OK, I admit it. I am a Filophile. I guess I’d think that almost everybody reading this site is probably a Filophile. What is a Filophile, you ask? Well, it’s something that I just made up! It is a person who loves the Philippines. I got thinking about the term Audiophile, and then my mind veered into thinking about the Philippines, and I coined the phrase “Filophile.” Well, I think that I coined the phrase, maybe it’s been used before, I am really not certain, but it is a phrase that I just thought up, so I’ll say that I coined the phrase.
Wikipedia defines the term “audiophile” this way:
An audiophile, from Latin audio[1] “I hear” and Greek philos[2] “loving,” is a person, who typically listens to music on high-end audio electronics.
So, my defination of a Filophile is:
A Filophile, from Philippines [a country] and Greek philos “loving,” is a person who loves the Philippines, enjoys traveling and living there.
What do you think?
The way I think about it is this… I have lived in a lot of different places in the world, mostly in the USA. For example, I lived in a number of locations in the Pacific Northwest. I like the Pacific Northwest, but when I think about it, I never had the same interest that I have about the Philippines. For example, I never went endlessly searching around the Internet for more information about the Pacific Northwest. When it comes to the Philippines, I have spent many, many hours just cruising around websites learning more about the country, it’s culture, food of the Philippines and other such information. So, when it comes to the Pacific Northwest, while I like the area, even love the place, I could not say that I am an PacificNorthwest-phile. But, I am most certainly a Filophile.
It would seem to me that almost anybody reading this site could qualify as a Filophile, don’t you think? I mean, if your interst in the Philippines is so deep that you regularly visit this site and other sites about the Philippines, you are almost certainly a Filophile. Don’t you think?
It’s time for all Filophiles to unite! Mabuhay ang mga Filophile!
Hello bob, my wife is in davao now, I hope to retire in 10 years. What is a good place to get a dsl router in DAVAO. enjoy the blog!
I guess I must be a Filophile…. the first 4 sites that I visit when I switch on my computer are all Philippines related. I have lived there for a short time and all my vacations are there… and I dream of retiring there.
Be careful when you use a word like Filophile……. some morons put 2 and 2 together and make 5…… of course not on this site 🙂
Your right gerry. To close a word with the ending ” phile” someone might think bad thoughts. Good attempt at a proper word for what your meaning is. I might go with a ” Filamor” This combines Fil= filipino and Amor= spanish for love. I still liked the article. Will be there in October and looking forward to meeting the people.
How about these words, do they lead to “bad thoughts”?
There are many others, many of which have good connotations.
Anyway, Gary, glad you enjoyed the article.
hmm, maybe i shouldn't have posted that. hate to start a thread with false pretenses.
hey everyone, i was just kidding.
Have to admit i am guilty of being a Filophile but have you noticed spell check doesn't much care for the term . 🙂
Hi Bob!
My daughter teases me because she sees me reading Philippine news often. She says can't you read about something American? I laugh at her and say that all I can think about is when we return home. It is the the brass ring that Marie and I are reaching for. Honestly, Bob it is my opinion that you have drawn such a following because of your sincere love for the Philippines. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.
Kamusta ka Bob,
Yes, I guess I am one, I think I have done more research in the last year on this subject than I have anything else, except for maybe World War II history.
My day consist of turning on computer each day, first check emails, then check out LiP…then try to find info about Southern Leyte, and the rest of the Visayas. Since there really isn't much on Southern Leyte on the web.
We will have to get a hold of Websters to get "filiphile" added. 🙂
Salamat kaayo,
Hi Bob, Count me in too! Guess I must be a Filophile, as like Gerry (above), the first thing I read in the morning is LiP and then a few other Philippine related sites in my RSS reader. Makes my morning, just like a cup of coffee.
I have seen that term used on another website similar to this one. Here is a quote from that site.
"Love of your wife, the food, the languages, etc., makes you at best a "Filophile", not a Filipino."
I guess I have been one since I was very young. My uncle married a Filipina many years ago while in the navy. While he was deployed she lived with me and my family. At an early age I was introduced to the inner beauty of Filipinos and the culture.
