I think a lot of you saw the video of the American guy, Jimmy posted on YouTube? Been hearing and seeing him on TV and on the internet. So I checked out his video “The 20 things he hated about the Philippines”. To be totally honest he was partly right on the subject he was talking about. Most of the videos he was showing was totally true. I know there has been lots of uproar over that video. I’ve seen positive and negative comments about it. I even saw government officials comment about it. Before this famous video, they also had the “20 things I love about the Philippines.” That video didn’t make it big on YouTube and the news over here. But the one that he had of what hated here in the Philippines really made it big on the news over here. It’s like a viral video that its talked about here for days and days and it made front page on the newspaper.
Really he was right on the subject matter. The only thing I don’t like is that he was swearing too much. His delivery I think really pissed off a lot of people. I think a lot of the foreigners here would not want to do what he did. I will not encourage Bob to do it. Like some of the Filipinos would say over here to the foreigner “you’re just a foreigner.” Bob experienced being told about that statement a few times. I don’t want Bob to be in big trouble here. Like what we always says here on LIP, we could not and will never change the 90+ million Filipinos. I know if its a Filipino would make that video and say what he says, I think its more acceptable to the Pinoys here than him. Brutal honesty is just not sitting well here. They will say the honest truth here differently, not the way that Jimmy did. I know that sometimes brutal honesty is really needed here especially in the business area of the country. But the more you say it, the more you are hated here.
I’ve seen on TV that Jimmy made an apology to the people he offended. I’ve heard people saying that he should not. They said he didn’t do anything wrong. He was just making a point that the other Filipinos would not dare to do. I wonder if the famous actors/actresses make similar video pointing out to the politicians of whats happening in the country when it comes to roads, economy and the way business is being handled here. Do you think the politicians will listens to them? And what do you think the reactions of the people? What do you think if just an ordinary person would make a similar video, do you think the people here would have an uproar over it? Were the egos of the Filipinos offended by Jimmy, just because he’s a foreigner?
It really is an interesting thought from people. I can see the open mind of the Filipinos because some saw what Jimmy meant to say. They were even praising him of his boldness. Some people really didn’t see what he was meaning to say. It still a hot topic here in the PI. I know it will die down soon. I hope that Jimmy still have more friends over what happened. He is free to say what he says, this is after all a freed country. We can say what we wanted to say, right? Feel free to say what you think about it. Just don’t swear please.
Hmmm….I missed that guy’s video. I just tried to look it up but it’s already been removed from Youtube.
Hi Cy – Yep, it’s been removed from YouTube after the big controversy. People were still talking over it.
Thank you for stopping by. Have a good weekend!
FYI, you can watch the video here.
Thank you for the link hon!
It’s not on You Tube, it’s on Channelflix I believe. It’s also linked on this post.
Oops… sorry Bob, should have read farther before I opened my mouth. I love the taste of shoe leather I guess.
Hi RandyL – Yes, they took it out from YouTube few days after the controversy. They want to make something out of it though. Can’t blame them. It’s a hot topic right now.
Good thing Bob put the video up.
Good to see you here!
I think the video from Jimmy was well done and very frank and to the point.
BUT it probably would have gone over better if he had not used so much foul F words and he still could have got his point across.
From my own experiences most Filipino/na people are NOT very direct of frank when they speak they almost always beat around the bush instead of getting right to the point. So I can see how Jimmy pissed a lot of people with his video.
Hi Neal – So true… I think with less swearing it would really be a good video. It’s the honest truth of what’s happening here. It just that the truth was out weighed by the bad words though.
Yes, Pinoys can’t and will not really tell you on your face the honest truth. That’s just the culture here. It’s hard to change that. Brutal honesty is just far from the mind here.
Good to see you always here Neal. Have a good weekend!
Too bad you put his name under his picture. If we ignore him, he’ll go away. He’s merely a wannabe comic with a failed video. Cy, you didn’t miss anything that was funny.
Failed video? That video is super successful.. viral! He got millions of views! He got what he wanted, publicity.
Bob, you are correct. I should have referred to it as ‘a failed comedy video’. Did anybody laugh?
Hi mike cowan – The only thing I want when mentioning this video. I want some awareness for foreigners what the brutal honesty here. It’s really nice to say something here like complete honesty, but please be very careful. I’ve seen foreigners say that they will say anything they want because its their freedom of speech. The only thing I can to that is “Dude this is not your country, don’t bring the way you were from your country to the PI”.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Hi Feyma,
I am always straight forward and honest when I talk with someone, but I am tactful about the way I say it. My father taught me to say what i mean and mean what I say. However, he also taught me to be diplomatic and respectful. I find that a lot of foreigners either are not taught or forget how to be diplomatic and respectful. I had watched the video when it went viral on YouTube and found what he said to be true, but the way he came across was very snide and foul mouthed. I personally love the Philippines and what he mentioned in the video really doesn’t make me feel any different. Yes toilet seats and toilet paper would be nice, but they are really luxury items there and people will take them. I think even if he had used better language people would still have gotten very upset about the subject. I have always heard “That the truth will set you free, but it sure will tick you off first.”
9 dislikes how’d u manage that LoL. I swear i’ve seen you on other Philippine forums and u seem to be another foreigner basher. Jimmy’s vid is no failure as he got more publicity then one could hope for in a lifetime
Hi feyma,
it’s not the video or the truth, but how he delivered it, I’m sure nobody would be happy if someone criticized you on how you arranged your home with lots of F words.
Hi dans – So true on that. I wished he didn’t swear too much.
Nice to see you again here.
Have a nice day!
The video is alive and well on – http://www.channelfix.com/video/174/
It was pulled from Yotube as they will make more money on their site, it certainly isn’t a failed video it woke up lots of people and hopefully change can happen.
Feyma the title is actually dislike not hate and in his silly apology he addressed using the hate word was not used nor his intention.
All in all I thought it was a good video, his humour and the F bomb at times were a bit over the top but it was an eye opener to many.
Hi John – I have now embedded the video here on this post as well.
Hi John – Well they want to make something out of it. That’s why he made that video in the first place to make some money. Can’t blame him. I just wished he didn’t swear too much. It would have been a good video if not for that so many F words in it. He got lots of positive feedback on that video too.
Good to see you here. Have a good weekend!
I don’t beleive he make that first for money….he just make a simple video saying the truth and people before they go visit there should know about this things, i went overthere only 3 times maybe 5 months together and a lots of things i like but a lots of things are not part of a modern country…like the CR, i also took picture of one in mindanao…sorry but i went back to the hotel to go at the CR…and the market where they cut the meat, it was full of blood and still cutting meat over it…not talking about the thousand flies over alle the food, meat and fishes. And about the dirt all over, i never see someone clean any wall with high pressure water… The goverment should have take this video in positive way and if my memory is good Davao took it positively. If they want more visitors they should do a minimum to amke this place more confortable to the foreigners to fell more welcome. When you go to the Cr for an emergency and there are no toilet paper even if every one around give you a smile like we always see overthere it will not remove the emergency…If the country correct these things that the guy showed on the video i am sure they will have more visitors. That is my personal view out of this.
