Last Tuesday the 5th of March was my wife Mayang’s Birthday, The week before she was adamant that there would be no party. He twin sister Clara felt the same and I decided to respect their wishes. But I did suggest that she and I go out for lunch and a movie. To her this was a good plan. But the plan failed.
The Tuesday of her Birthday I greeted her in the morning with a “Happy Birthday My Love” and that’s when she told me the plan would have to be put off as she was coming down with a cold and the movie theater was way too cold. Well okay, I can understand that. But…
Later that morning she told me she had to go to town and pay the Globe Cell Phone bill, that got me to thinking, maybe she’s feeling better. Then I asked again about the lunch and movie, and she said she’d pass on that. Wait a cotton picken’ minute, something’s going on and I’m being left out, but then that would not be the first time…
My daughter Ymir Thea and our grandson Jayden are all dressed to go, Clara and her daughter Shey-Shey are all dressed and ready to go, then I find that while at the mall she’ll be meeting our other daughter YoHanna May and our granddaughter Heather Colleen also. But alas not Paul, albeit I will be allowed to sponsor, this day out.
So now that light bulb above my head lit up with a million candle power brightness, “Paul, you’re not invited.” I said to myself. It’s a ladies day out and I would just slow them down, I regrouped and asked my wife to purchase whatever she wanted as a birthday present and consider it from me. We could do lunch and a movie anytime. Wow, I get out of a trip to the mall and I don’t have to think up a reason to not go, cool!
Now before anyone thinks I’ve been slighted, please let me explain, our daughters had separately made a plan to take their mother to lunch and buy her a present. Not knowing about my plan “A” that I had come up with, which by the way that was no longer in effect. Once I had been informed of their idea I was happy with their plan “B”.
The power was off all day so I cranked up the generator, plugged in some tunes, grabbed my android reader, good ole R2D2 and jumped into a Tom Clancy novel. To me it was so much better, than walking around a mall for seven hours. Now that is something I dream about.
At 1700 hours, the power was restored, but the ladies had still not returned. Hunger was creeping up on me and I decided I would fix something to eat, but my phone chirped and it was my wife telling me she was on the way home and was bringing me a Whopper and Onion Rings for chow. Mmmm a Whopper, all is well in Dinalupihan Bataan. BTW I had foregone any and all adult beverages that day, as it was my wife’s day, and the mood wasn’t there. What a considerate guy I can be I’m such a Prince.
When they arrived home I was regaled with a recap of their most wondrous day, plus my girls had bought their mother a nice present, a Colby Kyros 10 inch touch screen internet tablet 4.0 Android computer what- cha-ma-call-it do hicky. A ten inch screen, somewhat larger than the one I have. But all men know that size doesn’t matter. Plus all the new outfits I had given her by just staying home and letting her shop in peace.
So to recap the day, in the grand scheme of things it turned out that our Daughter’s Plan “B” trumped my Plan “A” and the lady I love had a great day. That in its self is enough for me. I won’t even ask if she really was coming down with a cold that morning, it’s not very important now that I reflect upon it.
sounds like it all turned out for the good 🙂
And that’s really all we need out of life, don’t cha’ think? I awoke from my nap so refreshed!
Careful Paul, It’s a delayed fuse booby trap! it will take time burn down and set off the guilt bomb but It will! Run Paul Run!
Nice story and very considerate of both of you!
You’ve summed it up in one word “CONSIDERATION”; that’s the key to a long healthy marriage, and it cost absolutely nothing and is worth everything!
Never run, when you can walk
Never walk, when you can sit
Never sit, when you can lie down
And never, I repeat, never lie down, without taking a nap.
So Paul running is a non-starter
The last time I felt guilty was when I convinced my Brother that he was adopted.
They (The ladies) spent seven hours in a mall; I read a book and had a nap. Perfect day!
Hi Paul, you finally got your quiet time you’ve been wanting all along. A blessing in disguised and a restful day. How was the Whopper?
Hey Shipmate,
It’s been awhile!
Like on ship, I get my “NOONER” (nap; to non-sea going types) everyday, the tiny man is a happy little guy, and has yet to wake me up.
Whoppers’ are always great, and I don’t care what the meat is. How many times on the ships have they fed us mystery meat?
Yep, it’s been a while. I think I’ve done everything I wanted to do the house in Georgia whether somebody would like to buy it or not.
Those mystery meat? ha ha try the famous breakfast creamed beef on toast tasted good eh? SOS. Sometimes the frozen tube of ground beef looks green!
Good luck on the house,
I’ve eaten meals on ship where the cook shrugged when I asked him what it was.
I wasn’t allow to go to the mall with Meriam the other day. I too slow down the shopping. I am a wild and crazy guy when it comes to shopping. I have a list, I get what is on the list and then go home. Doesn’t take long. Meriam likes to go window shopping. I kept telling her we don’t need any new windows!!! 😛
I’ve found that giving Mayang the list and me staying home or her dropping me at an Adult Beverage joint (The new Mall has 3 of those) is a solid working plan. Plus I agree with you on the subject of the new windows. (Funny BTW)
Altogether I have forgotten all that! At my age eye candy is never on my list, for one important reason they are way too young. Going to a mall by myself would be a ten minute trip; I’d enter, find what I wanted, pay and go. I never hung around at a Navy Exchange either. (Except when I was the Navy Exchange Officer, I kinda’ had to)
Awww, come on, Paul. Eye candies are meant to be appreciated, not to be tasted, and you’re never too old to appreciate them candies. I’ve also seen some older candies that would put to shame some of the younger candies strutting out there.
