
My knowledge of South Central LA is that the liberal politicians tend to avoid going there.
They have avoided going there since the 60s Watts riots. Businesses and homes have never rebuilt there either. BUT — guess where the new multi-billion dollar football stadium with luxury residential and business facilities is going to be built? You are right !! South Central LA.
It must have been in the way of something a lobbyist wanted.
Right on Paul
Yep, Larry. Paul hit the nail on the head on this article!
Larry Myers;
It’s funny as Sir Bob and I discussed this article back and forth via e-mails (None of which passed through Hillary’s private Server) I sent it to Bob, just for his eyes only as I thought it would ruffle some feathers because I wrote it when I was angry. Bob argued that he thought it should be shared and I went with Bob’s logic. So it is the story that almost wasn’t!
So thank you for the “Right On”
I would not doubt that at all!
I am in agreement with you Paul. I can remember when the “free press or media” was considered the fourth branch of government. It’s mission was to keep the other three branches; executive, judicial, and legislative all honest by truthful and earnest reporting. No more, now the media is just a propaganda spreading machine for the socialist and democratic party.
It is a rare thing to see a president like Duterte who can be open and honest with the people he works for, and who is determined to serve the people and his country.
Dennis Glass;
The US TV news was at one time commercial free because the government owned the airways it had to remain free. But with the advent of cable it all changed and became for profit; with the mantra (IF IT BLEEDS, IT LEADS!) When I was young most TV reporters came over from newsprint side and held degrees in journalism, whereas now I can’t name one talking head that has a degree in anything but “Interruptive Dance” from Berkeley. We get what we allow.
If the anti-second amendment people try to tell you that the founding fathers only meant muskets, then using their logic freedom of the press applies only to newspapers as there was no internet, radio or TV when the constitution was written.
My continued prayer for Davao! God help us all.
So true!
Hit the nail on the head, and not just the media in America, we are being herded like sheep, we need our own news outlet.
I listen to both Fox and CNN and then reserch the internet when they disagree.
Yep, and where was HRC when Trump went to the last disaster? Probably where she was after 600 pleas for help in Benghazi, or where she was when the President of Mexico invited her…. Sleeping.
We are being a little hard on Hillary, as her medical conditions prevent her from long periods of being awake, press conferences, and truthfulness. Of all her lies the ones I like the most was when she exited the plane in Kosovo under heavy sniper fire and that brave little 12 year old girl was standing there with flowers.
Or the interview on CNN where she said her parents named her Hillary after Sir Edmund Hillary had just made his climb up Mt. Everest. Here is the humor, Sir Edmund Hillary made that famous climb in the early 1950’s and yet she was born in 1947. Just one more short circuit?
Yes, the Kosovo sniper fire was a good one indeed.
The short circuit comment was a good Freudian slip. I would love to do a video mix of these along with the dog bark for a Trump commercial.
Every time she gets stuck in a lie she brings out her short circuit comment so could also call it dementia, but the media won’t. I recorded that Hillary bark on my phone, I use it when my dog army acts up.,
Funny Paul, but I do feel sorry for your dog. He must REALLY get out of line to have to listen to HRC’s bark 😉
My dogs don’t like it but it shuts them up.
President Duterte and Donald Trump are a lot alike; they both have common sense, say what they mean in clear language, and care about their countries. If the Lame stream media has anything to do with it, Crooked Hillary will get another chance to ram sack the white house, appoint judges to do away with the Constitution, and promote more lawless behavior by the gangs and terrorists. The state department putting out warnings is a joke, and I agree, where were the warnings for other countries citizens not to go to the US after the terror attracts here. Oh yes, these weren’t terrorist attracts but political correct abused long suffering people seeking justice for years of neglect. Trump talks like Duterte, he may not be like Duterte if elected, but we know that if the old woman who barked like a dog on a campaign stop gets elected she will further corrupt the US governments IRS, FBI, and Justice departments. Maybe the social media will save the USA too and get Trump elected. With Trump, President Duterte will have a partner to make the countries great again rather than some one trying to force PC on the Philippines.
I’m going to assume that you’ll not be voting the democratic ticket this year? (LOL)
All her refuges from Syria never seem to make it to places with democratic governors or mayors, yet Billy Bob said during a CNN interview they could help rebuild Detroit.
No I won’t be voting the straight the democratic ticket this year. But I suppose my vote will be cancelled out by a life long friend. I can’t remember the last time he voted Democrat, but he had the misfortune of a Heart attack the other day in Cleveland which took him away from us. So there is a 98% chance he will be voting for the Hill in the swing state of Ohio along with their wonderful republican Governor Kassic.
My father never voted democratic until after his passing. I like the precinct in Chicago where twice as many people voted democratic in 2008 than lived there.
I completely agree. If the public is stupid enough to elect HRC after her lies on top of lies it will be the end of the World. How does anybody get away with destroying 33,000 emails and losing 18 phones or lying to the families in front of their loved ones caskets after 600 pleas for help, or using a money laundering fake charity to help terrorist governments. I could go on but the list of corruption is far too long.
The DNC would claim it was unfair to point out any truth about the Clintons
Bigp, I agree with you on this 110%, if Hillary win this election, this country is drowning farther down the hell!! I am so glad that Duterte win the election, we need a leader like him who truly care for his country and his fellow citizens.
Hi Paul,
So many truths in the article and the comments – the mainstream media is now the Presstitute Media is firmly in the employ of ‘they’ who control everything.
There are some decent journalists who write the truth. They don’t survive long, their stories are edited beyond recognition before being published, or never published. Social media is the only way to hear the truth. The Presstitute Media still publish what happened, but then go on to attribute reasons, blame etc. that just isn’t true!
As for President Duterte – so far I haven’t seen or heard anything I don’t like! He’s the kind of leader every country needs. Afraid of him? Not me. But the criminals – they should be afraid, very afraid!
You stated that perfectly, American media is controlled by six corporations who have a dog in the fight, if Hillary was to expire from a heart attack they wouldn’t report it as maybe she could’ve won, and now VP can step in. Or run the White House like that movie, a Weekend at Bernie’s”
The world needs more leaders like Trump and DU30.
