So far, this has not been a good Century for SE Asia. Yes, we are only 9 years or so into the 21st Century, but the events in SE Asia have not been promising so far. This past week or two have been particularly bad. Over this past weekend, Typhoon Pepeng, Internationally known as Typhoon […]
Let’s count our blessings
This article is from Mindanao Bob’s Journal, which is a regular weekly column in SunStar Davao Newspaper. This column appeared in SunStar today, October 2, 2009. This past weekend, the scenes on TV from Manila were horrific. The flooding in Manila was devastating. The suffering of the people was heart wrenching. It’s really a time […]
Luzon Flooding
Anybody who has been watching the news this past weekend is well aware that a real disaster has struck Metro Manila and the surrounding area. Tropical Storm Ondoy passed over Luzon, to the North of Manila, but the Manila area really got the brunt of the rain. Ondoy was not a Typhoon, but short of […]
Weather Reports/Earthquakes and other Calamities
The rainy season, two weeks into it I was consuming cocktails at a friend’s restaurant, when it was pointed out that so far it had been a fairly dry rainy season (isn’t that an oxymoron?) anyway I did tend to agree. Then it started, and the rain came down, my fishpond that would normally have […]
Unbelievable, but normal
As I type this, it is mid-morning on Thursday here in the Philippines. We have been experiencing unusual weather here in Davao for a while now, maybe 2 or 3 weeks. As Rusty wrote yesterday, it has been quite cool here in the Philippines, and that includes Davao City. I’m not really writing an article […]
Something special about the tropics
There is just something special about living in the tropics. It’s different here. Pleasantly different. I live in the heart of the City. A residential area not far from downtown. I can walk for 5 to 10 minutes and be at a mall. However, from my desk, in the office, which is in my house, […]