Hi Everybody! It’s Friday morning, February 29 here in the Philippines, and I’m in the mood for something a little different today. How about you, are you ready for a change to celebrate “leap day,” a day that happens only once every 4 years?
For something different, what I would like to do is ask you a question and see what your view is. I give my opinions here every day, let’s turn it around today and see what you think.
You know, I live here in the Philippines, because I like it here. There are a lot of things that I enjoy about living here, and I can’t even imagine going back to live in the USA again. That being said, though, not everything is perfect here. There are things I would change about the place if I could.
However, instead of telling you what I would like to change, I want to know what you would change about the Philippines to make it a better place to live? So, don’t be shy, leave a comment with a few suggestions of changes that you would like to see in the Philippines. Whether it be some huge grandiose societal change, or something very simple, this is your change to let your voice be heard!
So, the mic is now open, and I’m waiting to hear from YOU!
It would be nice to have some funds set aside so that kids from poorer families can get a better education ……
Hi Scott – Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it. I kind of doubt that we will live long enough to see that change, but we can always hope for it.
hello bob
i would have to say that i would change policy of immigration in philippines,i think filippino people should be allowed to travel anywhere like americans can,
thanks bob
Change foreign ownership laws in corporations. This would be beneficial for the people, opening up the country to foreign investment.
Maybe slightly controversial,but i would like to see a major roll out of birth control,i feel over population is a major cause of poverty.I read somewhere a while ago that if this matter is not addressed the population in phils could double over the next 50yrs.I respect the churches view,but after all it is the 21st century.
I think cleaning up all the plastic bags would be nice …
Hi Bob –
So many changes needed, so few bytes to list! ๐
The country needs to become "business friendly" so that home grown entrepreneurship and foreign investment wouldn't be thwarted at every turn, and allowed to flourish. Increased business not only results in more jobs for people to earn their livelihood, but increased tax revenues for governments to provide their services. ๐
Of course, "business friendly" status requires a tremendous number of changes, running the gamut from good government to good citizenship.
Handouts will only cause more problems after their immediate benefits run their course after a couple of days or weeks. Too, some resulting feelings of entitlement would hamper desires for personal productivity.
As to over-population, Honk Kong is a good example of a small island that is "over-populated" not suffering the same pangs of poverty. In sub-Sahara Africa, where large populations are the norm, poverty can be traced directly to government policy: foreign aid being government-to-government, moneys don't find their way to the needy but often go into the leaders' foreign bank accounts.
Wish "People Power" would ask the question, "What can I do for you?" and not, "What can you do for me?" ๐
Mandate one "Taduay" poster per kilometer.
The obvious one would be clean the place up-a lot. A power wash on most buildings would be wonderful. However this is not my largest issue. I have always been bothered by the lack of rights/support for women and their children that are left to fend for themselves. I think the husband/father should be held accountable for the welfare of the children they fathered. Men seem to be able to father as children and just move on with not a care. There is no safety net for women with children like you would find in most developed countries. I read a comment above about birth control-well if fathers were financially linked to the children the create then you might see less children being born. So there you have my two cents worth or should that be centavos? Ron
Hi Ron Wadsworth – I believe that you have the wrong understand on the immigration thing. It is not the Philippine Government that doesn't let the Filipinos go abroad, it is the other countries that stop it! For example, the reason that more Filipinos don't go to the States is because the US Government won't let them, not the Philippine government. The Philippine government policies do not stop anybody from going abroad!
Hi BrSpiritus – I would fully agree with that! It would be a good thing for all involved!
Hi chas – Yes, that is somewhat of a controversial topic, but the Philippine Govt does have some birth control policies, and the Church is not too happy about it!
Hi Phil R – Yes, garbage, trash, pollution can be a major problem in many parts of the Philippines. There is so much natural beauty here, it is a shame that things like plastic bags laying all over the place are a problem!
Hi Paul – Wow, you've got a whole list there! I fully agree about being more business friendly. I often feel that if more Filipinos were entrepreneurs the economy could really flourish here!
