Being of Irish descent, and remembering my Grandparents telling me of the Great Potato Famine of their youth, and of their migration to America. I’ll freely confess that in my life Potatoes have been a mainstay in my diet. I won’t list the many and varied ways that potatoes can be cooked or prepared as Mr. Martin likes our articles to be 500 words or more but also not novels, and the list would exceed that of War and Peace. During the story I’ll mention a few, but not all as I’m sure I’d miss too many. But quickly I’ll bring up Twice Baked Potatoes and wonder why anyone would do that? I guess it’s like re-fried beans, that weren’t cooked properly the first time.
Now to the meat of the subject, or I guess starches if you want to call it that. As I said above I like potatoes in most of its forms. But please don’t serve it to me with every meal; the sheer repartition would put me off them for life. Once in a while I like Kanin, but again not three times a day until I can’t stand to look at it. Mix it up.
At Casa Mayang there burns; the “Eternal Flame”, that little red light on the rice cooker glows 24X7 365 days a year. And I wouldn’t attempt in my wildest dreams to extinguish it. My family loves it and that is good enough for me. The other day I made a meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes and Green Beans with bacon grease. The family all ate some including the potatoes yet each also had rice with their meal and liked it. When I eat a Filipino meal, I eat it with rice and have never asked for potatoes to go with it. But then there is no “Eternal Flame” that accompanies potatoes.
Now for another situation that comes up quite often, If I attended a function or party, and note there are no Hamburgers or Hot Dogs served, I gladly eat what is presented and enjoy it. But that hamburger is still in the back of my mind.
Fifteen years ago we drove to a tiny village (I think the name was “Wide Spot in the Road”) out towards Eba the Capital of Zambales. We were there for a wedding and arrived on Friday and stayed until late Sunday afternoon, pure Filipino style, sleeping on the floor with twenty five other guests and me wishing there was a Motel “6” close by with the light on.
We were fed Pancit and rice for every meal for three days, except for the wedding reception had other foods and pancit, but that was on Saturday afternoon, but Saturday night? Back to pancit and rice again. Now I’m not complaining (Maybe a little) as I understood the family was on a budget and still had to feed the multitudes with a few loafs of bread and a few fish. So I kept my Kano mouth shut and smiled and said thank you for the bounty I was about to receive.
Sunday morning with a pounding head, (Yes I helped the family by buying a case of Emparaflu and many cases of Red Horse. for the never ending party). But when my bride of a few years asked if I was hungry for breakfast, I answered; “By all that is Holy, you’ll never understand just how hungry your husband is.” So grab the two girls and head to the car, off through endless rice paddies until we hit the ultra small town of Tooley Junction the next town up from Podunk. (I can’t remember its real name) there I found no restaurants, food courts or alike. Doomed I tell you I was doomed! Out of the corner of my eye I spied one of those Burger Machines Trailers with a young girl slightly older than our two girls and asked her if she wanted to make a lot of money today. My eldest daughter translated. The young lady nodded her head in the affirmative.
Off to the market I raced where I found Bacon, eggs bread butter paper plates and plastic cutlery than racing back to the Burger Doodle I asked; “Is the grill hot, I received the nod, and went behind the counter and using the hot burger grill I cooked a real breakfast to include our new young friend “Burger Girl”. Four Filipina’s laughing, one Kano cooking and dancing over the grill even toasting the bread on it, I’ll dare say that no Denny’s on earth could have served me a better breakfast. The young lady got to keep all that was not consumed and a 500.00 Peso tip, not to mention her free meal. I can imagine that someday her future grandchildren will hear the story about the day “The Kano” visited her workplace by the side of the road.
This article was not supposed to be this long, but my mind went off on a tangent thinking about the hunger I lived through. But I really did have a fun weekend, but every time after that, I traveled with a cooler for food, and the other with beer.
So when Joy, our favorite waitress at Sit-N’-Bulls or the girls at Texas Joe’s ask; “Kuya Paul, why don’t you eat Filipino food?” I smile and say; “I do, but not all this time!”
My friend’s twelve year old Daughter told me a joke a long time ago.
Kuya; how do you say rice in Tagalog? My response was Kanin.
Kuya; how do you say rice in Spanish? My response was Arroz.
Kuya; how do you say rice in English” My response was RICE of course!
She smiled and said; “Kuya Paul, Rice in English is Potatoes!”
I too have been the subject of curious onlookers when I cook for the masses at functions.
Last trip we made REAL tacos and all the trimmings. After a quick class in how to eat them, all that tried them loved them. Even made the soft shells on the back of a cast iron pot from scratch! FYI, sour cream was made using regular cream dosed with calamansi…yummy yum yum.