Must agree!
I disagree you want the world to by sympathetic to their plight they need to allow the foreign press in.
Paul said in the article that he did not know that for sure about the foreign press. I am in Davao and have not heard that, and have seen foreign reporters here, so I do not believe it to be correct.
See it was on the local media out of Manilas, once again proving that the media will tell you what they want you to know! And thank you Bob for pointing out my disclaimer on that subject!
I live in Davao, also do not believe this about foreign press, and my wife’s family, is his bodyguard, but very strange living here, really you are not allowed, to say anything negative, be it on your head if you do, times i have been asked the question, what do you think of the Philippines, and being the honest person i am, and not being a politician, i start talking, well take my tip, never do this, from then on, you become the Antichrist, best to say nothing, if you have to, just say its warm.
We are a guest in their country, and have no right to criticize how the Filipino runs his country, Sitting in a beach Bar on St. Petes Beach Florida a European tourist bad mouth the USA, what he said might have been true, but he had no right to say it. Me and two of my friends saved his ignorant ass from one hell of a beat down from some Florida guys! He was also a guest in my country.
Wally Barr;
Your right to disagree is noted, but the foreign press has already proven that they cannot remain unbiased in their reporting, they have already hinted that the bombing was a set up by the Philippine Government, and that the president (Without one shred of evidence) maintains death squads. But again I respect your point of view.
Stay calm and just be safe. Guess that will be good for everyone.
Ike de Leon;
If only being safe is the goal, then I agree with you.
Nice article Paul.
Where did the Media go?
Now we have “New’s Anchors” to tell us what to think about everything under the sun!
President Duterte is a Filipino, from a family of Filipino’s, and definitely fighting for all the Filipinos.
I pray that Donald J. Trump will actually fight for all Americans. . . . . . Just has to get past CNN and the other corrupt media!
When Trump is elected he should do what President Duterte is doing, he won’t give interviews to any media outlet that has lied about him, Could MSNBC, CNN and the others survive without access to the White House?
I have this plan to return to the United States for various reasons. I won’t go, however, if another progressive president sits in the white house. With my luck, that’s exactly what will happen.
RT Cunningham;
If I had to return home, I would apply for every free cell phone free hours lap top EBC Card (Food Stamp) BTW they can be used on Carnival Cruise Lines and Disney World, plus section 8 housing. Then I’ll sit on a lawn chair along the road in San Diego with a sign thanking all the dumb people on their way to work.
Good write up. And I said the same thing to my brother. I was showing him the numbers in reference to the drug war. My brother asked something like how long before he dies. My answer involved his big set of cojones!
Shabu is one of the worse drugs ever on this earth. I am not a user but I have had to deal with it on two occasions and I have always said that it is a drug straight from the devil. Not long ago I found a website that is to help people understand this drug. It has people who are effected by the drug and many members are ex-drug users and many who are putting in an effort to quit. They put things in layman’s terms so it is pretty easy to understand what you are dealing with. One of the ex-drug users wrote that it is the drug of satin.
What Duterte is doing, he has my total support and all my respect.
And also, your reference about being warned about about the terrorist events in the USA. They also snivel about the extra judicial killings here but not a word about it when they murder blacks. Yes it is murder! Very disturbing.
In the Southside of Chicago and the rest of our democratic controlled inter cities; have proved that to those elected officials NO LIVES MATTER!
But it was pointed out by Obama, what about all the drug dealers who have died. Could it just be suicide because they are afraid of the New President? Or is Obama’s way of releasing drug dealers by the thousands so they can vote in November the way to go?
I have no knowledge of meth, except the guy with the really bad teeth could be a user. And Hollywood made a TV show called “Breaking Bad” glorifying it’s use, but no one was allowed on that show was allowed to smoke one cigarette as that would set a bad example, you got to love hypocrites and liberals.
Please, I am not trying to minimize the recent incident in Davao. I trust and pray that good will overcome evil.
But, for the expats, look at the numbers from this weekend in Chicago (Obama’s current hometown), DC, New York, or Detroit.
The early numbers I have seen don’t include Labor Day, and each one of those are above the Davao numbers. If we can’t fix the problems here, I’m not sure that worrying about Davao is relevant for the USA.
It’s news media propaganda and ratings for US media.
A perfect example of the selective reporting of the media worldwide
Awesome. Bravo Zulu to President D.!!!
Second that!
Seems as though you have to be a Republican to live over there.
Personally, I hate both of them, Clinton’ a huge liar, Trump says whatever he thinks a person wants to hear, then changes his mind a few times after that. Whoever is elected,I think we all loose this time.
Hi Bill S.,
Time to vote Gary Johnson and at least have a clear conscious. I think he is starting to get noticed more as many are not happy with Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton.
Gary Johnson is a wonderful choice, as he strips votes from Hillary. Vote for Johnson, we thank you!
Bill S.
I’ll take anything but more of the last eight years.
Hi Paul,
Was the previous 8 years better?
If you want a pissing contest, I’d am well suited to join in. Explain what you mean and forget the snide little comments they demean you, I know you have the ability to express yourself far better than that. The ball is in your court, let me know!
HI Paul,
I was saying in my opinion George W Bush made a royal mess. He inherited a booming economy and mismanaged the country leading to the Great Recession. He also took the country to war with Iraq. This cost the lives of thousands of young soldiers and left thousands with injuries both physical and mental. It also destabilized the region. You favorite Donald Trump agrees with me that the Iraq War was a huge costly mistake. President Obama is the first and only Democrat I have voted for for POTUS. He got my vote by claiming that Mitt Romney would bring back Bush’s policies. I don’t know if you think things are worse now than 2008, then we will have to agree to disagree and move on. Either way I am done.
Hi Jay;
If you’re done, than why did you come back with your Bush story and that you voted for Obama? Why would I care? Hillary voted for the Iraq war and Mr. Obama’s record in the US Senate was to make two speeches, he never submitted a single bill before the house and he never voted yea or nay on any bill before the senate, in the Illinois State house he had a similar record where he only said present doing his time in office.
