About this time every year just as the Rainy Season is waning and Christmas Season is upon us, we start our yearly projects to improve our house in some way. There will be three projects this year, and this first project started last week, Mrs. Thompson (Mayang) decided she needed new foam and three new sets of covers for the living room furniture. When she comes up with these plans, she’ll lay in wait for me to be sitting in the “Man Cave” having a beer and listening to my Country music, and then she will surreptitiously approach and present her plan. As she well knows that after a few SMB’s I’ll be most agreeable. My Daughters and Granddaughter know this trick as well.
I smiled because I remembered she had asked the very same thing of me eight months ago, and I said yes then. But she forgot. (That’s a rare event)
Now the next two upcoming projects were a bit of a surprise, but as you all know I’ll be spending some of the money I was saving for the new car, I can dream can’t I?
So on Wednesday (Oct.12th) the car was loaded back seat and trunk with foam and off her and her sister they went in search of new foam and cloth to make the three sets of covers. “Honey Ko what colors should I buy” she asked, No I was not going to fall in to that rabbit hole. So I simple said get what you like, but make sure they match all your curtains. Or I’d be buying curtains to match those new covers next month. She forgot the “Beer Rule” when asking that question.
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Later when she returned she seem a tad down, so I asked why, Mayang explained that the total cost for the new (High Quality) foam and three sets of covers for the entire living room set was P 16,500.00. Which she thought was high, I said; “Honey it was years ago when you had the last three sets made.” That made her feel so good, she now plans on redoing the six chairs in the kitchen and the Mama San chair. Will I ever learn to be quiet, and just nod, and go Tusk-tusk?
While she was searching for new material for the living room set, Christmas fabric was found, the sewing machine is coming out and we will have festive Christmas curtains for the Holidays. Will my good fortune never end?
The truth is I never get upset over things like that, as I know she just wants to change the look of our house once in a while, and I go along with her for only one reason. It’s the right thing to do. Mayang does not ask a lot from me, and when she goes in to project mode, I just agree and stand back.
Fair is fair, I‘ll be am left alone during all the Baseball games in post season, NLCS, ALCS and of course the world Series (Rangers and the Cardinals) while her projects go on around me, I don’t interfere, she’ll fix me Hot Dogs and throw them to me just like I was at the Ball Park. I’ve requested she not throw the beers.
Now that is project one, oh there is for sure a project two, commencing upon completion of project one. But that’s another story; I’ll never run out of stuff to write about. BTW the new foam and covers work quite well when watching MLB and carefully having a beer.
Next week; Project two, boy am I excited!
Go Rangers!
Pita Mike;
This is what I justed on Face Book anout that;
“Game four of the World Series today. Like last year I’m a fan of the Texas Rangers. The reason is, they are so like my beloved “Red Sox”, so quick to disappoint me! But I’ll be cheering them on again today.”
Hi Paul – 7th inning, Texas 4, St Louis 0. Seems like the Rangers will be able to tie the series 2 -2. Good luck. Maybe SF Giants will make it next year. Regards
That was one great game, I was on the edge of the chair the whole game, and maybe Boston will be there next year! (lol)
Yes there is always next year. My Detroit Tigers got bounced by the Rangers. You know Paul no wonder alot of players like to play for the Red Sox. They can drink beer and eat fried chicken in the clubhouse during the game lol. Glad you got to watch the World Series. I’ts best just to agree with Mayang on any project. They know best anyway. Looks like she did a super job. Have a nice day.
Papa Duck;
Boston loves the Red Sox, win or lose, is another reason my players love to be on the team. Plus the History of Fenway Park and the green monster.
Mayang got her other to slip covers for the living room yesterday, so I can look forward to the every three month switch. If she’s smiling, than I’m smiling!
At least you and you team got one thing in common. You can both drink while watching the game. LOL
Beer and Baseball; can we all see the connection? (lol)
hi Paul
good posting mate and u have a lovley home there but with out wife there is no home keep up the good work……..peter martin tassie
You are so right about that, without her I’d plaster empty beer cans against the wall and call it art. As for keeping up the work, she still has two more projects.
Paul..the Dog in one of the photos looks about as excited as you must be on all of this fun redoing there. That singer looks like a classic…maybe singers heavy duty model….I quess one thing nice, is that your Wife can sew everything up there and not have to sublet it out to some one else..so that a plus
The dog (Goldie) has to be everywhere with her nose in everything! She bought that Singer 15 years ago, I asked why she didn’t want the electric one, her answer; “Brownouts”
Well..Paul…that Singer sewing machine will last thru your great granddaughters life time for sure on that! [I no you do not have a great grand daughter yet ]…and of course a great answer from your Wife why no get electric one…and pretty sure now days here in USA any way that not to many of the younger women even know what a sewing machine is, let alone know how to use one…..
I’ve never met any woman in the United States that ever owned a sewing machine. After my mother’s generation.
Hi Paul – That’s why we have the Mall. Almost everything are ready to wear.
