I’m not sure ladies if you’re like me, I really like to have facial massage at least twice a month. Have foot massage once in awhile. Facial massage here cost ranges from $5 to $15, foot massage cost $5, whole body massage cost $5. It so cheap here you could almost have it everyday. My mom’s here with us for quite a while now. She had stroke 3 years ago. She can’t hardly walk. If she stands up she has to get a hold on something. So I hired a physical therapist for her, the therapist works with my mom everyday for one to two hours and she just charges me $5 every visit. I can’t go wrong with that. By the way, all of the facial, foot and body massage and massage for my mom are all home service too.
I also know somebody that would do acupuncture. He charges $20 per session. Thats already including new needles everytime you have session. When my mother-in-law came for a visit, she tried acupuncture and she loved it. She had it almost everyday. I haven’t tried it, I don’t have the nerves to do it. Gosh, just watching my mother-in-law I felt I’m the one having the pain though. Maybe I will try that later.
Right now with our e-commerse business we are busy all the time. I would want to have massage everyday. When we’re still living in the States I never experience having massage there. As you know it’s so expensive there. Here I also like to have manicure and pedicure done regularly, cost $3.
I hope I didn’t make you girls envious. I just want you guys to have an idea when you come here of how much you should pay. Don’t pay the foreigner price though. When you come to Davao I can show you good places to have it.
Hi Feyma!
This is one luxury my husband and I miss. Whenever we're in Davao, we go to the spa for a massage regularly. We request our regular massage therapists. I remember once, we went everyday that my fingers hurt! We had to stop going for a while. ๐ So, we went every other day ๐ We do this as a family affair, all the men together and all the women together. This is where we do our family bonding – chatting in the jacuzzi, sauna, then massage! It is so relaxing, you can't get enough of it!
We still have massages here in the States, but not as often. I tell you, though, the massage over here is nothing compared to the massage there. We have the best massage therapists in Davao, as far as my husband and I are concerned!
My husband can't wait to go back to visit. He calls Davao "The Land of $10 massages!" Wait a minute, did you say $5? It's still as steal compared to what we pay here, and much better too!
Enjoy! Can't wait to go! My body needs it after shoveling snow ๐
Hi Tina – Massages have gone down in price considerably here, because in the last 2 to 3 years the massage business and spa business have really blossomed in Davao. There are Spas and Massage places on nearly every street corner it seems! Often I get into the habit of going for a massage every day for a couple of weeks or so, then I take a break. It's a nice thing to do, though.
hello feyma my fiancee lives in davao she is a massage therapist her name is sol celphone # is 0927-5395046
Hi Feyma!
When I went to visit CDO last May I had my hair trimmed, pedicure and manicure all for P120 pesos (roughly $2.50). Tip isn't customary but I gave about $1.50 for both girls. How about tooth cleaning or propylaxis for P300/$6 coming from my dentist who's considered one of the most expensive dentists in the city ? Here in a small town USA, hair trimmed is $11.95 excluding tip.
Hi Ken,
I will try to contact Sol one of this days.
Hi Jul,
Wow, the manicure and pedicure in CDO were even cheaper than Davao. The dentist in Davao charge $5 for tooth cleaning. They charge $1 for haircut. It's really cheap here in the Philippines. ๐
Hi Feyma,
When I was still in the Philippines and working, I have weekly pedicures. When I came here in the United States, I was stunned for a $25 pedicure. Never done it here. I buy a bottle of nailpolish and do it myself but it's not the same when someone else will do the job for you.
Hi Liklik,
Same here, I didn't have any of this stuff when I was in the States. Very expensive. I did the same thing as you, just do it yourself. You should do a lot of vacation to the Philippines and indulge yourself here. ๐
Hi Feyma Im Mirasol I am masage therapist. My fiance ken told me about your site he introduce me to you.(:smile:) I do combination massage for whole body like swedish massage, basic thai,basic shiatsu and foot reflexology. It takes 1hr. and 30 mins every session. If you are interested just text or call my mobile # 09275395046. God bless!