I traverse many websites and forums related to the Philippines and I am truly in love with the people and the culture. My research has really picked up within the last year or so to find out if living there is really for me. If you didn't know me and looked at my bookmarked websites you would think I was Filipino. 🙂
Hi Bob – Guess I'm more of an "Ilocophile"! 😆
Sometimes the relationship is tested, but overall I still think i,m in the right place.There is a huge difference between visiting here and living here and it takes a special person to make the change. I,ve lived the good life and the hard times here and I know which i prefer!
Good to see there are many of us. I still read the news from the RP, anytime I get the chance to get at a computer. Plus Bob’s site as always.
God I can’t wait to retire in 2012 and finally move there. There is also another well know term for this need to always checking thing there. We call it PPD, not it’s not the test for TB, (Post Philippine Depression) LOL. The only cure is to read and post on the forums and get back as soon as you can for a visit.
I'm a Filophile 🙂 to Bob ..I'm in the process of sell my place so I can move there as soon as possible .. I txt an chat my wife first thing in the morning then I go to Lip .read an laugh ..then I look places up on Google Earth in the Philippines and submit pic I took when I was there I have several pic on Google earth now …and surf for Realtor looking for land for sell all kinds of opportunities out there if you know where to look and who you know 🙂 helps too .. Phil n Jess
Hi Bob
Do I see a new website in the future for this word? BTW since you invented this word you are required to go to wikipedia and enter it!
As usual, you are right on the money with this one Bob. My friends in the UK have often called me an " anglophile " so Filophile would fit right in. Goes well with " Mindanao Bob " and at a very special time of the year " Minda-Clause " too !
Sounds like it might be a good name for another of Mindanao Bobs group of famous websites, http://www.filophile.com ! Grab the name before someone else does !
ooops! I don't know what I've done Bob, posting the same thing twice? Any chance of deleting the 2nd one? It must be me. I lost an article for Rusty's website last week. I accused him of having a bogeyman on his website that's gobbling up my article.
Good article Bob! I thought for years that no one loved the Philippines as much as I and I don't even live there yet. I now see that many live what I dream about.
Much like Gerry above, the first thing I do in the morning is take my pain pill, check my e-mail and then http://www.inquirer.net for news of the Philippines and the peso rate. (Any other good sites to view Philippine news)? If I find time during the day I check the LIP forum and see what comments have been made since the night before. and finally in the evening I check the LIP site which improves my knowledge of the Philippines constantly.
Um like your idea Sir BoB. Seems like you had some time on your hands. lol.
Philofile…. hmm a bit of a worry. I think I like the more modern Greek translation Philopino.
Philo from the modern Greek word "friend" and pino from the "Philippines". Friend of the Philippines. Well that was my two bobs worth. Have a nice day!
sir bob can you answer this if im 20years old and your 22 who's the oldest just a little joke i'm off to dream land zzzzzzzzzzzzzz good night
I think this is a trick question Bob, I'm curious and waiting for the answer. Tonka…? are you there?…..
Ooops! so it is, Tonka's puzzle distracted me. I'm still waiting for the answer, I'm intrigue-it's probably something relly simple. Well, have you got a Filaphile discussion board?
Now I'm duplicated again! Bob, have you got a Bogeyman here too?
Hey Bob! Do you speak Bisaya? Anyway, im a Filophile myself, and despite the fact that my parents are Filipino, growing up in the U.S has made me as distant from Filipino culture as any other American-born human being. Im planning to do a backpacking trip starting in Mindanao, any suggestions on places to visit in Davao? Thanks Bob! Great site and salamat sa imong supporta para mga tao who are interested in the Philippines! (Forgive my horrible bisaya).
I guess I must be one too Bob. Day starts with reading Joseys off line unless she is still awake, then we chat until she can't keep eyes open anymore. Next is lip, then to LIP forum then to Sun Star on line. read Davao sun star first then every other place in the phil's that they have paper in the Phil. Do I qualify????
Hello again, Bob!
So now you call yourself "Filophile", huh?!
Well, Good for you!!! I'd say!
Mabuhay to those who love the Philippines!
Cheers! 🙂
Yea you're right Bob ,but it makes them think and even looking up the answers still makes a person understand what they are reading ,If they take the time to look it up or read it on your sites they will understand a least something about what was wrote .. Unless they are like me and take a wild guess and hope for the best , that's always a funny answer too 🙂 🙂 …Phil n Jess
Gosh…I love the video that you made in Luz Kinilaw…I miss Davao!