And I was thinking the mall was only there to allow me to look at all the pretty girls and grunt in the Ace hardware store.
That one too and to escape the heat.
I forgot about the heat factor, the last few months I was trying to stay dry! (lol)
Yes you have, (You just didn’t know it) Merced has four or five in her woman cave in the USA and reminds me at least once a week how I ruined her life by not leting her ship one here in the big forex box.
Big P
Shame on you, you should at least let her ship two, think of the money you’ll save on buying curtains! Wow, two guys with wives that sew, will wonders never cease. (lol)
Ha ha, make that three, Paul. My wife and my late mom-in-law are into sawing big time. Quilting, needlepoint, etc, you name it, they do it. There’s a ton of materials right now in my other house in GA and several singer and Brother sewing machine that will be on sale pretty soon. We have a couple here in VA ourselves.
Agree on you on upholstering. We have several half done projects that my wife “will finish” as soon as she gets time. But we do save a few buck doing curtain herself, including girls dresses when they young.
When my mom visited from the Philippines, for two weeks al they did was saw and saw. My mom was amazed at all the materials available and my wife was also amazed at my mom not using pattern while they were making “hammer pants” for the boys and country dresses for the girls.
We also have those tiny sawing machine I thought at first was a toy, but it was a working model not bigger and longer than a soda can.
Well I’m pleasantly surprised to hear that it’s not a lost talent. Just before I retired I noticed there were no sewing machines on the Signal Bridge. I hope for your sake that when you sell those extra machines, you find some people who know what they are. (lol)
Changing the foam and covers is a neat concept. I would never have grasped the idea without the pictures though. Those are really neat wooden couches. It makes it so much more easier and less expensive just to change the cushions instead of the whole couch as we would have to do here in the States.
I figured out though that if you ever want to disagree with her ideas then you will have to stop drinking the SMB’s. So now we know you will never be in disagreement ever. 😀
That Rattan set was handmade 15 years ago, and I keep a box of the brass tacks that holds it together and once a year repair anything that came loose. Also every two years we strip it and re-varnish then clear coat to make it shine. It’s the way to go here with the weather.
Hey Paul,
And what car is on your wishlist?
Any new one!
Well, is she really going to match the sofa covers with your pink curtains? Or maybe leave the Christmas curtains up year round. Just kidding. I know its best to leave the decorating ideas with the wife.
I hope you drew the line on decorating the man cave. A fridge, telly and various tools lying around are all you need. And maybe some tool calendars from 10 years back.
She has over 10 sets of curtains, but with all the other projects she has not had the time to change them. I sit with a beer and watch the ball games and stay out of her way.
The “Man Cave” is mine to do with as I please, unless she doesn’t like what I’ve done (lol). I wish I had some of those old calendars, but old Tanduay calendars with the girls are a great substitute.
Quite right in staying out of it… You will never prevail.
In the States, perhaps 20 years ago, I tried to get a sofa re-upholstered / foamed… I remember, even then, it was something like $700 or $800… an awful lot of money to me back then (and not many places to get it done…we ended up just buying a new sofa). Re-upholstering is very common here, and cheap, though the quality of work can vary, depending on who you get to do the job.
When we moved here, one of the last boxes we packed in Abu Dhabi was fabric for curtains and furniture. Rebecca went to the Indian cloth vendors and bought several bolts of fabric. At the time, I was really perplexed as to “why” we needed it. Rebecca periodically will sew new curtains or bedspreads… It is as much of a hobby as anything since she seems to enjoy it. Like you, I drink my beer and leave the aesthetics to her!
Re-upholstering is a lost talent in the states, everything is disposable now. I’ve used the same place for over 20 years now, albeit the man’s son runs it now, but he was taught well, they have also done two of my older cars for me.
Very wise of your wife to bring in that fabric from over there. I wish we could find some here. As for sewing my wife also finds it very relaxing and fulfilling, to her.
Drink that beer, don’t interfere, and a peaceful life is ours to enjoy!
Divisoria is the place for fabric and stuff, though a bit of a PITA drive for you (I think). Hundreds of cloth stores near all of the tailors there.
Wait until you need to do other stuff in Manila, drop off asawa, and find the nearest watering hole. Happy asawa, happy Paul, and saving quite a few pesos!
I Like the pary about Happy asawa, happy Paul, I’ll stay home and send her and some of her family, Very happy Paul!
“Very wise of your wife to bring in that fabric from over there. I wish we could find some here.”
Paul, as a youngster in Manila, I remember travelling “boom-bies” (Bombay) going door to door with their bolts of fabric to sell. Turbaned, chubby-cheeked and heavily bearded, they spoke Tagalog fluently with a fascinating accent. This particular boom-bie by the name of Singh used to call my Mom, Aling Turing, her favorite “suki”. 🙂 Are they no longer around?
The only boom-bies we see, come up the hill every day to collect the interest off the 5-6 loans from the Sari-sari stores.