Hi Brian – Ha ha… yes, there are plenty of such billboards!
Hi Ron LaFleur – A good power wash and a paint job on a lot of buildings would do wonders, I have to agree there. On the women's issues… I personally feel that the Philippines has a lot of pro-women laws (note the fact that the Philippines has had two female Presidents already while the USA has had none). Perhaps they need to be more uniformly enforces, but I do feel that many such laws are in place.
My one fervent wish is for the Philippines to be rid of self-serving, corrupt politicians who spend most of their time bickering and "uncovering" one scandal after another, instead of working together and doing the job they were elected to do. But, then again, this is just wishful thinking on my part. ๐
i would hope to see the philippines as an american teraitory like guam.and that the goverment was overseen by america.wow things would change in a big way.
Hi Tina – Dreamers should rule the world. It would be an improvement, wouldn't it?
Hi jerry smith – Personally, I could not agree with this one. I think that most Filipinos would not want that, as they are proud of their country, as they well should be. As an American, I feel that the days of being a colonizer are long past, and most Americans are rather isolationist in their roots. I do agree that things would probably change a lot, but some changes would be bad as well as those that would be good. Just my opinion, though.
your most likley right bob. all i can think about is the coruption and bad things i would like to see changed.
Hi jerry smith – Yes, I can agree with you there. There are certainly things that could change for the better here. But, it is a young country, and they must be given a chance to learn, mature and improve!
Hi Bob, I would like to get the philippine government on computers to make it easier to get work done faster.I went to the NSO office in Manila to get our NSO marriage contract and freaked because there were like 3000 plus other people there waiting in line.It was insane!!! Public trash collection in rural areas would be ok too. Take it easy Bob
Hi John – For NSO stuff like a marriage certificate and stuff, that CAN be done online already! You go to the NSO website and you can order those documents online, and they will be sent to you via courier. I have heard that NSO does a very good job on this also.
Thanks for letting us know what you would like to see here!
Hi Bob i would have to say that i would change policy of immigration in philippines, for foreigners people. You know if you like to visit
maleysia no need visa for 3 months. If you like to visit philippines no need visa only for 21 days.
I wish they would invest more money in public transportaion and infrastructure. I don't know how the traffic is in Mindanou, but is terrible in parts of Luzon, especially near Manila.
"But, it is a young country, and they must be given a chance to learn, mature and improve!"
Now, Bob, are you talking about the Philippines or the United States? ๐
Thanks Bob! I'll check it out.
Good input already … my wish would be simple. Forbid the teaching or the use of the phrase "If only". The solution to virtually every problem the Philippines has stops as soon as a suggestion is made with the phrase "If only". If that phrase had been popular in the Colonies the US would still be part of Great Britain.
@ Jerry Smith … heaven forfend, if that happened I would leave the Philippines the next day … the US already "benignly" overseas a number of former "possessions, such as Guam, the Northern Marianas. Palau, and very notably, Puerto Rico … if you want the colonial life, it's readily available … Philippine independence is one place I will certainly agree with Manuel Quezon … if you think the Philippine government is bad, just picture this place under remote control from Washington DC … we're from the government and we're here to help you…. I was a government employee for 38 years … Pogo was right … We have met the enemy and he is us … or so this former swivel servant opines.
More garbage cans in Manila, just like what you have in Davao!
The policy on foreign investment and property ownership should be changed. Current policy serves to do little more than nsure the wealthy stay that way. it does nothing to ;rovide opportunity for the poor. Changing foreign investment laws could bring prosperity to a larger segment of the population just as it has for the Philippines what it has done in neighboring countries like Malaysia, Singapore and China.
same with #5 post by chas. a solid birth control program. it's a no-brainer but the leaders are hesitant to rile the church — hmm, how about a solid birth control program & a clear, distinct separation of church & state? (as the constitution mandates).
an effective recycling program. not just street side recycling bins, but something that will promote each household to sort the trash and get into the habit.
i know the poster meant no harm, but i was taken aback by the wish to have my country as another's territory. i understand the intent, but for all it's faults, we locals take pride in our sovereignty.
that said, i wouldn't mind seeing mindanao have more control of its resources & laws. it's a messy news issue right now, but i feel the island cedes too much resources to manila & is bedraggled by red tape ( needing the greenlight from manila). the bankerohan bridge funding & rebuilding is a classic case.
