Last week as I sent my missive off to Sir Bob, I closed, by wondering what would crop up that I could write about the following week, but also with the hidden knowledge that the Philippines will never disappoint you. Something mystifying or magical will always come up; you only have to walkout your front door to find it.
I took Mayang to her Doctor for a blood test to find out if her treatments are working. They were! But while there I took the car to Dad’s Car Wash to spiff it up a bit. When I noticed a garden hose in the trunk plus he spray handle to my power washer, I thought that odd as I have a section in my man cave to store that.
Back to pick up Mayang (Mrs. Thompson) and knowing that inquiring minds need to know I brought up the subject of the hoses in the trunk. “Oh Mahal, I forgot to tell you. Amor (The electric motor GUY of Weed Whacker fame) needed them to repair the Power Washer.” she explained.

My blood pressure was raising, my sense of humor moving briskly to the back burner, or to put it simply; I was getting ratchet jaw angry. One month and now Amor wants to find out what the problem is. Unsatisfactory is what popped into my head with a few deleted expletives. I mean this is the very same man I gave a second chance to after my weed whackers debacle. Harking back to an old expression “It’s better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.” Foolish me I was so wrong!
On the drive there, I was very sullen and planning my tirade that I wanted to vent upon Amor. As I pulled up he was standing on the curb smiling. What, was he trying to re-jack my jaw? Then I remembered that no one smiles when they know they messed up, except maybe one or two idiots, but not here in the Philippines.
So I exit the car, he shook my hand and asked for the hose and spray handle. Whoa Nelly, something is very wrong with this picture, I glanced at my wife and she didn’t seem angry, Amor was not contrite yet I’m boiling in silence and just smart enough to not open my mouth.

The assistant hooks the power washer up, plugs it in and commences to spray water profusely out of the proper end of the machine. Amor was beaming, the assistant was smiling, and Mayang was yakking away and I’m thinking there must have been a mis-communication between the predominantly Tagalog speaker and the predominantly English speaker, and I almost took it out on Amor. Now that would have made me feel bad if I had. But in 20 years I’ve learned to bite my tongue until I’ve a better grasp on the situation and not go postal on the innocent. Between my bad hearing and my darling wife’s way of explaining things to me, I can see where it almost went wrong. Being a fair guy, I’ll accept the blame. Why not?
After loading the trunk with my repaired Power Washer, I noted a submersible pump on the work bench that looked like the one in my fish pond that pumps the water to the waterfall that had stopped working over Christmas, and of course Amor can fix that, I then pointed out that my fan was making a strange sound, to which the assistant made the very same noise, in shock I wondered, when had he been to my house? Both items will be delivered there soon.
So a lesson was learned, and forgiveness was given for a past mistake, a bigger mistake was avoided. And I now have an official electric motor “GUY” on my speed dial. But once more I’m believing that my being hard of hearing is the problem, so I’m going to choke back my pride and go to (Dare I say it?) Manila to see the VA about hearing aids since my poor hearing is caused by all those big guns I fired while in the Navy and I thank heaven I was never on a Battleship, as I’d be speaking in sign by now.. Did I really just say I was going to Manila???
I sometimes have gone off without hearing the whole story. But I’m learning now its just not worth it because all it does is raise you’re blood pressure and make matters worse. Hopefully the VA will take care of your hearing, but I like you try to avoid Manila if at all possible.
Since I’m the guest in their country, I more than often assume that it’s me that does not understand the situation. And even if I’m wrong I’ve still erred on the side of good relations. That day was a perfect example.
The luck of the Irish, I have just found out that the VA sends a representative to Olongapo City once a month and I might not have to suffer the trip to Mega Manila. Oh happy day…
Paul I have two ears and only one mouth and brain. Add to that, the many Multiplication of the language difference i personally learnt it is better to stay quiet and double and triple check my responses. well i do really try.
James Speight;
Good advice that I also tried to adhere to while living here, I only wish I’d learned it in the Navy, I might have made Master Chief.
That’s why I drink the SMBs & Tanduay — it mellows me out.
Hi Loren;
It mellows me to but at 11 in the morning? (lol) Oh Don Cook snuck into town yesterday. He said to say “HI”.
Hi Paul, sometimes being deaf is a blessing in disguise I suffer the same with my hearing,
Sometimes it’s okay next day I’m deaf as a door nail, I think it’s best to go with the guy you
Know to fix your household stuff ,as for Manila I love living here yes the traffic is bad but you
Get use to it Derek in sunny pasig.
I grew up in a big city (Boston) and we had a great subway system to get around even if it is your first visit. But Manila; I’d rather take a thumping from a large man than get stuck in that traffic. (lol)
My wife also has a list of her repair “GUYS” the Matag repairman is coming this week as her dryer won’t get hot..