I agree with Bob on this one, Jimmy was very successful with his video and I agree there was to many foul words but i believe that also helped promote the video. Sadly we live in a day where people want to hear those things. Maybe why the second video wasnt a success . That being said I still love the Philippines:)
Hi roger craft – So true. His video really is good. I wished he didn’t swear too much. It takes out the good message he was sending. If people chose to live here be ready to accept what ever the short comings in living here.
It really is fun living here in the Philippines.
Have a great day!
Hello Feyma
Here is the link if anyone is interested in listening:
He is blunt and yes he does swear, but many things can’t be further than the truth. Every individual will have their own complaints and praises for the Philippines, it just depends how you get your message through to others. In this case, most of the anger stems from people who cannot accept the truth of things. I love the Philippines and Jimmy Sieczka probably does as well seeing as he has been working in Cebu for over 3 years. The truth hurts, but one must also take things has constructive criticism to better themselves and their country.
Ingat everyone!
Hi jason Dance – Thank you also for giving the link. I’m glad Bob put the video up too for people to see it.
Jimmy had a point. He even has lots of positive feedback from people here and Filipinos abroad. They just wished he didn’t swear too much. Brutal honesty is just not so popular here. I’m pretty sure Jimmy likes living here. I am hoping that he gained more friends over what happened.
Thank you so much for stopping by here. Have a good day!
I would agree that his delivery is partly the problem. The other part is his apparent failure to delve deeper into the reasons behind the things he complains about. No toilet paper? Surely it never occurred to him that soft paper is a relatively expensive luxury in the Philippines. No toilet seats? Filipinos don’t need to sit down to do their business. I could go on, but I’m preaching to the choir. 🙂 The point is, he comes across as if he doesn’t understand the cultural connection behind some of his gripes. After 3+ years in the RP, I find that hard to believe. He’s either obtuse, trying to be comically cynical (and failing), or just generally intolerant. Or maybe some 4th option I’m missing.
HI Shawn – Totally… Honestly he made the video out of awareness too to other foreigners that comes here to visit. My problem with it is how he delivered the message. Just like you said too. I’m glad he made the time to make the video to show the world, I just wished he didn’t use the F word too much. But do you think if he didn’t use the F word are we all talking about his viral video right now? Maybe not.
The truth hurts sometimes. I posted the article out of awareness for the foreigners to be aware that brutal honesty is not so popular here. It’s a culture thing.
Glad to see you here. Keep reading.
Hi Feyma,
I did see this video on the behest of my fiance. I agree with you that you can can point out things but not in a derogatory manner. Also, I think it’s not fair to compare a developing country like the Philippines to a developed country like the USA. Not to mention that you are a guest in the Philippines and so you should show respect to your host, and not do all the cursing he did. I have been to the Philippines 7 times now, and hope to be going back soon, and yes I do and have seen those things he mentions in the video, but the beauty of the Philippine people, its culture, food, and communities that I have seen and visited, out weighs anything he mentions in the video, at least for me it does. BTW, my fiance said if he finds it that awful, then he should just leave. That is true, no one is stopping him from leaving, that is if he has not gotten booted out because of his comments.
On a side note, I just want to say I love reading the LIP articles. They are very informative and on some always takes me back to the Philippines if not in person than in mind. Great job on this site you and Bob have.
Thank You.
Hi Manny – I think if he said it in a nice way on his video, maybe we are not talking about it right now. His video was totally right just the way he delivered it I had the problem with too much swearing, I felt people would not believe him then. I’m glad that you enjoyed coming to the Philippines. Are you thinking of retiring here? Even with the imperfections here, we love living here. We would not be here this long if we hated here.
Thank you for your nice thoughts about our site. Bob works hard to make this site the way it is. He likes to help out and it showed. I hope that people really appreciate Bob’s hard work.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I appreciate your thoughts!
I’m disappointed that anyone these days who wants to make a point seems to deem it necessary to use so many expletives. Many of the points Jimmy made were valid but I suspect if the US and Europe had the same low cost of living and wages, that we would be up to our necks in rubbish and potholes as well. Yes it is noisy in the cities but not so much outside of them. There is a pollution and unfinished buildings but with all third world countries their transition to our standards will take time. You have to bear in mind that our countries reached this point in evolution over many hundreds of years but we expect them to change overnight! Doesn’t seem fair somehow. In summary wherever you go on this planet it is different. Some good some bad. The place you live should be chosen to suit most of your needs and then you have to accept the bad that comes with it. Nowhere’s perfect, exactly the same as the people we meet on the way.
Hi David Tamares-Little – Good point there. Yes in the third world country life is a little more difficult. Really it’s up to the individual to make their life better. Like us we chose to live here, so we accept the imperfection and try to make it better.
I think he made that video in good faith. It’s just the delivery really pisses lots of people off. Too much swearing really turned off lots of them. Lots of Filipinos agreed of what he was showing. Not all people here against of what he was saying. They just wish he eliminate too much F word.
Thank you for your comment. Have a good day!
Sure, kind of crude, but so funny! I just showed this to my kids and they say, “you really want to live there?” Yup!
Hi John Leick – I want to see your kids reactions when visiting you here in the Philippines when you live here. That would be something. An eye opener for them.
Thanks for stopping by!
For Me its a nice feedback. I know he’s making a hell sh*t out of us Filipinos..well, his right we’re making a hell sh*t too. .
Hi blanx – I’m happy you comment here. I’m glad that you saw his video in a positive way. I wished what was shown on the video wakes up a lot of the politicians here instead of whining and moaning over the video. Hope they will just do something to improve.
Thank you so much for stopping by here!
Why is it, he had to use such crude language, is it the thing today to use that language all the time, But why did he pick out the philippines, there are other countries just as bad, i admit he did have a few good points, but he has gone around it the wrong way, i found him to be pathetic, but it won’t deter me from coming to phil, i love the place and i like the people i have met, everything going okay i will be coming to the philippines in august, at Ormoc city to live for 12 months..:)
Hi Mel – That’s the only thing that makes the people mad the usage of the bad language. Lots of Pinoys agreed with him too. I think the brutal truth hurts sometimes.
Good luck on your stay in Ormoc. I think I’ve been there when I was a young with my parents. Hope you will live there for good someday!