The same as the dog chasing the car, and what does it to when he’s caught it? I’ll leave the eye candy to others, and go have an ice cold refreshing SMB!
You know, Paul, there’s something about those car-chasing dogs that gets my attention. I liken them to a Casanova at the twilight of his womanizing years. He needs to be re-assured that he still has the ability to conquer. In Margaret Mitchell’s classic, “Gone with the wind”, Scarlett O’Hara presented such a challenge to Rhett Butler, just as a speeding car is to the dog. For the dog, the prize at the end of the chase is less important than his ability to catch it. For Rhett Butler, he simply says to Scarlett O’Hara after having finally conquered her, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!” LOL
Is that somewhat like a catch and release thing? For in my younger single days I did a lot of that.
Paul, when you were 17, “it was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights…” Back then, the catch and release was routine and and fitting. But now “when the days are short” and you’re in the “autumn” of your years, the only catch and release you’d be concerned about is the waist size of your pants that has grown from a slim 32 inches to 42. LOL
Great song, Ole Blue Eyes got it right. I was single for most of my life, and it prepared me for now, I can simply sum it up by saying; “Been there, done that!”
How could you do this to the li’l dude, Paul? Without you there, he was the odd man out in the picture with all the ladies. But, take a good look at him, he’s already beginning to be like you. It looked like something interesting going up the escalator caught his eyes. Pretty soon, he’s gonna be wearing sunglasses like grandpa when he goes to the mall. He’s the man! LOL
He needs his time away from my evil sphere; time with the ladies is good for a growing young lad. The escalator in itself is enough to grab the little Dude’s attention it still grabs mine!
Ah “Eye candies” could be some ones Grand daughter being refered to.
Paul it appears you have perfected mall trips.
It was not I that first brought up the term “Eye Candy” for the very reasons you mentioned I would not.
But in a location that serves-up Adult Beverages, well that is a horse of a different color isn’t it. (lol)
How about lunch at Sit-N’-Bulls later in the week?
Now that sounds like a plan to make a good life even better.
I’ll give you a call.
Looks like you had an unexpected ” Day Off ” Paul and even though it went with Plan “B” you made the most of it. Hope you enjoyed your Whopper which must have come as an unexpected surprise. I read recently that Jollibee foods Corp. now owns the Burger King PH franchises but not to worry, they plan on leaving Burger King PH just as they are so you will still be able to enjoy a Whopper.
Hi Bob;
Jollibee still sells the best fried chicken in the Philippines, but their hamburgers are mixed to satisfy the Filipino taste buds. The whopper is still hands down the best fast food burger, but Texas Joe’s Bubba Burger is the best I’ve ever had in Asia.
I’ve always enjoyed a day with nothing to do, a good book (Albeit now an electronic e-book) some music playing in the background and a power nap (Navy Nooner), to me that is sheer luxury.
I’m hearing you on those Mall trips..I just pass….Unless I am doing the shopping.
If I must go, and can find no way out of it. Take me to a mall that has a monster hardware store so like that TV show Home Improvement with Tim Allan, I can stand around and grunt! If my lovely wife tries to drag me into a department store, I make sure we go to Ace, or Handyman City store first, she’ll leave me there and wander off.
LOL!!! Now that is a GOOD idea Paul!! I have always hated the mall, but have been to more malls in the last three years of being married than I have the previous 38 years combined. I will be happy when there is someone close to her that is willing and able to accompany her to the mall to walk around. Give me a banch and I’ll watch people walk by, or hit stores I want to go to! Clothing shops? Shoes? Purses? No thank you! Give me some tool stores, and I’ll be there. 🙂
The trip to the Hardware store works every time, then when I get home I explain, that her stores make me feel the same way to me, that mine do to her. She understands now, but I will go if food and movies are involved.
Hi Paul,
Looks like you both had a great day almost 2 birthdays! she got to do the mall thing and enjoyed the girls day out and you got to relax and got a Whopper as well! Sounds like a perfect day! I enjoy reading all the story’s here on the LiP makes me want to pack up and get there sooner in the RP. keep the story’s coming till next time…….
A great day was indeed had by all. I checked with the Philippine government and they said; “Plenty of room, come on over!”
If you keep reading, we’ll keep writing!
As long as everything turned out great and everyone is happy, does not matter what the plan was. Adult beverage places at the mall is always a good if you have to go there. It makes it more ebjoyable than lol. But i have admit the Harbor Point mall is pretty good. That young man Jayden is really going to be heartbreaker when he becomes a teenager lol, you can just tell by the smile. Have to agree the burgers at Texas Joes are really good, will definately go there again when i get back there. But a whopper is good for fast food an sometimes double it. Take care
Dbl Whopper is out of the question for me anymore, it’s just too much, The Bubba Burger at Joe’s also, but my Brown Lab “Coco the flying Lab” doesn’t seem to mind. The Jay-man turned 10 months yesterday so I got Chocolate Cake for a snack after supper. Stay well and get here soonest, see ya then.