It’s Thursday 15 March and I’m one day back from my trip to Manila. My friend Tommy who is home from his ship and on vacation, That morning I receive an e-mail from him requesting we all meet Friday Night at the “By The Sea Resort” in the Barrio on Subic Bay. When Tommy invites me I automatically know it is family time, and bring everyone that wants to go. And I know that his family will be there also. We ended up with a group of 15 or more. Tommy has been a family first type of person as long as I’ve known him.
It was an easy sell to Mayang the idea of Mongolian BBQ night as everyone loves it at our house. My girls YoHanna May and Ymir Thea had been to their first Mongolian BBQ back in 1995 at the very same Resort. I’ll never forget it because both girls were in line to fill their plates and were very upset because the meat was uncooked. They understand now, how it works.
So we leave the house and head down the mountain, Cecile and Yhen, and Mayang and I in the New Old Honda Civic. Cecile was driving and we noticed an odd but load noise coming from under the car. When we pulled over we discovered that my tailpipe had broken loose and was dragging on the ground. It was nothing that a jack and some bailing wire can’t temporarily fix, and ten minutes later and we’re there. A tad noisy, but there.
We met Tommy and his wife Lolet, plus their two daughters and two grandchildren and talked and joked for a while by the seawall with an ice cold SMB. Tommy looked at me and said; “I don’t know about them, but I’m hungry.” So to the line we went, and started a parade behind us. The food was wonderful, the service was great.
And then a normal situation popped up that is prevalent here in the Philippines. Absolutely no stock at the bar, except one pint of Tanduay 5 year old lighter fluid Rhum, not another adult beverage could be found, but they did have beer, and we had a couple, but we really wanted an after dinner cocktail.
Out the front door of the resort we go, and walked down the street to the Corkscrew Package Store. (A liquor store to those who are not from the New England area, and are glad they’re not).
Did they have Tanduay 12 or 15 year old rum at the Corkscrew, as they should? Nay not so, but they did have Captain Morgan’s Spiced rum for the paltry sum of P950.00. Of course we bought it! We’ll suffer on through with the Captain any time night or day. We found out from the owner that he was letting their stock run down so they could move to a better location. I thought that 3 minutes walk from the resort was a pretty good location as I saw it.
Back at the resort the waiter said that we had to pay corkage on the bottle, since we brought it in from the outside, to which I explained that we had to, because no one stocked the bay this year. We smiled and said we were not going to pay, and could we have an ice and coke set up, please?
The manager was called in, and here was a gentleman with common sense, after seeing the size of our party, and the amount we had spent on food and now all the desserts the families were still ordering, he waved the corkage fee and apologized for the poor bar setup.
Next the cameras came out and we were moved from here to there for our many Kodak minutes. If there is one trait that can be accredited to the Pinoy is their natural born love of photography and they’re love of posing for the camera.
Our wives and daughters, son-in-laws and grandchildren were having a great time, but, at 2230 Tommy and I were informed that our fun time was over and we were homeward bound. Both of us being wise men, we smiled and just went along peacefully. Neither of us will drive if we have been imbibing in the Devils brew.
Saturday morning my son-in-law Cecil informed me that during the evening, the night before, and after a cocktail or three, I had foolish said that we would get that tailpipe repaired the next morning.
So at 0900 we are in the car heading to Ernie’s shop for all things exhaust and mufflers. Being that my car was the only one that broke its tailpipe the night before we were taken right in and the broken section of pipe was cutout and new section was hand fitted and reinstalled and we were on the way home in under one hour. Ernie is a master at the art of pipe bending and welding. In the States a special part would have to be ordered and the car would sit if it was not in stock, plus it would be brand new from the manifold to the rear bumper. Mine was a three foot section hand fitted and installed, Ricky Tic!
Now here is the part that will surprise those who have not moved here as of yet. The cost to repair the car was far below the cost of that bottle of Captain Morgan rum that Tommy and I purchased last night, and with no corkage.