However, as with all things in the Philippines…I did spy several folks adding rice to the taco. I said not a word, cuz they may not understand that a taco with rice is called a burrito! LOL. And yes, the left over wrappers were used to make breakfast the next day and yes….potatoes eggs and Liempo sliced super thin and fried was involved.
There is a small restaurant on the Highway close to my house that servers a great Taco, I bring my own sour cream (Available everywhere in Olongapo) but other than that it is perfect. I tried to explain Burrito’s to the owner but all I received was the blank stare.
In the Barrio there is a Famous Mexican Restaurant (Plus hotel and resort built later) called Papa-Guyo’s, which has a complete Mexican menu. (The owner was born in Mexico and was in the US Navy) Next time you cook, feed them potatoes! (lol)
Hi Paul, I’m also of Irish descent. I’m planning my move to the Philippines soon. My wife is in bingowan, near Iloilo. We got married there and plan on living on the family farm. We’re expecting a child in march. I was planning on staying longer than the 21 days, what’s the best way to go about it. buy a one way ticket til I know when I will come back to the states. Or do I have to have a return ticket. Can I get an extension at the airpirt. I will be looking to invest in business, or do side things to make more money. I don’t need to make a lot, if u have any suggestions or info, or help I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks. And I’mgetting used to eating rice with everything even at KFC, I wanted biscuit but don’t have only rice. lol
Yes you must enter with a ticket out of the country in your hot little hand. But there have be some changes to how long you can stay, but I don’t keep up with them. BUT!!! I know that there is a fellow LiP reader who does and when they read this your question will be answered, because it’s what we do on LiP! Paul’s advice;, do not invest until you are here full time to see how it’s working. Trust but verify. KFC here used to serve mashed potatoes with gravy, I don’t know if they still do because Jolly Bee fried chicken is much better.
As Paul said, you must have a ticket out of country, but if you do not know how long you will be staying then don’t get a round trip ticket. Get your one way from the states, then buy a ticket to Hong Kong, it’s a cheap ticket and you can get it after you get here.
As for the change in how long you can stay. It has changed and like Paul I am not up to date on it, but I did try to go to the Immigration (or BI as some call it) web site so that I could answer your question, but it was down, here is the link. . You will find everything you need on there site about the visa. The BI site has gotten a lot better at keeping the info up to date, not like in the past.
Check out the Forum at the top of the page as you will find a lot of great info from people there.
Good Luck
Oh Paul, great article again and I would have love to seen that, a kano in the BM trailer.
First, thank you for the information for Russell; I knew someone would have the answers.
When I reflect back on cooking that breakfast at the Burger Doodle Trailer I must have appeared insane to anyone watching. I believe they’ve erected a statue on that spot, not to me but to the brave girl who put up with me.
I took my wife and her sister last week to New England. They got to experience fish and chips, lobster/clam bake with potatoes and corn. Last night she got mashed potatoes. We managed 4 days no rice and they both survived. They now like potatoes lol.
Massachusetts once had a blue law that prohibited adding tomatoes to Clam Chowder; yes we dislike New York that much. But a New England Clam Boil on the beach in a 55 gallon drum full of (seawater) corn, turnips potatoes onions and more, with clams quahogs and lobster all in the same pot is to die for. (Did I mention beer???)
My wife proved that she can go without rice for short periods of time when we travel, but if it’s within a mile she’ll find it. (lol)
I lived in Norton Ma for years and never heard of your recipe, but I’m going to try it yummmmm
They named the Fig Newton after your town,
I spent every summer of my childhood on “The Cape” Clam-boils were weekly with us. With my folks it was get us (My four Brothers and me) out of Dorchester for the summer or get us out of jail at Station 11 in Fields Corner.
Correction: You said Norton I read Newton please skip my fig Newton reference. BTW where is Norton? That’s one I don’t know.
Rice with spaghetti turned my head the first time I saw it.
I’m pretty lucky when it comes to spuds. My wife makes mashed potatoes and even a great potato salad. She also makes a bad ass meatloaf.
We split up the Kano, filipino food, with about a 70-30 ratio, with the filipino the 70 part. She can go without the rice for a few meals, her sister on the other hand has to have it with every meal. I don’t care what kind of food is served, it better come with rice.
I told my wife…potatoes are our rice.
Sweet Spaghetti with red dye #5 hot dogs turned my stomach the first and only time. My family likes my pasta sauce with Italian sausage, and my Granddaughter will turn up her nose if you serve her the sweet one.
Because my wife’s maiden name is Adobo which I like as long as the 2 inches of grease is removed from the top. She also learned that if I’m going to eat it remove the bones from the chicken if it is made to eat with a spoon.
