The USNS Observation Island had just sailed from Pearl Harbor Hawaii in November 1997 after sitting in port spending two months in Honolulu. (That’s why I never quit that job) But as with all things it was time to earn our pay so we set sail for the coast of northern Russia to sit off the coast of Kamchatka for a few months, why sit there? I’m not allowed to say (That’s what the Mr. Air Force man told us) But if you look at the picture of the ship I think you’ll figure it out.

Charlie our Chief Stewart and I were having a cocktail in my stateroom (This was a civilian crew) when he was informed to go and see the Chief Engineer. “Paul the clown wants to put up a Christmas tree in the Wardroom (Officers Mess)! He shouted. Being helpful I told him; I have all that crap in my forward storeroom. But it was not his job, but the Chief insisted and Charlie paid his men (All 18 of them) three hours overtime to decorate the tree. Two months after Christmas we were pulling into Dutch Harbor Unalaska to resupply and now the Chief feels it’s time that the tree should come down. Charlie and I set aside out Boat Drinks, went to the wardroom, picked up the tree and out the Water Tight Door to the fantail and set it afloat. (Yes we unplugged it first) And that my friend, since my childhood, was my involvement in anything pertaining to Christmas decorating.
Then I came home to the Philippines to live full time, yes all year round, and every time after All Souls Day, on November 1st the getting ready for Christmas frenzy starts. Out of a dedicated stowage area, came boxes and more boxes of Christmas stuff. Paul stealthily slips away not to be seen for a few days.
Mayang announces; “Honey Ko, we need more Christmas decorations!” May I point something out to our kind readers on LiP? No Christmas decoration in the decades that I’ve lived here has ever been thrown away and every year new ones have been added. How in the name of all the saints could we possibly need more? So it was deemed by Commander Wife that more there will be! With my mouth shut and my teeth clenched it’s off to the mall we go. Yes I could buy it from the Muslim vendors in the market whom, albeit don’t celebrate the day, but seem to have no trouble making a profit off of it. Good for them, after 1,400 years they are evolving. But I prefer to buy stuff that promises not to short circuit and burn down our house. Well at least I try.
The center piece of her entire display, Santa on his Sleigh with Reindeer all made with flashing LED lights had failed to spark off, it’s broken, malfunctioning, and or kaput! I remember buying it 8 or 9 years ago and it was not cheap. So I resigned myself to the fact that I would be purchasing a new one. Then like a ray of hope, more like manna from heaven, Mayang turns to me and said; “Honey Ko, I know a man who can repair this.” What am I hearing? In her Roll-A-Dex she has a Christmas Decoration repair “GUY”? That is truly a miracle on Ilang-Ilang Street. Yes, Mahal I’ll take you and the LED Santa there.
The schedule is set the work force assembled and each task has been promulgated, every decoration and light has been tested, all is ready to go. But I’m the first to go; I mean I am hiding like I’m Saddam Hussein in his hidey hole in Iraq after the fall of Bagdad. Even the US Army won’t find me. I’ll show up to compliment Mayang and the troops when the switch gets thrown for that first time. I started thinking about that Christmas Movie “Deck the Halls” I really needed another cocktail. But KA-Pow, the electric meter surged, the purok dimmed for a few seconds and the International Space Station sent congratulations to my wife, through NASA.
Another Christmas Season has kicked off; my power bill will jump from PHP 9,000.00 per month to PHP 13,000.00, the neighbors will gather in the street in front of the house and stare in wide eyed wonderment, All in all I’ll moan and be a curmudgeon and then smile and say to Mayang; “Great display Mahal, you out did yourself proud again.” And I think to myself, okay, “Let there be light Bataan!”
Thats the reason we had a 12 hour brownout last week, all current diverted to the Thomson residence.
I can believe that. But if you really want to see an angry Filipina, tell her she can’t turn on the Christmas lights when we’re using the generator.
Is there are larger generator, or one just for Christmas lights on the horizon?
Wind power my friend wind power! I just bought one that was stolen from the side of the road in Texas, Damn is it tall.
I know Paul, they dont believe you lol.
Well there are times when I don’t believe me. During brownouts in the past her and the girls would treat my 5000 KW generator like it 25,000 KW, willy-nilly turning anything they wanted on. I said nothing and let the generator, make that noise it makes when it is overloaded and shutting itself down. Then I’m asked; “What happened?”
