Have you guys been reading or hearing on Philippine news TV? Regarding one of the big celebrities here in the Philippines wanting to marry his girlfriend. Why would that be a problem? The guy, he is 60 years old and the girl is 16 years old. To be honest I think if the girl was over 18 it might not cause a lot commotion here.
I think one of the reasons why it makes some noise not just here but all over where lots of Filipina married to foreigners community. The guy he is so nationalistic that sometimes he sounds like he doesn’t like the Pinay to be married to the foreigners. But his sister married someone from Europe. Well that’s just his opinion. It doesn’t bother me really. But what does bother me when he’s one of those person that’s against older foreigner guys marrying the young Pinay.
But look what he is doing. He is wanting to marry an underage girl. My Lord my daughter is older than his girlfriend. To be honest, really just thinking, I know my daughter is too young to marry any guy right now, and I know she’s just not ready to have another life (babies) to support. It’s just like babies making babies. I know that celebrity guy can afford what the young bride wants, I would also say the same to any foreigner that married to Filipina, he can afford whatever the young bride desires.
For me that celeb guy should just zip his mouth before, since he already know that he had desire for youngster. I’ve read somewhere that his second or third wife, he married her when the girl was just 17. He said he loved her too much that he let her go later. He should know better, the media now scrutinized him and the girl. Honestly I felt sorry for the girl, now she’s going to be followed by the paparazzi. And he claimed that he didn’t know the girl was just 16 years old before they had the relationship. That really shocked me. He didn’t ask her birthday or what year in school she is? Knowing the year level of the girl, he can already figure it out her age. I don’t think the girl stopped schooling. I don’t think they are too poor. Or like he said he was blinded by his love for her to backed out. It’s already too late for him to know her age he said. But what can we say the parents were okay with it, and they approved of him marrying the girl when she reached the age of 18. Not sure if they are now living in one roof. The way he said in the interview, it didn’t sound like they are living apart. But who knows.
Really, I’ve met a lot of older guys married to a young Filipina (the Pinay is over the legal age) like a little over 20’s. And you know what I saw the love and care with each other. The thing that I had in mind now with the 16 year old, most of them were so immature, just a few are not. What if hard times/trials come along, can the 16 year old think right away on what to do? Maybe some can too. This is a difficult subject to tackle because for me it’s really up to the person. But I am hoping too that it will not happen to my daughter or other members of my family. I saw a lot of what happen when a 16 year old married that early. Trouble in paradise mostly.
*** But I guess it’s not so uncommon to a young girl become the mistress of someone here (some were pushed by poverty and the parents). So I guess its just the same. It’s one of the other unending cycles here in the Philippines “The young ones (underage girl) married or living in with the older guy”. ***
Hi Feyma
If your not considered to be responsible enough to vote how can you be considered responsible enough to marry.Freddy is a great entertainer I have seen him many times but my view of him has changed now that he has broken cover.. In most ountries he would be locked away as a pedofile. I agree that it happens too much in the Philippines and I think that its time for the government to take a lead. Lock freddy up. Putting one of their most famous sons behind bars would be a great warning to all of the foreign Pedofile scum who jet in to Angeles and Olongopo to indulge their twisted fantacies
Hi corjo – Exactly. Hopefully they will wait till the lady be old enough for them to get married. He really claimed he loved that girl. Oh well, what can we say, some people supports what he is doing, but if an old foreigner do that kind of thing they will be in trouble…. Sigh…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Well, there are sixteen year olds and there are sixteen year olds. Not that I am saying this is right though, but we don’t know the individuals. Sixteen is the youngest age someone can marry in the UK. In Scotland, at sixteen, one does not even require parental consent, though in England, you require parental consent if you are under 18.
The girl in the photo certainly looks somewhat more mature than your own daughter, but who knows what people are like inside. I certainly know some very mature youngsters, and others who certainly still need parental advice.
Hi Jim Hannah – Well it happens in the Philippines. So even if it is okay in UK and Scotland, it’s not okay in the Philippines “suppose to be”. That’s why the Children’s welfare (DSWD) is getting involve. We will see what happen next. Stay tune on that.
