Yes, indeed, MindanaoBob was on the road again this past weekend, along with his trusty sidekicks, Feyma and Aaron. We had a great time attending the Socsksargen Blogfest 2.0 in General Santos City this past weekend. I will be writing several articles about the trip, different aspects of the trip which are unrelated. Today, I will focus in on the trip itself, and the Blogfest, which was the reason for the trip.
We headed out to GenSan early on Friday morning last week, about 5 am. For this trip, we decided to take the bus instead of driving. I am happy we decided this, because I was surprised at how enjoyable and comfortable the bus ride was. It was a nice bus too, the Mabuhay Class liner from the Yellow Bus Line. The bus left out of Davao at about 5:30 and we were in GenSan by 9am feeling rested and comfortable. The bus had very good air conditioning, in fact, I found it cold on the bus, but refreshing. Friday was a full day in GenSan, and I’ll write more about my Friday activities in future articles.
Saturday, though, was the Blogfest. When we first arrived at the Sun City Suites complex, where the blogfest was to be held, I was impressed. This was my first time to see this new complex in GenSan, as it is only about a year old. Although it’s a partnership, Sun City is largely owned by Davao investors, and you could feel the Davao flavor in the place, as many of the shops in the complex are Davao based operations, so we felt right at home.

I went right away up to the second floor conference room, that was the venue for the Blogfest. My first impression was surprise because there were a LOT of people in attendance. I would estimate that there were 150 to 200 people in attendance. I was slated to be the first speaker of the conference, so I had some preparation to do, but nothing too drastic. Firstly, Avel, the host of the Blogfest, took me around and introduced me to a number of people in attendance. It was nice to meet all of them.
When it was time for my speech, I was a little nervous, but not too much. I’ve done public speaking before, so I am kind of used to it, although I believe you will always get a few butterflies at such an event. The topic of my speech was about the “History of the Internet in Mindanao, through my eyes,” and I talked about the developments I’ve seen over the years. I started out my history lesson in 1992 when I first got on the Internet, and ran up through present day. The Internet first became available in Mindanao in 1995, through Mozcom. I tried to keep the speech somewhat humorous, and even brought up people from the audience up to the stage to explain how they played a role in the development, even though they didn’t realize they had a role at all. But “through my eyes” they did. It was a lot of fun.
I met a number of dignitaries at the event too. Mostly they were people that I already knew online, but had not met in person. There were a few whom I had already met in person but was able to touch base with them again on Saturday. There were also a few people that I had never met online, but now have a new friend.
On Saturday night, we stayed at Sun City Suites hotel, compliments of the Blogfest organizers. I was quite impressed with the place! Nice, clean, fresh, beautiful design. The rooms are a bit small, but still very livable. From what I see in newer hotels, smaller rooms seem to be the trend, and I am comfortable with that. I have to really commend the staff at Sun City Suites, they are really attentive to the guest’s needs, and always friendly and efficient. I was very happy with our stay there. Additionally, there is a complimentary breakfast offered for guests, and that is available at Cafe Firenzo, a coffee shop that is adjacent to the hotel. The breakfast was great too! No complaints at all.
Overall, it was a lot of fun to attend the Blogfest, and I’d be happy to attend again next year. Very professionally run, upscale, great crowd, good speakers, all around a top notch event in my book. Thank you to Orman and Avel Manansala for all of the hard work they put into making Blogfest a first class event!
Update December 7, 2011: Here is a video that was carried on ABS-CBN news that shows me at the Blogfest.
What I missed on Lip.
Good day Mindanao Bob. I have been a fan of LIP since I was an OFW in the UAE and been a regular local reader since my repatriation last September. Through the years LIP has been my source of information about developments in my country, particularly about Mindanao as I am in Luzon. I found articles written li by Mindanaobob an honest narrative about the places, people and events he had been to, same is true in this article about his speaking engagement at Gensan Very good read as usual. But I have to say that I’m missing something from LIP. These are articles from previous writers Jaws and Rebecca. I enjoyed how Jaws wrote unexpected topics about his studies and interpersonal experiences while living with limited budget in Davao and I always wish to know how he has been doing, while Rebecca’s articles had a gave me positive impression not only about her capability as a writer but as Filipina ( though John Miele, my favorite LIP writer, frequently mentioned his wife in his articles) it would be very interesting to read her experiences about being a wife to an American expat and as Juanito’s mom.
(To Bob: this comment could be off topic, please put it in the proper place if ever you will print it. Mabuhay ka at ang iyong pamilya.
Hi dimagetz – I understand, and I often miss writers who decide to move on. In Jonathan’s case, he chose to leave the site due to school concerns, his time was full with his school work. With Rebecca, she only wrote one article as I recall, and I believe she simply didn’t have time to contribute more. I was also looking forward to more from Rebecca, but we also have to remember that the writer’s lives are full just like all of ours are.