Paul do you want rice with breakfast? Yes, can it be fixed hash browned?
I totally agree with you on the boneless adobo! I don’t understand why the bones are there. if you want it cooked with bones for flavor, that’s fine, but remove it when it’s time to eat. I don’t want to have to rifle through it to get bones fragments out of it. Kind of reminds me of eating wild game, mostly duck or geese, from my grandpa… “watch for bird shot”, he’d always say!
REMOVE THE BONES!! If it’s not fried, there’s no reason for a bone! 🙂 But, I digress. I think.
How about the fish head in the soup? (LOL)
As always, a great article, and the joke at the end is too true as well. Our “rice” is potatoes!!!! Growing up, we never had a lot of money, potatoes were cheap, and filling. So, you could feed a lot of kids, give them a full belly, and they were happy to go off and play and burns off those carbs!! Yes, you could mention a million ways to cook or prepare potatoes, but it might be reminiscent of Forest Gump’s Bubba telling the many ways to prepare shrimp!
Thanks for the read!
Without potatoes I’ve have never reached the age of 15, I’ve always loved them, so I can understand the Filipino feeling the same about rice. I just like the many ways you can prepare potatoes so it seems different with each meal. But I also love fried rice!
Fried rice & SMB,s Mmm Mmm good (Once or twice a month)
All things taste good with SMB!
Since moving here .my middle name has changed to Rice……So has my mid=section…Beer very good also
If you ate uncooked rice while drinking beer, I wonder what would happen???
I commend you on you ability to adapt and overcome when you want something different for breakfast. But you need to avoid Emparaflu and Red Horse if possible. This is the equivalent of The Beast, MD 20/20 or Tanduay RHUM. The outcome will never be good. By the way, during my last visit I bought a bottle of 15 year old Tanduay Rum. I have yet to try it. I’m hoping for the best. Anyway, for me, potatoes rule most of the time but sometimes it just has to be rice.
Both the 12 and 15 year old Tanduay are excellent, albeit I prefer the 12 year old over the 15. (Just a matter of taste) But I also keep their 5 year old RHUM around as it’s great for lighting BBQ’s. I buy the Emparaflu, because my neighbors seem to like it. As for Red Horse, I don’t like the taste at all.
In Japan I liked rice when they used it to make sake.
The first time I had ever seen rice with breakfast was the first time I visited The Philippines. I eat rice maybe a few times a week and I like it with butter on it but 3 times a day would be a bit too much for me. Has anyone ever tried rice with a bit of sugar sprinkled on it ? My grandmother ate rice that way and she was the only one I ever knew that did that. You have made a good point Paul, potatoes are our rice. I hadn’t given it much thought until I thought of meals I get at a local diner here, Western Omlet with home fries ( potatoes ) and toast for breakfast, Hamburger Deluxe with French Fries for lunch, and a big juicy steak with a baked potatoe for dinner. That is not really my regular diet but it could easily typify having potatoes 3 times a day.
I enjoyed reading your item ” The day the Kano took over the grill ” at that roadside food vendor. I can just picture that.
The only way I remember having rice when I was young was something my Grandma would make. She would add some raisins when she cooked the rice, the serve it with some sugar on it and milk or cream, was very good for breakfast. My fiancée has gotten to where she prefers potatoes to rice, but her mom blames me for that.
Bill S;
Or yeah you take the blame for the potatoes, but don’t they realize it just because potatoes taste good! (lol) Breakfast rice I remember that too, and in the Navy they tried to give me grits also, at least that mixed well with runny eggs
The day I commandeered the grill I was so hungry I thought I was going to pass on.
But with potatoes if I had to eat French fries with every meal, I get bored with them soonest. When your through with a pan of mashed potatoes (The real deal) spread them with a rolling pin, sprinkle Cinnamon and powdered sugar on it and roll it up tight, put it in the ref for a few hours and slice it and you’ve got a wonderful candy. (My Grand Mother Molly’s treat for us kids)
Try that with rice! (lol)
Some nice mashed potatoes w/gravy and corn/peas mixed in sounds good right now. Even some fried potatoes and onions with ketchup will do. I like rice, but not everyday. It’s good with gravy on top, fried and being from the Tampa Area black beans and yellow rice. Cozyshack Rice Pudding is really good too. Anne survived going up to 4 days w/o rice while we were in the states. She even eats brown rice. Texas Joes sounds good right now. Mexican food I do miss a lot now. Will need another trip your way in the future. Take care and Happy Holidays since it is Sept 2nd lol
In Puerto Rico it was rice and beans with every meal, but at least the beans gave it some flavor. I did have a Happy Holiday, but only because Sept. 2nd is also our daughter Ymir Thea’s birthday, and yes they had pancit, but also Red Ribbon Chocolate cake.
