Ever seen a Monster Jeepney? Well, I haven’t either! Somebody sent me this photo, though, and I do think it is kind of cool!
I wonder how much the fare is? 😉
Truth is, you won’t ever see a Monster Jeepney like this on the streets of the Philippines. If many of these exist, the would be only for things like Car Shows and such in my view. It would be pretty cool to check out, though, and fun to drive, I bet! If you did take one down the street or highway, I wonder how many people would wave you down for a ride? Then again, I wonder how many people would be able to climb into it? 😉
That’s a good one. Should be fun to drive and ride in.
Ha ha… do you think you’ll ever see something like that on a Philippine street, Gerardo? Ha ha… I doubt it, but it sure is cool to look at!
It should be good for a drive up to BuDa, Bob. The look on the locals’ face would be priceless…
Ha ha.. I think you are right.. you could even take it off-road in Buda! Ha ha.. that would be a blast!
Dont think the spare tyre will fit Bob lol.
Ha ha… you are probably right, joh.j. The good thing is that if traffic is too heavy you could probably take it off-road. 🙂
Now that’s funny!
Would love to see one on the street, Fred.
Wouldn’t have to worry about being caught in traffic. You could just drive right over it lol.
I was thinking that too, PD.
They way they drive this setup should be mandatory
I don’t really have a problem with their driving..
Bob Martin LOL, even in Davao you and I should take a drive someday. How about taking up 3.5 out of 4 lanes along matina xing headed downtown from Ulas? or the same thing on Bankeroan bridge coming from Downtown headed towards Ateneo Elementary? or the best one is in front of BPI across from NCCC Maa. They not only inconvenience drivers from these busy areas but also place their passengers at great risk. I haven’t started on Manila experience even. (Davao Jeepneys are only level 1 pain)
Any jeepney with “Toril” written on the side are moving hazards
I used to dislike their driving when I used to drive. Now I always ride the jeepney, it doesn’t bother me. Ha ha.
Rock n Roll to the world
Always room for one more, Warren Stephen
hopefully the local gov will regulate it before its too late
Haha only in the Philippines sa atup ,sikit2x,nadukot imong sapi dihaa,bantay jud ka ha
Daisy and I have taken her ’96 Nissan Sentra on many road trips out in the provinces. Many times we were scraping the bottom on seriously unimproved roads. Now that would really be the answer. Or more practically a Honda 4wd SRV.
After I got back from my first WORKING visit to the Philippines in 1986 I saw a real Philippine jeepney for sale on the side of the road US hwy 19 north of where I lived then in Dunedin.
It was in Holiday Fl. I stopped. I looked at it in disbelief.
I wanted to buy it. But how could I explain such a purchase to my then wife Nancy. She just wouldn’t have understood. But she always disagreed with everything I did. So I should have just gone ahead and bought it. I still wonder to this day who did buy it and where it is today.
It must have been exported to the US by a returning serviceman.
Great story, Jade. How much wee they asking for it?
Would be handy in an area that floods a lot!
Ha ha that is so true.
me remote ba yan hehehehh joke lng
I am sorry, Erlinda, I don’t speak Tagalog at all, only English or Cebuano.
How useful would that spare tire on the drivers door would be?
I know native Pinoys work wonders with what little may be at hand, but *that* would surely be a major challenge baring availability of copious “spare parts”.
I bet that jeep would be useful in the mountains around Kidapawan, Ed.
Not sure that it isn’t been photoshopped? Seems like blurred in the background and the wheels. The wheels are to wide to use a public road, so it would be vary scary for any other vehicle coming towards the jeepney! Don’t think the engine power would be able to turn those wheels anyway!
Hi Tim – I am sure that it is real. The picture might have been touched up, but I am certain that the monster jeepney exists! 🙂
Sorry Bob! Not possible, anybody who knows anything about cars can see it’s not real, look at the wheels, they can’t even make a turn!
Now that would be exciting to see.