The rainy season, two weeks into it I was consuming cocktails at a friend’s restaurant, when it was pointed out that so far it had been a fairly dry rainy season (isn’t that an oxymoron?) anyway I did tend to agree. Then it started, and the rain came down, my fishpond that would normally have 4 inches of water in it, now had 26 inches.
Three days later we had two earth tremors up on my mountain. If you threw in a comet and a volcano, then my week would have been complete! The up side is I can now go whitewater rafting on the street in front of my house.
It is my favorite time of the year, as the Air/Con is shut off for days at a time, and they turn on the city water, which has been shut off for seven months, not that it maters anyway they stole my water meter. That proved I was right about drilling the deep well!
My well is being replenished with fresh water and the house next store that would normally have shafts of light glowing from the many holes in his roof, now has running water inside, utilizing those same holes! He has been on the roof in the rain with Bukaseal (roof goop), old tires and scraps of linoleum, working hard to patch the holes, he could have done the same thing before the rain, if he’d did it at night with his inside lights on, and patched where the light shines out, he would found all the leaks, I knew where they were, he would’ve stayed dry.
The hidden benefits of the rainy season is the money I save on my electric bill, the power distribution station in Dinalupihan Bataan, has to shut down during the rain as it floods. Now, the gas bill for my generator tends to increase during these brownouts, but I choose to look at the positive side. After all it was my choice to live here! As long as my generator works I’m happy.
Hi Paul – Hmmmm. A generator, huh? Fight the cursed brown-outs with self generation. Naw! I’m with you – I chose to live here (generator or not!) 😉
Saw first electric bill – wish there were more brown-outs.
Third day of good afternoon rains following about a week of broken promises from the sky. The rice farmers are all happy again, except for the ones with the fields turning green-yellow-red-brown.
Hi Paul, I was laughing all the way through your article! Talk about a positive attitude! I love warm rain and thunderstorms. Up here it is too cold to stand outside in the rain!
I remember taking a shower outside when in rains growing up in the Philippines… “shower in the rain shower” 😉
hmmm… wonder what happened to my avatar! (sorry for off topic)
A year ago, after a typhoon hit Mega Manila my power was off for 7 days (they send it to Manila as all the senators live there), my generator was running 16 hours a day. At the end of the month my power bill was the same! Go figure. I did charge all the cell phones in the purok, and gave away free ice.
Hello John;
Where is the UP HERE that you referred to, I’ll assume it’s the Alps. I’m glad I made you smile. Thank you!
Miss August;
The Peter Pan Syndrome is what I follow. I don’t wanta’ grow up, so what’s wrong with showering in the rain when you’re older? I know its fun. (All Thompson’s are wise guys)
Hi Miss August – I think it didn’t work last time, because you used a different e-mail address.
hahaha Paul here when it rain’s it only adds to the humidty and the aircon stays on !
Got a good laugh from this one, for sure. In particular, the roof fixing in the rain. I wrote recently on PhilFAQS about the ‘after the fact’ syndrome and it is nowhere better exemplified than in that waiting until the rain comes to fix the roof. One of the leading ‘roof goop’ companies even has a commercial on TV about how their product is superior to others for roof repairs in a downpour. You just have to love it.