Do you remember when you turned 50? If you’re not there yet, stop reading now, I don’t want you to panic about it. I remember mine quite well; I woke up early one morning at my company’s contract hotel in San Diego CA. When I checked the time I also noted that it was also my 50th Birthday, I had really paid little attention to the fact that I was, one half of a century old. I pushed it out of my mind and drove my rental car down to the office to see what ship I was going to. No assignment yet, checks back in a couple of days. Since I was on the clock, while waiting, and they paid my room and board, I figured I’d head down to Mexico and sight see for a few days. While having coffee I looked across the street and saw a barber shop. Off I went to lower my ears. I’ll tell you now, why this seemingly small thing was such a big deal. My pony tail was 15” long and I thought that at fifty, I was too old for that look. So off it came and then I was heading to Mexico. I had to reintroduce myself to my boss when I returned as she had no idea who the guy with the short hair was.
So why am I bring this up today? Well last Friday my wife turned fifty, and to her it seemed like it was no big deal. She knew there’d be cake and pancit and of course a party. Did I forget to tell you she’s a twin? So her sister’s husband get’s a break, as he knows they always celebrate together, and I throw the party. The party will be in my re-built backyard and the food and beer will flow, at least the beer will.
Friday morning, much to do, tent is up. All outside light bulbs have been changed. Cooler filled with beer and water, ice added. (Will check again later) All tables and chairs have been power washed and ready. Man Cave is clean. Fishpond cleaned again, nieces and nephews in the pond, (A pox on my neighbor’s tree) Nieces and nephews already in clean pond. I’ll await further instructions from ComPacFlt-House, (Commander Pacific Fleet-House, or as I call her “My Mahal”.
Does it stop with the present, or the cost of the party? Hell no, a trip to the hairdresser, and a new outfit are also required. And one must have the obligatory damnable singing machine. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining at all. I enjoy seeing her and her family having a great time. And we’ll do it again on the 14th during the PacMan fight on Pay-per-View (sans the damnable singing machine). I just like the fact that no matter what her age is, she’s beautiful to my eye, and 13 years younger than me. So here are a few pictures of the party. You under fifty folks have something to look forward too, and remember what my father said to me, “You’re no longer middle aged at fifty!”
My 13 year old nephew wanted a beer, his older brothers said no, he snuck in to my beer ref. and took what he thought was a beer. I found him at the side of the house sipping on a ICB bottled Cream Soda, true it does look like beer, and has no label just etched glass. Being the “Cool Uncle” I told him it was Ok-na-Ok, the sugar rush will do him good!
Looks like great fun – I have a little over two years to go for my 50th 🙂 I attended my Great Aunt’s 100th last July before headin’ to Gensan, maybe 50 is just middle-age 😀
Maybe you’re right about that middleaged thing! Keep dreaming youngster (LOL)
I ain’t even middle aged yet, let along physicially aged in the since of adult. Just barely outta my teens. Haha. I got a lot ahead of me. O_O
Anyways, that cake looks awesome… yummy. I ain’t had cake in awhile. Wow.
Use the time will, as it goes by quite quickly. Take my advice and enjoy yourself along the way.
Hey Paul
Send a Happy Birthday greeting to your Wife from us here in RI.
I agree as annoying as the “Kare-Hokey” machine is its great to sit back swill beer put on a slow buzz with your buddies and watch them all enjoy themselves. I have been known to do a BAD Bob Dylan after I have swilled enough grog.
My wife is turning 50 this Oct and she is dreading it, my attitude is who cares its only a number. But I haven’t reached that ripe old age yet.
Hey Neal;
A pox also on those damnable music machines! I can honestly say that no amount of drink has ever caused me to pick up that Mic. Tell your Wife that 50 is the new 30, and don’t sweat it Neal, you’ll get there!
I guess I picked the right place, I like singin’ into those machines – if you wanna call it singin’ 😉
You and 99% of the Philippines enjoy it. If it gives a person pleasure, than it’s a good thing. Why do you think I rent one for every party? It’s just not for me.
You’re a wise man – and throw a great party!!
Thank you, kind Sir;
Getting ready now for Sunday and the PacMan fight from Texas. Stocking up on beer, pick up the chow Sunday morning. Pay-Per-View is locked in. Set material condition Zebra, and stand by for heavy rolls.
Awesome! We’re going to a venue to watch the fight, too many brownouts recently in Gensan to risk home viewing.
Hi Paul – I can’t remember when I turned 50. You know what they say, “Memory is the second thing that goes out on you as you grow older.” I can’t remember what that first thing was? 😆
(Belated) Happy Birthday to those fine looking women! Why they’re at your house, I’ll never know. (Maybe the karaoke machine?)
Hi Paul;
It had to be the Karaoke, which I found out means “No Music” in Japan. And I thought it meant “No Talent” in English. I pass on your greeting to the twins, as I see them both every day, their named Maria and Clara, was the father-in-law wearing a dress (of the same name) or drinking Sangria (also the same name). When he picked the names out?
Hi Paul, Looks like all the fixins were there for great time to be had by all. Love your fishpond! Hope your wife and her sister had a great birthday, and many more to come. I wish I could have had a piece of that cake…
Greetings Queeniebee;
I lasted until 10pm; the group of over 40 strong lasted ‘till 3am. So you’re right, a good time was had by all. The next day 80% of the merry makers showed up to help clean up the mess, gotta’ like ‘em for that! That cake lasted ten minutes after it was cut, next time I’ll save you some.