I guess looks can be deceiving. The celeb guy was the one indulged the age of the girl.
Freddie is old enough to know that he is too old to be sexually involved with a 16-year-old girl. Yes…she is a girl! She’s certainly not a woman, not yet anyway. This guy is old enough to be her grandpa. What a despicable example he is setting for the other young Filipina girls. It’s shameful!
Hi Ben – It’s not the proper brains that function here. Really for me If he really want that girl he should just wait for the legal age for her to marry. Hopefully that gives her time to think if Freddie is the man that she wants to be with for the rest of her life. The parents are supportive anyway.
Thank you!
Of course, it’s not really “for the rest of **her** life” she’d be with him.
In my humble opinion Fayma! he’s just a dirty old sicko man who’s thinking with his “little head”, that is if he still can,LOL!!!!
I have a direct story related to Ka Freddie.
2 years ago we went to see him and his son perform in Manila. I traveled from the US, with my current girl friend and her brother so all three of us went to the venue.
While I was in the Bano, Ka Freddie went to our table during his break to talk to my Girl Friends brother. You may know him. His name is Rudulf “Boy” Kutch, former PBA basketball star during the 70’s. Freddie and Boy were good friends back then and they were VERY happy to see each other and chit chat. until…..
I returned to my seat was introduced and promptly ignored by Freddie. No big deal, he was sitting down to talk with his friend. But he did mention to Kuya Boy that he was surprised that he would “allow” his sister to be with a foreigner. What makes this interesting is I understood what he said. I tapped boy on the shoulder and asked permission to interrupt. Kuya Boy said…no, I will tell him. Long story short, My kuyang told frieddie it was not HIS business, we all are happy and well cared for so whats the problem. Freddie proceeded to tell him about the dilution of blood lines and all that useless garbage. Needless to say it was a short conversation after that…and my Kuyang said what you said. Freddie is a Hypocrite on a LOT of issues, not just blood lines, so dont mind him.
One last hing that needs to be mentioned, Maria is 56 years old and I am 52, so that raises eyebrows also since a lot of expats and foreigners only involve themselves with younger folks. I wouild not have it any other way. Age is just a stage in most cases, but 60 and 16? Bahala Na I guess.
That is funny, Tito Joe. Freddie would talk to Kutch as Kutch is caucasian looking rather than Asian looking. In university, Kutch played basketball for the University of the East and he was one my favorite players along with Soriano, Revilla, Pecache, Alcantara, Abarientos, DeLeon, and Franco.
Freddie does not realize his musical style reflects the influence of other cultures. What a total dimwit he is!
Hi Tito Joe – Thank you for sharing your stories. Good for your brother-in-law to stand up in behalf of you. The thing that surprises me his reaction with you and your girlfriend to think she is older than you. I wonder what is that all about?
We’ll see what happen to this case. Another stories that will just fade in due time. Typical here.
Take care!
Hello Feyma,
Wow…some of these things are news to me. As you may know, I am in ‘showbiz’. Freddie happens to be a friend of mine…and to be quite honest; well this is this first time I have herd that Freddie has a problem with foreigners marrying Filipina’s. Feyma, I am not saying that you are wrong…simply the only time I ever spoke with Freddie about the topic was to introduce him to my soon to be wife (at that time) and to invite him to my wedding ( He seemed quite happy for us, bought us a round of drinks and spent the rest of the evening with us).
Take care Feyma
Freddie has been very vocal over the years about his feeling that foreigners should not marry Filipinas, he says it dilutes the bloodline.
Hi Bob – Like the blood line isn’t already diluted with the combination of native blood, Spanish blood, Chinese blood, Malaysian blood (which has about 10% Indian) and the other blood types I missed.
That’s funny …. my filipina wife and I (Australian) are finally having a child in January and the filipino relatives are over the moon to have their first mestiza in the family.
Please understand, I did not say that I agree with the “thinning the blood” thing, I said that is what Freddie Aguillera has said in the past. I am totally against that type of thinking.