Hey Paul – Spaghetti with sweet red sauce and hot eww! He he. I like potatoes with bacon bits.. the real bacon ok. If there’s potato for dinner, no need for rice, but some do. Another thing, even when there’s pancit some folks will still have that with rice. Ha ha. I can go on whole day without eating rice..but not a whole week. Gotta have rice! By the way what’s a well known Irish food. Scotland have haggis, right? Ireland has what?
I agree about the Spaghetti if any of my friends from Naples Italy were served that, they’d burn down the restaurant, they are still mad over what America has done to their Pizza.
In Ireland it is Potatoes and Point, you eat the potatoes and point at the meat all week, and on Sunday you get to eat it. Kidding, Corned beef and cabbage is a Sunday treat for dinner but of course it is also loaded with carrots turnips and “Potatoes”.
I’ve spent some time in Scotland, and never saw Haggis on the menu. So I don’t know if they really eat it or just try to gross out the tourists.
Paul, I have yet to experience the eternal flame of the rice cooker because my asawa is not with me yet but i am working it so I will get used to it. I too enjoyed your ability to adapt and overcome your breakfast problem,i agree that the rhum makes excellant firestarter. I agree about the Redhorse beer I will stick to San Mig. buy the way we are coming to Subic on the 13th of the month and love to meet you and the wife,we will be there about a week so hope we can get together. I sent an email to your facebook page but it went to your other folder as I do not have an account (i used my wife’s) hope you get it. i am asking for suggesttions as to a hotel. hope to see you there.
Once the eternal flame is lit, it will then burn forever. but it’s also an aid to navigation late at night when you go to the kitchen. As for a hotel, that would depend on where you want to stay, on the Free Port or in the Barrio. It’s the rainy season so the prices are discounted now in both areas.
I’ll check FB later and get back to you. But Lip is always my first destination when I go online (Are you reading this Bob?) But Subic is about 15 minutes from the mountain so being there on any given day is never a problem, except for floods! .
Hi Paul — Potatoes are the perfect food. Tremendously nutritious, and tasty, too. Twice-baked potatoes are twice as tasty, but half as nutritious. As for me, I’ll go with my taste buds every time!
I still think peanut butter and jelly are the perfect food, with banana’s a close tie.
Ass for you, since I’m not the spelling police I never would have pointed that out. (Maybe!!!)
I have a buddy who talks through his ass, but never one who could taste with it!
You know I had to comment on that!!!!
Paul, I had steamed kanin and tuna tonight with boiled broccoli florets on the side. I ate with chopsticks and pretended I was eating sushi (the kanin and tuna). It actually worked! Nowadays, I do a lot of pretending when my wife is not around to do the cooking. LOL
My wife went to town, I got hungry, I saw the sliced ham in the ref, but no bread, on the table there was a bag of Pan de Sol from this morning. Pretty darn good! I will survive wife here or wife gone, it’s just better when she’s here.
I LOVE sweet spagetti with flaming red hotdogs with a bowl of rice! I hope the Italians would find out about our Pinoy style spagetti hahahaha
On your next trip to Italy, while dinning at any restaurant you should volunteer to make them Philippine style spaghetti. I know the Red Dye Number Five hot dogs will be hard to find but you can substitute with normal hot dogs. Serve it to them, and then tell them; “This is how spaghetti sauce is supposed to taste!”
Please leave an address where we can send the flowers, and remember Obamacare won’t be accepted in Italy. (LOL)
Paul…I so love this story. I took a ride to Subic today and have all the fix’ns for Taco’s. Imported ground tenderloin…sharp cheddar cheese. I am going to be one happy man tonight.
Tacos are a great way to end your day, aren’t we lucky to have all this great shopping so close to us? I picked up a Butterball Turkey Breast (3.5 Lbs) at Pure Gold, so turkey dinner Sunday, and hot turkey sandwiches during the week. Mmmm good!
I’m pleased I inspired you!
Paul, my wife entertained a half dozen of her friends last week and I cooked. Chicken breasts picatta, rissato with white wine, onions mushrooms and zucchini finished with genuine aged parmesan. I also made a pomelo, papaya, mango fruit salad and fresh spinach with caramelized onion for the vegetable. As is custom they all brought something for the table. Pork adobo, spring rolls, green mango salad and more as we ate I basked in the complements to my cooking prowess my wife got up and returned with a large bow of plain rice (from the always on cooker) set it on the table where all ate it, right next to my beautiful rissato. I believe it is not the rice rather the unflavored rice they crave.
Thank you for proving the point! I’ve learned to grin and live with it.