As October draws to an end (Okay half way), and the rainy season will soon be but a memory the obligatory clean up must start. First the powers washing of all the mold off our roof top patio, and front and back yard decks. Then the first few feet of the Great Wall of Bataan that encloses our property. November’s water bill will be a bear!
Mayang has the ground crew mowing and trimming the front yard, weeding and making nice for the Christmas (I was told I could still use that word here) season. I was in no mood to re-sod the front and back yard so I requested the grass not be cut during the rainy season, as the pounding rain destroyed the lawn in the past when the grass was cut short. So for once I was paid attention to, and my wishes were carried out.
Then the crew moved to the back yard, where her plant that consumed Bataan and covered the fish pond was trimmed to within an inch of its life. It still goes over our wall and covers our neighbor’s fence as well, but so far they seem to like it. It is free!
The power washing is waiting for completion as the machine is resting and is now in the shop being repaired. Woe is me, as I so much wanted to do that boring chore. (And no, I did not sabotage the machine)
“The power washing blessing”, two days after it hit the repair shop and I’m glad it’s in the shop or I’d have to start again, because the Pas Asa sent another Typhoon our way. Need I tell you that Manila flooded? Olongapo and Dinalupihan received some wind and rain and are fine, but the northern part of Luzon was hit by the full storm. Do they have trailer parks there or what? Because they sure are a storm magnet up north, God bless and protect them!
Today, Saturday 12 Oct. we are still dealing with the Typhoon’s edge, with power outages and rain. But the fish in Mayang’s pond are quite happy what with the new influx of fresh water.
My Honda generator is a chuggin’ away, and I just realized this morning that all my gas cans are empty, but have no fear, as Nephews and Peso’s will fix that problem a little later in the day, or the power could come back on? Nope, I’m sending for the gas!
So in the Grand Scheme of life, this is nothing but a minor irritation, yet another tribulation that living here will hand you. The beer Ref. is full, the family is safe and dry, Jupiter is aligned with Mars (I’m not that sure about that) and the US Government is as dysfunction as it’s always been. And I wouldn’t trade living here for any reason you could come up with.
Another great article. Loved the Great Wall of Bataan lol. Good work sir.
I came home from sea as they were building the wall and thought to myself “I’ll bet they can see that from space.”
That is a fine protective wall. No overconsumption of SMBs could cause you to fall outside. Hopefully the SMB truck was able to make it over the zig zag road because Billy is supposed to be here and he can put quite a dent in the supplies.
I have not heard from Billy yet, any word on your end? Call me if you hear from him.
Paul, Billy just e-mailed both of us. By the way Texas Joes has a darn fine burrito now.
Gut it we’ll see you tomorrow!
One of the hotels in Baloy beach got so much rain that the retaining walls around the property turned it into a big swimming pool. Water up to your waist. This weekend was Santi and another typhoon is on its way. Will be up to letter Z in no time.
Baloy Beach has always flooded, but retaining walls should be made to let the water out also. But more importantly DID THE BAR SURVIVE? (LOL).
hey, got to do something while the weather lets you outside… When is the next one due?
This rainy season has been the wettest I can remember in the last 20 plus years, but the sun has been out in spite of it.
Very interesting as here on Panay the rainy season has been dry.
If you need any water we’ll be glad to send it to you. But it is odd as how that can be like that.. Let’s ask the folks at Pag Asa!
Thats life mate lol
That and everything else!
Glad everyone survived “Santi” all safe and sound. We are looking to make another trip to come visit you guys,but it may not be till after the first of the year. Schedule pretty busy until then.
Mr. Duck;
First of the year of the year sounds go. Enjoy your first Christmas season here, it can be fun, if it don’t kill you.
I would love to enjoy my first Christmas here, but it looks like we will be spending it in Australia pending Anne’s visa approval. Her 2 uncles there want us to visit so they can meet me and are paying for the whole trip. Can’t beat that deal. She has not seen them in a while. There is always next year lol.
A Christmas in Australia would be a great time,, great country and good folks, I wish I could go. Enjoy yourself!
Hello Paul: Excellent article. Even stormy weather in the Philippines sounds like an adventure. Yes, our Congress and the President in the U.S. are still too dysfunctional. I don’t think that a solution between health care and welfare can be resolved anytime soon. The costs of living and labor costs have risen too quickly. Our storms are economic ones. I have some years before retirement to the Philippines and looks forward to that time. Have a great week.
The next time I’m sitting sharing a beer or two with any Americans and one makes a negative comment about the Philippine government, I’ll point out where the US has no government to speak off. Just a convoluted group whose job it was to design a horse and a camel was the best they could come up with.
I’m happy I live here!
I took full advantage of the government shut down. I went all out and ripped off the mattress tags. I knew nobody would stop me.
Monday I posted this on Face Book! Great Minds….
My Brother Dan pointed out the government is still shut down, now’s your chance, tear off that mattress tag! Do it with impunity! They just can’t stop you, unless you bring your mattress to a National Park or Memorial.