…oh, i can go on. you've busted this dam, bob. it's too early in the morning for me. thanks ๐
Hi Bob,I would like to see a program to control the mosquito,in view of the growing amount of Denge cases.(the pesky critters love me) ๐ ๐
Hi Bob
I think a railway network for Mindanao would be great for local and international business, tourism and it would certainly have a major impact on defeating or at least fighting terrorism by allowing access to remote areas, plus I would love to travel Mindanao by train.
Hi Bob, let's take a leap alright! In a snap of a finger, I would like to clean up the whole government….the leaders/politicians, majority of which have a single goal once elected: STEAL from their very own countrymen!….it didn't matter if we were able to stop the 20-year dictatorship, it's still the same BS….I hate to say this because I never was a Marcos supporter but at least in those days, there was ONLY ONE person who robbed the people! Same o! same o! It is really sad to see the country stagnant compared to its neigboring 3rd world countries……
I can only pray and hope that some day a handful of honest leaders will come out and make things better for the country and the poor. ๐ฅ
Jack –
well i'm pleased to give some good news here. there is already movement for the MRS (mindanao railway system). there's a house bill 1246 for its establishment and it's being heavily pushed by the house & business sectors — that's prominent backers in the public & private sector. as a mindanaoan, i'm excited to see this happen… soon (ok, maybe not. this is the philippines after all).
this is also fairly recent news & i hope it becomes a reality soon as i agree with you that it would be a great idea (for the economy, stability & yes, personal travel). google it. there's info about it on the net.
ah, nothing like some good news to liven up the posts.
hey, can i add higher salaries for cops & teachers? i think their low wages are a major reason for the problems in law enforcement. the teachers low wages are just a crime. people would be shocked to know how low the salaries are for educators (and another avenue for a brain drain with qualified teachers leaving the country).
I would like to see the catholic church preach safe sex and the use of condoms, they should wake up to the 21st century banning of condom advertisements, this simply goes to show how out of touch the church is with todays world. Generations ago it may have been best for families to have many children, but these days they need a way to break out of the endless cycle of poverty, people must learn to use sensible family planning and the church should play a huge part in it, but they dont! To me i feel like the Catholic church there just wants the masses to stay poor, keep the wretched under thy thumb.
A church which would wish to perpetuate poverty and misery is not one which I can have any kind of respect for.
Yup, I hear what you’re saying Bob. Although, I think I’ll miss the stops along the way on those drives, stopping for some beautiful scenery or a restaurant along the way… See, if you flew to CdO, you can’t stop for Fr. Franco’s specialties. Know what I mean? Sometimes we do need to take it slow and enjoy the trip and not just try to get to a destination quick…
Hi Tina – Yes, that is quite true. But, there are also times when I need to make a quick trip to Iligan or something like that when I don’t have time to stop over and see Father Franco or something, when a flight would certainly be quite welcome. I also enjoy driving the island and seeing new things and such, but I feel there is room for both!
Hi Zois – Out of all the people here, you are the lucky one! Your wish may have already been granted! Watch for a column next week about tourist visas in the Philippines!
Hi Joe Parisi – Traffic is indeed a huge problem for the Philippines. In addition, the heavy traffic adds to air pollution and compounds the problem.
Hi Tom – Well… I can see your point, but the Philippines is only around 60 years old as a nation in the form it is now, compared to 230 or so….
HI Dave Starr – If only that would happen…. ๐
Hi Migs – We've had the garbage cans in town for a couple of years now. I do agree that they are a nice touch and help in keeping the City clean.
Hi David S. – I can't help but agree with your analysis.
Hi Macky – Last year, I wrote an article on my Mindanao Blog about a very poor lady who got into recycling as a business, and she (at that time) was earning P75k per month through recycling. I bet she earns more now. It is quite an inspiring story, if you ask me. Check it out here.
