While standing by my New Old Honda in the parking lot of the Harbor Point Mall the other day I was watching people enter and leave while waiting for Mayang. Now hanging in parking lots would not be a normal activity for me, but since I am married it does happen once in a while.
What I noticed was that 90% of the owner jeeps coming in and out were driven by Kanos and not Filipinos, the Filipinos were all driving nice cars,. That fact struck me as odd, until I remembered that my first form of personal transportation here back in 1994 was an Owner Jeep. I smiled and thought to myself; “It must be a “New Guy” thing.
Over the years almost 100% of my friend had owned at least one Owner Jeep, and quite a few had bought a second one. My first Owner Jeep had a real roof and doors with roll up windows and you could lock a tilt steering wheel, power mirrors, power steering and power breaks. It was fully enclosed so I could remain dry during the rainy season, and for good measure it was also Air Conditioned, and coil springs on all four wheels.
Like most new arrivals I thought they looked cool and I had to have one, but like most people I only wanted one. A real car I found was the best way to go. I found that for the most part only the guy who built it could repair it as they are nothing but a hodge-podge of parts collected from so many different makes and models of cars.
In my case the biggest mistake I made was not having an automatic transmission installed when it was built. My wife Mayang refuses to use a clutch pedal for any reason what so ever.
One time when we were out, I happened to be a tad over served, and she drove me home from the Barrio to our house in 2nd gear the entire way. I knew that she deserved a car with an automatic transmission after that scary trip.
So back to the mall parking lot and one guy (Kano) parked beside my car and as he exited his Owner I said; “Just moved here, did ya?” he smiled and said yes, how did you know? Ah just a lucky guess. We spoke for awhile and he was lamenting his upcoming first rainy season, knowing those curtains will not keep him dry, to which I point out how hot it would be if he used those canvas doors that were stored in his shed at home.
He said he would give the rainy season a try and buy a real car if it got too bad. I smiled and joked with him and told him not to try and sell his owner until after the rain was over, there is bound to be a few new guys in town by then, who’ll snap it up.
Would I ever buy another Owner, I think not, but honestly I had a lot of fun with the one I had, and if I had to I would do it again, it’s a “New Guy” thing.
Ayos! (y)
I’m assuming an “owner” jeep is a jeep that is built by the owner from a hodge-podge of parts, correct? I did an internet search for “owner jeep” and got nothing.
*scratches head in confusion*
Try “Philippine Owner Jeep”, it will come up as I got two of the pictures from the internet, and two of the pictures were of my old Owner Jeep. The jeeps are built by small companies scattered around the Philippines, and are built to order.
Owner Jeep is what they call a hand made Jeep-looking vehicle that is used for personal use, and NOT as a Jeepney. My wife told me about them when she moved here to the states and I had a hard time understanding what she meant until I looked it up myself. 🙂
True they are never to be confused with a Jeepney, Apples and Oranges!
Also a common term, and even (I think) official LTO term is “Owner Type Jeep”. You now my “real cart” is stick shift and I have the same problem with my wife not wanting to use a manual. Maybe an Owner Type with an automatic would make her a good “going to the mall” vehicle.
The LTO being a bureaucratic maze I’d have no doubt they would call it something like: Owner Type Jeep Hand Forged and assembled with Spare Parts found on shelves and or in junk yards.
I learned the hard way about manual transmissions (Transmixers) a mistake I never make again. Down side of an Owner Jeep at a Mall, is you can’t run to the car and lock up your purchases and continue shopping. Wait a darn minute, which could be quite a positive trait.
I did think they were cool, but when I suggested one to my wife in jest (mostly) she reminded me it was too small and it was ugly. Ended up with a Kia Carnival, very similar to the minivan we owned back in Canada.
A wise lady, as the Kia will keep you dry as you motor about. As I said its 90% of the guys that buy them and the other 10% are just smarter than I was.