I’m glad that you have found my articles to be enjoyable and accurate. I sure did enjoy myself on my weekend trip to GenSan, and the speaking engagement was a lot of fun too!
Thank you for commenting, dimagetz, and I hope we see you on the site even more as time goes by!
Dimagetz: In Rebecca’s case, it was mostly time related. One of the major issues is that she travels back and forth to the province so much (where there is no Internet yet… The Tattoo things don’t work up there), and the trips are usually indeterminate in length, it makes writing articles and responding to the comments a very difficult thing to do on any schedule. It was why we shut down the Albularyo site (I ended up writing 90%, and didn’t have the time). I can also say this: I think that many people underestimate how much time it takes. Not necessarily the articles themselves, but responding to the comments in any coherent manner. In my case, if I am home, I just minimize the site and respond when I see comments throughout the day. If I am travelling, I get to it when I can.
I’ll point out your note to her… It will make her happy knowing that someone liked what she wrote.
john i also was very disapppointed when there was no more comming articles from rebecca.
Being as familiar with the technology as you are Bob as well as your experiences in Mindanao for as long as you have been there puts you in a good position to talk on the topic you chose. I am sure it must have been very informative to those in attendance.
I hope you had the chance to meet some of the members of the Iligan Bloggers Society Inc. who attended. I met this group on my recent visit to Iligan and spent a few very enjoyable hours at the Mindanao Bloggers Summit which they hosted last month.
I will look forward to reading more about your experience at Blogfest 2.0. I wonder if any video was taken of your presentation at this event ?
Hi Bob – It was a fun speech to do. I made it less serious and more light-hearted. There was a big crowd there from Iligan, I was surprised. I believe around 10 of the Iligan Bloggers. I did get to meet a couple of them. Kind of hoping I will get invited to speak in Iligan sometime, I have a lot of good friends there!
Meriam and I have been to GenSan a couple of times and really enjoy the city. We have a friend that works there and enjoy spending time with her. I am glad you enjoyed the bus. I love the bus trips. You sit up high and get to see so much more than you can see in a car. Looking forward to the “rest of the story.”
Hi Gary – the bus ride was a lot more enjoyable than driving, I’ve driven that route dozens and dozens of times over the years! I really enjoyed it.
Hi Bob
I hope bringing up the topic of bus rides is not too far off topic, I think I have had two bus rides total in Philippines. One was when I first visited Philippines and the second one was when the car’s brakes decided to seize up on the way to the airport. My goodness what an experience they were, talking about clinging to the edge of your seat and the speed of the bus clinging to the edge of roads with a sheer drop to one side and it always seemed to be at the side the bus is driving on. Also the double lines in the center of the road meaning absolutely nothing to the driver. I think I will stick with driving thank you very much, I might live a bit longer. But I’m glad you had a pleasent bus ride, hopefully some day those type of buses will also come to our place, then I will try again.
Hi Jack – I’ve seen the type of bus trips you are talking about. I rode one bus in Northern Cebu a couple of years ago that scared me to death. In this area, though, I feel like the drivers are quite safe. I didn’t feel any more in danger than if I was driving myself.
The impression I have had for the past couple of years about riding a bus in The Philippines, it is like a thrill ride at an amusement park. Although my friends there try to discourage me from taking the bus, on one of these visits I am going to give it a try.
I believe that impression is true in some parts of the Philippines, but it is fading and getting safer in many areas.
Hi Bob,
This was a very interesting read. Being new to the Philippines, I see I have a lot to learn. Your comments about the bus ride are much different from what I have heard. I have seen the Yellow Bus Lines traveling down the road, and was impressed with the way they looked. Reminded me of a more modern Greyhound bus. And the comments about GenSan gives me an extremely different take on the city.
Thanks for an extremely interesting read.
Hi Gene – The buses we rode were very nice and quite new. You are right, to me they were quite comparable to a Greyhound bus in the States.
Nice article you have again Bob. “On the Road Again”, I can hear Willie Nelson crooning a country song while you’re on the bus.
BTW, that bus conductor with ticket puncher tacked in his hip is a classic. Seldom I can see conductor here in Luzon with same gadget. Tickets here are paid before you depart the station.
Ha ha… Of course, i had Willie’s Classic in mind when I chose the title! I’m glad you liked it, El Moro!
As for the conductor, that’s how all the buses work here in Mindanao.
Glad you and your family had a wonderful time at the blogfest. The bus ride reminds me of when my G/F rides the bus from Bataan to her home province of Nueva Vizcaya in Northern Luzon. She is scared to death of the bus going off a cliff. She refuses to go to sleep. I told her it was probably best that you went to sleep so you wouldn’t be awake in case it did go off lol. Looking forward to your predictions for 2012. Thats always something to look forward to at the end of every year. Have a wonderful day.
Hi Papa Duck – We did have a great time this past weekend. The bus driver drove nicely and not wild at all! I was pleased with that.
Oh my… I’m going to have to start figuring out a new round of predictions! Gotta get busy! 😆