Hi john.j. – The Philippines does promote mosquito control as something that every resident should do. Instead of a government program to do it, they teach people to keep puddles of water from forming on their property, etc. I think it's a good program.
Hi Jack – Since Congressman Boy Nograles assumed the role of Speaker of the House, he has proclaimed the Mindanao Railroad as his priority project during his term. It would be great to see it happen! Many other Mindanao Congressmen are lining up behind it too.
Hi Veechee – I'll be praying with you on that.
Hi Graham – The policy of the Catholic Church is not just a Philippines thing, but I do agree with you. I don't think it will change, though, as the whole birth control issue in the Church is a firmly held religious belief.
Hey Bob,
One thing I would like to see done, at least in Dagupan, is adopt a policy similar to the ADA (american with disibliities act). The sidewalks are not pedestrian friendly.
As for birth control. It is not just the catholic church. God is the same yesterday today and forever. It is man who changes.
Hi David – I agree about the sidewalks (and everything else) being unfriendly for the handicapped. I have several friends in wheelchairs who have visited here in the Philippines and they are shocked when it comes to accessibility issues here.
There were railroads on several of the islands when the Philippines gained their independence however the money that should have gone to maintenance went into someones pocket instead. Preventitive maintenance is something that doesn't seem to have caught on well here.
As for birth control there are no more undeveloped areas of the world for the church to conquer and convert so the only way to get more Catholics is to breed them.
The only hope for real lasting improvement is to get rid of corruption.
Hi Tom – Most of the railroads were in Sugar country for transporting the sugar (Negros, and other parts of the Visayas). Mindanao has never had a railroad, or much infrastructure at all compared to the other islands. Alleviating corruption is certainly the best hope for the Philippines. No doubt on that.
Hi Macky & Bob
Thanks for that info. So, it's not so far-fetched after all. One more wish would be that corruption will be on the first train outa here.
Here's another one for dreamers like me ๐ – more interisland flights (small aircraft island hoppers) and affordable, of course – to make it easier to get from one island to the next. Wow, wouldn't that be great??? Yeah, I know, keep dreaming… ๐
Hi Jack – Happy to help!
Hi Tina – Let me take your dream one step further – how about intra-island flights? LIke Davao to Cagayan de Oro, GenSan to Surigao City and such. Right now, you either have to drive routes like that, or you have to fly to Cebu first.
Hi Bob. Here's mine. I can't hold it anymore so I will just let it go ๐ :
It should be mandated that when a certain Barangay reaches, shall we say 1000 houses, (500 if they are close together) that they should put up a Central Sewage and Drainage/ Water Treatment system.
The septic tank system should be banned in all major cities and networked drainage/sewage system be built. It's real 'gross' to think that most of these septic tanks only get cleaned up during flood seasons. To see kids playing and swimming during flash floods… ๐ฏ
It's hard to enjoy the rivers and even the beaches too especially if you see houses close by…you'll never miss to see the 'floaters' or even step on the 'softies/'stickies'' ๐ฅ
Hi Bob,
I agree! There used to be flights between Davao & CdO, but I guess they didn't get enough business to keep it going. Didn't you fly to Zamboanga directly from Davao? If I remember right, I took a flight from GenSan (Dadiangas then) to Davao when I was a kid. Oh how times have changed…
I just hope I'd see these interisland hoppers in my lifetime. It will make it so much easier to travel the entire Philippines…
Hey Bob,
I would like to see more efficiency in the postal system. When they take lunch everybody takes lunch. Then they close when they want to. They also need to get more modern. Whats up with this putting 100 stamps on a package?
Hi Dr. Long – I'm sure we would all appreciate not seeing those floaters in the local waters! ๐ Swimming in the Davao Gulf here on the Davao side of the waters is not recommended for this very reason. Quite disgusting!