How did Obama know what Mitt was going to do during his administration? A person that can predict the future is rare indeed in politics. But at least you stated your case, sans the snide comment. We do disagree on one thing, that a rock would have made a better president than Romney. But I came to that conclusion on my own not because of what an opposing political rival told me. I pay no attention to Trump or Clintons TV adds either.
Something must be going right in America. You can get 46 pesos per dollar and yet us poor Aussies only get 35! Try to understand that one!
46 per buck ain’t bad but I can remember once getting 8-1 then a few years ago 55-1, I think it has more to do with the Philippine economy than ours.But hell, I’m wrong all the time. I have been to most major cities in Australia (Favorite was Darwin because it was like the wild west) But no matter what the exchange rate was a wonderful time was had by me and all the members of the ship’s crew. Great country, great people!
I do trust what comes from US State Department. They issue the warnings for a reason.
However, nobody is interested to know what are the TRUE reasons behind the warnings… nobody!
The day, when the sheeple will discover what is the true reason, will be one day too late.
I have prepared an article for LIP that is scheduled to be published on 28th of this month.
Like the present day media, I could not write the “rest of the story” because the readers can’t handle it.
In it I wrote what is coming financially but I expressly omitted to reveal the true reasons.
So keep on bashing the media and don’t use your brain and you’ll soon discover what will be the consequences.
Palawan Bob;
So there will be camps set up for those who critize the main stream liberal media? Will they be set up here in the Philippines or world wide. With baited breath I await “The REst of the Story”
Paul, I know that you are not interested to know the true reason(s), otherwise you would be in contact with me by email long ago.
Media bashing has a purpose; it keeps the sheeple busy thinking that they are right and that everything is wrong in politics and the economy. You see, they know better.
Palawan Bob;
It’s like you have the power to read my mind, I want to remain fat, dumb and happy and leave the fretting to someone else. I’m 69 years of age, do they have the time to find me?
Nobody is gona get you or me. We are not dangerous.
Besides, I am 100% pro government and pro Hillary. I also fully support Duterte.
They have plenty of negative radical “elements” to deal with.
So much so, that we are not even on the list of nuisance.
Palawan Bob;
I’m napping so much easier now knowing they are not interested in me.But have you thought about the outcome if Trump is selected over the lady with the 67% untrustworthy numbers. The world is moving away from those UN followers who have been running the world so poorly the past 20 years. That could be the big shake up that is coming, it just happened here!
why would they bother ?
Mmmm 28th of this month!
That’s way to late PB, the World ends on the 25th, Lol 🙂
Thanks Chas;
I missed the last one! (lol)
I’ll second that!
Spot on Paul I’m an Ausie expat living in General santos city . Davao is our nearest major city . I feel safer there than on the streets of Sydney .The Ausie 60 minutes did a story on Duterte and the drug raids there were so many lies and inaccuracies .I immediately jumped on their website and corrected them.I’m booked to return to my wife in Gensan next weekend and people are telling me to “Be careful” I’m always careful no mater where I am .
I can understand the frustration of watching Presidents who are not leaders, but be careful what you wish for. WW2 was fought for democracy, against the “leader principle”.
Than your solution is? The last war America won was WW-II, our No Cajones leaders got involved and have lost every one after that. Hitler proved that politicians can’t win wars, can you imagine the world if German Generals had been allowed to fight the war. Or if LBJ had stopped following his polling numbers we might have won in Vietnam, the US won every battle and still lost the war.
One president put a man on the moon, and another president put a man in the ladies room. Well said
Michael Boo;
I only wish I could take credit for that but a smarter man sent that to me. (LOL)
Absolutely, brother!
Mark Claytor;
Thank you!
Ian G.
I’m more afraid of being in any city in America where no lives matter. You are on a island and patrol boats are your wall. We have politicians here that think that banning guns will solve the entire United States crime problems. Without realizing that if they collected every gun, all a criminal dumb enough to have turned in his gun (FAT CHANCE) has to do is go to that unregulated border where all the human beings can freely cross carrying drugs, they could also carry more guns? Oh I know we have an unenforced law to cover that!
Paul I feel safer walking the streets of General Santos City at night than walking the streets of Atlanta, Ga in broad daylight. And I have a concealed carry permit. lol
I wouldn’t travel in any inner city, even if Obama let me borrow the “Beast” (the Limo)
“Tener Cojones”
Bob Stone;
I didn’t quite understand that?
I could not agree with you more Paul! Well said!
Thank you!
Her “short circuit”, being helped up stairs, 6 months to recuperate from a concussion while Secretary of State, uncontrollably shaking her head like a bobble head doll, that evil look in her eyes….lies, lies, and more lies…What the hell is going on??? Why would ANYBODY vote to have her hand on the nuclear release button? Oh, I forgot, she has experience with the reset button. Being a female is not an accomplishment. EVERYTHING she and Obama has done has been A COMPLETE DISASTER!!!
Once more let me assume you find fault in the candidate named Clinton?
You guys are yet another bunch of America-bashers. I thought Bob was different.
I guess you consider being critical of the Govt and/or it policies America-bashing. Last time I checked it was called freedom of speech which is covered in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.
PS I have not ever seen one this Bob has ever said that bashed the US. He might be critical of its Govt and policies but never have I seen any bashing by him.
Thank you, Scott.
Scott and Bob;
People see and hear what they want to, as long as it fits their narrative. The truth be damned!
Liberal logic, the 2nd amendment only applies to muskets and the 1st amendment only applies to nut job liberals on their soap box in the Boston Common. Freedom of the PRESS only applies to newspapers, because there logic is that back then there was no TV or Radio.
So untrue bashing a weak ineffective president is in no way bashing our great nation, unless you feel that he is the reason America is great…..That is just to silly to think about!
Hurray for the USA! Land of the free and home of the brave. You can bash her all you want but she is still the land of opportunity and freedom. I love my country.