If it was up to me, I’d live there driving a ’65 Mustang Fastback, Blue with 2 white stripes down the middle. I would be the “Owner”; hopefully preventing any thefts. As long as I don’t put a mercedes marque or insignia in place of the horse up front, it shouldn’t be a high risk for theft.
In Puerto Rico I had a Lincoln Town Car, the Chief of Police in the town I lived used to joke that if it was stolen he could find it within an hour, there were only three of them on the entire island. The problem with a muscle car here in the Philippines is you’ll never get it up to speed, as a Tricycle will pull in front of you every minute or so.
I’ve always preferred pick-ups and vans so what interests me, when I become the new guy, is Suzuki’s Multi-Cab series. From what I understand of the engines in those, I won’t notice if a tricycle pulls in front.
I believe the Multi Cab has a three cylinder engine, so the tikes will be blowing past you and complaining that you’re in their way. (lol)
Ok now I get it. I mentioned wanting one of those things to you yesterday, not knowing you had this artical coming out explaining why I don’t. You are definatly a step ahead Paul.
According to that picture on Face Book, I believe it was the Blue Rock Girl your were thing about wanting, not any Owner Jeep.
I think I might have had a ride in one of those on my last visit. A friend had bought one to rent out to tourists along with a driver. I had seen pictures earlier in the year of it having a lot of body work done on it including it being completely sanded down and painted in a copper kind of color. Thanks for the definition of ” Philippine Owner Jeep ” as I too was wondering what the term ” Owner Jeep ” meant as I was reading your article. Another mystery solved right here on ” LIP ” .
Driving home in 2nd gear only ? Reminds me of the hit song ” Beep Beep ” by The Playmates. And yes, I still have it on a 45 ( RPM that is LOL ) .
Thanks for another informative and entertaining article Paul.
I do remember that song, and if I had thought about it I would have played her that song (After Down loading it) But you’re welcome, I guess I had thought that anyone who had been here knew what I was talking about. Oh how wrong I was. But I’m glad you do now. That was my bad for not explaining the term in more detail.
Correct me if I’m wrong, Paul, or anyone. I have always been under the impression that “owner jeep” means a jeep that is for private use only, another name for “POV” (Privately Owned Vehicle), as opposed to a jeep or a jeepney for hire?
Well luckily no one will have to correct you, as I think you are right on the mark with that definition.
Owner Jeeps – AArrrgghhhh!
Owner Jeep Drivers – DOUBLE AArrrgghhh!
I know those things can go faster than they do. Seems like everyone is stuck in Sunday whenever I get behind one. 😆
I believe they drive so slow for the same reason they won’t turn on their headlights, they are trying to save gas.
I think i’ll just stick with a Honda CRV. I can’t see myself driving one of those in traffic lol. Have a nice day.
Stuck in traffic with air/con running in a Honda! Luxury, pure luxury!
Boyfriend who is moving here in May was thinking of getting one…. I gave him one look and said NO! We will both drive a regular car or AUV and he is not going on the road on one of those. NOT IN MANILA. too much pollution, too many snatchers, hassle.
I can understand the fascination but my mother always said, its a coffin on wheels no protection whatsover to passengers and driver…. its a tin can. Cute but that’s it. Personally, its better to get a toyota avanza. sits the whole family and not to harsh on the pocket.
I wish I had your Mother’s advice before I bought mine; another problem is if you go shopping, you can’t lock your purchases up. Tell your boy friend to have someone take him for a ride in one on a rainy day, he’ll buy a car.
Any idea where I can get my hands on one? “Seriously” . . . .
AyosDito.PH or just Google Owner Jeeps Philippines for sale. They are everywhere.
Ha….New Guy! 😀
I search Ayosdito.ph almost every day! I look for everything and ALWAYS see a owner jeep for sale no matter what area you’re searching in!
They are selling them like hot cakes so they can but the new Proton from China. It’s like the Kia No-Pride in the early 90’s, pure junk but cheap.
Do you own one?
The first time I went to Mindanao there was no place I could even find rent a car, so I told my wife to buy a car for my next trip there. Of course it was an owner she got.
