For today’s Live in the Philippines Vidcast, I’m going to take you along for a ride through Babak, Samal, and also a short section in Limao, Samal. I am driving, Feyma is shooting the video, and all you have to do is watch the scenery!
Do you know how Samal Island is set up, administratively? Well, the entire island is a City! It is the “Island Garden City of Samal” also known as “IGacOS” by the locals. There are basically two areas on the island that are more commerically developed with stores, gas stations and such. Those areas are Babak and Penaplata. Babak is the district in the Northern part of the Island. Penaplata is located in the Central part of the island, or the north central. Aside from these two districts, the island is rather undeveloped. The land that Feyma and I own is in Limao, which is about halfway between these two commercial districts of the Island.
When we live in Samal (probably about 9 years from now) even if the island has not become more commercialized (this is doubtful, I think), for things like grocery shopping and such, either Babak or Penaplata will serve our needs well, as they each have grocery stores and such.
The land on the west side of Samal between Babak and Penaplata is basically one resort after another lining the beach. Resorts are much fewer south of Penaplata, and virtually non-existant on the east side of the island (although there are a couple of them).
Anyway, I hope that the video gives you a better idea of what Samal is like!
kamusta bob
from what i have seen on samal i like that its not devoloped and keeps its charm as is.that resort looks pretty big and a long way to go before its up and sure your exited about moving there in the future.does samal have good internet access?i know we have a small grocery store but its so expensive that i usually make a trip to the mainland for most of our needs here and also good to see civilization on occasion hehe.then its allways good to be back home on the island.
salamat bob 😉
Hi Ron w – Yes, the "un-developed" nature of Samal is what I really enjoy myself. Even though you are only literally minutes away from the big city, you feel like you are a world away!
Hi Bob – thanks for the tour. I picked up a lot of little things from the video. I encourage you to continue to update as things develop.
@Ron w – Samal has wireless internet options like WeRoam, SmartBro, etc. YMMV
Hi Randy C – No need to worry, we will always be updating! 😆
Ron W – I am sorry, I forgot to reply about the Internet availability. Yes, as Randy said, the wireless services like Smart Bro are indeed available on Samal.
Hello Bob,
I been reading your blog on and off for a couple of years now and wanted to let you know that I appreciate you doing a small video of Babak. I was born in Davao and lived in Babak until my family moved to Hawaii and then California when I was 8 years old. Me and my wife (also from Davao) visit Davao and Babak at least once a year for 4 – 6 weeks. My family own land and houses in the Babak area and we plan on purchasing and building a house in the city since there are house to stay in Samal.
The reason for my comment is that you drove by my grandmother's house (green and white with an Alaskan King Crab hanging on the front of the second floor, with a small food stand in front) 3 or 4 house down the street where the banka's (pier) are located in your video. I have video of 90% of samal island, but seeing Babak always bring a smile to my face. It would have been nice to see a more detailed video of Babak to give other reader a better perspective of how people live in Babak.
Hi Socal – Thanks for commenting! I have been aware of your grandmother's house for a long time, because that "King Crab" sign always intrigued me! I would sure love to get ahold of some nice King Crab here, it is so delicious!
Thanks again for your comment!
Hi Bob, I use the PLDT WeRoam and seems to work fine. I go to the Convenience Store in Babak and they sell alcohol too! More importantly, ice cream!!
Hi Ellen – That's great to hear about PLDT! Not sure if you are aware, but that Central Convenience in Babak is only about a year old now. What a great addition to the area! I don't care much about the alcohol for myself, as I rarely drink. Ice cream is good, though. 😉
Hello Bob,
Unfortunately my grandmother does not live there anymore, but my uncle and family now run the house. My uncle and family work in Alaska and usually bring back King Crab when they are in season. They are usually in Babak 11 months out of the year. My family name is well known in Babak since we are originally from the lsland.
Me and my wife usually stay here or the other houses that my family owns in the Babak area when we come for the holidays and when we want to get out of the city. My wife's family live in Davao so it's nice that we can choose to stay in Davao or in Samal.
The next time we are vacationing in the Phils we can have a coffee, my treat!
Hi Socal – I will be looking forward to meeting you!
Hi Bob,
Loved your video of Babak! I sometimes wonder if Samal is kind of like Hawaii used to be before it became a tourist destination.
Do you think the rest of Samal will eventually start to be developed?Seems like there is a demand for new resorts on Samal. Is it common now for the well-to-do Filipinos in Davao to buy a cottage or second home on Samal?