Tommy McDuff, Paul Thompson,
I love America too. That’s why i support Trump. Not afraid to tell it like it is. That’s why so many Republicans don’t like him. There gravy train will end if he get’s elected. People are just so tired of the corruption, gridlock and me attitude in DC. It’s so refreshing to have President Duterte, who actually cares about his constituents. Not afraid to tell it like it is and no political correctness. Obama has made us so weak. There is no respect for us all. That incident in China is the latest example. We are looking forward to getting back there next month to see the changes and start enjoying another Christmas season. Thanks so much for another great article.
Papa Duck;
China disrespected him after he showed up and tried to tell them what his agenda was going to be. One does not dictate to the one you owe 19 Trillion dollars to.
Well said PapaDuck. The US is still the greatest country on the planet but our allies don’t trust us and our enemies don’t fear us because of the Obama/Clinton cabal.
And rightly So!
Unplug Neo… the matrix is a lie…..
I am amazed everyday that people still read the news or news blogs. Everything is agenda driven. Blogs need views and clicks for Google cash. Rational thought has gone bye bye…. we only want feelings… rational thinking is for the cold and heartless. We the peasants will ever really know the truth from anything around the world. The truth has become as elusive as the lockness monster. Rant done back to your scheduled program.
We don’t need leaders with balls….. we need people to have balls…. until the population toughen up…. nothin else matters.
I’m bashing HRC. I love America!
Hi Paul,
I very much agree with the beginning of your article! Travel Warnings are seldom issued for Western countries. I am not sure how many attacks had to happen in France before a warning was put up for that country. A lot of anti-Clinton opinions, but in my opinion Donald Trump would be worse for US/Philippines relations based on his expressed attitude towards Muslims and Hispanics. I am not saying Filipinos are Hispanics, but some believe they are. It is debatable. Also I am aware that the Philippines is majority Catholic, but tragic attacks like in Davao….IDK.
Three facts:
1. The only safe place on Earth is the grave.
2. We all will be safe some time in the future.
3. We cannot chose not to die eventually only not to live.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims.
I fact:
The Filipino is not hispanic, but they were colonized by the Spanish, Just as Spain did not discover the Philippines, the Filipino knew exactly where they lived and didn’t need Spain’s help to find it, as they were already here.
Clinton represents what liberals fear most, a backlash like what is happening around the globe no longer accepting liberal governments. If you find displeasure in Trump and voice your opinion about that, allow me to do the same with Clinton, that is how America works.
Jay ~ Trumps comments are about the BAD Muslims and Hispanics, and yes, some are terrorists, murderers, criminals, and rapists.
Truth Beanahole! Even Kerry is suggesting the media should not tell us all the truth on terrorism…a real WTH? Moment
Yes when he said that I just sat there dumbfounded charge dropped to the ground and couldn’t believe it. And then what made it worse was all the Talking Heads and all the people that suggested yes that would be a good idea don’t tell anybody what’s happening hide the truth because they can’t handle it.
Kerry is right.
If you would know what’s coming, you wouldn’t be able to handle it. Guaranteed!
That’s how bad it is, and yet, NOBODY is interested to find out what’s going on.
Those infos are publicly available.
All of it!
Palawan Bob;
The boy that cried wolf is the fable that comes to mind when I read this. I waited with baited breathe for the doom and gloom during your last three sets of predictions and each fizzled out with a whimper. This time I’d rather just wait for the surprise.
Beanahole Gardner which is the onset of tyranny and communist like control of a complicit media
From the Lips of John Kerry the champion treaty maker. At least he didn’t trade a US State to make that deal.
Kerry traded more than a state on the bad Iran nuke deal, he traded the future of civilization.
Yep… the onset of tyranny is already in progress in my eyes…. but most say I’m coocoo for coco puffs haha
Paul, as reader of your articles for quite a bit of time. I strongly disagree with you have written today. I know everybody has there own opinion. when did this site become a media outlet for conservatives. there is no social safety net in PH. last time I checked most PH citizens would give there right hand to leave for usa. true conservatives do not like welfare in usa. considering its payed for by tax payers. well those of you who get military retirement and va healthcare is payed for buy tax payers that a form of welfare. if you true conservative return those liberal benefits. survival of the fittest right. that’s conservative principles that you should follow. if you can talk the talk then take the walk.
Military Retirement and VA Care is not a form of welfare. Those were earned from serving our country, which is something you more than likely didn’t do. Must be a liberal.
Papa Duck;
You are wasting your time trying to explain to people like that, if they didn’t hear it from the DNC it can’t be true.
Paul. I strongly disagree with this article today. when did this become a conservative media outlet. last I checked most PH citizens would give there right hand to leave for usa. there is no social safety net in PH. I know everybody has there own opinion. if you conservative like you say then welfare is liberal thing payed for by tax payers right. last time I checked military retirement and va care is also payed for by tax payers. survival of the fittest right. then return those tax payers liberal benefits. if you talk the talk then take the walk.
Commenting on any subject assumes you have knowledge of that subject, you truly proved that theory wrong, yes taxpayers contributed to military retirement as they do for all government employees but during our Military Career we also paid taxes and social security, and you feel we’re freeloaders? We put our life in harm’s way every day on active duty, I’ll not say that our sacrifice to the United States was greater than yours, but just how did you serve our great Nation?
Your Obama asked why the people in the military don’t pay for their own medical insurance since we volunteered. That is idiotic liberal thinking from a man whom is provided Health Care from those same taxpayers, and he was smart enough to exempt himself from that now failing Obamacare.
As for your welfare, republicans voted for it too, but we didn’t know that liberals were making it a career path so democrats could once again enslave an entire group of people by herding them into democratic controlled cesspool inner cities and make the dependant on the government for survival.
In your town please stop by the AmVets, American Legion FRA, or the VFW and ask that same question you just asked us American Veterans who live in the Philippines. I would pay two months of my retirement to be a fly on the wall and watch those Vets explain it to you. As you said; “Survival of the fittest right” Or better yet, when here, drop by the VFW and tell them how you feel, Hell, I’ll buy you a beer!