Paul I only have an 800KW generator and it burns a 100 Litres an hour of diesel its an old Detroit 12V149T 12 cylinder out put of 1200 HP we use it to run the rice mill as its cheaper then buying electric from the grid
Just how many lights do you have that need a 5000 KW generator What is the fuel consumption on your 5000KW are you burning HFO or Red Horse LOL
Merry Christmas is advance do not forget my red envelope for new years
Tom / Roxas City
Thank you for pointing out my error, not being an election I always mess up and say 5000 KW instead of 5000 watts, whatever the hell they are?
I burn 5 Gallons per 12 hours, and it’s a Honda. I once had to use my generator for seven days straight, and somehow my power bill at the end of the month went up. I’ve never figured that one out.
Nice one Paul. If you are using your generator for lighting of the Christmas Lights, consider it a tune up for the generator. I have a 3.5 KW one here with a seazed engine due to lack of use. Replaced it with an economy import one for a few hundred bucks and have to exert myself to start it up once in a while. Maybe I should use it for Christmas Lights too !
Hi Bob (NY)
They must have PMS preformed on them (Navy term for Preventive Maintenance System) If we have no brownouts I still fire it up the first of every month. The Honda guy comes every 6 months for the past 15 years for a tune up and oil change. If there is a brownout the Christmas lights go dark, fuel for the generator is more expensive then the power bill.
As we sit on our front porch and look out to the east, my wife ask “Honey, what is that strange glow over the mountains?” I know now the reason!
On a side note, I had always thought I was being robbed here with my electric bills. I have seen several people blog about 3-5K only per month being spent. It is good to see that I am not the only one that has to pay out 7-9K per month regularly on electric. We have several items that do suck up the energy though (AC / refrigerators / freezers).
I hope you and your family have a very Merry CHRISTMAS season and may your days be merry and BRIGHT!
The Kano’s who tells me their electric bill is 3-5 thousand a month, are not being told what the bill really is or they have gone native and buy all their food just before it’s prepared. One regular Ref, my beer/ soda Ref., plus the upright freezer and two AC units and the rest of normal appliances.. So I’m with you on the high power bills and then toss in Christmas.
Aye, the old we need more stuff routine. Why? Because The little people must have taken the old Christmas things we had.
Entertaining post.
And the Duwende’s have left all of mine here as her collection is expanding every year. I wish they’d take some.
Since I installed a 1600W solar system, with intention to double it, the bill went down from P6000 to P3000 per month.
We have no A/C here but we have plenty of appliances. The best part is that we seldom notice a brownout. On top of that, the 5000W inverter powers effortlessly my 2HP water pump.
I would recommend solar to everyone.
Palawan Bob;
Lets say it’s the rainy season and we are in the seventh day of rain, do you get much from solar power? Would wind power be more dependable? I’m not trying to save money, I just want to be off their grid.
Hi Paul
According to the sales stuff on the website I posted below you can get power in cloudy conditions. I’m sure other products would have the similar results but obviously you would have to check with any company.
I’ll stick with PLDT for a while longer; the cost is too high to make the switch at my age. (LO)
Hi Paul
Your description reminds me of the scene in Christmas Vacation where Clark Griswold finally gets the lights to work and the city has to switch on the reserve nuclear grid.
I shall be installing solar power when I build my new house on Samal. It is a couple of years away yet but that is the intention.
My brother showed me a company that stops you having to use panels as they have tiles which have solar panels built in. Not too useful in typhoon zones but good for Samal. Website is here if anyone is interested. They even do solar powered Tuk Tuks………….how nice would it be to get rid of all those dirty 2 stroke motorbikes LOL.
One blessing about the Philippines is the phasing out of the 2 stroke engine and very seldom do you see, hear, or smell them anymore.
Now tiles would be good for me as I have two slab roofs that are exposed to the sun all day. (Except those rainy days I was talking about) That I will check out!
I get about 50% capacity on rainy days but I also don’t have to use the 2HP water pump when it rains. A roof water catchment system fills the gravity tank.
On rainy days the solar power is still good for most tasks.
If you really want a good powerful solar system, go for 3000W. It will provide you with about 1500 W even on cloudy days.
The main problem is cost. It is damn expensive and the equipment that we can buy here DOES NOT LAST. It costs the same but it’s junk! Here, even if you pay top money for the so called good quality equipment, it’s still junk by our standards.
Replacing broken equipment is frustrating simply because the whole system can be down for several days/weeks.
