Lately, for the last few weeks or so, I’ve been going to the circus every day, and watching attentively. It’s been an interesting experience. You see, I didn’t have to even leave the house to watch the circus, I get to watch every day, all day long while sitting at my desk working!
That’s right, there is a sort of “circus” going on right outside my office window every day now. You see, the neighbors behind our house are currently building a new building, and from my office, I get a birds eye view of the construction.
But, why do I call it “the circus?” Well, you see, the first thing they did in constructing this building (which appears that it will be quite large) is that they build up a scaffolding system out of 2″x2″ coconut lumber. Of course, I’ve seen scaffolding like this all over the Philippines in my ten years here, but this is the first time that I really got to watch it hour after hour and see as things develop.
It has been pretty amazing to watch, truth be told. It looks like the building will be either two levels or three perhaps. The scaffolding is quite high from the ground too. So, you have these guys out there walking around on 2″ wide pieces of coconut lumber! I honestly am amazed that these guys spend 8 or more hours per day walking around on 2″ wide pieces of wood with nothing to catch them if they fall. So far, as far as I have seen, nobody has fallen either.
Think about the Olympics when they have the gymnastics competition and you have the gymnasts doing tricks on a balance beam, which I believe is 4″ wide. Well these guys are out there doing construction work on a surface that is half as wide as a balance beam, and they are working up to 30 feet off the ground! When they are walking on the top of the scaffolding there is nothing at all to hold on to, or reach for if you start to slip. At least if they are on lower levels of the scaffolding they can reach for one of the pieces of wood that stretches to a higher level.
For those who remember, back in March I had to go to Barangay Court over a dispute with my neighbor regarding the noise from a call center in their building. These are the same neighbors who are building an additional building, which is right outside my office window. Until now, I have had an unobstructed view of banana and mango trees outside. Once this building is completed, I will have a few of a concrete wall, about 20 to 30 feet outside my window. So, it will spoil my view, no doubt, but there is nothing that can be done. I mean, it is on their property, and they have every right to build what they want on their property.
There is one upside, though, to the new building. This new building will be in between the call center and our bedroom window, so if they happen to get loud again in the future, the noise should be blocked by this new building. Of course, I have reminded Feyma that it is also possible that this new building will house a call center, which will be noisy at the wee hours of the morning. I hope that doesn’t happen, as the new building is much closer to our bedroom than the old one was. The good thing, though, is that the new building faces away from our bedroom, and hopefully that would mean that the building itself will block off the sounds emanating from it.
Anyway, watching these construction workers as they walk the balance beam while working has been entertaining, and educational. I can’t imagine balancing on a 2″ wide piece of lumber for 8 hours a day without any protection in case of a fall!
You really notice a lot of things. Nice changes to the site. Easier to scroll down and follow the different posts. Alex
Hi AlexB – Thanks… I can’t help but notice these guys… they are right outside my office window! 😆 Glad you like the new site!
As one whom has worked in similar environments, I find that watching a Filipino construction crew in action never gets old. One amazing feat after another, and, without a net! LOL
The first thing I thought of was “call-centre expansion”, because of your previous neighbour-related problem. Hopefully, the aft wall of the structure will buffer the sound. You could always hire local art students to alter your view each week!
The new look of the site is great! I wasn’t sure, at first, but now find that it shows better definition between comments & seems easier on the eyes.
Thanks for your comment, Mike. Yes, I find many of the feats done by the construction crew to be amazing, as you say.
Glad you like the new site, Mike.
Hi Bob,
The new look is great. I have bad eyes anyway so I can really appreciate it. The colors are more subdued, not so harsh.
Sounds like you need to move to a less crowded area. We live in Angeles City but actually about 2 blocks outside of AC in Santa Cruz, Porac. We are close to shopping etc but kinda out in the country and the area around is all built up so I don’t think we will have any problems like you do now. Just the roosters crowing. Thanks for a great site. It has helped me a lot to make my move here easy.
Hi Ray – There are drawbacks wherever one chooses to live, I suppose. We are very happy with our location, though and will probably stay here at least a few more years.
I’m glad that the new site design works well for you!
Enjoy your life in AC!
Hi Bob;
Watching a building rise up here is certainly a thing of wonderment. Just counting the safety violations could keep you busy for hours.
