Found a really touching video that I enjoyed and wanted to share. It is a video of an American man and his wife who visit the Philippines to visit their foster daughter in the Philippines, who they have been supporting.
So touching and great to see! I have done some sponsoring of kids and even adults while living here, and it is a very touching thing to do. If you have an inclination to sponsor a child (especially), you will find it a very rewarding experience! I have found that the kids that I have helped over the years have usually become life long friends and almost like family to Feyma and I.
I hope you enjoyed this video!
Again Bob, thanks.
Thanks, Violet! Hope you are doing well.
yes Bob, i am…
kayo din over there…ingat.
I’ve been following Travis on and off for a wile. Cool stuff.
Yes, same here, Byron. I follow Travis from time to time. 🙂
Donations of just about any kind can go a lot farther in The Philippines. Although for foreigners such as from the USA, foreign donations may not be tax deductable. The personal reward and feeling of satisfaction may well outweigh a tax deduction.
If you are a bit hesitant to make a donation to an individual, there are many worthwhile and credible schools, colleges, universities and health and welfare organizations that you can research on the internet.
One of my friends from Iligan City got a job working for the PH Department of Education as an elementary school teacher. Knowing a few things about the Public School System in The Philippines, I brought a gross ( 144 ) No. 2 pencils with me that I purchased in the USA at Staples Office Supply store for about $12.00 USD. A few weeks later, pictures of the students with their new pencils in their classrooms appeared. These could very well be the first pencils these young students have ever had. I will bring some more on my next visit.
On a previous visit, just days before the city of Tacloban was destroyed by a typhoon, I donated some stethoscopes and blood pressure apparatus to the MSH Cares Foundation in Iligan CIty. My donations and the volunteer medical professionals from MSH Cares Foundation took my donations along with them on their medical mission to Tacloban. It was heartwarming to see my donations being used to assist one of the most tragic events in recent history.
Just about anything can work wonders as a donation, it does not always have to be money.
Hi Bob. I have always found it very rewarding to do those types of things. The personal feelings of reward are well worth any costs involved.
Ill be sponsoring a young girl through nursing school there onnce she’s graduated in 4 years. Seeing how happy she was made it all worth it to me . All the vacations in Borakay can’t even come close to how I feel.
That’s got to be a super feeling, Kurt! Congratulations!
Hi Bob, it’s nice to see people give to less fortunate it will make a big difference
To their lives of the sponsors and the people they sponsor, Derek in pasig.
That is indeed true, Derek. Seeing people give to the needy is very heart warming.
Me too,enjoyed very much. ^_^
Glad to hear that, Dennis!
Just to let you know ,we are leaving the UK on Monday and arrive in the Philippines on Tuesday,and thanks for all your help and advice. Our best wishes to you and your lovely family. Bob Martin
Congratulations! Good luck with the move!
What a great Dad Good job God love for extra effort to go to the Philippines to see your foster daughter