Keep up the good work!
Hi Randall Jessup – Interesting thought about Hawaii, perhaps you might be onto something there. You know, as I understand it, only small parts of Hawaii are tourist havens, and much of it is still unspoilt. Perhaps those are similar to Samal even today.
Yes, it is quite common for well to do Davaoenyos to have a second home on Samal.
Hi Bob, Really nice to see another part of the Philippines. You are convincing me more and more to add Mindanao to my next trip. Great Video. Also, for others, if you type in "Island Garden City of Samal" into Google search, it brings up a lot more touristy information.
Hi John in Austria – I believe that Samal is worth a look. I know that it was for me! I love the place.
Hi Bob – You know, through your videos, I am starting to get a sense of how an expat sees the Philippines. I think it's a mix of my time living overseas & that enclosed horse blinders-like video perspective.
I've noticed that I am seeing things differently now. Details that I did not find fascinating in the past are now interesting to me like sari-sari stores, tricycles & that busy yet sleepy town overall feel of Davao.
I've been visiting this site for some time & part of the reason is my curiosity on what foreign nationals find interesting in my hometown.
Now I wish I took more time discovering this side of Samal. Especially since my childhood home was right in front of the island (btw, I have a feeling you been there – it's a well -known commercial place now)
Good stuff, Bob.
Hi macky – I enjoyed this comment, and I am happy to hear that you are seeing the Philippines in a new (or should I say different) light? Yes, a lot of things that Filipinos find "just ordinary" fascinate me. That said, I bet the situation is mirrored for you in the States, or was some years ago. Things that were so normal to me were interesting to you!
Hi Bob,
Kamusta Another great video Bob, and great camera work from Feyma…we can't forget that can we.
Samal looks so inviting to me…and can't wait to visit Philippines and see the Mindanao area, of course I will be exploring mostly Leyte at first, but will be coming to Mindanao for business trips.
Take care now, be safe and well.
Hi Danny – I'm glad that you enjoyed the video, and yes – good idea to give kudos to Feyma! She might not be the videographer next time if she doesn't get some love too! 😆
Hi makcy – I accidentally deleted your comment, but I am sure that Feyma will appreciate your support! 😆
No worries, Bob. But next time, spell my name right 🙄
Hi Bob,
The video makes me long more and more for Samal to be my future home. Feyma is actually helping me through my sister to find a suitable place based only on my budget. Feyma and my sister found one and now just waiting for the actual completion of titles ready for the buyers to purchase the lots they desire.
Hi Teng – I'll be looking forward to being your neighbor! 😆
Great stuff!!!
This video tags at my Filipino heart and invites me to imagine life (as it probably should be?) — simple, pristine, uncomplicated, unharried. Ah, let the imagination soar! Thanks for being the conduit for my daydreams.
I've been such a prisoner of the urban jungle and my life has been so digitized into packets of information that it is somewhat surreal to look at raw and crude natural beauty at its best.
Now if only commercial developers would stay out of such territory! But of course that's another daydream, right? LOL.
My best times (vacations) are when my feet can kiss the earth and where I can spend a night or two amidst nature's bounty. Beats being in a hotel room with such contrived/appointed furnishings…
Thanks for feeding my imagination. Nostalgia can be good company sometimes.
-Filipina Reader
Hi ecstasy – I am really happy that the video seemed to touch you in just the right way! I love Samal a lot, and it seems that others do too. There is just something special about the place!
Hi Bob, great video. I haven't been on Samal since a couple of weeks. While watching your video I felt "home sick"… – I hope, Samal Island will still remain 'un-developed' for many more years… 😉
Hi Klaus – I will be going to Samal today with some friends. Can't wait to get there! I feel that Samal will remain relatively undeveloped for the rest of our lifetimes Klaus, although perhaps only in certain areas of the island.
Hello Bob,
I'm just back in Canterbury, England, from a five week holiday in Mindanao. I retired 10 months ago and this was a last chance to have a decent family holiday before the crappy little pension kicked in !!
We were looking for a piece of land to build a home and we eventually found and bought a 1000 square metre plot in Babak, through our friends John and Myrna Hopkins who live there, perhaps you know them?
My wife comes from Tagum, so we have no shortage of family and friends !!
Don't know when we will have the cash to build our dream home, but we will, somehow.
Dave & Ruthless
Hi Dave & Ruthless – I'm glad that you enjoyed your trip to Mindanao! Sorry, I don't know the Hopkins family.