Over several trips after that purchase boy did I get to hate that “tin can” (good choice of a name Maybelle) any rain, your got soaked, I got so mad with it once, it was raining hard and I was saturated and driving along a bumpy road, so I floored the gas pedal in my madness with the result that the engine jumped out of the mountings. That’s one day I will never forget as long as I live, even though I laugh at it now.
After that I bought a proper drive, the owner is still in the garage and I refuse to even look at it.
My brother-in-law drove mine with a busted water hose, never noticing the billowing steam arising from under the hood, after he seized the engine he was kind enough to have a Jeepney tow it home, and I had to pay for the Jeepney, changed engines sold Owner Jeep, bought a proper car, banished the brother-in-law. It all works out in the end.
Had a question for you or anyone on here? I have read somewhere that you can’t have a car/truck over so many years old like 4 or 6 years older than the current year is this true? I know when i was there i had seen some really old cars/trucks and even bikes and my wife said where she lived in Bislig City her neighbors had cars that were at least 10 or 15 years old. Thanks
There is no age limit on a car or truck that is already here in the Philippines, that applies only to importing one into the country. Which, BTW I just found out about last month. If the horn works, it’s legal to drive here.
No cars for me in the Phil’s, Paul. We’re buying a TMX and maybe one of those fancy motorized trikes. No real traffic in Calbayog City yet but that’s bound to change. I won’t be playing tag with the cars in Manila if I can ever help it.
I if I had my druthers I would prefer that a very large person kick the crap out of me than drive in Manila, so I fully understand from where you’re coming from. It’s the Pedi-cab’s that are people powered; I believe all Trike’s are motorized. (LOL) BTW what is a TMX? I really don’t know.
TMX is a very popular Honda motorbike. Really a little small for me but they seem to be used for everything here.
Ah,Now I know what it is, I’ve seen them attached to Trike’s; I believe they are 155 CC’s 4 stroke engine.
I think it must be a “New Guy Thing” like you say, because I too want one!! The thing is, I HATE the real things here, but those over there look pretty cool! I mentioned it to my wife, and she said no because nobody in the back seat(if there is one) is comfortable. Now, I owned a Jeep Commander a couple years ago, and I hated it. So, why the fascination for something even worse than a modern made Jeep? It’s just cool that it is hand made, and looks like the old school jeeps. Will I get one? Maybe. But, I also know that if I do, it would only be used by me to run a quick errand on a nice day. As with everything about me and the Philippines, it’s all up in the air right now. I won’t make a decision until I get there. I might be better off just putting it towards the passenger van or SUV my wife wants. Personally, I’d prefer a van over an suv just for the sake of cargo/people transportation ease. But, having a owner jeep as a secondary vehicle appeals to me. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how I feel on one of those tiny Honda TMX 155’s before I decide. LOL!!
Forgot to mention… your owner jeep sounds like the nicest one I have ever seen or heard about on all my views of owner jeeps for sale!! Do you have any pics to share of your first owner jeep?
Disregard pics question. I guess I should have looked at the pics before I posted after reading the article. I usually come back to the pics after I read everything. 🙂
I fully understand!
The man who built my Owner Jeep was shocked with what I wanted, but he built it anyway. He had orders for the similar types after I got mine, as even the Police would stop me just to look at it. He never gave me any Bird Dog fee, for all the business I sent him.
My best friend Tommy bought a brand new Sportage, fully loaded, he told me he was going to keep his Owner Jeep as a second car for himself. Six months later he had not moved the jeep once, and sold it. It’s the A/C, the Stereo, and staying dry that caused that.
You are right about it being a new guy thing, as I was going to buy this prior to making my move, and decided quickly against it. I quickly had visions of becoming the family’s driver, and said to my self, time to rethink. I think I am going to go the Hey Joe route of a motorcycle and tri-cycle. While I have seen whole families being drove around in a trike, I am not that worried….