I first saw this video on another website and commented on it. First I agree that his language was over the top in many ways. I have been to the Philippines many times and am married to a lovely Filipina and am planning to live there some day. I have seen most of the things that were mentioned in the video and I must agree that I dislike many of them also. The remark about the cultural differances is not relevent to the fact you dislike something. I have come to accept many of the things but that does not mean I like them. I would dislike the same things in any country. I must say that there are far more things I like about the country that I dislike and that is wht I plan to live there.
I hope that maybe this will start some people thinking that there are things that could be changed and maybe a movement will start that will change some of them. I would like to hear from anyone who likes everything about the Philippines or any country for that matter.
Hi Steve Ames – Really each and everyone has different interpretations of the video. Some like it, some were not. I’m just happy that a lot of the Pinoys now were so open minded and knows how to weigh in the good and the bad.
Like I’ve said in my previous comment if Bob and I didn’t like living here we would not have stayed here. We accept whatever the imperfections here. We make the most out of it. Our kids liked it here especially our oldest. Just watching him being loved by my family and friends, that’s already worth it for us living here. You also had good reasons to keep visiting the place of your wife, you like her family and friends and the place and that makes it worth it for you.
It’s always nice to see Lip readers comment. Have a pleasant day!
While this video was seen by many. The point that is being forgot is, if he does not like the Philippines why does he not leave.
I lived in the Philippines for 3 yrs in the early 70’s and have been been back many times over the last 6 yrs. And I love the beauty, the food and the people I have met. Are there problems in the Philippines of course but there is problems whereever you go. And that includes here in the US.
The Philippines is a free country and the citizens are warm, friendly to visitors and as such deserve respect, and not to be forced listen to some foul mouth child.
Hi Luke – I don’t think that has been forgotten at all… it has been mentioned several times that he is free to leave if he doesn’t like it here! 😆
Since he did not need the Cialis, the reason why he stays probably outweighs his 20 pet annoyances. 🙂
And maybe he spends more time in a Mactan beach resort than in the center of Cebu City.
Yeah excactly free country so he’s free to be there within the realms of the law
Jimmy has as much right as anyone else in that country to speak his mind about issues. He is more than a “guest” and has lived there for three years probably contributing more to the place than most pinoys ever could. If you apply that logic of being a “guest” or “just a foreigner” then the same could be said about feyma or any other immigrant in the USA right?
Dans why would you compare the Philippines to a “house” of all things? By using that analogy, a host usually cleans his house and makes sure it’s spotless before the visitors come to dinner which is impossible in an entire country so that comparison makes little sense. Most of the pinoys going mad over this are either poor, uneducated or just balat sibuyas.
I showed my mates this video and they were like WTF is this and why is that vender grabbing his cock. They loved the MILF part and the bit where he goes ‘you hungry, i’m not” LoL
Feyma is a US citizen, so no, she could not be called a guest in the USA.
What about permanent residents in the US not born there like mexicans or asians? Are they “guests” or “just foreigners” or people too LoL. I dunno about the US coz i’m not from there but in Australia imagine the cries of racism if someone said that to a non-Australian born. That’s where the Philippines really needs to improve
yes, philippines needs improvement considering it is a third world country, but what i can’t understand is the tall poppy syndrome in australia – a first world country and yet it happens.
Tall poppy syndrome refers to knocking down a local hero or someone that has come from nothing to be really successful like an olympic athlete and yes it happens and will so again but it is not related to race.
a country IS a HOME, it has been and it will always be, not all house owner can clean their house spotless, maybe some could not afford to buy a cleansing agent, or even a broom stick, guest on the other hand can come to your house knocking on your door uninvited or unannounced. I am sure no filipino invited jimmy to come over to the philippines, he probably went there because his company made him to do so, in other words, a guest invited another guest.
and yes, comparing a country to a house IS always a good way of analogy.
It is alot harder to kick someone out of a country than it is a home. Do you really want to agree with a system that kicks somebody out for speaking their mind? Would you like to be referred to a “guest” and feel as though you have less right to be there than somebody that was born there? Because that’s what it really is at the end of the day. Australia gets labelled racist for even attempting to have a debate on kicking out “uninvited guests” with criminal records LoL
The fact is that if you are not a citizen of the Philippines, you can be kicked out very easily. You do not have the same rights that a citizen has. Anybody who doesn’t like that or cannot accept it, probably should not come here to live. That’s the law. Dans is right.
The frame about cialis cracked me up and reminded me of my first trip to the PHL. I was walking with my wife in Manila one evening and a similar street vendor came up to me pitching viagra and he also tried to grab my junk. Maybe its a marketing tool, make the white guy feel uncomfortable enough so he’s forced to make a purchase quick.
Hi Luke Tynan – Jimmy is free to leave the country if he wants to. To be honest I don’t think he was kicked out anyway. A lot of Filipinos also agreed with his video, they just wished he refrain some of the bad language. Not sure if he is still here in the Philippines right now though.
Thank you for your thoughts. Have a great day!
I have mixed feelings about this video. Certainly he has valid points but his delivery is terrible. I think he was trying to be funny but failed badly. I don’t think the video was meant for a Philippine audience, which in itself is troubling to me. It certainly has riled up a lot of Pinoys but I have witnessed debates among them too, as many realize he’s pointing out real problems. This video should cause some soul searching and the country can choose to either address these issues or ignore them.
Mark G.
Hi Mark G. – Yes I agree the delivery was bad. Brutal honesty just not so popular here especially to the crooked politicians. Jimmy had positive and negative feedback on his video. Of course the politicians didn’t liked it. I’m with you I hope the video opened the mind of the people and will do something about it.
As always good to see you here. Have a great Sunday!
As I watched, I was imagining if someone from Singapore were to do a video titled, “20 Things I hate About Los Angeles”.. it would cover a LOT of the same points. Except we have both Koreans AND Mexicans. Bad traffic, pollution, honking cars, roosters, ladyboys (though here we call them Trannys), non-refrigerated street-food, crowding, pot-holes.. Los Angeles has all that. Add in a young man from Singapore using curse language to point all this out about L.A. and it would be no different. (Oh.. forgot the L.A. street gangs, not so prevalent in RP.)
If his audience was Filipinos.. he definitely went the wrong direction with his language and tone. For me, it was both informative and entertaining. Part of me was thinking, “If you don’t like it there so much.. leave.” In the 90’s I used to frequent Tijuana, Ensenada and Rosarito all the time. It was not much different from the gritty side of Cebu that he was showing.. and I loved it!! I like being immersed in a whole other environment. But when Tijuana started bringing in Denny’s, Hard-Rock Cafe and KFC.. I stopped going. It lost it’s original ‘charm’ and became what people describe Manilla to me as.. an Asian version of L.A.
