Today, I’m interviewing John Miele. I have known John, both online and in person, for quite a few years now. John lives in Manila, but he has been to Davao a few times and we had an opportunity to have dinner together. I enjoyed spending time with John and his wife and son.

John is an interesting fellow. He is rather young for an expat, compared to most.
Let’s learn more about John.
What is your name, and can you tell us a little about yourself?
John Miele. I’m 45 years old, and work as Asia Pacific Sales Manager for France Helices. Married, with one son.
Still a young buck! 😉
How long have you lived in the Philippines?
Five years.
What do you like or dislike about living in the Philippines?
Like: Close to spouse’s family. Little more laid back. Good environment to raise my son.Dislike: Heavy traffic in Manila. Bureaucracy that sometimes makes getting simple things accomplished very complicated.
Dislike: Heavy traffic in Manila. Bureaucracy that sometimes makes getting simple things accomplished very complicated.
Traffic is getting to be a problem in many of the larger Philippine Cities. Of course, it’s been a problem for a long, long time in Manila.
What made you decide to move to the Philippines?
The employment contracts for myself and my wife expired in Abu Dhabi. We decided that since she had been an OFW for 20+ years, she wanted to be nearer her family.
That’s great, and I hope it is working out well for you.
Did you encounter anything unexpected when you moved here? What was your biggest surprise?
Back to getting things done…. Took six months to get a land line connected, that still barely functions to this day.
I can understand that. Our telephone works only some of the time too! I wonder why they can’t get it right?
Where do you live in the Philippines?
Metro Manila
You’re a better man than me! I could not make myself live in Manila! 😉
Are you happy there?
Generally (most of the time)
It is true that everyplace has it’s ups and downs, no place is perfect.
Do you have any regrets that you can share with us?
There are occasional times I want to move back to the familiar. Since I travel frequently, not so bad.
Yeah, you travel a lot. I would think that might make it difficult to really adjust to life here.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about your move to the Philippines?
Suggestion to expats: Visit and stay a while before burning bridges (Selling houses, buying houses, quitting jobs, getting married, etc.) Don’t make all major life-changing decisions at once… spread them out.
Very, very true, John. A lot of people come here, all excited to move, and figure out quickly that they don’t like it and can’t make the adjustment. Important to keep your options open!
Thank you John, for taking the time to do this interview. Good luck on your life in the Philippines!
Thanks for doing the interview, John Miele.
Any time, Bob.
Good to see an interview with John. We have been friends through the internet for a few years now. I am still waiting on a day we can actually meet.
I do miss his post on LIP. One of the reasons I first started following LIP were to read his postings there.
Hi Steve – Yep, John is one of the good guy expats! He and I still keep in close contact.
I lived in the heart of Manila for 9 of my 11 years in the Philippines. I enjoyed my time there but I was very happy with my decision to move to Angeles City. My rent was instantly cut in half and I had almost all the amenities available to me that I had in the mega-city. And Manila was only about an hour away if I really needed to do something there (immigration, etc.). It may be worth looking into if you get tired of the Manila grind.
interesting reading
Thanks, Barry Fletcher
good what you are doing, as different world with lot pitfalls if not careful as you well know