Of course most right thinking people are against that type of argument. Racial Purity and eugenics have long ago proved to be utter nonsense. That a he should use his position to preach what can only be described as Nazi doctrine is utterly disgusting. Pedophile and Nazi
Hi Corjo – You state “Pepophile”. The policing system here seems to let pedophile behaviour slide on most occasions. I am unsure why. Such abuses appear to be tolerated by society here, even though most people think this kind of behaviour is wrong. A good pinoy friend told me once “Part of Philippine culture is long suffering, hence why things tend to take a very long time to change in the Philippines or are tolerated even though wrong”
Just want to clarify; the term “paedophile” refers one who is attracted to pre-pubescent or early pubescent children. That would typically be a child younger than 16 I guess. The term is frequently misused, by those who wish to comment about older man and younger partner. e.g I recently heard of a 48 year old man showing interest in an 18 year old girl being described as a paedophile. Personally, I would say such a relationship is not right, but the guy is, by definition, not a paedophile.
Now, now Corjo, don’t be insulting Nazis by equating them with this Pedophile!
Hi Bob,
I didn’t think you agreed with him.
Maybe we could nick name him der Fuhrer?
Racism is very strong in asia and with the emergence of asian economies, particularly China, it will become more overt as inferiority complexes fade away.
Hi James – Maybe he is changing now since his sister married a foreigner. Most Filipinas are not happy of what his views of the Pinay marrying a foreigner. I’ve grow up and knowing him to be the way he is “So Nationalistic”. Doesn’t want other artist to sing English songs in the other countries when they perform. I like some of his songs but I don’t like his views.
To each his own. We will see what happen to his case soon. I don’t follow that much gossip and local showbiz stuff.
Good luck to your shows. Thank you so much for stopping by here. Take care!
Hi Feyma – Laws for people to be 18 usually exist to protect the interest of the minor. These laws usually exist as the society considers the mental development sufficient by 18. 18 is not always the best indicator of being an adult, but 18 is the legal line that exists in many countries. In many countries that guy would already be arrested and awaiting trial. I suspect that won’t happen here. I don’t agree with marrying or sexual interactions under the legal defined age. Friends say that situations like this are looked down on in the Philippines, but it appears the law here let’s them be. This man only continues to do what the law fails to enforce.
Hi brenton – Right 18 suppose to be. You just said it. I’ve been hearing underage girl to be the mistress of someone here. So go figure…
Hi Feyma – On a separate point. If Freddie was 100 and the girl was 18 and she was not a result of human trafficking, that would be of no concern to me. All though it looks wrong and is perceived by many as very wrong it is permissible. Not all people by the age of 18 are mature though. I am confused why people seek under age girls when there is so many girls 18+.
Hi brenton – To be totally honest I do care if it happens to my kids and close relatives of mine. But like what Freddie just said on the TV interview that the parents said its okay for him to have the relationship with that girl, so nothing we can do on that unless the Children’s welfare gets involve. Which they did. Not sure how far would they go against him.
Take care!
Her parents agree with the arrangement because he is famous and he has money plain and simple as that!
My sentiments exactly Papa Duck! It’s all about money and fame. And oh, if Freddie is so nationalistic, why did he have plastic surgery to alter his nose?? Compare his photos when he was younger, he had a traditional Malay nose. Wide and flat. Look at his nose now. I think his nationalism is just to sell albums. And by the way, his haughty sister has been married once or twice to a Kano and she had about 3-4 1/2 Kano children. The oldest is currently in PI prison serving time for 2 murders. She tried to hide him in her mansion in Manila but was caught.
Each partnership is different …Just like many things in life our… I married my 1st wife when she was 14 1/2 and there was alot of commotion bout it I was 18…They tried to break us up and so we ran off and got married…We lasted 30 years and 10 children…Now I am here and with a younger woman 40 years difference and have been together 10 years now…I have never grown old and never will…I like a younger woman because they are not set in their ways and I do not sit in a rocking chair,,.. Good Luck to Freddie I understand ….. and she certainly does not look 16 and may be more mature than alot of other woman her age..
Hi Lenny – Wow, that young.