Hi Tina – Just 10 years ago or so there were intra-Mindanao flights on an airline called "Mindanao Express." Believe it or not, I was their webmaster too! I flew on their plane one time – from CdO to Davao City, in 1999. They have already gone out of business, though. You are right, there are 3 flights per week between Davao and Zamboanga, but I believe that is the only commercial intra-Mindanao flight around these days. More would be better! ๐
Leap year called in Skandinavian for a 4 year goes for changes in life well let us wish the best then in future
Hi David J – Ha ha… I have to agree about the packages with 100 stamps (or more!) on them! I see those all the time.
Hi Kristian – All the best for you too! ๐
Wow, some good thoughts for sure. I will explore the recycling issue further, it's something I want to cover more in my self-sufficiency threads. You know one of the richest women in the world is a former housewife in China who has become a billionaire recycling the (mainly) US cardboard from big box stores that is shipped back to China? There's money in bote'
Regarding the railroads … two points. Negros has virtually the only live steam _working_ railroads (as opposed to tourist lines) left in the world. This could be promoted heavily by the DoT .. are you listening Mr. Durano? Rail fans are a lucrative world-wide tourist target.
Luzon had/has an exstensive rail system, from almost the southern tip of the island to the sugar cane centers in Tarlac and even farther north. The PNR tracks north of Manila were pulled up since independence, the trains still run sotuh to the Bicol region. The present administration reveived a huge international loan to exstend the extising MRT north to Clark SEZ as part of the necessary infrastructure to make Clark the international airport for Manila. Squatters were cleared along the righ of way … and then all work was stopped. Chismis is the money has been spent elsewhere, and we own't have a North Rail system after all … which I was looking forward to since a station is slated to be built within an easy walk of my house.
Not to belabor trains, but in Japan, another island nation with an overcrowding problem, property values are directly linked to distance from a railroad station … in fact 'for rent' or 'for sale' listings often start with the name of the closest railroad station and the distance.
Hi Bob,just a few of my comments on some of the above posts.Heavy traffic and pollution is a world wide problem.There is mounting pressure on motor manufactures to diversify,ie electric,liquid hydrogen fuels.Hydrogen is the cleanest and BMW have successfully built such cars,the problem that has to be overcome is gas station storage,it has to be kept at very cold temp to remain liquid.Will we one day see the demise of the jeepney? Unfortunatly the phils gov has to approach birth control softly softly for fear of upsetting the church,as they could start a coup to overthrow the government. Regarding poorly paid teachers i agree.My wife, originally a teacher from Valencia(private school) tells me, in Mindanao 500+ teachers chasing every state school vacancy.Most time the only way to secure state school job,is to offer a donation(bribe) of P30k to P50k to the right person.To us in the west that would sound a good deal,secure lifetime job,modest pension,subsidised home loans,but to filipina its a fortune. Regarding the Marcos years,in the early years he did many great things for Phils,it was one of the fastest growing economies in asia,then greed set in to satisfy his very greedy wife,whom he was afraid of,so i read long time ago.Lets also not forget he was supported by the US gov for many yrs (another story).Regarding Dengue fever and also Malaria,some may like to know,there are 4 strains of dengue,the mossi that carries it feeds in daytime and is generally more prevelant in urban areas.Malaria,there are also 4 strains, carrying mossi feeds at night, particularly dusk and dawn and is most prevelant in rural areas. Judging by what i have been reading in phils news sites,it appears the phil gov has really woken up to importance of Mindanao IF it all happens,there will be boom yrs ahead.New int airport CDO,Massive new korean shipyard in CDO creating up to 40k new jobs,Large new steel rolling mill,Illigan,xpansion of road network,to name but a few.There is also a feeling if Mindanao's economy flourishes this will ease the muslim terror problem,something that has deterred major investment to some degree.Well thats my 5p worth,or 10cents worth,must sign off,been on pc 4hrs,reading/writing posts,my wife is accusing me of neglect ๐ Filipinas,don't yer just luv em.
Hi Dave Starr – yeah, I've seen that lady in China featured on some TV show, I think it was on CNN if I remember correctly. She is the garbage queen! Makes huge money from recycling garbage. It would be interesting to see somebody in the Philippines pick up the mantle.