So.. all in all, I don’t see this guy in such a bad light. Yah, his tact sucks as bad as his language. But, maybe (big maybe) some small good will come of it regarding roads and city cleanliness. As for everything else.. I say, LEAVE IT ALONE. So what if people honk their horn? So what if roosters are crowing. And what’s so bad about having plenty of Security around when I use an ATM or stop by the pharmacy or Mall? I’ll take it as a positive. I’ve almost blown out my kidney in L.A. looking for a public toilet, good to know I can piss behind a wall without getting a ticket over it if it comes down to that. All in all.. I don’t mind if the Philippines wants to improve over time.. but in the meanwhile, I plan to just take it as it is and enjoy the ride. 🙂
Hi Henry V. – Good points there. Really he made people open their minds. He got positive and negative feedback. All in all he made his points across, people keeps talking about the video. He even was on top of the news and the newspapers here. So he really made the video viral. Politicians keeps talking about it on TV for days.
Thank you so much for your comment. Have a great day!
Still on YouTube…
Hi Marcel – Thank you!
Overall I liked the video, but I would be reluctant to share it with those who have not yet visited the Philippines. He should have mixed in a few positive things in the video to lighten up the tone, and to not scare people away.
Hi Louis – I think the people that will travel/live to the third world countries were the adventurous one. People that can handle inconveniences in life.
Thank you for your comment.
He clearly used language to make a point and it worked. It creates a lot of emotions and feedback. If he just listed what he disliked about the Philippines in clean language, there would be no views or reason to discuss this.
Hi Don – Ha ha ha… I just said that on my previous post too. I think you are right on too.
Have a good day!
Am I the only one who got the point here? It’s a comedy skit! Of course every point is right on target, but it was supposed to be funny! And it was! Foul language? So what? Let’s all stop being so thin-skinned. It’s a great video! I understand him completely.
No different to Gordon Ramsey is it? I know i certainly wouldn’t watch it without the swearing and like i posted in another thread swearing is often used in a conversational context these days and is not always designed to be threatening. If pinoys really were as good at English as they say they are then they would understand.
I agree the video was funny. The timing of the outbursts and context of it was just priceless. Not everybody can create something like that right on the spot
yes filipinos are good in english – speaking the language is different from having a sense of western humor and culture character, you may curse every minute in america and nobody cares, even if you curse your own parents, that is the western culture and character, I suggest you consider all angles as to why many filipino didn’t like the video, I personally like the video as it has many truth in it and i can understand him pretty well, but that’s just me, there arestill 96 million more filipinos who probably could not understand him and that is what he need to worry about.
Hi Mike – That’s you. You can accept whatever Jimmy was talking about. But majority of the population didn’t and will never understand him. I wrote about these article just to make all foreigners be aware of not so totally brutal here on telling Pinoys the truth. Brutal honesty is not so popular here. They will not tell you in your face. They do it differently and gently. Filipinos are not used to swearing in your face kind of people. That’s one thing they are mad about. It’s a comedy to you but not to other Filipino people.
I hope that the brouhaha over the video would die down soon. Cheers!
To all Filipino’s who are offended I can only say: Time to get even.
It’s easy enough to go to any American inner city ghetto and video the 20 most godawful things you will encounter. Perhaps you’ll find clean public CR’s there, but you might also see a body or two in the gutter.
Make it as culturally intolerant as you can.
The problem is, it’s sooo un-Filipino to do that.
The problem is nobody there would give a shit and it would get zero airtime. I don’t see any bits where it’s intolerent to the culture of that country but more tolerant to anti social behavior that is accepted by authorities but god help a foreigner if he was to behave like that in the philippines
Hi joop – You should try to make the video. Will see if it would be viral. That might be interesting for Filipinos to see.
I just don’t get it why foreigners in the Philippines are called foreigners, and in some cases treated as such. Guests ? Personally I am a 13A permanent resident. What’s so guest like about that ? Why are we labeled as “foreigners”? When we were living in the States my wife was never refereed to as a foreigner, oops one exception, at the Michigan Secretary of States office in a small town we lived near the gal there definitely had it in for “foreigners”or Asians or whatever. I reported the events to the main State office in Lansing Michigan and we never had a problem after that though that “lady”always had that “look”on her face. Some people are just bad actors. But other than that one time Lisa was not only treated with respect, but people went out of their way to help her and be nice. Lisa was never refereed to as the “foreigner”or a “guest” of the U.S.A.. Maybe it was part of who we saw, visited with, our circle of friends, where we lived ( small town America) or ? But then again people we didn’t even know were very friendly and helpful to her. There are almost always exceptions though, we all know that.
So tell me why are we “foreigners” treated differently and why are we referred to as “the foreigner”. It’s just plain old discrimination no matter how you slice it. Or ?
John Miele are you reading? Do you still think discrimination and foreign prices are alright just because a person has lived a more privledged life than that of most people in the country he is now living in?
For about the 800th time, I never said it was alright…. I said it doesn’t bother me. There is a big difference. I have very little sympathy for some foreign retiree crying about being charged 5 pesos more for some fish in the palengke. It’s just the way it is.
Personally, I don’t find it discriminatory. We are foreigners after all. We are citizens of a foreign country. 😆
Alright fair enough and that’s your view but minorities get so up in arms about being labelled as “foreigners” or “outsiders” in the USA and not being treated as equal. Imagine charging a ni*** a higher price for the colour of his skin. You couldn’t LoL. What’s the difference between shouts of “kano” and shouts of ni***?
I am not a “citizen” here, nor do I have the rights of a citizen. If I was I would vote, be politicaly active, and fight for freedom.
I also forgot to mention that even though I do feel a tad discriminated against that I have pretty “thick skin” developed over the years and getting thicker by the day. I have no problem being called “Joe”, actually I get a kick out of it. Four months of boot camp in the early 60’s really helped to thicken it. We had some really nasty D.I.’s , but I never once let them get to me. Some days are diamonds and some days are stone though, and some days your are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue. That’s life.
Perhaps we need a separte story on the aspects of discrimination and see what folks has experineced. I would bet that every single person out there has been discriminated against by someone. And I don’t use the words, every, never, or always very often.
Enjoy life, it is but a twinkle of a star.
Hi Charlie – I have written about discrimination in the Philippines a number of times. Truth is, we are discriminated against here in many ways. I do not feel that not having the rights of a citizen is discrimination, though. Fact is, that if you or I want to be citizens, we can become naturalized and be Filipinos, citizenship wise.
Charlie, one can go about one’s daily business with cultural eyes closed and never realized that America is the most racist country in the world. In my 57 years, I’ve seen it, lived it, and experience it daily…even today! It’s everywhere, all you have to do is pay a little closer attention. As white as I am, I guarantee you I would feel more welcome in Zamboanga than I would on the south side of Chicago.