BTW that was an insult to our Filipino friends when you said they would do anything to get to America, and then implied that they wanted welfare, I believe all they would want is a decent job, and they will earn their way. I spent way to much time on the misinformed, I sure hope we get to meet someday, so I can introduce you to those other freeloaders.
and for those who posted comments in agreement I would like to ask them you the same. if you conservative as you say you are return those liberal tax payers benefits. make your living of local Philippine economy. you do not need money from outside Philippine to make your living. last time I checked Philippine has a poverty problem that’s not going to improve no time soon. a strong leader knows how to listen to other ideas and opinions.
Were you angry and just typing to fast? Your tirade is grammatically incorrect. Take your time when responding to us freeloaders, and we thank you as we are busy pissing away your tax dollars on SMB’s.
Mr. Paul T. Duterte es un presidente con un par de “cojones acero”. (Duterte is a president with a pair of “steel balls.” ) 91% approval from his people is not that bad, is it? 🙂
But Obama thinks Mr. Duterte is a problem, but then no one really cares what the lameduck thinks!
Correct, DU30 just said he is not interested in meeting Obama because he is a joke. DU30 is getting nothing but praise from other world leaders. I am not bashing the US, but despicable people like Obama and HRC deserve a good bashing. Why do you think HRC has been in hiding for like 287 days? She can’t handle the truth because she is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR…..who has no problem with lying to families in front of their loved ones caskets after 600 pleas for help. Maybe she was having yet another “short circuit” or dodging morters and 12 year old girls with flowers.
I hope that the cojones you are talking about are not the likes of Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Franco, Pinochet, Mao, Pot Pol and so many who “acojonaron” (also a spanish word) their nations and even the whole world
Amazing deduction you made: because 90% of those despots you named started off as liberals with a plan to improve the lives of the ignorant masses, how’d that work out? Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it.
Probably a liberal that did not serve his country and voted for Obama because he got a free Obamaphone.
I didn’t get a free Obamaphone. Can a get a free Hilaryphone? I heard she lost 18 of them when she used bleachbit to lose 33,000 emails about yoga.
We can clearly see that yoga doesn’t work.
Paul ~ Fault with HRC? Nothing is her fault. hahaha Taking responsibility for ones actions includes accepting blame, and a pathological liar is incapable of doing either. Dozens of “I don’t recall”, answers, including her training about what is classified and what is not???WTF???
Paul ~ Yes yoga doesn’t work for the mind or body, especially the memory when it comes to “I don’t recall” Hilary. Liar liar pants suit on fire 😉
If we can’t say something nice, then identify the weak point and chip away at them.
Paul ~ Too many weak points to list with the Clinton’s and their personal hedge fund fake foundation. Where would I even start, BJ’s in the oval office or before?
Paul, maybe I did not spell out a simple meaning to you. I said if you are a conservative; which from article you wrote. then you should give back your government funded benefits. I have not known of any conservative that want government funded benefits. I did not say veterans or military personnel, conservatives like you. and by the way I have served 2 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan for those individuals who did not. I will email you my email you my flight schedule for my next visit to PH in December.
You spelled it out well enough for someone that lacks a lot of knowledge on the subject. My PENSION was earned by me and every other person who served their country with honor. It was a contract offered by my nation who promised that if we serve and fulfill the career obligations we will receive a pension, not charity, not a gift but what is owed for service rendered. If you still think it’s a hand out contact all your elected congressmen senators and your beloved president and explain that you are also opposite to their retirement checks also. Welfare Food stamps and section 8 housing was never earned by anybody. Both my sons are still Active duty career Army and both served in Iraq (Three times for one and four tours in Afghanistan for the other and are an E9 and E7 respectively I’ll accept your claim of being on active duty and will commend you for your service. What I cannot respect is that you refer to our pay as a handout or a free benefit from your government. Did you refuse the handouts the service offered to you every month when on active duty?
That is the point, the insulting verbiage you used. Enjoy your visit in December.
Paul & John ~ Shouldn’t we be fighting about Obama singlehandedly destroying the US, or the corrupt lying Clinton’s making back room deals on airport runways to stay out of jail, instead of with each other? I most certainly EARNED all my benefits in combat, and I thank both of you for doing the same.
No anger on my part, John is not a conservative nor am I a liberal, but the disagreement was semantics over charity or earned. John was correct on one thing, I damn sure won’t take charity I made six figures a year as a merchant seaman after the Navy, and I took that retirement too. Plus I paid into Social Security every month that I worked and that is not a gift either, it is a right that we paid into. That is the disagreement, but I was never angry, retirement should never be stressful.
So we have a guy who did absolutely nothing before becoming President who teamed up with Clinton, and now absolutely everything they have done is a complete disaster. I’m probably better off with DU30 here. His methods might be harsh but at least he will probably get some things done unlike those two bozos.
Paul ~ Understood. I don’t think any of us are the types to leech free food, housing, education, medical care, etc. off of the system. We paid our dues not only by putting our lives on the line fighting for our country, but also by paying into the system for decades. I could be getting VA disability but I haven’t bothered applying so I’m not taking advantage of taxpayers money. Now if you tell me that Clinton is an honest person and qualified to be Commander In Chief, I think we might get into a healthy, or unhealthy, debate. Hahaha
It’s funny…I’m bashing Clinton like she bashed 18 phones with a hammer, and nobody is defending her. Of course I don’t see how anybody could defend ANYTHING she has done in her entire lifetime, but I was hoping to see some sort of delusional explanation as to why she thinks she is even remotely qualified to be President of the US.
Great article. Duterte hss done his homework. He knows the U S has a treaty saying they will defend/support the Philippines.
So he doesn’t have to be P C.
I’d not thought of that, good point!
It is unfortunate that Lame Ducks get no respect in Asia.
Horace ~ VERY good point! Duterte doesn’t have to be PC. Perhaps this is why he got elected, because people are smart enough to see through all the PC BS and appreciate somebody who honestly speaks him mind.
This was sent by an OFW in the Gulf.
The American talks to his Filipino friend: Hey Felicia. I’m sorry to hear about what’s going on in your country right now. Hope your family is okay.
Pinay: Why what’s wrong?
Kano: Haven’t you read the news? There’s been a lot of killings going on. The elected President is running the country with his reign of terror. They say he is a mass murderer and he is committing genocide.
