There is a lot of talk in the Philippines about the “Duterte Effect”. What is the Duterte Effect?

Well, what people mean when they utter that phrase is that because of our new President, and how tough he is perceived to be, people kind of “fall in line” without need to be arrested or whatever, just to avoid the wrath of the new President.
As an example, in the days leading up to the oath taking of Rodrigo Duterte, a lot of criminals, especially drug dealers and manufactures were actually going to Police Stations across the country and turning themselves in, rather than being killed after Duterte took power. I am kind of used to this kind of effect here in Davao, people here tend to try to be on their best behavior and avoid committing any crimes, just because they fear what will happen if the (then) Mayor finds out.
Well, I experienced the Duterte effect myself earlier this week.
Over two weeks ago, I made an online purchase from an eCommerce site in Manila. Their procedures for payment were rather quirky, although normal for here in the Philippines. You had to go to the bank physically and deposit the money into their bank account, then scan the deposit receipt and email it to them. After receiving the email with the receipt they would ship you your purchase.
So, over two weeks ago, I did this, and placed a small order, only about $10 in all. I emailed them with a copy of my receipt. It was shortly after sending that email that I started having my heart problems. On Monday this week, I remembered about the order, and was wondering where it was, because it was long overdue. So, I emailed the company and told them that I wanted to find out where my order was. I also said that I wanted them to “ship it to me here in Davao City” immediately. That was at like 6am in the morning when I emailed them. I got a reply from the company before 7am, which is very rare!
They told me that they were very sorry and that they would ship it to me as soon as the shipping company was open! I received the package in 24 hours.
The thing is, when they responded to my email, they indicated that they were worried about the poor service “because you are in Davao”. In other words, they were worried that the President might get mad at them, or do something to them because I was in Davao and they did not treat me well. I showed this to several friends, and everybody got a good laugh out of it.
So, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank President Duterte for making eCommerce better in the Philippines, especially for those of us in Davao City! Ha ha.. I never even considered that being in Davao City would lead to better customer service under the new Administration!
True story.
I thought it was hilarious! 🙂
Nice post Bob I would love to meet you here in Davao I have just started living here and am building an online business and growing a team here
Thank you, Michael. I’d be happy to meet you some time. Right now, I can’t do it. I had a heart attack about 2 weeks ago, and I am strictly staying home and resting. But, give me a shout in a couple of months! 🙂
Let’s see if he can make a difference with PLDT internet.
Maybe he will go work the checkouts at SM too! 😉
That’s asking WAY too much.
That’s kind of the point I was making. 😉
I heard that he has already authorised the Australian telecoms company Telstra, to enter the market place there in relation to telecom services, so perhaps that will sort PLDT out by providing proper competition?
Duterte issued warnings to local telcos about Internet service, and said that he will let foreign players in if they don’t improve. I am not aware of him already allowing Telstra, though. 🙂
I am in Australia..Telstra are not that good….And hopeless if you need to ring for assistance.
I hope the president can change the age discrimination for working in the Philippines
I don’t recall him addressing that issue…
Not sure he has addressed that issue.
Someone needs to bring this to his attention
Maybe you could call his hotline: 888 and let him know.
Senate bill 29 (Age Discrimination Act) was actually passed back in May after its 3rd and Final reading.
Fancy that? Now you can have better internet, food prices, no blackouts, discounts on movie theater, better contractors and workers…..
Possibilities are endless!
Glad to see you doing better. ….
Ha ha… well, I don’t think we are in danger of experiencing utopia! 🙂
Actually better internet is on its way. As soon as Duterte told the telecommunication businesses unless the internet improved he’d open it up to foreign competition they got things moving. Companies bought air space that they were sitting on.
Of course now they are complaining about government interferences. Facts are the government, with certain businesses, has to interfere. Example: Opening up telecommunications to foreign competition.
Keeping fingers crossed.
Any help is appreciated.
For sure!