You do? If America is so racist then it wouldn’t be so welcoming to such a diverse range of ethnicities around the world. Of course there are individual racists but atleast the law applies equally to them all
Hi Randy,
I am originally from the U.S.. I had to travel by car a lot in my job. 50,000 miles a year staying at hotels over 100 nights a year in or near all kinds of cities big and small. There were areas of Detroit for example I would not go see customers unless I carried (2) concealed pistols. And that was in the “day-time”. One time a long time ago before I started carrying a concealed weapon in one evening on the way home I was car-jacked , kidnapped, robbed, and stabbed, yep all in one evening. This was on the very border of Detroit to the suburbs. Did my white skin have anything to do with it, of course ? You can bet on it. But there are criminals in all races. I then started carrying even without a permit, I’d rather be tried by a jury of 12 than carried by 6 at my funeral. I had three other close calls in my life there in that sort of respect. I can guarantee you I didn’t go l;ooking for trouble, but when you are on the road that much it happens. And no I don’t go to bars. I was thinking, man, I spent 4 years in the U.S.C.G. Search and Rescue and as a Federal Boarding Officer risking life and limb on a daily basis and I come back pretty much unharmed, then I get home and almost get killed doing a civilian job minding my own business. What’s with that ? Then the “Union” where I worked only for a brief time tried to kill me because I “worked too hard”. This happened to my brother at another company and a brother-in-law at another company. And these thugs were white. Needless to say I never worked for a union place again and I have no use for the thugs as I had problems with them at the auto companies just trying to do my job as a supplier to them. Discrimination, yep ! I know what you mean about Chicago to I think, I didn’t know that town well and got in the wrong parts by accident a few times. I will run someone over with no problem when the thugs are trying to stop my car, no problem. To cut it short I am well aware of discrimination in the States and other places, and cultural difference among even places like the Northern States vs. the southern States and so on. It is unfortunately a world wide problem. But, every problem is an opportunity, we just have to look for it. In many ways I feel safer in Dumaguete and so on, it is just of course different. Just like any other big city there are areas one should definitely stay out of especially at night, and some places to stay out of even in the day, just like Detroit or Chicago, LA, DC, and so on. So it goes on and on. Maybe 1,000 years from now things will change, but don’t hold your breath. Look at the Middle East, they have been discriminating and killing against each other basically forever. But hope and keep trying. We are never defeated until we quit trying.
Personally I haven’t seen a country or a “person” yet in 68 short yeras that doesn’t discriminate. Not a one.
Have a fantastic day.
Actually I agree with this Charlie Tuna in many respects. I don’t have an issue for myself as mostly we are referred, in a business sense as ‘our consultants from Australia’ but I do feel for this ‘foreigners’ who have invested themselves socially, financially and sometimes spiritually in the Philippines.
Some of the ‘foreigners’ I know have invested significant sums of money in the Philippines, employ hundreds of people and have raised beautiful mixed race families many of whom have grown up to be wonderful contributors to the Philippine society and in some cases international contributors. Is it racism? I am not sure, every time I raise the discussion at dinner parties or casual occasions I get mixed responses. Frankly like many things in the Philippines I think this will also change but change slowly.
The guy was frank and direct…yes he used the ‘F’ word alot but it was’nt meant for kids to begin with. Every issue he pointed out we all ( who live here) cannot deny was painfully accurate. Well done video …and his sound man should be congradulated.
Hi brian – I’m sure the video was meant to make awareness to the foreigners. I think the bad language and the brutal honesty were the main cause of stir here. Well, it made the politicians open their minds now I think.
Have a great day!
The guy sounds like a real jerk. Jimmy is the kind of guy that makes people think we are ugly americans. He is arrogant, rude, crude, and unsophisticated. If it is really so bad in Cebu, then he should go home.
All I can say is that lucky it is comedy based. If it was a documentary on the reality of living here, then, yes it would be offensive. Then you would go to some of the provinces and see what’s it really like.
Don’t worry Jimmy if you live here long enough you will no longer notice these little annoyances.
I think Dans has summed it up for me. I assume the guy made money from it & Bob will, as well. Such is life. Some people, like this Jimmy, will do anything for a buck. One point, he didn’t mention brown-outs(lol).
Sus ginoo. How do you figure I will make money from what Jimmy does?
Sus ginoo!!!!!! You made me laugh so hard about your reaction to the comment of you making money from the video…..How about this? sus Maria Y Joseph!!!!! ay, gitigbak si Jimmy!!!!!!!….Honestly I am also offended about the video. If he really wants a change he could have done it better. He seems like he was making fund of Filipinos. He was pissed off? of what? does he think that the Filipinos are proud of those things he was showing in the video? I don’t go around the neighbors house and take videos about their mess to make my point that I dislike how they live their lives? I will be shot or be in jail….I would think this is invasion of someones privacy. This is exactly he was doing. This is just how I feel….I know all of what he pointed out were true and I don’t deny it but he could have done it in a civilized manner if he really wanted to help.
For the record here Bob and I didn’t make any money from the video of Jimmy. I wrote this article for “ALL FOREIGNERS” to be aware of the way of living here, and that brutal honesty is not that popular here. If Bob and I could help the visiting or the retiring foreigners here that would really make be something.
We never asked our readers here for money for our own purposes. I’ve seen someone asked for money for their personal needs. The only time we asked money was for our LIP DRIVE, that’s during December time when we try to help out the less fortunate people here in Davao.
Bob never asked me what to write here so does the rest of the writers here. I will write my own articles just like the rest of us and then he will be the one to make the schedule when will our post be publish.
I watched both videos and the impression I got was that they are trying to make a point about perspective. Maybe that was not the filmmaker’s intention, but that’s how I’m reading it. You have three guys experiencing the same environment and situations but the takeaways are polar opposites. “Lemons to lemonade” guys will enjoy the Philippines and negative guys won’t, and that seems to be the point.
Being a “lemons to lemonade” guy and hanging with likeminded folks will go far here; or anywhere for that matter.
My best friend of 29 years is “that guy” and he’s fun to hang out with because of it. I remember getting my car stuck on a dirt road going to a party when we were 17. I was bummed out and he was like “what’s the problem? We have a cooler full of cold beer and 2 packs of smokes!” So we shot the shit around a fire drinking beer till someone rolled by in a Jeep and pulled us out. When my mind was running in the opposite direction, his positive outlook just kept driving the good times.
Personally, I’m glad to have watched the videos. It reminded me of something important and made me think about a fond memory. I especially liked the part at the end where homeboy took a hit of his beer and said ”it’s warm……….@#$%!”. I spit a mouthful of water on the floor.
I don’t think this video was ever intended to be shown on Youtube in the first place as on its original website, commercials have been inserted ( obviously to generate revenue for the website ). On Youtube the commercials seem to have been edited out.
I think the some of the ” descriptive ” language or should I say individual words were specifically used to emphasize the ” Shock Value ” of the video to generate more chatter, more response to the video to bring in more viewers.
I see things in this video that could easily be applied to the USA and other parts of the world although maybe to a bit lesser proportion.