Pinay: Oh, you mean the killings? Those are legitimate police operations. Those were criminals and drug peddlers killed because they resisted arrest. Wow! Genocide? That’s like killing 6 million in a holocaust. That’s just too much. Don’t believe that. My family has never been better. In fact, this is the happiest they’ve been since the new President took office.
Kano: Really? Why so?
Pinay: Yeah. Because change has come. Just barely two months and he’s done so much. Did you know that we already have 911 emergency response? 600,000 drug addicts and peddlers voluntarily surrendered for rehabilitation. More than 10 mining firms closed down because of illegal operations. They’re making the country self-sufficient in producing rice. Stranded OFWs were rescued in Saudi Arabia. The railway transit is being repaired and is much more efficient now. The President goes after the drug lords and corrupt politicians. The government is engaging with peace talks with the rebels. They’re hunting down the terrorist group down south. Crime has gone down 49%. It’s so much safer to walk the streets now.
Kano: Wow! For real? I haven’t read those in the news.
Pinay: Yes. Because media outlets only report the negative stuff. Most media corporations in the Philippines are owned by oligarchs. That’s why they try to bring down the President because they are scared of him.
Kano: Thanks for telling me this. No wonder Filipinos always have good things to say about your new President.
Pinay: That’s right. For the first time in my life, I’ve seen a President that we can really trust. He has the approval of 91% of the Filipinos. Oh, and by the way. Don’t believe that it’s chaotic in the Philippines. We will be hosting the next Miss Universe and you can go and visit.
Kano: That would be lovely!
The point is. No matter how the media will try and destroy Duterte in the international community, there will always be a Filipino who will defend him and tell the truth.
I am hearing plenty of Americans and other foreigners who live here defending him too! Sure, you hear a few who are against.. but most are in favor of the President’s actions.
That is a great post, Paul!
There is nothing to defend, there is not one shred of proof provided by anyone that proves the lies they spread about him. The same thing is happening in the US by a bought and paid for media. I have never seen a list of journalistic awards won by any cable or network TV news in the past 25 years.
DU30 and Trump have a lot in common. Both Countries need leaders with “tener cojones”.
This might have been brought up in an earlier comment, but I didn’t have the patience to read the through them all.
GWBUSH was President when hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana, not Obama. I encourage you to acknowledge and fix this error in your original post.
Bill Savoie
If we were talking about a Hurricane named Katrina you would be so right, but this flooding happened last month in Louisiana President Obama was golfing on Martha’s Vineyard But during the flooding he cut his vacation and went to a Hillary fund raiser. Trump was the only one to visit the the flood victims and spent Trump money to aid them. Obama was shamed by the liberal media and flew to Louisiana one week later after finishing his vacation.G W Bush just can’t be blamed this time, but I’ll wager people tried!
Bill Savoie ~ I also have not read through this entire thread, but it makes more sense to me that the reference was probably to the recent floods there, when Clinton and Obama were sleeping, golfing, and fund raising, none of which is at all helpful to flood victims, or any Americans who pay their unearned salaries. Looks to me like Trump is the only one who went there and contributed millions of his hard earned money out of his own pocket.
Once more it’s Bush’s fault.
Hi , there. It wasn’t really clear from the original comment, but I see where you have gone with your sarcasm.
Bill Savoie;
What I found odd was you found something that fit your anti Bush narrative and without reading or checking the rest of the article, out of a lack of information on your part try to cover it by kicking sand over your comment and referring to me as sarcastic. Which I\ll grant you, they were, but at least I had my time line correct about the flooding and who was in charge.But Mierda Passa.
Paul T ~ I’ll take credit for the sarcasm too. Even though I wasn’t a huge fan of Bush, at least I only directed my sarcastic remarks towards the despicable, deceitful, lying Clinton’s, and do nothing Obama 🙂
Paul Thompson ~ I wasn’t a huge fan of Bush’s either, just Google “Bushisms” for a good laugh, but you are 100% correct, and I completely agree with you, what is the statute of limitations on transferring blame to Bush, like 100 years? 😉
I seem to recall HRC blaming Bush for things in her plethora of lies. Is she now going to blame him for her being so weak that she needs secret service agents to help her walk?
There is a vast difference between sarcastic and snide, there have been a few attempts at snide as the ego of the person posting has such a high regard for them self the think we won’t recognize it. But since I’m good at either one I will, albeit I find snide will lower a person so I won’t use it. me
Paul T ~ Your comment about who was in charge makes me a bigger fan of Bush than I was. Not being snide or sarcastic 😉 I remember what he said on that pile of rubble on 9/11, and I have to wonder what weak pathetic speech Obama or Clinton would have given. About those two, my distain is so great, I wouldn’t mind being called snide or sarcastic:-)
This is ridiculous. I am far from being a Bush fan. I damn sure ain’t a far right wing Faux wearing yak monster. I hate politics. Like there is two sides to every story and the truth is found in the middle. Same with politics. But I do want to throw something in here. I think that Bush got a bad rap on the Katrina thing. I mean is nobody in the world competent enough to go to Louisiana and report back to their superior about what is needed? And sure, open it up now for the Trump/Clinton photo op? All you folks are beating a dead horse.
Oh my! Trump said a bad word! Oh HRC took a breath of air! Is Bush still alive? See the new Clinton pron? This thread started pretty good but seems to have fallen into the political abyss of bickering and not really following the article anymore. It is a shame.
I agree with you, but people will take any article in the direction they want, some will pick up on one key phrase and run with it, and like you others also have a personal opinion. I can’t practice censorship, so I go along with anything said, unless it’s to far a field or the writer foolishly attacks me.
On CNN today they had a piece about Mr. Obama placing a wreath at the Pentagon. Seemed harmless enough until a lady went into a sick political tirade about something even I never figured out. It’s the nature of the species. Depending on your point of view.
Censorship is normally bad in any event. I understand you have to ride the wave as there are not a book of rules for this web mag. You have to walk a somewhat fine line here. I just threw that in there so maybe people will open their eyes a bit and try to keep it on the subject a bit better. This really isn’t a forum for USA politics. Obama and Duterte did cross paths a few days ago. Not HRC, Trump, or any other politician. Many other places on the web for that discussion if you want it, IMO.
