Today is election day in the Philippines. May 9, 2016.

Today, I want to write about my experience over this election period. This article is not about promoting any particular candidate or party, it is about the experience of living in a City where the Presidential front runner is also the Mayor of that city. It has been an interesting and unique experience.
In my life, both in the USA and in the Philippines (I also lived in South Africa, but I was young and do not remember anything about politics), I have lived through many elections. I have seen many Presidents elected, Senators, Congressmen, local officials and just about any other office you could think of. But, in all of my life, I have never lived in a City where the Mayor ran for President of the Country, until now.
In the USA, the “real people” don’t really have any contact with the President of the country. Oh, we will see him if he is in our community and does a speech, assuming we attend the occasion. But, what we see is some guy that we saw on TV who is surrounded by a large security team, no way you could really have a conversation with him. Very unlikely that you would ever be able to shake his hand, unless it is campaign time, and even at campaign time it is very unlikely that you would be close enough to the President to shake hands. Only a very small number of people could ever say that the President is somebody they know or have talked to.
The Philippine experience is a little different. You would still need to be in the right place at the right time, to some point anyway, but it is possible that you might meet the President someday. And, I learned this year, it is possible that the President might turn out to be somebody that you have met on multiple occasions, seen in malls, somebody who actually knows who you are! It seems kind of humbling after growing up in a place where the President might as well be in a different universe.
Of course, the Presidential Candidate in today’s election that is from the City where I live is Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte has been the Mayor of Davao since 1988. There have been a few times when he was not Mayor during those years, because the Philippines has term limits for Mayors, and when he had served the limit of terms he would have to sit out for the following term, but he was always re-elected when he could run again. During those “break periods” from being Mayor, Duterte would serve in some other office, like Congressman, or even as Vice Mayor. Anyway, this is only to give a little bit of background on the man and his political rise.

During my years of living in Davao, I have met the Mayor and also seen him in various situations. One time, Feyma and I went out to eat at a restaurant, and the Mayor was also eating there, at the table next to us. There is another restaurant, Yellow Fin, a seafood place, which is not far from our house, and that is kind of the “favorite” restaurant of Mayor Duterte. He eats lunch there very often. So, having a guy that you have seen around town suddenly running for President, and being a serious contender has been a different, and an interesting experience.
Because Mayor Duterte is very popular with Dabawenyos, the support for his candidacy here is very strong. I would imagine that he will take 80 or 90% of the vote here in our City. If you go around town, all you really hear people talking about is the Presidential race, and how the Mayor is doing. It is a constant topic of conversation. Foreigners can’t or should not really get involved in politics here, but with the race on people’s minds so much, it is hard to avoid. Every time you hop on a jeepney or catch a taxi, people ask you about it. “What do you think about the election?” I hear it every day. I try to reply in a non-committal but supportive way. Kind of show the City pride, but without showing political support.
As I was saying earlier, it is a little different here in terms of meeting a President. Not like the States where the President is deeply insulated from the people.
Back around 2005 or so, Feyma, the kids, and I went to the Marco Polo Hotel here in Davao. We were going to the pool there for a swim. When we walked in the lobby we could see that there was something going on, but were not sure what it was. Suddenly, a woman walked up and started talking to me. I looked and was shocked when I saw that it was Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the President of the Philippines at that time. I talked to her for a few minutes and she was very friendly. It was at that point that I really realized how different it was here in terms of closeness or the ability to meet the President.
A friend of mine told me that one time, through a connection that his wife had, he and his wife were invited to Malacañang Palace (the Philippine equivalent of the White House) for lunch with the President. I bet that was quite an experience to remember! This also occurred with Gloria was President.
Anyway, the past months have been interesting to see the campaign in full swing. I hope that the elections today are peaceful, and the results turn out good for the country. I have witnessed Presidents change in the Philippines both by election and by coup d’etat. Hopefully the days of the coup are over in the Philippines. Peaceful transfer of power is a much better solution. So, good luck to the Philippines, and to the Filipino people!