The individual in this video gave me the impression that he was sent to Philippines as part of his job and had to spend at least 3 years there. Maybe it was not his choice to go there such as a visit or vacation so obviously that may have put more emphasis on things that may have annoyed him.
To the people that live there, maybe many of these things seem normal. How can you tell people that normal ( to them ) things are so bad, in doing that you would be the one that is not normal.
I wonder if the whole idea of this video was just to get attention to the individual featured in the video, the original website that put it on the internet and / or to generate more revenue for it. Too bad it seems to have been done at another countries or those that live there, expense.
If I understand from reading previous articles here on ” LIP ” the person in this video could possibly even be Deported for this ? According to some reports, it sounded like the Mayor of Cebu wanted to get him out of that city, and not be welcomed back. If someone wanted to make a video like this, wouldn’t you think he would have waited until he returned to his home country ?
I saw the video too and thought he came off quite rude.
However, I saw this video next and thought it to be quite a bit more subtle and made the same points.
Being an American who has visited the Philippines a couple of times, I thought this video was quite funny and to the point. I found it funny because I have been there. While I may not be as annoyed as he is, it is still funny and gives a since of connection in relating to things I have thought about while I stayed in PH. The tone and language could have the motive of being negative. However, it is just character for his video. He should be able to be himself and express his opinions in his way. This might be the American in me but so be it. It was a success because it went viral and people are discussing it as I am at this moment. Truth does hurt sometimes. It’s quite normal for me to find people from all over flaming Americans in general on the internet (especially YouTube) and very accepted. Why should we care so personally? I think people are being too sensitive overall. The video had a point to make. It wasn’t supposed to be positive. It was one dimensional and doesn’t reflect everything this guy is or what he is thinking. BobNewYork, I find it plausible that the mayor would want this guy out. Not only does this attitude reflect the general offense taken from the video, but it reflects the idea that the mayor is smart enough to know that this video isn’t going to promote his/her legacy any.
There is no relation to what Bob does and what Jimmy has posted. Your comment seems more of a slight than anything else. Everyone is intitled to their own opinion even the one’s not thought through properly. Cheers!
Thanks for posting this video, it really made me laugh. I don’t think Jimmy is being disrespectful he’s making fun at the things I always have to shake my head at in the PI. It’s American humor, has anyone watched Saturday Night Live.
When I lived in Quezon City in 1995 it was hard for me to tell if the Philippines was being torn down or being built up. Recently I have come to believe that the Philippines has a great future ahead for it. In fact my wife and intend to retire there. So don’t get down about the uglyness of this video. Some truth is good but being rude is not. Here are some interesting links about Detroit USA that are much worse. And the vidiographer is a flip!
This clip starts to get interesting at 3:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXn_GBeog-w
This is the continuation, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOney2b41d4
The sad thing is all over America now we have almost 50 million people on food stamps (EBT) cards. Millions unemployed and the news and politicians just whistle past the graveyard. I think that times will get much worse here before they get better. Salamat.
Mike (not me, hmmm now there’s some confusion here) I think what you have just mention was only a blatanty honest opinion that no other guy would dare posted it here on LiP. We both got the response thought and for that I still maintain my high respect to this site and specially to Bob.
Ok.I laughed when I saw the video.I thought it very funny the use of swear words well I live in the real world and its commonplace.
To my mind that video could have been about any city in the world.Here in London we have heavy traffic its poluted, thats city life.
The video starts with jimmy and the street vendor.Its easy to see that Jimmy is better educated and has far better english than the vendor.Yet jimmy rips the guy appart.Notice that Jimmy uses English not Tagalog or Cebuano.Here we call that harasment and Racism.The poor Vendor would have thought that jimmy was just another old kano chasing bargirls but Jimmy showed him.
Jimmy also takes time out to bash ladyboys.Its true that here in the west we do not tolerate Ladyboys and tend to treat them as a joke.Another bad trait of the pinoy tolerating difference.
Jimmy then uses his fluent Korean to demolish all Koreans,how dare they take holidays in a neighbouring country.How dare they not speak english.As for hanging in packs perhaps they fear attack from racist Kanos.
Oh Jimmy I could go on and on.
The truth is the video is racist and sexist. It goes for the cheap laugh.There is nothing new or fresh.
I do hope that Jimmy can do better.I eagerly await his videos.20 reasons why I hate the Blacks and 20 reasons why I hate the Irish.They are sure to be smash hits
The irish would be the first to laugh at a video like that made about them. As for harrassment, who is the one harrassing who in this instance? I don’t see foreigners seeking out street venders. For what’s it’s worth an illegal vendor has nothing to stand on complaining about being harassed since he’s breaking the law himself. Also it is widely assumed that foreigners do not speak tagalog or cebuano so the vender would have taken the initiative to speak english to him. You do understand the meaning of racism right? If that’s racism then half of London’s immigrants must be racist for not speaking the local language. Sexist? Please Explain…
I thought the video was excellent. I have a part of me that wants to live in the Philippines and I have a part of me that would rather just visit. This video hits a lot of the reasons that make me just want to visit. There is nothing in his video that was not truthful. His language fits his personna. The hat, the tatoos, it all fits who he is. Any of us that has been there or lives there knows that these are real issues. Hopefully he will make a video of the 20 things he likes about the Philippines. Anyone care to take a guess what those 20 things would be? Cost of living-doubt it. Warm weather-maybe. Natural beauty-for sure. Ok thats three wonder where it would go from here. It is what it is and you either like it or you don’t. Ron
Actually, according to Ms. Feyma, they did make a video on what they love about the Philippines, but it didn’t make any buzz. My wife watched the video and didn’t see any big deal about it because it’s all true. There’s things to love and hate about any location. We were in San Francisco, California this past week to visit the Philippine Embassy. Afterwards, we walked around the city and visited Chinatown. We could make a list on what we didn’t like about SF and what we did like. Unless it goes too far, our criticisms won’t make a splash any where. You’ll find people echo our comments. Go on Yelp.com and you’ll find a healthy heaping of comments about what people like and dislike.
Hi Ron,
So I see you discriminate agianst people with tatto’s. I have to agree they are way over done now-a-days. But being prior military I have a few( well maybe quite a few) and to me it is a military thing for the most part, that is how I used to recognize a lot of other veterans. And as an FYI, I NEVER had alcohol before getting one. But now days it’s just a fad for kids to old ladies. But that’s alright, it is totally their choice.
The only difference between people with tatto’s and those that don’t have them is that we people that do don’t care if you don’t have them.
This guy is an individual, good for him.
Remember “Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow”
Have great day.
Obviously this guy hasn’t traveled much. His description could have been just about any place on earth. He is lucky he did not get beaten up with all those swear words. Talking in tone like that in the Philippines will surely attract people who would want to really see how tough he is!!