Oh, I thought this story was about politicians having “Tener Cojones”. So…..why would it be inappropriate to compare Trump and PDU30 who have them, and Obama and Clinton who do not???
This web mag has a Philippine tone to it and that is why it is somewhat unique. You among others have turned it to an American political web magazine. Perhaps you can’t see that? Who cares about Obama? Who cares about Trump? Neither of those have the pair of Duterte nor can Trump even buy a pair like it. Trump gave out play doh while HRC had her nails done? Who cares? Duterte was out kicking butt! Here where I live, we had 4 more criminals (thieves) put 6 feet under!
Nobody will ever have the utter pleasure of knowing and experiencing what Duterte is doing unless they actually live here. This web mag is of here and not there and we get a much better seat of events than what you get after US media paints it. I look up and see comment after comment of nothing to do with the subject. Just the same right wing faux talk we can get everywhere else on the internet. I know it is easy to bash the black guy in the USA. Been watching it for 8 years now. Who cares?
I am going to warn you! If you want to keep telling everybody here just how bad Obama is, I will write up a response about the work Obama did to pull America out of the ship wreck Bush left it in with references or links to everything as PROOF! Not just spewing crap like I see above. I promise you it will be long and not be an easy read. In fact it alone will just about double the size of this thread of the things he has done. I promise it is more than just handing out boxes of toys for a photo op or handing out a check to a so called ‘church.’
Trump simply is not that great. I see many comments you made, Alex, that has nothing to do with cojones or Duterte and has gone off topic. And that is why I made my comment. Again, we can read that kind of crap anywhere else on the internet.
I am not short winded but my supper is ready so I will stop for now.
Go Duterte!
“Obama and Duterte did cross paths a few days ago. ” Well, sorta. Obama turned down a meeting with PDU30 like a baby taking his toys home from the sandbox, in the midst of praise by many other World leaders for PDU30 and his strong leadership skills.
Gary ~ I am not at all interested in your “warning” or long winded dissertation about Obama. I have been living here in the Philippines for 16 years, and I keep abreast of the local news, like today’s news at the link below. Nobody would ever endorse Obama like PDU30 is being endorsed. Save your Obama rhetoric for an Obama website, as you suggest. The $1,000 Obamacare one might finally be working. Oh, I stand corrected, it cost ONE BILLION DOLLARS AND DOES NOT WORK. I’m not interested in a free Obamaphone or Hilaryphone for a vote either so have fun in the Obama forum. Oh, I stand corrected again, HRC SMASHED ALL HER PHONES WITH A HAMMER…..OMG!!!
Gary ~ You seem to think I don’t live here in the Philippines like you seemed to think Paul T was talking about Katrina, when you told him to correct his correct article. I’m glad you are a fan of PDU30 like I am. Seems a little odd that PDU30 and I have completely different opinions than you do about Obama, which is fine. Each to his own.
I knew what Paul was talking about. I had no idea where you lived and I didn’t say anything you accuse me of. Like Paul, I am fairly careful in what I am saying.
I have made my political stance fairly clear and it isn’t with Obama. It isn’t left or right. I am tired of the American Politics. Left just wants to regulate everything and the right wants to go to war. Not all regulations are bad and in some cases we need to go to war.
I am tired of reading the same spewed crap over and over. It is for another place and not here. Paul did an excellent job here and it should clear the air to anyone who has any questions about what is going on here with Duterte. If Paul wants to write an article, or you even, about USA politics then I can’t complain about the USA political comments. Go ahead Alex, write up an article on Trump and see if you can it get published! It might but I doubt it because it has basically nothing to do with the Philippines. Same as a lot of your comments here IMO.
That’s my point!
Gary ~ It’s a little difficult to follow your train of thought. You refer to Katrina, then say you weren’t referring to Katrina. You say you are going to write a long dissertation about all the great things Obama has done, then you say you are not pro Obama, and that American politics should not be discussed here. Again, Paul’s article is titled Tener Cojones in the context that this is what is needed with leaders. The fact that PDU30 and Trump have them, and that Obama and HRC do not is consistent with the topic. Like you, I’m not usually interested in politics, but I think this is an extremely important election in the US, just as it was here in the Philippines. The voters did the right thing here, and I hope they do the same there. It’s not that I’m a huge fan of Trump, because I’m really not. He’s no JFK or Reagan, but look at the alternative. Who could possibly support somebody who ignores 600 pleas for help then lies to the families of the dead in front of the coffins, destroys 33,000 emails with Bleachbit after a Congressional suponea, smashes a dozen phones with a hammer, calls a 12 year old Bosnian girl heavy sniper fire, etc., etc., etc., too many examples to list. Regardless, everybody is entitled to their opinion, so stop complaining about mine. I respect yours regardless of whether or not I agree with it.
I talked about Katrina in a different context. Bush got a bad rap on the Katrina fiasco and that is my opinion period. I wasn’t confused about the Louisiana flooding which Paul was referring to and you tried to pin on me. That was another guy who apparently got that information mixed up. Not me.
You respect what I am saying? Doesn’t look like it. I wasn’t confused by Katrina and I never said Obama did ‘great things’ like you are trying to paint it. If you had a little respect then you wouldn’t try to paint a bad picture as you most certainly are. I did say that Obama did pull the USA out of the wreck that Bush left it in. It is true because everybody can actually see it. A recession is normal but a depression (great recession) is terrible and should not have happened.
I can gather the information I need, it is very easy, that proves what you are saying is not real accurate. And it will be very long with references unlike you just throw out a lot of hate towards people and about subjects that do not pertain to this article and with ZERO information to back it up. It is crap about the USA that doesn’t belong here really.
Need an example? “Obama singlehandedly destroying the US” types of comments. I mean look at the USA after 8 years of Bush and 8 years of the black guy. You are spewing crap. Use factual comments and perhaps people can talk here without trading a bunch of bad words. We can act a bit more like a grown up. This article was very interesting and turned into an elementary play ground pack of lies. And again, we can get this type of crap about anywhere on the net. Why pollute this web magazine with USA context?
