I’ve been working pretty hard for the past few months! But, hard work is almost always rewarding. Whether the feeling of reward comes from the feeling of satisfaction that you get from a job well done, or from financial reward, the feeling is equally as good. When you get reward from both of those two things, well, you get a double dip of feeling good!
Back in 2008, I released one of my first eBooks, which was entitled “49 Ways to Make a Living in the Philippines”. The book was very successful, and lived on for many years, with an occasional update or two along the way.
Since that book was one of my first eBook efforts, it had some mistakes! Misspellings and such. That has all been cleaned up, and I hope that this edition is very clean! No piece of work is 100% perfect, but I think this one is getting pretty close!
Early in 2015, though, I decided that it was time for a major update to this title. Speaking of the title, though, I wanted to make a change there, and for good reason.
When I first came out with the book in 2008, a lot of people who bought the book gave me some feedback that was similar to what a number of book reviewers wrote in their review of the book.
Bob, you need to change the name of the book! This book is not about how to make a living in the Philippines, it is full of ideas that you can use to make a living anywhere in the world!

Because I got a great deal of feedback along those lines, I did change the title in this new edition which I have just released! So, now the book is called 49 Ways to Make a Living Without a Job. Why without a job? Well, because with each and every idea that I explain in the book, you can make some excellent money without being tied down to a job. You don’t have to work for an employer. No boss to report to. You are on your own!
Bob, don’t you need a lot of money to start your own business?
Well, not necessarily. I have a lot of businesses that keep revenue flowing in for my family. You know what? I have never spent more than $100 or so to start any of my businesses! In this book, I explain how you can do it too, you don’t need a lot of money.
I want to live in the Philippines, though!

Yes, don’t worry! If you want to live in the Philippines this book is still perfect for you! Every single idea in the book will work just fine in the Philippines. The magic, though, is that you can do all of these things anywhere in the world, including the Philippines! These things that I spell out in the book are the things that I do to keep myself going in the Philippines! These are things that you can also do to enable you to live a life in the Philippines, or anywhere else on the planet that interests you. No more being tied down to the place where your job is.
A new era!
We are in the 21st Century now, and we have been for some time! It is time for you to stop thinking in the old 20th Century style that you are locked in on. Jobs are different in this century! Now, we have means to work remotely, we have methods that allow us to get into business for nearly nothing! You can do the same job that you are doing now, but working for yourself and make on average about three times as much as you make now! That is because you won’t be paying money into your boss’s pocket any longer, and not paying for all of that infrastructure that is required at your current workplace! If you have a computer at home, and space for a home office, even just a corner of your bedroom, there is no reason that you cannot make it.
Scared of computers? Well, if you are computer-phobic, maybe it’s time to change that! Come on in to the 21st Century, the water is warm, and you are most welcome! But, if you just can’t make the leap, there are ideas outlined in the book about how you can make a living even if you don’t use a computer! You can do that particularly well here in the Philippines too!
Start Enjoying Life!
A lot of people who talk to me about moving to the Philippines always say things like:
I can’t wait, Bob, I only have 12 more years until retirement, and then finally I can live my dream!
Twelve more years? To be honest, you might not even live 12 more years! Why wait? You CAN Move now! How do I know? Because I moved here at the age of 38. I’ve been here for coming up on 16 years, and I am still going strong! I am enjoying my life, I’m not counting the thousands of days until I can retire! Why wait for years and years when you can start enjoying your life today?
Isn’t this a “Get Rich Quick Scheme”?
No, not at all! What I am offering you is information on how you can make a living the 21st Century way! You have to WORK in order to do it! No money is going to come rolling into your door or falling from the trees in your front yard! You have to work, but you can work in a different way than you have all of your life up until now! It is not get rich quick. If it were get rich quick, I would already have my vault full of money, and just be sitting on the beach. But, no, I pretty much work every day, but usually only for a few hours each day. I can show you how to do that too, or maybe even less than a few hours per day!
Paperback or eBook!
This year, I have decided to start releasing my major books in both eBook, as I have been doing for years, and also paperback! Some people have asked me for a paperback over the years, and I decided to do it! You can now get this book in paperback on Amazon, or you can buy the eBook directly through my bookstore! It’s your choice, whichever edition you feel is best!
Thanks, guys, for your interest and support! For buyers of any of my books, I am always happy to assist you along the way – you have personal access to me if you have questions!
Special Thanks
I would like to thank my son, Aaron. Aaron, as most of you readers know, is visiting in the States right now. Starting this year, Aaron has been doing all of my book covers for me, and other graphics as well. I think he did a great job on the cover for this new release! For anybody who needs any kind of graphics work done, I think that Aaron is the right man to help you! And, he works cheap too. 😉
Count me in Bob!! I will be purchasing this over the weekend. I am planning on the move to the Philippines as soon as possible and this book could well be the way I get there sooner!
Lou, thank you very much! I am sure you can get plenty of good ideas from this book! I appreciate your support!
Fantastic news!
Thanks so much, Mike!
nice photo of you bob 🙂
Ha ha, Anthony, the little Lego guy? 😉
Hi Bob. I wonder where can I find your books and what are the lists you have? thanks
Hi Job,
At the bottom of the article there are links where you can buy the books. The paperback is available through Amazon.com. The eBook is available through my online bookstore, ExpatIsland.com.
Thanks for your interest!
Bob, is your book available in the Philippines? I would like to give a copy to someone there. And you’re right about the computer. Technology is moving and changing everything so fast. Desktop is dead, Laptop is on its way out. We’re now using IPADs at work. Jobs are being invoiced within second of completion. I haven’t seen a paycheck since 1983 and I haven’t been to the bank since 1994 for routine transaction, deposit or withdrawals.
Hi Edgardo. Thank you for your comment. My book is available in Paperback form from Amazon. Amazon will ship to the Philippines. Same exact book, in eBook form is available from my online bookstore http://expatisland.com and can be downloaded instantly from anywhere in the world.
Thank you!
The best of luck with your book,Bob. I am sure it will sell well. I can tell your a very sincere person.
Thank you, Rusty. So far sales have been brisk I have especially been happy and surprised by paperback sales.
Good luck with the book Bob, I agree with you when I hear comments I will move
When I retire at 65 or 70 years old do it now while you’re still young enough to enjoy
You’re self, I went down a different route bricks and mortar renting property
I retired at age 52 and I’m glad I did to other readers I’d say invest a little money
And buy Bobs book and start living now, Derek in pasig.
Hi Derek. Thanks for your encouragement. I think it is great advice to take advantage of your youth and live your dream as young as possible.