It happened this past weekend, I felt that I had acquired a new Filipino Mom.
I’ve been in the Philippines for almost 12 years now, and my mother from the States has come to visit us several times during that time span. But, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her, although we talk regularly on the phone. This past weekend, though, I felt that I had a brand new mom! Let me tell you what happened.
A bit over a year ago, I wrote on article here on LiP entitled “There is simply no comparison,” in which I told you about a BBQ place in GenSan called Marietas. Over the past 20+ years I have been enjoying BBQ Pork on a stick from Marietas, and when I say enjoying, believe me, because it is that good! Well, after I wrote that article, several months later, I found out that the article had come to the attention of Marieta, the owner of Marietas BBQ. In fact, I was told that she had printed out the article and placed it on the wall of her restaurant. I was quite touched that she had done that, and I wanted to meet her.

This past weekend while we were in GenSan, we took some time on Saturday to go to Marietas BBQ and asked to see the owner. Marieta came out and said “Oh, are you MindanaoJoe?” I laughed and told her that I am not Joe, I’m Bob, and she got a chuckle too. Marieta invited us in and we sat down and talked with her for quite a while. Marieta told us that she is 74 years old, which surprised me greatly, because to me she looked about 55 or so. Marieta told us stories of how she has been able to have so many things to improve her life over the years, and it all came from one thing… great BBQ.
As our visit was coming to an end, Marieta asked us when we would be returning to Davao. I told her that we would be leaving early the next morning, but Marieta would hear nothing of that schedule! You see, she informed us that on Sunday she was holding a blessing and grand-reopening of her newly renovated restaurant, and she asked if we could be her guests at the event. We readily agreed, and it didn’t even take too much arm-twisting on Marieta’s part either.
On Sunday at 10am, we arrived at Marieta’s for the blessing, and the Priest did all of the prayers and blessings of the place with holy water. After the Priest finished blessing the new renovations, he went on to bless the food, and soon we were all partaking of a feast in honor of the newly renovated Marieta’s BBQ in GenSan.
Marieta’s is not a fancy place, so don’t go there expecting opulence. But, it is a nice little restaurant. For me, I don’t care how a place looks, but it’s all about how the food tastes. With it’s new renovation, Marieta’s is a nice looking place, but the food is a step above! Frankly, when it comes to BBQ and other Filipino favorites, Marieta’s is, in my opinion, the best.
Marieta is really a kind lady too, and a great business woman! During the grand reopening of the place, she was hard at work going around and greeting all of the guests, but she always seemed to take a little extra care in watching over us, and I appreciate it so much. I literally did tell Feyma that I felt like I had a new mother in General Santos City, and I know that Marieta would feel very happy to hear me say that.
Good luck, Marieta, on the future of your BBQ business! I see nowhere for you to go but up, your BBQ is too good for anything else!
a good posting and a very lovely story mate yes it dont matter where u are or go there is a mom out there for us and as u was saying she dont look 74 just like a lady i meet in manila when i was there it was a place where my wife joy had at one time been staying when she wwas working up in manila city and she ask me how old i did think she was andi did say 38 to 45 lol she was 52 and never looked like it wow there is more to that story i can tell but this is not the place or time to tell that but lal i can tell u i was happy my wife was there or i dont know what may have happend hehehheh…………peter martin tasssie…..
Thank you peterjoy, I appreciate your comment. When it comes to the ages of Filipinos, I often have a hard time guessing, and I notice that they often have a hard time telling the age of foreigners too. A lot of Filipinos think I am in my 20’s! Ha ha, or at least they tell me that. I’ll be 50 next year! 😆
Great article and you are right she doesn’t look 74 at all!!
That “Mindanao Joe” does have a ring to it.
Thanks, Neal. You know, in a way, perhaps I am “Mindanao Joe” as all of us foreigners are “Joe,” right? 😆
How did that song from Cheers go? … “where everybody knows your name “…..
A really nice story, Bob. And such a message here for all those who want to do business in the Philippines … especially our Filipino brethren.
Use your personality … be personal and interact with your customers! People always talk about the famed Filipino friendliness, but frankly, after living here more than five years,I find that the average Filipino business is cold and distant,almost standoff-ish to customers.