Bob I forgot one thing. If there is any money to be made (I know) I want you to make a boatload. Ron
Ha ha.. well, I make money from the site, but to say that I make money from Jimmy’s video would be like saying that NBC news makes money off the Trayvon Martin killing or some other crime. No, I make money no matter what article I publish (as long as it is of interest to the audience). What Mike said is just false, and I know why he said that, but just won’t go into it here.
Feyma: I’ve sort of stayed clear of this topic on here… I only watched about 30 seconds of the video a few weeks ago, decided that the guy was an ass, and had enough. One of the issues with You Tube and so on is that it makes everyone a film maker… Most videos are simply just garbage.
He got the publicity that he wanted. Sure, there were some underlying truths to what he said, yet his delivery pretty much negated any point he was trying to make.
To put it perspective, how many times in the States have you heard, “America, Love it or leave it!”. How is THAT any different than the reaction to this video?
Hi John – I understand of you wanting to be away from the brouhaha over that video. Watching him, he really came across as an SOB kind of guy. But he made a good point too on some of the topic he mention on the video.
In my case: I was thinking of not getting involved on the topic. But thinking about it, I just wanted the foreigners that lives here or thinking of coming here to live or visit to be aware of the word they would used. I want to warned them not to be brutally honest here. It’s just not the norm here. It really hurt people’s feelings easily.
Yeah, if he doesn’t like it here he can leave. But seeing him on his apology video I think he likes it here. Hopefully Jimmy will know soon if this really is the place for him to retire for good.
Have a good day John!
Hey Bob
This Jimmy incident has got to be the most controversial thing by an expat to rock the country for a longtime. This forum is no stranger to controversy regarding certain threads created. I think you had a thread dedicated to them a few weeks ago.
The “how much do squatters earn” one i don’t think will be topped but this one sure will come close as it’s divided so many people…
Hi Charlie,
I don’t discriminate against people with tatoos. My point was his physical appearance fit his speech. Or put it this way. He hardly looked like a young Mormon missionary riding his bike around town. He is who he is. I liked his video thought it was done well. Nothing he said wasn’t a suprise for anyone that has been there or is there. Charlie one last comment. I am retired from the Marine Corps and I have been known to use a few words that stretch vulgarity a tad. I have worked hard however to clean it up as I don’t live in that Marine world anymore and my daughter copies what I say. (-: Ron
Hello and thanks for the great post. This video was very entertaining and funny! I believe that is the reason it was made. We could go to any country and make a video like this. The present day Philippines is only 66 years removed from Spanish and American rule. I think it has come a long way in that short time. Imagine America at 66 years old! I would warn the Filipinos not to take this video so seriously. It will actually help tourism. I am an American tourist who has come here 11 times and I can tell you that there is more to the Philippines that meets the eye! Laugh at this video and don’t get offended.
I agree that those a some problems theier in the Philipines, but they are no different then that of most of the world.It is obviousto me he is not a world traveler. All he knows is the US and the Philippines so let me enlighten so folks on some similarities. I fact even the US has some of those problems. Many places have potholes and unlike the Philippines they don’t even put a barrel in it. We have beggers, scam artist, and able working homless people who are to lazy to work. Gas station rest rooms are just as gross and pollution is pollution anywhere you go. So why does he just pinpoint it to the Philippines. Has he ever been to the
Eastern Europens nations their worst of than the Philippines.
Well my guess is he just want’s to make a name for himself at the expense of the Philippines. In fact by the way of him using vulgarity and sarcastic remarks I find it insulting.
The one thing the Philippines has is they have a culture that is outgoing and considerate, they take care of their families and respect the elderly. They also have a warm and open heart to expates who want to live and learn their culture.
Try to find that in the US.
sorry about the mispellings
Hey, don’t worry about the wrong spelling Bruce. Not a problem.
Because he’s not in Eastern Europe or India or America or any other poor country. He is in the Philippines hence the title of the clip
Hi Bruce Michels – I don’t know about Jimmy personally. The only reason I wrote the articles just for enlightenment of the foreigners who comes here to refrain on being so brutally honest here. I’ve seen what his been describing on the video. Most of it were true, but his delivery was just too much with the bad language.
That’s one thing I’m proud about here the family really stick together through good and bad times. It’s really a culture thing. The kids really automatically takes care of the parents later in life.
Thank you for your good comment. Nice to see you here again!
Jimmy may have been a little over the top on his delivery, but I have to agree with just about every point he made. Granted, the PI is a developing country so one shouldn’t compare the standards of their home country to the PI as it is not reasonable. After all, if the PI was just like the west, people would still complain and seek someone else to live free.
If the PI wasn’t the PI, why on green earth would the likes of many of us want to live there?
Depends what type of Philippines you’re talking about. There are cities, seaside villages, mountain villages, jungle villages and many more. I guess most people equate the “real philippines” with wooden structured housing all next to each other with large families and roosters etc. Makati has everything on offer that any American city does
I am a filipina living in the USA. I live here for over 40 years. Yes I have seen a lot like this Jimmy. I think he is a white trash. The “F” word that he uses is too much unless you are raised that way. I think if he does not like living in the Philippines because of pot holes, and dirty bathrooms he can always go back to where he come from. I don’t think he was invited to come to the Philippines. I love the Country and I am planning on living in there soon.
Can Bob find this guys video on 20 things he loves about the Philippines?
I’m still wondering how he stopped at 20 myself…………
Just curious, Tim, if that is how you feel, why do you stay?
Too true Timmy. If it wasn’t for the behavior of alot of locals then perhaps it might be close to paradise. That’s probably the one reason that prevents many tourists from coming to the country
We don’t want many tourists in our country if that tourist would only be like you and Tim.
Perhaps this creep should be taken out behind the wood shed and worked over with a piece of firewood. I can’t imagine what he did as “work” while in the Philippines unless it was pimping or something in the drug trade. Based on his limited curse-word vocabulary, I certainly don’t think he would “fit-in” working anywhere — in the Philippines or in America. He does bear an uncanny resemblance to a fellow here on the Space Coast that lives under the bridge and gets by on handouts and what ever he can pick out of dumpsters.