I saw a show on Discovery about building a high-rise in Hong Kong, and the scaffolding was made of bamboo and tied together without a nail one. Sixty stories with just bamboo? I’m impressed!
Paint the wall on the building white, and show slides on it while you’re working. Just a dumb thought I had!
Hi Paul – Hmm… I could turn that building into one of the world’s largest projection tv’s! Wow… not a bad idea! 😉
Hi Bob – Here’s wishing that the building will not encompass a multi-level videoke emporium!
Hi Paul – I’m keeping my fingers crossed! 😆
We had some of that scaffolding at our house over this past year. Although we didn’t construct a building from ground up, we did a major facelift of our 40 year old house. You’re right, those guys are quite agile.
My Granddad was a member of the Iron Workers union and balanced on many a beam in and around LA before and after WWII. I think many of his experiences pre-dated current safety practices and regulations. I’m always amazed whenever I think about it. It was pretty neat to drive around town and have him point out the buildings he helped construct.
Hi Gary – I bet your granddad had a story or two to share! I can only imagine the things he was able to see high atop those buildings in those days! These guys probably go home and tell their kids about the Kano next door who watches them all day! 😉
While visiting Robinsons Shopping Mall in Cagayan De Oro there was a bamboo scaffold that looked like it was proped up and leaning against the front of the building near the main entrance. The Bamboo as I remember was just lashed together with rope. If I had not seen it for myself I don’t know if I would have believed it. I think it must have been at least 3 stories high and the workers were standing near the upper part of it. I viewed it from across the street and did not pause too long when walking into the mall entrance.
Best wishes to all on Memorial Day ( USA )
Hi Bob – Happy Memorial Day! I understand what you mean about not going too slow when passing under that scaffolding! Ha ha… no truer words were ever spoken!
Hi Bob,
Work facinates me…I can watch it for hours lol. If we find some like minded people…Maybe we can set out the lawn chairs and sell tickets and refreshments.
Hi Hudson – I like watching the work a lot better than doing it! 😆
I like the look of the new site, much faster to load on the slow internet connection here in Alaska.
Watching Filipino construction workers never ceases to amaze me. What a difference from there to here where we have OSHA breathing down our neck every minute of the day.
Hi Louis – Glad you like the new look, and that the speed is good for you too. So, you are in Alaska now? I hope you have a good work season there!
It’s slow right now but we are 2 weeks away from the first Salmon to arrive. I will be back in Davao around mid-late september.
Returning to Davao? Did I miss something…. I thought you were back in the States for good? ❓
I can’t tell from the pictures, but I bet they are in flip flops too.
You are right, Jake, many of them sure are wearing flip flops!
The bamboo workers in Hong Kong go up to 80 stories – and without a safety harness. Looking out of my kitchen window I once saw a bamboo worker setting up a small working platform that was secured to the building with wire and nails – this was the 37th floor! The worker had been given a safety harness but it was on the platform and not on him.
I wonder if that new building of your neighbor’s has a building permit?
Perhaps you could write a sub-blogg on the building activities under the byeline “Bob The Builder”.
Wow, 80 stories up? Amazing!
I’m not saying anything about any building permit… gotta keep an ace in the hole in case it’s needed. 😆
Hey Steven – 80 stories is a long way up… probably really long way down! 🙂
You wrote, “nothing to do. It is their property. What about zoning regulations about use of the building, height and setback. You might want to check these out in case it in fact does turn into a karaoe or call center.
A mildly amusing story about Kazakhstan. first you have to understand that although all its citizens are Kazakhstani, there are many ethnic groups, such as russians, tatars, Kazakhs, Mongols and so on. I was the team leader on a USAID project in Atyrau, Kazakhstan. We brought in a consultant from the US Construction Safety Insitutute to train the local builders about worker safety. The first day he was taken by the president of the Atyrau Construction Association to one of his building sites. The American consultant was appalled that none of the workers was wearing either safety boots or a safety helmet. When he remarked about this to the President, a Russian Kazakhstani, the man replied, “So what? Those are only Kazakhs. If one gets hurt, we can always get another one.”
Hi Don – I do not believe there are any codes in the Philippines regarding setback and such… you can build right up to the property line, as far as I know.