A few weeks ago I was visiting a 60-something year old Flipino relative along with several other relatives, all born in the Philippines and all of whom had lived abroad for various lengths of time.
The subject of tourism in the Philippines came up, and one of the Filipinos made the comment,
“They keep talking about Filipinos being warm and friendly people? Ha, I’ve never lived anywhere where I have been so coldly treated as I am at most Filipino businesses.”
The statement kind of shocked me, because it was so much my own feeling … and I thought I was feeling that way because I was a foreigner. Apparently, not so.
All business eventually boils down to a transaction between people. No matter what business you plan to be in, take a page out of Marieta’s book. be a real person, not a “staff”, and learn to treat your customers as people, with name too.
Writing this I am thinking of so many restaurants I’ve been to, often many times, in the past five years,and hardly any of them even know .. or care .. my name and even whether I even come back again.
Go Marieta, you are showing the world how it’s done!
Hi Dave – Your feelings and mine are really in line on this. I find many Philippine businesses to be run in a way that is customer unfriendly. The business owner or manager often is the “king” and the customer is nothing but a source of money. It was so refreshing to see Marieta at work, and serving her customers with not only a quality product, but a big serving of kindness and friendship. I really felt at home with Marieta, and I intend to visit her any time I’m in GenSan!
hi bob,
it’s no secret that local businesses– whether here or abroad– that grow to become multi-store chains are successful because of how the owners treat their employees & customers first and foremost, alongside providing a quality product and/or service. marieta’s comes from the same mold, and as long as that personal touch is maintained by the owner and the employees, they’ll have something that stands strong vs. lesser-skilled competition ” )
Hi Biz Doc – You are right, a great method of success crosses borders and will bring success anywhere. Marieta has certainly found that!
Bob: Really nice story… I hope that she continues to be successful. I’ll need to try it out next time I’m in GenSan. Sounds like the type of place Rebecca would really enjoy.
Thanks, John. I’m sure that you, Rebecca and Juanito will all enjoy Marieta’s BBQ if you make it there. It’s quite good!
Good Product+ Good friendly service+ fair price = Customer for life. Boy do i love BBQ. Another place to visit when i make it down there. Thanks for more good info.
Hi Papa Duck – Your formula for success and mine are just the same! And… Marieta seems to have that formula in place!
The interaction I have had with owners, managers, etc. in some of the places I have been when visiting actually are more memorable than the reason I went to those places in the first place.
The Iliganon Restaurant which I wrote about here last year in my Pizza article, I must have spent an hour after a great meal, enjoying conversation with one of the owners. I have been back to that restaurant 4 times since then.
On my most recent visit, I wanted to try using a Cell Phone ( I never had one before ). I wanted to go to a relatively new store I had heard about on the webstream of DXMA 95.9 Iligan named ” Bodega Site. ” After buying a nice basic cell phone for only 800 PHP, I asked to speak to the owner or manager. I wanted to tell them how I heard about their store half the world away. I met the store manager who was amazed how I found out about them. I was asked if I would like some coffee and moments later we were at a nice table in the middle of the store enjoying great conversation and some nice coffee as well. This went on for well over a half hour and is something I will remember more than just buying a Cell Phone !
I have only visited Iligan City once a year and I am amazed how many store and restaurant places remember me from the year before. I always try to patronize these places each time I visit. I really enjoy experiences like this.
Hey Bob, that’s a good one ” Mindanao Joe “
Thanks for the nice story, Bob. I can imagine how surprised the manager from Bodega Site was when you told him of your method for finding out about the store! Simply Amazing the way the world operates these days!
It certainly makes ” tune in the world on shortwave radio ” seem like something from the stone ages doesn’t it ? With internet webstreaming, crystal clear high fidelity stereo ” FM like ” reception from all over the world can be just a click away.
Yes Bob, when I inform some of the places I go to in The Philippines how I heard about them, many times the reaction is priceless and for that matter so is the impression it leaves on me.
Ha ha… I believe that, Bob! 😆
Hi Bob – Nice, warm story! I’m with you about don’t care how the place looks like as long as the food is good! If ever I have those random vacation and pick GenSan, I’ll make sure to try Marietas! I always like a good BBQ.
Thank you sugar! I’m sure you’ll love Marieta’s BBQ if you ever try it!