I will never understand why it is so hard for you to see that this web magazine has nothing to do with the USA. FFS it is called LIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES WEB MAGAZINE (look at the top of the page). Why is it so hard to understand that American Politics don’t really belong here?
If you feel that is extremely important then go to a forum that supports what you want to convey.
That is all I have to say. If you can’t understand it then I am sorry.
Gary ~ Again, the article is titled “Tener Cojones, It is what our world leaders need!” Your confusion about Katrina and this article are a little difficult to comprehend. As Paul said I guess you just used Katrina to bash Bush. Now you are going on, and on, about Obama, but you are saying he saved the US but hasn’t done great things. I’m glad you have nothing more to say, because your contradictions are confusing and giving me a headache.
NO! The only confusion you have is what nostril to breath out of. There is no opinion I am talking about. To say lies, YES LIES, about people is apparently all your mind can muster.
Tell everybody how I bashed Bush with Katrina. Tell them.
I said Bush got a bad rap on Katrina and that is all I said. And I noted it was my opinion. It was nothing to do with what the other guy said at all. That is in no way bashing Bush so BACK OFF! I do take offense to being lied about.
I wrote everything clearly about Bush and Katrina. Even a child can understand. Perhaps you didn’t finish school? Because it seems you didn’t pass reading. Or perhaps you have a problem with reading comprehension?
All you do is bash people who don’t follow your sick ideas front and center. And if you can’t get any traction all you do is LIE about them as you keep lying about what I say or what my stance is. Read very carefully.
Saddam Hussein had balls not that I like him. Trump doesn’t have any balls. To have balls you must prove it on the world stage which Trump has not done. That is not an opinion, that is a fact! He basically is just a talking head at this point. Off the top of my head, he has money. History shows when he gets tired of doing things he just gives up. He built a Casino that went bankrupt? And we give him the keys to the USA purse? A casino is rigged by the numbers to profit no matter what. So how does he go bankrupt? Give me a break! He built a school that he used to siphon money off people? He is going to make Mexico build a wall? LMAO! The only thing Mexico is going to build is ladders! Come on Alex! Do you really have your head that far buried in the sand?
Now, do you see where this is going? It has nothing to do about the main subject of this article and more so it has nothing to do with the Philippines which is the main subject of this magazine. All we are going to do is trade more or less insults. And that is exactly what you are doing here. Anybody can read your crap.
Now, I lived in Arkansas for some time. I know all about corruption. I don’t doubt some of the things I hear about the Clintons. You see, I am a victim of that Arkansas corruption. I am not saying victim as in I got money taken away or anything materialistic. I was almost killed. I am permanently disabled from this attempt. I live here on less than $1000 a month. I live here to be away from the USA politics. I have tried to speak to both Bush and Obama and neither will give me their time. So I have nothing good to really say about either. I have tried to talk to politicians. The FBI who did look into this backed out when they found out what I said was true. I have been to court and the Judicial system, State and Federal, is corrupt.
Mike Huckabee was Governor at the time I was suffering with the promise to show the corruption if he is elected. I did make contact with him and he did nothing. Asked me a few questions is all. Actually told everybody there was no corruption in Arkansas. I can’t stand that lying jerk either. And nothing worse than a lying Christian.
H.G. Foster was a prosecutor back in 1998. Now he is a Judge. What happened to me was a drug addict or actually a meth addict run me over with a truck. It wasn’t me bouncing off the truck. I went under the truck. I can still get around but gets harder all the time. I spent the last 18 years in pain. I had the very best insurance money could buy so there is no reason I should not have had proper medical care. Last time I went to see a doctor I was in a lot of pain because my ribs are still broke. I was turned away and I have witnesses to this. I have had to self medicate. I was at a point I couldn’t sleep anymore because of pain which almost killed me. I had to deal with PTSD and another condition called “unwanted thoughts” that goes with PTSD in the form of an anxiety disorder. The unwanted thoughts was me being run over again and again for years. Every minute I was awake I was continuously being run over. I didn’t have a doctor to help me. Medical help was not given to me with the exception of repairing my shattered ankle after I was run over. Other than that is was all covered up. Everything. But I was able to eventually fix my PTSD. My mother was a nurse and she got me in to see a doctor who told me I was in bad shape and this doctor did give me medication that took the pain away where I could sleep. And this is when I learned to self medicate.
I took H.G. Foster to court. It wasn’t easy. He didn’t want to show up and the Judge did nothing about that. But while I was trying to talk to the Judge, she started making faces at me. I rode her ass up and down. I chewed on her ass and I know everybody in that court house heard me. Nothing she could really do. Her name is Karen Baker. She is now in the Arkansas Supreme Court.
This right here is why I can’t stand politics. There is not anybody in the USA that will defend the constitution which is the cojones of the USA. The USA is neutered and Americans don’t have any idea. The politicians have the people exactly where they want them. At each others throats and bickering and they hide behind it.
What I would do to sit with Duterte for 30 minutes… he could give me a voice and I could give him armor to stand against any US politician that wants to talk about extrajudicial anything. Or rights to court. Or human rights. Or the simple right to breath which was almost taken from me.
If you have opinions, I will not say anything about them. If you want to sit here and spew lies I take offense to that especially when you try to include me in them. To me you are no better than a corrupt politician when you sit there and spew hate and lies like you are doing. Some of the things you say ARE NOT opinions and really have no place here in this forum. LIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES – nothing to do with the USA.
I can’t stand liars. I can’t stand politicians. Especially from the USA.
Now, I want to offer a bit of proof as to what I talked about here. I found out earlier HG Foster was a Judge. And he has an email. So I sent him an email. And I sent this email to the President as proof. If I was to lie I would be in serious trouble for this amount of slander. I actually call a Judge a murderer and if that was a lie it would be slander. I got no response from it or at least not yet. I kind of figured they would stop my Social Security checks but so far I get them all. I guess they rather I stay here in the Philippines.
Gary ~ Like I said, everybody is entitled to their opinion, so stop complaining about mine. I respect yours regardless of whether or not I agree with it.