Whoever wins, good luck to the new President of the Republic.
Nice sentiments Bob. We are watching the election too, from afar.
Thanks Robert. There is a lot of excitement in the air here.
I said that the person that would be president would be Duterte I am pleased for him! Not that I had a vote just a voice in the wilderness so far as the campaign is concerned!
I love the Philippines
I believe he will be a good president for the country. I hope my feelings are correct.
now thats a real Freudian slip no? I think you meant GOOD not HOOD.
i hope to…or we have a problem houston….
Its great to see democracy in action and working. I will honestly be happy when both the elections here and the ones back in the States are done. It will be nice to see something else on the news.
Here is an interesting little tidbit that I did not know until recently. Sara Duterte Carpio is married to Mans Carpio from Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Mans’ brother is running for Vice Mayor up here. My wife and I happened to run into their father, on a flight back from Manila, a couple of weeks a go.
Hi Gary,
Like you I am ready for a break from elections. Still another 6 months for the US election though.
Inday Sara is running for Mayor here and is expected to get 80 percent or more. Might be a clean sweep for the Duterte clan.
If, I may ask, without commenting positive or negatively. How is that so many “family ” members can hold various offices in the Philippines?
I believe you are from the US, John, hope I am right. The same happens there, right? For example, when George W. Bush was President, his brother was the Governor of FL, his newphew held some kind of office in TX, and maybe other family members too. I am sure that the same holds true for other families too.
I see no reason why the actions of one family member should forbid another family member from doing something.
What do you think?
You are right the Bush Family had several members in public office at the same time. But the difference is they were not controlling a whole city or province/state. That’s what led to the No Dynasty Bill that has been pending for a long time.
There is actually an anti dynasty law on the books.
Thanks for sharing your feelings.
I hope that Mayor Duterte is now President Duterte and that we also get his public and professional team including Mayor Jun Evasco and Councilor Peter Lavinia. It would be nice to hear the public comments said about Davao City said about the entire country – safe, peaceful, friendly, clean, growing, wealth shared among all, possible to make a decent living inside the Philippines and not have to be an OFW. Just to begin!
As someone who has sold tourism to the Philippines for 38 years and began working in Davao 54 years ago I would love to see the country really open beginning with “open (air) skies”. Real competition would lower fares to/from the Philippines, compared to other SE Asian countries.
The Department of Tourism has great staff, and the destination has diverse travel options, but over protectionism has really hurt total tourism at least from North America. If you take out the Balikbayan you don’t really get the numbers and quality that should be coming.
Hi Bob, I was at Clark during the ’86 “People Power” revolution and you’re spot on about a coup. Peaceful transfer of power is the best solution. Interesting here in the province, politics isn’t really a topic of conversation. We talk about it if it comes up, but not something they dwell on. After being in the military for 24 years and stationed in four different countries, I’ve learned not to discuss local politics. As my father was fond of saying … the fastest way to lose a friend is to argue about politics or religion …
Great article
Hi OB – I think that the main reason that it is such a hot topic here is because I live in the same City where Mayor Duterte is from, and he is the front runner. So, people are obviously excited! 🙂
My wife just got back from the polls and told me the voting machine misinterpreted her choice for Vice President. Wary of COMELECS’s warning about what would happen to people who made ‘frivolous objections’ she let it pass although the lady at the disposal box saw the look of surprise on her face and asked if there was anything wrong. I won’t say who she tried to vote for but I will say that I think the voting machine made a better choice.
P.S. I met and had a little chat with President Ramos when he visited areas devastated by flood-waters from collapse of part of the crater wall of Lake Maughan in 1995.
Hi Malcolm. My family, wife and 3 kids, also just got home from voting. For them the machines worked without issues. It us concerning that there was an error when your wife voted.
Our whole clan wants Deterte..
Whoever wins, good luck to them.
I heard the town he was Mayor got REALLY CLEANED UP OF CORRUPTION…
Yes, I live in the city where he is mayor and he is really loved here.