As I said above about my-brother-in-law he was the cure, the thought of asking me now would bring tears to my eyes as I lay on the floor laughing. You want to borrow what???? My Honda will carry my family and no one else, that’s why I never bought a Van. If we are going on a beach run I’ll hire a Special Jeepney to carry the relatives as I take my car. But Trike’s are a good idea too!
There still are a lot of WWII Willies Jeeps still around, I know a guy with two of them.
Hi Paul I’ll just stick with my Isuzu Crosswind as some of the places I go the OJ would be a nightmare. In the last two years in Northern Mindanao we have had more than our fair share of rain and even Noah would struggle to keep his Ark under control here.
And I can’t slight you for that, high off the ground and comfort. That’s the way to go.
I had no idea what you were talking about til I saw the pictures. My wife calls those things low riders. This site is the only place I’ve heard the term multicab. I googled it out of curiosity. Folks I’ve been around just call those trucks or vans depending on the body style. Maybe the terminology varies from place to place? do need a farm truck, but neither of those will fit the bill. The low riders will bottom out, and the multicab with a caban of rice in it won’t pull the hills. And yeah, a roof & doors are kinda important. 🙂
Take care,
My friend has an owner jeep with a six cylinder Chevy engine and 15 inch tires, so low rider term would not fit. If you need a truck, any model of Ford or Chevy truck is available here, albeit without V8 engines, but very powerful 4 Cyl diesel engines, those multi-cabs won’t get out of their own way. Good luck on whatever you decide on.
This is so cool! i am April SoRiano from subic bay currently i am writing a paper for my school Project about the foreigners living near the area. I checked the area and some ofa the writings give me some ideas. how i wish i could interview one of the guys living near the area. keep writing paul. if you dont mind i would like to hear more about you first time come here and other things happen to you since you got here.
thanks in advance !
April from olongapo city
Hello April;
Most of your questions can be answered by going to the archives on this site and reading past postings.
If you list some questions on an e-mail and send it through Mr. Martin (Contact Us Section) I will respond, but another idea that might help is to send a few extra questions to my wife, to really find out about a Kano in the Philippines.
ok….enough of the tin can jeeps…..you may want to seriously look at the jeeps they use on pinatubo for the ash fall silted river bed to drive on…..those are cooler than owner jeeps…..but your still wet when it rains …. good luck! I’m stinking to our crv…..he wanted a Chevy avalance…..I said??? lets get a Mitsubishi Montero…
If you still get wet, then I’ll pass. Here’s a good rule, wife decides all things house. Husband should, and notice I said “SHOULD” have a little say so in the car. A Chevy Colorado is good!
Hi Paul – Here in Manila, you rarely see owner jeeps anymore. And every time I see one, it’s mostly parked outside a wet market. So.. are you going to buy new car? replace your new old Honda? Ha ha. 😉
Maybe someday I get that new car, as soon as I have the money my wife will want to upgrade her house and then says; “The Honda is in good shape.” So someday…
Hi Paul
My first vehicle is owner type jeep, stainless designed, its really fun to drive with that vehicle, and it is good for all beginers who want to drive, my teacher in driving told me better to start and learn to drive in mannual than in automatic vehicle. the only problem to that vehicle is the lower bumper, always hits the humps.
Mayang went to Mary Grace Driving School and learned to row (shift) on a manual transmixer (Her word not mine) But she decided that automatic was better and if they make both types than why not drive the easy one. I had to agree with her. Now she loves to drive.
Hi Paul – I lost your email address. Please send me a private email so that I can ask a question.
Sorry, still no love for owner jeeps! 😆
It’s done, and I know you dream about your own owner Jeep. But I won’t tell anybody.
Yes – its a new guy thing!
I bought when 3 days after arriving… spent 100k on it! 6 months and a lot of repairs later it was sold for 90k (within 24 hours of putting on sulit!) which nicely paid the deposit for a proper car 🙂
It will also be my only owner type… a real car is much better!
You got to fix it for six months and then sold it, a wise man indeed. How much better can that be? We all (mostly) have done it, you are in good company!
BTW, you are no longer “The New Guy”, you have paid your dues! (lol)