I wonder if any of that will rub off on his Hometown of Maasin City? According to the local/Intternet paper, they need some help.
I think the hope is that he will improve he entire country! 🙂
I read that Manila/Davao (big cities) will be improved first. then the whole country will be vastly improved by 2018.
We’ll find out.
I gad not heard that
We shall see.
President Duterte started at a running pace; in fact he started before he was sworn in by talking with Muslims interests in Mindanao. As an ex-teacher I know that the BELIEF in what will happen (deterrent effect) can be more effective than action after the event; President Duterte has made it clear what happens if the law is not obeyed. He seems interested solely in the best interests of the people and not of himself. He may turn out to be the best leader The Philippines ever had and an example to leaders throughout the World.
Hi Steve – the things you say line up pretty closely with what I think too, and what I have experienced over the years that he was Mayor of our city.
Great minds think alike 🙂
Pleased you are well.
Ha ha, thank you Steve.
I remember the days in American when there was the Handshake Effect. The days when a man’s word and a handshake was as good as gold. Sadly those days are long gone. Would be very nice if we had a few men here in Washington D.C. like President Duterte. I am for one very glad he got elected.
I think he was the right man, Richard, and I hope that he proves me right! Yeah, the art of doing a deal on a handshake is a thing of the past, for the most part.
The euphoria is not going to last for ever.
He said three to six months maximum and the drug problem will be the thing of the past.
That means 10th of November or two days after US elections…!!!
There are no coincidences or surprises in politics.
I am of the opinion that he will do well in whatever the problems he will be facing and hope that he’ll have all the support from all levels including us, the foreigners.
I thought it was humorous.
Change is really coming in the Philippines
TV news here in Manila area has been dominated with dead drug dealers and others turning themselves into the police…
His “effect” on the country, in just one week, has been impressive
Bob that is really funny and great at the same time!
PS: Glad to see you are on the road to recovery!
I agree! 🙂
Thanks, Scott.
I would of voted for him if I could of his body language speaks for himself!
I feel the same.
i have no pity for Drug Dealers in any shape or form, as I have friend in australia that lost his 19 yr old son to drugs, so have not slightest bit of mercy or concerns if they all get shot.
Exactly. Everyone is making a big deal of the killings but, as Duterte said, this is retribution for the evil they deal out
I feel the same, Barry!
Via bene mia mogile vote duterte and yes in pampanga in last few weeks drug dealers are , well no more
Drugs and crime need to be number 1 problem to be fixed.
Next on the list should be corruption.
Then he needs to change the education system so all children get taught honesty and also how to budget their money.
If he manages all this then things will get better!
Did I mention littering? None of these floods would occur in Manila or Cebu City if all the drains were not clogged with them plastic bags
Hi Adam. We will have to watch and see how he priorities the different issues.
I think he is destined to become one of the greatest leaders of this country.
I would be quite happy if that comes to pass.
I am so happy that finally we have a president who truly care for his fellow citizens in our country! My biggest problem their is the corruptions is absolutely ridiculous. Hope the president will clean all this up!
He says he will clean up the corruption. He did it on Davao. Hope he can do it.
About time that place was cleaned up..Now you do not mind making a trip over..GO DETERTE..Best President yet..
😀 😀 😀
He has balls!
Change is coming
It is already here! 🙂
One of the main things I like about him is his contempt for the media; America should follow his example and strip the media of their power. The liberals say that the right to bear arms only applies to muskets because of when the constitution was written, then it stands to reason that freedom of the press only covers newspapers, because in the 1700’s there was no TV and radio.
The world is rejecting the political elite and the corrupt media. (Sorry Hillary!)
Ha ha.. I like that, Paul… Muskets vs Newspapers.. good analogy.
He has a lot of people running scared
Who knows maybe he will change things
but poverty is so rampant , I’m not sure what he could do on that
I pray the “effect” does not include an anti-american sentiment seeping into the general population. That would be disaster for my retirement plans and family.
None to date that I know of.