I would like to see the coruption done away with that is rampant all over. Once that is dealt with I believe that the Philippines has everything else it needs to become a great country. The people for the most part are really great and they have a lot going for them selves.
Hi Micki – I agree that the people here are great! They would go a long way toward making a great country in the future.
Coruption seems to be the most common complaint, mainly aimed at politicians, but from what I have observed, coruption seems to be at almost every level of life in the Phils. Someone recently suggested to me that what the Philippines needs is to turn communist, but I think; would they be any less corupt? I think coruption is ingrained in the Philippines, like some other countries who have been colonised by the Spanish.
Food Bob, and i was just going to say that but i mean quality and "what", well i am trying to think myself but i love thai food, indian food, chinese food and sometimes i don't think for foreigners the Filipino cuisine reaches these heights (but neither in my opinion only) does western food
best regards
On a positive note, we just bought a can of Dole pineapple here in New Jersey and it said "product of the Philippines". I don't recall seeing that before. I remember when if we bought anything tropical, from pineapple to coconut milk it almost always said "Product of Thailand" Is it possible that the Philippines is finally starting to get its act together as far as exporting goes?
Hi rick b – Are you in Davao? I've been hoping to hear from you! Give me a shout, and let's get together. There is good quality food here, you just have to choose the right places. Hint – watch later this week, I have a post coming up about my Top Ten places to go out and eat in Davao!
Hi Joe Parisi – Dole Pineapple from the Philippines has been on US store shelves for decades. Feyma and I used to buy it in the States in the early 90's, and I know it was available before that. The Dole pineapple is always either from Thailand or the Philippines, we always made it a point to only buy the Philippine one! ๐
I live in Manila and would love to see some major improvements of the city's infrastructure and the establishment of a real international airport.
An obvious one is to see the corruption disappear, but I feel that will never happen, since the people benefiting from corruption are the only ones who can really do anything about it – and why would they change anything.
The brain drain must be stopped. It is really short-sighted to send the brightest people abroad – who will stay back to teach the new generations.
All the best
I agree with Jack and others who suggest that Mindanao needs a modern railway system There would be sufficient patronage between Davao and Zam. to justify: similarly, Luzon's Manila desperately needs an extension of the LRT to NAIA, and as part of this the dormant German-built air terminal requires opening. Further extensions of LRT in Manila are essential,as well as a heavy rail link between Manila and Clark Airport/ Angeles City and why doesn't Phils have an LRT or even a tramway-style light rail linking Cebu City,Lapu-Lapu, Mand and the Mactan Airport. There is the population density to support it, and let's not forget that one LRT line in Manila alone has 400,000 trips a day – that's a lot of greenhouse gas emissions saved, and a lot fewer noisy, polluting jeepneys and buses on the streets. Phils. is certainly beginning to progress – electric rail transportation will have huge economic benefits to all levels of society.
I would like the law changed in the Philippines so that a foreigner who desires to settle there could buy himself/herself a house and land parcel, even a 500m2, would do.
Apart from that I wish we stop patronizing Philippines and Filipinos. The reason we all like it here is because it is different then USA or other western country. If it was just like USA or just like Germany why would you want to be there?. enjoy yourself the best you can, accept things as they are and be happy.
Hi Ole – Over the past years Manila has gotten the lion's share of the ultrastructure improvements in the country, basically on money derived from other parts of the country. It would be nice to see some money spent in other areas someday to improve the quality of life somewhere other than Manila.
Hi Ted – Like you and Jack, I would really like to see a Mindanao Railroad!
Hi Markus – personally, I believe that as a long term resident of the country, if people like me can help make improvements in the life here, it is a duty that we have. Just my opinion, though.
Hey Bob,
There is one change that is coming that is very good. That is the electric Jeepney. They don't look like the classic jeepney but it will be much better for the enviroment. It is starting in Manila and I am sure will filter throughout the Philippines. Below is a link to the web page.
Hi David – Yep, perhaps you missed it, but I did a write up about the electric jeepney months ago. Check here.