Just being curious, do they have Sports Talk radio in the Philippines? I’ve seen Star Sports and ESPN there, but haven’t heard any on the radio.
I really have no answer for you as I’ve never turned on a radio here, there is no country music station here and so no interest for me. But I’ll wager that someone out in LiP land knows, and will chime in with an answer!
Virtually every radio station in the United States streams their signal free of charge over the Internet… Plug speakers into your computer, visit the station web site, and stream it in.
I never would have thought of that! Thanks for the help!
hi paul,
you are one fortunate hombre! good read, kudos!
Bis Doc;
Thank you, I just might be!
Your articles always amazes me. Brings smiles to my face. A simple life story,however, never stop to fascinate your readers. Keep it up!!! and keep us smiling…..Thanks a lot.
Estee Ang;
Subjects that are philosophical or political tell you nothing about what the day to day living in the Philippines is all about. I just present it through my old Kano point of view, with love and laughter. Because most of what I write about will be experienced by anybody living, or planning on moving here. I’m just telling them; “You’re not alone!”
I’m just letting them know, that just like Dorthy their not in Kansas anymore.
Hi Paul, on my comment I meant to say “sew and Sew”. In the southern part of the US, even guys are joining the women in quilting, so it is not a lost art.
I knew what you meant! (lol) Quilting and beer in a duck blind, now that’s an idea who’s time has come!
Hi Paul,
Having lived on my own for a number of years, you just reminded me what its like to live with a women,lol. Something i will have to get use to again in the future.
Love the bit about not throwing the cans,lol.
I divorced “Satan’s Spawn” in 1969 and stayed single until 1994 (the only good thing I got from her), the adjustment to marriage in 1994 was difficult, but well worth it.
Twenty five years on my own is why I can live the good life now.
My father asked once if I had a girl in every port? Now, who has been to every port?
Day off from Ball games today, I’ll get my own cans!
Financing their projects and giving them free reign with a complimentary smile
is always good MOJO for your future endevors. Besides you get the luxury of watching my Tigers whip up on the Yanks. What happen to the Socks? Choke Choke LOL
Anyway my pocket book is going to taske a beatting when we get their she wants to furnish a whole new house. OUCH Got room on the couch for another Baseball Lover? I’ll probably be drinking beer na beer by then.
Tigers? They went on vacation with the Yankees a while ago. Game 6 today Cards and Rangers. If your at my house I only serve SMB, I can’t spell that other brand. (lol)
Gotta go for the Rangers. They beat my Tigers Pretty Bad that last game.
I’ll be watching it tonight. I’ll be drinking Budweiser pretending it’s SMB.
Rangers only need to win tonight to take it, but never underestimate those Card’s. I wait until bottom of the ninth last out, before I let out my breath.
Hi Paul, game six cancelled due to weather. Like my Atlanta Braves, they quit playing when all they needed was one lousy win!!
Yup, I got the word on face-book this morning, a reprieve for the Card’s?
Yup, Cards Manager will have time to iron out there signal and playcalling to avoid confusion. Ha Ha
Tony’s not the one I worry about, it’s Ron Washington I want to get it right!
By the time my asawa gets done decorating and but stuff I’ll be drinking that local 50 Peso brandy Awe just the thought of that make me cringe.
That’s called Para-flu, and it’s gone down tp P47.
By the time my awasa get the house fixed up I’ll be drinking that 50 Peso local brandy!!! the thought of that makes me cringe and I feel my taste buds will go on strike. LOL
Now I’m confused, all is normal.
Hi Paul – Game 6 is on. Good luck to your Rangers. Do you think there will be Game 7?
Game 7? Are you watching the mistakes the Card’s are making? Their better than that, I think Texas will close it out today!
Hi Paul – It’s very possible that there might not be a Game 7, but then it’s only bottom of the 6th and they’re up by 1 only. If they (Cards) keep making the mistakes you mentioned then it’s in the bag. Is Congrats too early? They deserve it after loosing to SF last year.
That was a ride and a half game. When Texas came within one strike of winning TWICE and could not “GET ER DONE” I smiled and said; “Yup, Game 7” I think it was that home-run that convinced me. (LOL)
Hi Paul – Things aren’t looking good . Cards up by 3 end of the fifth. Ranger Pitchers are doing poorly, walking and hitting the batter. They better shape up or kiss it goodbye.
I’ll let the folks from Texas borrow a line from us folks from Boston; “There’s always next year!”
I watched the Cardinals take World Series game 7 last night. It was a good game. Hope you enjoyed it, Paul.
Another amusement I get is scanning for older music and videos on YouTube. For Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgw_yprN_-w&feature=related
This has Roy Rodgers and Dale singing “Happy Trails to You”. I suppose this dated me as one who could remember such a thing.
That was the wildest World Series I’ve ever watched, including 1986 between the Met’s and the Red sox. Great baseball!
Roy and Dale singing Happy Trails, if knowing that song says I’m old, then I’m OLD! (lol)