Bob- I know that in my project all houses have to be built at least 2 metres from any property line
Perhaps, ian… but I know that a lot of stuff is built right on the property line here. Maybe the ordinances exist but are not strictly enforced, I can’t be sure.
Depends on the city. Also, some cities have zoning regulaitons regarding use: residential, commercial, industrial. Most don’t, however. Ten plus years ago on an ADB project, i talked with the president of Gaisano in Davao. He told me that in Davao, no zoning at that time, but he wanted it. As it was at that time, Gaisano had to go through an elaborate process involving the Carangua Council and Captain to be a bui9lding permit. Mayber you can check if these peole have one? When we had out house built, the permit took so long to get that the house was built by the time we had one.
Hi Bob, Love your new site LOOK. Faster & much better than the old one. Bummer about the commercial building going up next to your house.
To change the subject a bit i was reading the site American in Davao & could not believe how much better your site is then his. I realise that this guy moved back to Las Vegas to drive a cab.
I just wanted to say thank you again for your site, it is full of great writers with alot of knowledge.This knowledge that only comes from experience of being in that place. Irreplaceable knowledge that would take years to aquire.
Thanks Bob Scott
Hi Scott – Thanks for the kind words about my site, I’m glad you like it. Yes, I think that knowledge and experience are very important in running a site like this. Accuracy of the information provided is critical!
Bob I think your neighbors are out for revenge. Do you think they really like live Heavy Metal Bands? Ron
Hi Ron – 😯
Hi Bob; Great New & Improved Site! Looks & sounds like you are doomed. May as well start looking for a new house. Or maybe just wait & worry until it is completed. Sorry, just trying to be helpful!
Hi Guy – Nice to hear from you, I am happy to know that you like the new site layout!
I don’t think we are doomed with the building next door. I think that it will probably act as a sound barrier to the noise that already exists. We shall see! 😉
This is my first auto blog post using Wordbooker. Just kind of testing right now!
A former co-worker here introduced me to auto blogging last week. I’m still researching it, though. How do you rate it so far, Bob? Too early to say?
Ah, not really “auto blogging” Henry… rather, I am using a plugin called Wordbooker that automatically posts my latest LiP articles to Facebook. It also imports all of the Facebook comments on to my blog once per hour. So far, it looks really good.
Ah, gotcha! I’m sharing my insights with this person in addition to the information learned from your ebook “49 Ways To Make A Living In The Philippines.” He’s interested from what I’ve gathered during our emailing back & forth. Now we’re trying to make out a course of action.
Best of luck with the project, Henry!
Hi Bob,
Do they really allow commercial buildings anywhere inside Marfori Heights?
Hi Jon – When you were in Davao, Marfori was pretty much a residential area. Now, though, it seems to be really headed toward commercial. Especially along the main roads like Ruby. It seems that yes… they are allowing commercial buildings all over the neighborhood now.
Yes, I know! Is there a re-zoning plan that’s about to be implemented? I wonder if that’s the reason why people are putting up commercial building just about anywhere they damn please.
Hi JonB – I don’t know of any rezoning plans or anything of the sort. I feel that Davao has always been pretty loose about zoning, don’t you think?
Hay Bob, nag-ulan na ba diha sa Davao? Sa Cebu gud, nag-ulan na daw… Maayo unta gibahinan mo dinha….Good luck…….
Hi Lorie – Oo, nagulan na diri sa Dabaw. Karong buntag nagulan kusog kaayo! Malipayon ko, kay kinahanglan mi ug ulan!
Ayo ayo!
Praise the Lord…. Ayo-ayo pod……..
Well don’t feel bad, we have 911 as our neighbors hahahaha! I mean the ambulances, fire trucks are parked at the building beside our house. Surprisingly they make NO NOISE at all – I swear!
I think they do not turn on sirens until they are at main road or what.
The 911 people do love to sing the karaoke but the sound does not reach our main house – only the back part of our house near the garage.
Behind our house some people built a dormitory and they never built a fence their building is like STUCK to our fence (people thought that was our building) and I swear if those people climbed out of their windows and jumped, they would be in our garage. I don’t think they were supposed to build that close.
Ha ha… I just saw that (relatively new) 911 Center in your neighborhood a couple of weeks ago for the first time. It looks pretty nice, although I am pretty sure having something like that right next door would not be a great thing! Unless you get sick, I suppose! 😉