Belated BEST WISHES on your birthday young Lady. I look at every birthday as reaching a goal. Getting through life one year at a time…….i2f
It’s a goal all right, my Father thought that the cake should have 72 candles on it, for your first birthday, and every year one less. When you turn 73 and the cake is empty and you’re still there. You’ve won! He had 14 empty cakes and smiled at each one.
I will pass on you greetings to Mayang (Maria).
Hi Paul.
Happy birthday to your wife. It looks like a great party! Yeah, I remember when I turned 50. It was three years ago on Mar 21. I am afraid I went a little nuts. I have worn glasses all my life. I went in and spent $2300.00 on laser surgery to get rid of my glasses. Then I tried to wear tight jeans again, bought cool sunglasses and told my kids that from now on I was going to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and they could go, well, you know. Luckly everyone put up with me until this all passed. My wife turned fifty three months later and smoothly sailed thru it all. Then again, she is 52 now and can pass for 40. I,on the other hand, at 52 I can pass for 60 if the lighting is right and I have had a nap. Oh to be young again!
Hello Allan;
If you notice above, while telling the story, I did not talk a lot about that trip to Mexico, and never will. I fully understand the “Went A Little Overboard” factor, as I believe most of us do it. The tight jeans, well that’s a subject for another day. My wife can get away with it, me, not so much! I glad you see the importance of the “Battle Nap” for it is a thing of wonder. And I wonder how people do without it? So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you this month, and may your cake be empty for many, many years. (See my response above)
Hi Paul,
Tell Maria that 50 is not a big deal! Lots more years ahead. Wish I was there celebrating with you! It was really great meeting you both and also Dave and Mita. Fantastic country with fantastic people!
Thanks for the kind words; I also wished you could have been here. Next time let’s spend a bit longer together as I was having a great time.
Hello Paul
Every time I read your articles I say to myself, “that’s my kinda guy”!! hahaha Seriously, I guess turning 50 is just another day for us…well there is always the exception. It made me remember that I am turning 28 next week! Still so young, but a father to be in a couple of months. Anyways, regards to your wife w/ the Happy Birthday 🙂 Always a pleasure.
Your baby will be 22 when you turn 50, you’ll know what I’m talking about then! (LOL)
Thanks for the Birthday greeting; I’ll pass it on to my sweetheart.
Hi Paul – I’m sneaking up on the Golden Birthday myself… not really looking forward to it! 😆
Happy Birthday to your wife!
Ahh Bob;
It’s not that bad. (Advice from a guy pushing 63) It’s just something you only wanna’ do once, that all I could take. (LOL) Thanks for the greeting; I’ll pass it to her when she wakes up. I wonder why young people can sleep so much?
Ha ha… young people? Well, let her get her beauty rest, Paul… you’ll appreciate that later in the day. 😉
hit that mark just last jan 7 paul …. my wife makes me feel old but just 50 😉
Hi Tommy;
Happy belated Birthday to ya! It’s a wife’s job to make us feel old. It makes them look young, and we just might like that. (LOL)
Happy Birthday to your wife Paul. You can always use my plan on not turning fifty. I have been thirty-nine now for the past seventeen years. It works quite well. You my friend are a lucky and blessed man. But you don’t need me to tell you that.
Hi Ron;
The Jack Benny syndrome (Just showing my age) is a good plan, I tried it and no one would believe it. My head has already worn out two bodies (lol). I’ll pass on your greeting to my bride and thank you very much!
All the best on the wifes 21st birthday again. I hope you were on form and did not have to put full brown bottles back in the fridge.
I hpoe that pig was kosher other wise i could not eat it.Sorry you say it was halaal well that would be ok. A question based in ignorance but this that music box always turn at parties in Phil.With my hearing problems hey drive me crazy.
Yes to be a successful party here in the PI, the “Damnable Music Box” is required, 30 plus years on ship’s and my hearing is not quite up to snuff either, notice where I set the thing up.
As for the pig, yes it was kosher, you’ve heard of turkey ham, and hot dogs? Well the Philippines have gone them one better with “Turkey Pig”, coming to your market soon.
Oh, my wife thanks you, as she said that South Africa was the furthest she ever had a Birthday Greeting from.
Hi Paul, Looks like a nice party for the lovely ladies..but I would
expect nothing less from an old sailor..I also must agree with the
other Paul 50 happened so long ago I can’t remember it evan happened.
as for that machine that makes people do strange things, I would tell
people that most people wait till they have enough to drink before they get up to try it but I always wait untill everyone else had to much to drink before I would do it (as I don’t par take anymore). please relay to your wife happy birthday…
Hello Barney;
The reason I remember turning 50 was that road trip to Mexico, albeit there are parts of that I choose to forget. Yesterday the house was full again watching the PacMan fight on pay-per-view. The second time this month the beer ref. was emptied, but it’s always fun when they see their hero win again. I watched just to see those three Cowboy Cheerleaders sing the National Anthem. I was so inspired that I stood at attention! I’ll pass you greeting to the twins, thank you.
Hey Paul…
I had my 50TH Birthday in Kuwait, working. I HOPE my 51ST in Cebu will be better.
Have a great day.
As a guy that spent most of my Birthdays on a ship someplace weird in the world I know of what you speak. Being home for these last 12 birthdays have been the best ones. (Except when I was a kid)