For those who would like to know, the total cost of the meal at By the Sea Resort for 12 adults and 3 children came to less that P5000.00 total, that came out to P240.00 per person and all you can eat plus all the fancy deserts they ordered and fancy fruit drinks and shakes, which Tommy and I split. Yes we’ll do that again, because family time is anytime we all get together. Hey Tommy; “Let’s do Mexican food for lunch this week!”
Are you going to Mexico for da Taco?
A new place on Subic called the Dos Amigos, I’ll let you know if it was good. Our first time there. Hopefully not our last.
Aww, maaannnn! There goes my taco stand idea! By the time I get there, there’ll be taco stands & restaurants all over the place. If anyone in Davao, or elsewhere, wants to run with this idea but doesn’t have the capital, get a hold of me!
Paul, that bottle of rum cost you $4 less than it would in Canada, for a 750ml bottle! I think the next time your car leaves a piece of itself on the road, we should all chip in & buy you a pitlak(?) to finish her off! I’ve heard of this place you ate at, from a few sources. All indications are that the food is great & it seems popular, so why the empty bar?
The By The Sea Resort has been rebuilt and everything is new, they used to have a well stocked bar years ago. I find that to be quite commen her with localy owned places. Yes sir we have beer, but it’s not cold! Is the one that brings out the Popeye in me.
Oh the Rum was a 1 liter bottle.
Another internet faux pas; responding to my own post. However, I spoke with someone in Davao this morning who informs me that there are taco places in the malls in Davao. Must keep my ear a little closer to the ground on these things! P$50/taco? I’ll take 8, please!
But a real Taco is a thing of beauty, and in my area there are a couple of places that know how to make them. (One was owned by a retired Navy Chief of Mexican decent.
While living in Pa. I asked the locals where was a good place for Mexican food. Being from SoCal, I was really disappointed when I was told the location of the local Taco Bell. 🙁
So did you ever find Mexican food?
Yeah, about 20 miles away in Carlisle, Pa. and not a single bottle of hot sauce in the house. But I have to say, there was a really good Chinese resturant in Chambersburg, Pa
Glad to see someone else that can appreciate the term, time to make a “Packy Run”
If I had said Packy they would have thought I was talking about the guy running the 7-11.
Paul, sounds like a great place. We’ll have to hit it sometime when I get there.
Your on, only this time I’ll bring the rum with me!
Sounds like a fun time was had by all. Gotta love the Philippines for a reasonably priced meal.
And the cost of repairing your tail pipe is pretty good also, just don’t do it while hungover.
What a good looking group. I’m glad everyone had a great time. It won’t be long and you will be a Lolo again. I know your really looking forward to that. Can’t believe the cost of the food at the resort, but not having liquer is kind of a downer. By the way what generally is the cost of the Tanduay 12-15 year Rhum. Take care and have a nice day.
Hey PapaDuck,
get my e-mail adress from paul and shoot me a line will ya. We’ll both be in Subic in Oct want all of us to get together if we can. 🙂
Papa Duck
12 Y/o about P2.70 if you shop around 15 Y/o about P30 more.
Now they (the Doctor) is saying mid April for the baby. The rum will flow that day, and I’ll smoke that “Cohiba” Hecho en Habana Cuba” I’ve been saving..
Glad to see you all had a great time and having the families there gives it that down home feeling. By the way when we meet in Oct everyone is always welcome I’m pretty sure I’ll have some of my family there as well.
Oh by the way we I think we have a common relative yep the old Captian Morgan himself. That’s my drink and I’ll by the first bottle or bring on from J-ville.
At the price of the “Captain” I think he’s going into retirement. Tanduay Superior is what you’ll get used to and you’ll like it!, really you will! But I still have plenty of Spiced Rum that I’ll share and least we forger SMB!
Than Tanduay Superior it is and we will toast to our new grandbabies.
I guess yours is due in April-May and mine is due May-June.
Oh yea just came back from the dentist mouth all numbed up can’t talk just drull. And my Asawa is loving it me not talking Wow it’s a miricle. 🙂
When you can’t talk, that a good time to go online and comment on LiP!
“Here’s to grand-babies!” GULP!!!
Is there such a thing as a good Mexican resturant in Laoag ?
That question would be best answered by someone who has been to Laoag, I could recomend two in my area.