*** and she certainly does not look 16 and may be more mature than alot of other woman her age.. *** —- FREDDIE WAS THE ONE INDULGED THE AGE NOT THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES. We just say what they said on TV about the age. Nothing more nothing less.
Hey Lenny, term Ridgerunner comes to mind! What State are you from? Tennessee? You sure you’re not Jerry Lee Lewis’ cousin? Runs in the family! hahahaha!
It is great debate material about where normal relationships end and pedophilia begins, but I wonder how many expats realize how silly they look parading, or should I say limping, around with the teen bride. Why would anyone want to marry someone many years their junior. At some point it becomes perversion.
Hi Bill – Thank you for your comment and sharing your thoughts.
Have a great day!
Hey Bill.
It must feel good to sit in judgement of those around you.
I wonder what they think of you?
Two words.
Dolly Madison.
Wife of the 4th President of the United States. The 1st First Lady. The previous presidents’ wives never performed the social duties.
Quite a story. Her first husband and one of her two children died in an epidemic in Philadelphia. His parents, too. He had been a rich merchant. So, suddenly there she was at age 25, a widow with a small child and zero resources. She met James at a party, maybe, but there is also evidence that she happened to be living in a boarding house he stayed at when in town. Regardless, they met and married. He was 17 years her senior in an era when his death was already due.
Loved her a lot. He could not bear to see her unhappy, so when her child grew up to be an alcoholic gambler and wound up in debtors prison, James impoverished himself selling land to raise money to pay the kid’s debts and get him out. She loved him, too. Famous love letters between the two are archived.
Thanks for your honesty Bill! It is so refreshing since some forums/websites ban the discussions of age gaps topics when it comes to young Pinay/old Kano marriages.
Hi Bill,
I used to ask questions like this and usually got the same answers. “They are my soul mate” and “age doesn’t matter” are pretty standard. My pet peeve is that people will blame cultural differences for their relationship problems when it is clearly an age gap issue. Everyone knows that Grandpa has trouble saying no to the cute little girl sitting on his knee.
I’d be very surprised and very disappointed if these opinions attributed to Freddie Aquilar are true. I have met him on many occasions (not as a friend) in his bar Freddie Ka’s in Malate together with my young Filipina wife. He has always been very friendly towards us both and even sung a song for us about how difficult it is to be apart for long periods.
I was writing a scathing comment when the thought came to me…why bother the man is a RACIST PIG. I will follow Grandmothers advice and say nothing. Sadly this happens many places and the pertitarders think the other party knows what they are doing at age 14, 16 or even in many cases 18.
Gerald – You are right, even 18 might be to young, but they need a line. 18 just happens to be the line most of the time.
Hi Gerald – True why bother… Good grandma’s advice say nothing. But sometimes it’s hard though. 🙂
Have a good one!
The Manila Times stated he broke no Philippine laws. (THEY SAID IT, NOT PAUL THOMPSON) And bless me that young lady does not look that young. According to the (AGAIN the MANILA TIMES) they met at his concert where she was flirting with him along with other young ladies.
Now I’m 66 and my wife is 13 years younger than me, would I desire a girl 50 years younger than me? The answer would be no as what would be your reference points to talk about, plus she should be going out with friends her age not hanging around with people my age.
But what other people do is their business and not mine, “Judge not, least you be judged.” So until we understand the laws covering this matter, I’ll just click on one of Freddie’s songs and enjoy it!
Hi Paul – To be honest I don’t care what anyone do. Problem is he is a hypocrite. He criticized foreigners for marrying a young bride. So what’s the difference when its him that did it? My only thing is he should just zipped his mouth before and not say anything against others since he is the same.
I don’t like to judge, he should not have judge others before too. If it would have been the foreigner that did what he did, I think it’s a big commotion here then. Just my opinion Paul.
Take care!