Solar parts are also more difficult to find.
That’s why whenever some part is broken I buy two replacement ones.
Palawan Bob;
From my father’s lips; “Paul if you need it buy two cause you’ll need it again.” You are sure turning me away from solar power to wind power.
Don’t kid yourself, the wind power is the same level of quality… Junk.
All manufactured rejects from China end up here.
I am stil wondering why?
Palawan Bob;
Maybe there never were any high quality products from China in the first place?
Hi Paul, yes it’s Christmas season in our house just took 2 of those big lantern things
You know the ones Paul with the flashing lights to get fixed, silly me said why don’t
You throw them away and buy new ones ,of to the man who fixes them she’ll haggle
The price everyone’s happy will be fixed in no time , now it’s just after 9 o’clock
I’m going to have a cold beer ? Great post Paul, Derek in pasig.
So your wife has that “GUY” on her Roll-A-Dex too! It was explained it was the memory from the item than the money to replace it. Did the repair guy offer you a beer while waiting? (lol)
Hi Paul, she has a repair guy to fix anything you and me would throw out
I’m just the driver, had that beer when we got home last night ? Like I
Keep telling her it’s hot in the Philippines beer weather, Derek in pasig.
A question to ponder: Is San Miguel really that good a tasting beer, or does it taste good because of where we are while drinking it? I’ve been trying to figure that out since the 1960’s.
But you are right, I wait until the Master/Commander of the house tells me when any item needs to be replaced. Otherwise like you, I drive.
It’s that good Paul, tastes even better in this weather, the master/ commander in our house
What she says goes, as long has I have a beer on a hot humid evening lm happy,
I’ll just help her with her Christmas decorations and dream of a white Christmas
It’s more fun in the Philippines Paul, Derek in pasig.
I would not presume to get in the way of Christmas decorations as a Keno I have no place even looking until they are done. The beer and the anticipation just adds to the overall surprise. I know all the good hiding places at our house.
Paul –
I didn’t see the Ford Ranger among the Christmas-related pictures you posted with this article. Is it already up on the roof, the Ranger (reindeer)? 🙂
If I was ever to own a truck and drag 8 feet of empty space behind me 98% of the time; It would be a Dodge Ram Pickup.. (LOL)
I was wondering when John mentioned a Ford Ranger… I never knew of you owning such a vehicle!
Ford? I’ve never owned a pickup truck, But I did have an American Flyer Sled when I was a kid. Now put that on my roof and confuse the Barangay for the rest of the year. (LOL)
Paul –
Of course there never was a Ford Ranger, the truck, up on the roof. But, how could you forget your own joke? You were the one who brought up Mayang’s mispronunciation of “reindeer” in one of your articles written last year. Lighten up on the SMB in the morning, maybe? 🙂
Here is the passage from your article, “What did you say?”, posted November 10, 2014.
“Every year my darling wife hangs a neon Santa and reindeer display on the roof. She told me that she was going to buy a new Ranger to replace the old one that was not working anymore. Wisely I smiled and said; “Great idea” Albeit I’ve didn’t know we even owned a Ford Ranger, or that the one we had was no longer working. Reindeer sounds like Ranger to me, and an hour later I figured that out. But I’d already said yes.”
My sincere apologies, I forgot about last year. But wait a minute I didn’t really comment on what you said, I got confused and deflected to another subject trying to hide that fact that I forgot last year.
So I went back and read it, and thought to myself; “Bless me that John Reyes has one powerful memory!” Thank you John!!!
Paul –
I try to live by the motto, “Remember the essentials; don’t worry so much about the rest”, or something like that. That’s why I don’t remember much of what I say most of the time, but I do remember what you write most of the time. LOL
I now believe you 110% (LOL)
Our lights went up a couple of weeks ago. We combined our lights with my mother in laws. For right now we are still using our lights from the states. Eventually we will start to switch out the 110v lights for local bought 220v, until then I will hate to see the electric bill from the converters.
110 Christmas lights in the Philippines, don’t even tell my wife it’s possible please. She’ll be on Amazon ordering them all the while, thinking because 110 is half of 220 they must be cheaper. And I can’t overcome her logic. I poured water in the last converter we owned 15 years ago and the 110 appliance too. Problem solved.
Oh dear, better not tell her that the LED Christmas lights will save you money on electricity then! She might want to ditch the whole lot and replace them.
Mums the word, if she find out I’m blaming you!!! (LOL)