The common phrase I see here on LIP “Ugly American” fits well with for this guy. As a frequent visitor of the site, I know this guy isn’t the average American expat here in Phil. Truly in any country there’s bad egg in every basketful of eggs. I agree with Feyma ,“brutal honesty” doesn’t sit well in Pinoy’s culture. Perhaps he could keep it in mind if he comes back to Cebu. There’s no denying the problems he mentioned really exist, but he could have said it a not so insulting manner and offensiveness. Besides those things he mentioned is not unique to the Phil. only. And to quote JohnM: “He got the publicity that he wanted. Sure, there were some underlying truths to what he said, yet his delivery pretty much negated any point he was trying to make”. As I had suggested in some of my comments here on LiP , Philippines cannot be compared to first world countries. Phil. is Phil., you have to accept it as it is. I won’t even say if you don’t like it here then leave. But it’s not for any other people to want the Phil. the way he pleases it to be, more so if you are a guest to this country. Although there’s freedom of speech in the Philippines and acknowledges he is free to express his opinion, you cannot blame Cebu city officials for almost declaring him persona non grata upon seeing the video. What Jimmy did is like spitting at your host while visiting his house. Ordinary Pinoys won’t be much affected by this brouhaha. I just hope this be instead an eye opener specifically to leaders who can effect changes in a wider scope.
HI louie – He definitely ha a choice to leave the Philippines if it were so bad for him. I’ve seen lots of what he featured on the video. I can’t change it. I’m sure it’s an eye sore for the people here to see too, but get used to it. His intentions might just be to warn people about what to expect here when visiting but the brutal honesty just didn’t do well with a lot of the Filipinos, plus the usage of the bad language just bothered too many people. That’s what I’ve been hearing.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Highly appreciated.
This video should be taken as positive from the Philippines, do you think it was other ways to tell them? For my side it is like a wake up call, no-one is telling anyone here to make this country a first class but a minimum can be done, like removing the garbages from the street , i am from a poor family, but my dad always say that to us: not because we are poor that we have to let people know that we are poor… when ever someone come visit us, they cannot know that because we still take care of little things like cutting the grass, keep the house clean etc… if everyone was doing just little everyday like picking up some garbage from the street and put it in a garbage cane first it will make example to the others and youngers also it will look cleaner,,, What is cost nothing can be done by everyone. If someone ever say something bad about my home beleive me no-one else will have the chance to say something because i will correct it.
Hi lolo56 – Good advice there. Point taken. Hopefully both sides learned something from it.
***If someone ever say something bad about my home beleive me no-one else will have the chance to say something because i will correct it.***. Good for you.
Thank you for stopping by!
lol, Feyma sorry i am french and i hope you didn’t understand i will correct someone…but i mean to correct what was wrong at my home…
Not a problem lolo56. 🙂
This man is an idiot on a commercial and fame mission, I suspect, and what is that t-shirt about!
I have hardly started watching his video and he has already attacked some of the things I most enjoy about FASCINATING PHILIPPINES.
If he wants a sterile, uniform boring “safe” fantasy destination then go to Disneyland. Ph. is real, and it has problems, which I hope will be overcome in time, but it is also a poor country. I guess he would rather see it full of McDonald’s and Starbucks like all the other tourist traps around the world.
Perhaps he would prefer weed or heroin to be openly on offer rather than those pills, which seem to be widely available in America.
Whitening is no different to the suntan lotions (or more particularly fake tan) we white people use. By the way who owns the companies selling these products! Most probably UK, US, etc. He showed Vaseline which is a Unilever product!
Traffic, has he ever been to New york or London. Packaging, mainly in the city where it is becoming commercialised, and anyway how about the software which came with my computer and had a Cd case, cardboard sleeve and a bag. ALL it contained was a pass code!! As for rubbish, I refer you to the above mentioned fast food places for litter and waste packaging. Toilets, Jimmy, it’s a poor country where I have seen people live in a shack with a hole in the ground – you try living on the money they do and buy soft sweet smelling toilet paper.
I have had enough of this, he is now going on about cars beeping, clearly he has not been to NY or even seen it on films, they do it all the time there. Beggars, starving kids, they are ANNOYING??? Cockroaches, try Orlando. Tips, good grief, where is this man from, he sounds American but he knows nothing about it. Tip central there.
In fact many of the things he complains about are seen in most if not all countries, worldwide.
The real problems, he does not appear to even understand or discuss.
Jimmy! Just go home!
Totally agree with Jon.
A few things he failed to mention though.
Instead of foreigners complaining about the things they dislike they should get off their rear ends and do something about it, after all we are the “wealthy ones”. I bet Jimmy doesn’t work for 200 pesos a day.
All inner cities suffer from a rubbish problem no matter where you go but the western world currently has a better infrastructure to deal with it. If you go into the provinces and the smaller villages they spend most of their day cleaning and sweeping . I have been to some very poor places up in the mountains and you can eat off the floor it’s so clean and was made to feel welcome.
If I had to say 1 thing I hate about The Philippines it would be that the vast majority of tourists arrive covered in gold, wearing designer clothes and pockets full of money and feel superior to the nationals. I on the other hand do my best to be part of the community and instead of criticising try to help.
Finally on a lighter note STOP CALLING ME “JOE”!!! I AM BRITISH 😉 and I will see all my friends in Manila and Mindanao next month
Really? In my experience the tourists dress worse than the locals and are not rich at all. You must be thinking of balikbayans. Just my 2 c 🙂
Because the RP will (very soon) be my new home, I’ve been spending the last year combing the Net for photos, articles, discussion and video on the Cebu area. 98% of what I see in photos and videos make it appear as if it’s one long, white sandy beach no matter where you go. Resorts everywhere and everyone is on a hammock sipping an umbrella drink.
But having a Filipina girlfriend for the last 2 years, I know better. And Jimmy gave me some very welcome video so that I could get a better mental picture of the gritty, daily life in some parts of Cebu. I’d “heard” about the Carbon Market, but only could find photos of the SM Malls. There’s not much defense for his town other than to say it was obvious (to me) that it was done tongue-in-cheek.
But I am glad he confirmed some of the gritty details for me because, for me, that’s what I loved about my visits to Mexico.. that it was NOT like the US. If Cebu ever turns into downtown San Diego, I will be SO disappointed.
It’s not hard to find images of Carbon Market. If you want to see those, click here and choose which one you want to see.
note: ‘town’ should be ‘tone’. 🙂
Thanks! Don’t know why I didn’t think of that.. I kept searching ‘mactan’, ‘cebu’, ‘philippines’.. (duh). I was almost ready to go to bed.. now I want to comb through the carbon market photos. Gonna be another late-night. ha! 🙂
No problem, Henry.. happy to help.
Storm in a teacup – but right at the end of the video the guy does admit to liking the Philippines.
Hi Gary Covington – I think he liked it here. His warning to other foreigners just not made in good taste with too much swearing in it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
this is the thing – everything he said was TRUE! why the uproar?
Hi Joy – True… I wrote the articles to let the foreigners be aware be cautious of using the total and brutal honesty here. Say it in good taste to not to be offensive to the people here.
Have a great day!
i loved my city and my country more when i went abroad because i saw how she looked the same minus of course some things i also hate. if there’s one thing were different, its just the attitude.
How come filipinos doesnt want to accept critism…………. I’am a Filipino but I know how to accept it. C’mon that is why there is a term called “freedom of expression”