“That’s funny …. my filipina wife and I (Australian) are finally having a child in January and the filipino relatives are over the moon to have their first mestiza in the family.” – Michael
The Filipinos have a word for this. It’s called, “magpalahi”, or to crossbreed. While some Pinays specifically target foreigners as their way out of poverty, there are those who do so solely to obtain the white foreigners’ DNA in order to produce good-looking offsprings, or both. “Magpalahi” is easily one of the most perplexing Filipino obsession I could think of, outside of the macho Pinoy’s propensity for having a querida on the side. If you look across the neighboring countries in the Asia Pacific region, you will find that Filipinos may be the only society that puts such a high premium on the good looks of the mestizo and mestiza. You see them ooohing and aaahing at the sight of good-looking tisoy and tisay kids at mega malls and at provincial sari-sari stores, while their Pinay Mom and white father, who are fond of parading the kids around, beam with pride. The Philippine entertainment world is dominated by personalities with mixed blood, and so are the international beauty pageants. But, this is not to say that many pure-blood Pinays with Malay features lack the qualities necessary to compete. I believe the fault lies, not with their non-Western looks, but with the prevailing attitude and mentality of a large segment of Filipino people who probably do not like what they see when they look at themselves in the mirror.
To the best of my knowledge, the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans, on the other hand, are not known for a want of infusion of foreign blood in order to produce good-looking offsprings. It just isn’t in their mentality to worship the Western look, and besides, many CJKs are good-looking in their own right, but this is not to say that many pure-blood Filipinos aren’t. The difference is the attitude and mentality, not the looks.
John – It is confusing how many people worship the western look. Funny thing is that many westerners like the more olive brown look. In fact some Pinoy friends find it unusual that I would comment many of the pale girls here are considered potentially not as attractive to many foreigners. It is an interesting attitude and mentality. I don’t quite understand that part of the cultural thinking yet. Well done for the child on the way.
Brenton – One of the most beautiful Filipina I have laid eyes on was an Ilocana selling strawberries on a side walk in Baguio. She had smooth skin that glowed like copper in the Baguio Sun. Her facial features were unmistakably Malay with high cheekbones and big brown eyes. Her black, thick mane of hair was tied back in a bun. She wore no makeup. So awestruck was I with such an unadulterated beauty before my eyes that for a moment I thought I was gazing at a Filipina Mona Lisa. And, when she spoke in the language that I so love listening to, but don’t completely understand – the Ilocano language – I just about died. 🙂
So true John! Never ceases to amaze my that pinay buy “Whitening Cream” and when I ask my friends why they want to look white they say: “to look pretty”! Then I must remind them that white people pay good money to get the same tan that THEY have and that pinay are the most beautiful women in the world. They usually have a big smile on their face after that conversation!
Feyma, I thought there was a law if a man was with a woman or girl under 25 years his age he could be sent to jail ?
Not quite sure what your sentence means Don? Is it a girl under 25, or a girl more than 25 years younger than him? This is interesting, have you any information on where you heard of this law?
Jim, I read the law somewhere indicating that a male over 25 years difference alone and in the presence of a female can be convicted, There was an article about men in Angeles being trapped into paying or going to jail because they were with underage females….This could also mean maids and others. Maybe someone could help me here on that law. I believe Bob had an article on this sometime ago. Sorry I can’t remember where I read this.
Don R.
Many youngsters that are 16 in the Philippines are mostly matured enough to make their own decisions, unlike here in the US. Well, what can i say the couple apparently got approval from the 16 y/o girls parent which is hideous!!
Levy – But the 18+ law allows for extra years of emotional and psychological development. If there are 16 year olds mature enough, then there are maybe 14 year olds mature enough, maybe 12 year olds mature enough etc. They create a barrier for the greater protection of the masses of women. In principle I get what your saying, but then there will be people use the same argument with younger and younger girls.
the girls family is poor and I think Freddie Aguilar is taking advantage of that situation .. if he really has pure intention with the girl and he is really inlove , why not wait until she’s 18y.o. before having any sexual relationship with her.
On the underage comment, Totally agree that it is 18+ to protect the woman as bodies mature faster than minds. In the UK it has been 16+ since 1885, when campaigners fought to raise it from 13 to prevent child prostitution. and yes a 18 yr old can be charged with statuary rape for having sex with a 14 or 15 yr by the police. As to whiting creams i have mentioned to my pinay gf i love her for herself not some artificial western standard, I don’t expect her to become westernized , just be herself