Living in a third world country like the Philippines, some families that have a great deal of money hire 5 or more house helpers, drivers, gardeners, security guards, bodyguards and others to make life more comfortable for themselves. I guess typical households here hire 1 to 2 house helpers. In the West only the wealthy people have the capability of hiring helpers in the house. I know the typical household there doesn’t have any helpers or drivers. Employers here pay the workers just a fraction of what people in the West would pay. But of course people here will work for that certain amount of money because that’s the wage that everybody pays. I will not pay over the price that was intended to pay for the helpers. We will give something extra to our helpers in a different way.
Well, I just walked by a school here. I’ve seen family drivers with the nanny of the kid with them that will be waiting for the child/children of their employer. Some kids will have the nanny wait at the gate and the driver will just wait outside the gate in the car. Oftentimes other drivers will get together there outside the school for the children they are waiting to get out. While waiting most of the drivers that I’ve seen before will be talking or having snacks at the sari-sari store outside the school. Most of the schools have a covered area for the people to wait for the children to come out from the classrooms. Some drivers even sleep inside the car while waiting.
A few nights ago while walking and passing by the school. I knew their was a program in school because I saw the cars parked from one end of the street to the other. I just kept walking, heading to the street I’m supposed to go. On the way, I saw a van, and the side door was opened. Saw people inside and outside. They were getting a little loud and I could tell they were having fun. As I was approaching near the vehicle, I saw a few guys playing cards. For me it was fine to play cards to ease the boredom while waiting for the kids. But something just caught my eye, one of the guy poured something from looks like a Tanduay bottle (from the silhouette from the light post) on a small glass and he passes it to the other guy. I don’t know if they really are drinking liquor or beer. I am hoping not. But if they did, what would the parents think or do if the driver they entrusted with their kids were drinking? But then again it could have been the dad of the kids too that I saw. You’ll never know unless I was really asking them. But I am not going to ask them. I could be in trouble if I did. I would be told that it’s none of my business.
I remember when my nephew was with us. We let him study and hired a professional to train him. We paid good money for him to be trained. It was worth it though. Our rules for him were that he would never drink and drive. Even just a bottle of San Mig is a no no for him if he is driving. If he drinks it’s okay, but don’t try to drive then. He was driving some of our friends around town and outside Davao. Some of our friends drink. But he never drinks while driving with those friends.
I think the employer should set rules for the drivers to follow. They should not and never be allowed to drink and drive. I’ve seen people here driving under the influence. You could tell also that they are drunk. The vehicle looks like driving on the zigzag road. But then again it could be one of the parents. I know when we were in the States during time that there’s a big holiday there, we hardly go out because so many people partying. If we have stayed there we would be a member of that MADD (Mother’s against drunk drivers). Bob’s younger sister was killed by a drunk driver. It was a head on collision, and really killed her instantly. The hard part for Bob was, he saw the scene just minutes after the accident. Everything was still there. He thought it was all of his family there inside the vehicle. It was a tough situation for him to be in. I am not sure if they have that some sort of group here for people against drunk drivers. I will ask around.
If any of you guys hires a driver try to get a good and responsible driver.
While in my youth some 45 years ago, I was stopped for failing to stop for a stop sign, and yes I had been drinking beer that night. The Policeman took me home and presented me to my father, and explained why we were there. I never drove his car again, and did not own a car until I was in the Navy. But I never forgot the lesson I learned. I can’t tell you how many times my car has stayed out all night and I took a taxi home. Here in the Philippines my wife Mayang will always drive if I had even one beer. When I drove in Italy the penalty for drunk driving was commitment to an Insane Asylum that night, as they felt you must be insane to drive drunk. …
Hi Paul – Good thing you really learn your lesson. You really are a responsible driver, you left your car on the place you were drinking when time to go home. We have the same policy then “Don’t Drink & Drive”. I’m sure Mayang won’t mind to be your personal driver when you just had a drink. 🙂
Hmmm,,, Insane Asylum commitment, that’s new to me. What would be the equivalent to that of the USA penalty? I learned something today.
Have fun having San Mig Paul!
The fine for drunk driving is about p1500, not much as a deterrent.
How do you ensure that the driver is not drinking or taking drugs? Random tests? You can trust, but how will you ever know sense the drivers spend so much time just waiting with other drivers. Boredom is a big issue.
HI Don – No wonder they just drink and drive here, if they will just pay that kind amount of money. I think the employer was the one who conduct the test if ever they have it. To be honest I don’t really know if they had that random test here for the employees for the drugs or for the drivers. I’m sure some drivers gets bored while waiting, but that does not mean they will drink while waiting for the kids or the employer though.