Paul…you are a man after my own heart…I too know “big” city and while it might be something that might have to be endured? is not something I want to invite if it can be avoided.. I do not really want to have to get “used” to anything anymore…lol and sometimes a poke in the eye with a sharp stick might be the preference…
I am deaf in one ear…many have felt sorry for me because of that…but?.. having had this “disability” since I was an infant?…I have gotten many a good nights sleep by simply rolling over onto the good ear…:)
True I’m not so much anti-Manila (Well a little maybe) as I am anti- big city. But if they are easy to get around in they aren’t so bad. I love Singapore, but I can’t afford to live there.
I’m looking forward to hearing aids that I can shut off when next to an idiot at a bar..
Hi Paul , I know you don’t like the big city but for me it’s home this is were my business is,
Yeah the traffic is crazy here in Manila yes I would like to live in Singapore but I could not
Afford it , drove around Subic a few times much more stricter there but soon as you go
Through the gates back into olongapo back to normal mayhem,not as bad as Manila
Looking forward to meeting you got Workers in at the moment fixing our kitchen bloody termites.
Derek in sunny pasig ,
As you drive through the Subic Free Port those Kano’s you see standing at intersections are gambling, we bet on what the Manila drivers will do when at a four way stop sign. The look like a deer in the headlights as they have no idea who goes first. It would be a great place to open a bar.
Boy this hits home here with my wife..
I have suppressed many times.
You have to remember here all the time the way they think act and do.
and by doing so it has ALWAYS been the right thing to do
Misscommunication is a hot topic
Often if it’s not an important subject I’ll wait to find out what she said when it happens, and I think she does that to me too. Or if its time sensitive information we will stop and clear it up. We call it “Translation Time” Or coming down the stairs and finding people in our living room, and she says; “Remember I told you three days ago?” Of course I do darling!!!
Ah the miscommunication thing…………………… many arguments has that caused?
My favourite though is when something in the house gets broken and I don’t know about it until I go to use it.
I can accept that things do break, especially with some of the cheap stuff my wife buys when thinking she is saving money, but if I was just told then I could replace it. There is nothing more frustrating than preparing to start a 10 minute job and then finding that it takes two hours longer as I have to go out and replace the tools.
I suppose I could always sit down with and ice cold SMB and put the job off until tomorrow!!
I’ll sign up for your procrastination theory with a cold SMB. But the truth is we don’t argue as I refuse to, it used to drive her nuts years ago, but she deals with it now. I’d say something like this’ “You are a beautiful woman, until you scrunch up your face in anger.” While keeping a smile on my face and a even tone. Vanity be thy name woman.
Hi Paul, stop sign what’s that did I tell you I got a ticket for stopping at a red traffic light
When I started driving in Manila, only in the Philippines lol .
Derek in sunny pasig .
Because you were halting the flow of traffic, consider the folks behind you when you drive in Mega Manila. I was stopped for driving the wrong way on a one way street, the ticket was for failing to turn on my Emergency blinkers after I realized what I was doing.
Hi Paul, that’s right its completely different type of driving then back home you have to quickly
Adapt, the number of motorcycle accidents in Manila is really bad some of them have total
Disregard for the road,seen a few lately the sad thing is not many wear helmets ,
And have been drinking. Derek in sunny pasig.
Drunk driving is stupid and drunk driving on two wheels is suicidal, just put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. I’ve owned countless bikes all big boys and that is the one thing I can say I’ve never done. I did push a Norton two miles from a bar to my house in 1968. After that I put it their back room and got it in the morning.
Hi Paul, drink driving is totally stupid never done it never will the story of the norton that was a big bike
How you managed to push it 2 miles I’ll never know, my brother had a norton commando give me a lift
Once the fastest bike I have everbeen on that was back in 1971 ,I’ve had a few motorcycles but nothing
Compared to that bike thanks for your time Paul.
Pushing a bike is not that hard as they are balanced. but the looks I got were a little strange. One cop went by but I guess he thought I was out of gas. My was the 850 Norton Commando the told me it was capable of 140 MPH. I never found out, I’ll take their word on that.
Hi Paul, maybe you should do a post about motorbikes you had over the years,I remember you’re done
One on cars the first bike I had was a triumph motorcycle I got for free in a cellar of a methodist church
When I was 16 years old it had no engine but I soon found one and fixed it up , had a few bikes after
That but was persuaded by my father to buy a car he said it’s was much safer and there’s no way I was
Going to give him a lift to the pub on a motorcycle. Happy days Derek
Brit bikes were the Norton, a 500CC BSA and a Triumph (Thumper) 650. Great bikes.