OK, so you have decided that you want to hook up your TV and PC so that you can watch TV shows from overseas. I’ve been doing this for about three years now, although I’ve been really doing it a lot for about a year now. The first step you need to take is to make sure all your equipment is compatible.
First, let’s see what equipment we need to get everything working:
- A TV set. Any TV can be made to work, but a newer TV will be best, because it will have a lot of different choice of types of connections that can be made. If you are going to buy a new TV to set this up, get one that has an input for a computer cable (VGA), S Video, and RCA Jacks.
- A computer. It will be good if your computer has multiple types of video outputs. For example, the computer I use with my TV setup has a VGA output and also an S Video output. This makes it easy to hook up to my TV set, since similar connections are available on the TV.
- Cables. Whatever connection type you choose (S Video, VGA Cable or RCA), you will need a cable to make that hookup. Make sure it is long enough to reach from your PC to your TV. In addition to the cable for the video connection, you will also need a cable to connect the sound too. Most common will be a 1/8″ plug on one end (the end that hooks to your PC sound output) and RCA plugs on the other end (will plug in to your TV set sound input).
This is it for equipment, once you have the PC, the TV and the proper cables, that’s all you will need on the hardware end.
A few comments on the equipment. For me, I have a separate PC that I dedicate to the TV set. I don’t use that computer for my day to day computer work, I have a different PC that I use for that. For example, the computer that is hooked to my TV set is not the one that I am typing this post on right now. It is a different computer. I feel that this is the way to go, but if you are on a tight budget, you can certainly use the PC for both playing items on the TV and also for your daily computer needs. The choice is yours.
Hi Bob my tv it's old style no have vga conection. you can tell
me how I make conection from my pc for my tv.
Hi Zois – Does your TV have an RCA jack input? If so, you can get computer video cards that also include outputs for that.
Hi bob my tv have skart .You know yersteday I go 2 shops
I ask 2 boys and I ask no understand nothing.After I go another shop I ask the boy tell you one wire and have
conection for your pc and for television have skart conection. You thinking my pc need bideo card or card tv.
Hi Zois – I am not familiar with that "skart connection." Sorry, I can't offer any help on that one.
Hi Zois,
SCART usually carries composite vdeo and RGB signal but there are TV sets which accept only one kind of signal, either composite video or RGB. There are SCART adaptor where you can use RCA plugs but I highly doubt it is available there in the Philippines and creating one yourself (DIY) is not recommended if you're technically challenged as SCART sometimes have different wiring configuration and in your case we're not even sure what signal your TV can accept.
So your only solution is to buy a new TV preferably LCD's as some have RGB inputs already.
Hi Rey many thanks for your information I understand very
well what tell me .But I no live in philippines I live in athens Greece.