Good to see you here. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Good Afternoon Feyma to you and your family,
A very good article and very sad to hear about Bob’s sister I to have had tragedy
as such loosing my father and granfather both together is one car accident when I was 12 it was very sad and still is. Later in life I chose a job where I came into contact with all sorts of people who drink and drive and had to attend many accidents and house holds to break bad news to families it is very sad that people still drink and drive even in this country it just keeps going on and it should not.
I hope Feyma when you said body guards etc that scared me my brother and his family are over there do they need body gurards is it safe there that is what I am trying to ascertain how safe is it there compared to the USA and Australia or other countries Feyma? your story has touched my heart and I hope Bob like me gets through life knowing that for every wrong doing there is a better doing and if people to choose to drink there is not a problem so long as it does not hurt other people drink can be great as a social gathering but it can also destroy lives as you know any how it is a great article Feyma one day perhaps we might get to meet you and Bob my brother loves over there he is trying to get his daughter into school there see how he goes take care
philip i am sorry for u loss ok and as some one that as been run over as a boy know how u feel ok and i thank god every day i am still here to walk and run about as i have friends that the same as happend and are in care now canot wak or talk so god bless ok peter martn tassie
Hi Philip – Thank you. Sorry to hear the loss of your dad and grandfather too. It must be hard on you since you loss your dad at a young age. Wow, I could never imagine having the job you have. For me it would be hard going to the people’s house and giving them the bad news. I’m sure its a fulfilling job, but it must be emotionally draining though at the end of the day. I’m happy for you though, that you are strong and enjoying what you are doing.
Regarding your family here, where are they living here? I’m pretty sure they live in the safe area of the country. I’m sure they will tell you if they are in need of bodyguards.
Hope to meet you too in the future, just email us when you’re here already.
Nice to see you here. Have a great day!
Good Morning Feyma,
thank you for your king words yes the job was very stressful and unfortunately I got injured whilst doing my job so now I relax by creating paintings sometimes it can be stressful LOL when they don’t come out like that should, I think I sent you some pictures a while ago. I am very excited about going there and it would be great to meet Bob and you and your family over there, yes I will drop you en email when I get over there that would be great take care
hi feyma good posting but u can bet it will full on ears that do not hear very well as it is doing here at home in tassie and more and more ppl are die every day after thay drink and drive it is so so silly to me to put ur life in the hands off a drunk it is one thing i hate and as same one like my self that as been hit by a car i love to see this stopped here and now but as a cop did say to me one day we alll like to drink ok so what if u drink and dive u are a bloody mad ok……. and dont think a thing about ur self ur famliy u have in the car dont do it ok for if u have been like me u will know how it hurt not just for taht one day but for the rest off ur life take it from me i know……peter martin tasssie
Hi peterjoy – So sorry to hear about your accident. Were you hurt badly? Do your country had the group (MADD) like what the US had? MADD group are really active against drunk drivers. I hope we have the same like that group here in the Philippines.
Happy to see you here again mate. Have a wonderful day!
Feyma, here’s a scenario for you to think about. What if you have a driver for your kids, and someone saw him drinking on the job, would you want to know? What about if that person decided, oh I don’t want to get involve, it’s none of my business and then your driver along with your kids got in an accident. Then you found out that someone knew about your driver, drinking on the job. What would you say to that person?
PS. I am not implying that you should have gone to talk to these guys in the van. That could have been asking for trouble. But maybe you can take the license plate number and report it to the school of what you’ve seen, maybe be the school can do something about it. If it was my driver, I would want to know. I’m sure you would want to know, too!
Hi Miss August – Good thing we don’t have a personal driver. You’ve been away from the Philippines far too long. People here just don’t get involve too much on other peoples lives. I almost got in trouble before when I meddle (trying to helped out) with other people lives. I’m not going to interfere now. Got my lessons from it. I will do it if I have other witnesses. This is the Philippines, people here lives differently than there.
I understand your point and I hope you got my point too.
Thank you for stopping by here!
Hi Feyma,
Do we still use the term “third world country” in describing the Philippines? Di ba “developing country” na? 🙂
If I’m not mistaken, 3rd world country is a term used during the Cold War to those countries which were not in allegiance with neither the 1st world (US and its allies) nor 2nd world (Communists and its allies).
If we’re talking about the economic and political standing of the Philippines in the international arena, then we may say we are a ‘developing country’ as compared to 1) ‘developed countries’ or countries with more advance economies and high standards of living and the 2) ‘under developed countries’ with low income, low literacy and high mortality.
Yes, Philippines did belong to the 3rd world countries, but that term is useless now since the Cold War has ended. Also, according to Wikipedia, we’re under the “developing countries” category. 😉
Hi Jon – I’ve been hearing from other people the term “third world country” here. I guess it just didn’t sink in to the people here the feeling of developing country yet. Honestly looking at the big cities in the Philippines. Yeah Philippines is a developing country, but if you go outside the city just a little further away, you can tell its really like in the third world country.
Good to see you again Jon. Hello to the family. Take care!