Hi Feyma, I love massages and other spa treatments too but it's very expensive here in the UK. A whole body massage here costs about £50 so I only have it on special occasions as a treat. When friends and work colleagues ask what I want as a gift, I ask for spa treatment vouchers instead – it's much more appreciated! I try to get a massage or two when I'm in CDO. Last August Jim, my daughter and I went for massages at Marco Hotel. It was very cheap and they even had a half-price promo so we went twice. Here in the UK, my favourite is Hot Stone Massage (hot stones are used to massage your body instead of bare hands). Do you know if they offer it in CDO or Davao? Cheers
Living in the Philippines, diet has become a real simple task. Eat normal. Just cut back on salt, sugar, and red meat (beef are a bit pricey here). Eat more fruit, vegetables, and fish (all 3 foods are abundant and cheaper here). The climate will take care of the rest. You'll sweat and sweat and sweat in this country. In fact, you'll start sweating as soon as you finished taking a bath. There are not that many overweight people in the Philippines because everyone sweats. Those who are overweight and have coronary diseases usually eat everything in sight, including pig and chicken skin for frugal reasons. I have to admit, Filipinoes are more health conscious now than they were ten years ago. Till next time….
Hi Marilou – there are places here in Davao who offer hot stone massage. One is at Lifestyle Fitness on F. Torres, and there is another on Jacinto, although I've forgotten the name. I don't know about CdO, but it is probably available there too.
Hi Sol,
I will contact you soon. Just really busy lately with kids. I already got your number in my cellphone now. Thanks.
Hi Marilou,
One places that I go for facial and they had that hot stone massage too is Blooms on Rizl St.
Hi Julius,
I agree with you it is cheap here and plenty of food.
Just wondering, where can I find a reliable/good acupuncturist here in Davao? My mom really needs the treatment and I'm having a hard time finding one. Thanks!
Facial massage is actually a popular Western beauty treatment and is used to prevent the signs of aging, to help with headaches, sinus problems and even to relieve stress. You can perform your own facial massage at home, of course, and save yourself hundreds of dollars. Here are a few things you should know about facial massage and some tips on how to do it yourself.
You should never give yourself a facial massage without using some sort of moisturizing lotion to make it easier for the fingers to glide over the face. This is because any sort of pulling on the delicate facial tissue can cause lines and wrinkles. Shea Butter, which is jam packed with anti aging nutrients and has skin smoothing properties is a great moisturizer to use. To make it extra good, warm the Shea Butter a bit first. The heat will open your pores and give you the maximum benefits of healthful Shea Butter.
Shea Butter can help your skin with a number of different things. It's excellent for dry skin, and helps your skin retain moisture for a longer period of time. It also contains cinnamic acid. This is a great little acid that protects your skin from Ultra Violet rays. Don't forget to add sunscreen too, though. Shea Butter contains Vitamins A and E, and helps smooth and soften your skin. Make sure you get a Shea Butter that is unrefined and organic. Any other kind doesn't contain the health promoting properties that unrefined Shea Butter does.
For more information, visit Purely Shea at http://www.purelyshea.com/
Hi Xandra – I know of one before. He is now in Manila. I will check if his coming back here. I will try to ask some friends for you.
Thank you for stopping by!
Hi Robyn Scott – Thank you for the tips. I will try what you shared here.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
My daughter and I planne dto visit the Philippines and would like to indulge ourselves while on vacation. Where is the best place for the SPA? I might thinking about relocating in the Philippines and wondering the ebst place to live without going through a worrysome of flooding. Also, I would like to do some derma on my back. Please, advise.
My Mother Inlaw suffers from pain in her back because of her sciatic nerve , can you give me the name and address for the acupuncture place in CDO. If you can help out with that it would be a great help
Hello. Dear can I ask you the # or location of the person doing acupuncture? please thanks.