For the past 11 years I’ve been supplying my own water to my house, I’ve drilled two wells, I’ve had water delivered. And a few years ago I had water for a few months by a company I believe was named “Fly by Night.” The first water company was a sight to behold, they ran […]
Getting a do-over in the Philippines
Have you ever done something and it didn’t turn out exactly the way you wanted it to? Have you done something that you wish you hadn’t have done? For one reason or another, as humans who are not perfect, in our lives we often wish we could have a “do-over” or be able to relive […]
My New Toy
There I was the last Friday wandering through The Royal store on Subic Freeport. My Wife and her sister have their list and are zipping up and down the aisles. I have a little cart and was put in charge of getting Kano stuff. Things like Jimmy Dean Sausage links, frozen Waffles, Frozen Buffalo Wings, […]
Watching the Circus
Lately, for the last few weeks or so, I’ve been going to the circus every day, and watching attentively. It’s been an interesting experience. You see, I didn’t have to even leave the house to watch the circus, I get to watch every day, all day long while sitting at my desk working! That’s right, […]
Interacting with others
I hear from a lot of expats things that are pretty negative about Filipinos. Some expats tell me that Filipinos are stupid. Others say that Filipinos are lazy. Sometimes I hear that Filipinos are greedy. The other day, I got an e-mail from a fellow in the States asking me if Filipino women usually stay […]
A Donnybrook on LIP
I see the term Expat all over different Web Sites; I thought I knew what it meant, yet I still looked it up to know for sure. After reading the definition, I found out why I’ve not referred to myself as an Expat. Taken from: Merriam-Webster Dictionary, exile 2: to withdraw (oneself) from residence in […]