Hi Bob, the wife has gone to vote I’m at home like the other people said I don’t give my view on Philippines political matters best to keep out of it , we have been shopping in cubao this weekend and last weekend the amount of buses taking people to the province
Is overwhelming busier than Christmas literally hundreds of buses 24 hours a day,
Not like back home were lots of people cannot be bothered to walk to a polling station 5 minutes away, what a difference,
Derek in pasig.
Yes, it is really something to see the numbers of people heading back to their home province to vote. Basically the country 7s almost at a standstill for the election. High participation rate.
Duterte is great, he walks the walk and stands for everyone to be safe in Davao
He has done a good job as our Mayor.
Waiting in anticipation to hear the outcome
It can take a few days or as long as a week for election results here, we’ll see!
Bob Martin Really! Now that is something that i wasn’t aware of.
Back when I first started coming to the Philippines it took more than a month! If the margin of victory is big this year, we may get results quicker, though.
I have been following the comments/posts etc. It is always interesting to see people’s comments as they are so passionate. Well, i love the country and wish only the very best for it. May whoever is elected have the country and it’s people’s interest in the forefront.
Yes, it is very interesting to follow, and the people here are very passionate about their right to vote.
After just returning from another fantastic vacation in Iligan City I found the saturation of campaign posters, banners etc as something I had only seen in pictures prior to this most interesting. Regardless of who or what was posted on these campaign displays they were posted just about anywhere and everywhere. Vehicles equipped with mobile Public Address systems on the streets promoting one candidate or party through paging horns on top of the vehicles brought back memories of this kind of thing when I was a kid in the 50’s. I have not experienced anything like this here in the USA for many years.
While I was shopping in a store, one of the candidates recognized me, walked up to me to say hello and we shook hands.
As a foreign visitor I knew well enough to avoid any direct or indirect involvement with anything political so I avoided any comment and kept a fair distance from the campaigning going on. It was fun to view things I had only seen in pictures on the internet of prior election periods.
I had previously planned to be back home in New York a few days prior to Philippines Election Day so I will watch from here via internet as I begin to loose the last effects of Jet-Lag from the long journey home.
Hi Bob – for sure! The campaign materials are everywhere! You can’t go anywhere without seeing them! It is quite amazing!
Duterte they say he will be killed if elected
Who knows such a corrupt country
I’d be surprised if he actually cleans up the country if he lives that long
America is just corrupt just more hidden
In God we trust , right
Hi Ben – Duterte has, over the years, always said that if he is killed that is OK, he is not scared.
If he is voted president and is killed, what then?
Complete chaos?
My wife is still not to return from voting five hours after leaving. Near Toledo City. Very long lineups and people are starting to get angry she texts me. Line is hardly moving at all. Lets hope Duterte can teach people here the meaning of organisation
Sorry to hear that your wife is suffering in long lines. That is quite unfortunate.
Hey Bob I Voted your Mayor running for President..
Hi Brian. It sounds like a lot of people are voting for him. ☺
Damn right Bob…..
I will be heading to the jungle, REAL JUNGLE, within the next few hours for a life time experience.
It will be 1600 calories food intake per day for the next few months. Christmas time is the planned return date.
This has nothing to do with elections, it was planned several years ago and now is the time to go.
Two of us will be living in close proximity to a native tribe of about 60 members who accepted our request.
No communication devices, only books for entertainment and a few other necessities.
I hope to see a better world after the return.
Will be back in one week to take some more items, too heavy to carry everything in one shot.
OK, Bob. We’ll miss your stories, but look forward to your return.
Whatever happened to dignified politicians? I think the world is in a sad state when the leading candidates for president in the Philippines and in the U.S. are so morally lacking. Not saying that past candidates were alter boys or anything but at least they would at least act the part of a statesman. This current crop are brash and boastful about their moral ineptitudes and still winning! The days of having distinguished gentlemen in politics are long gone it seems.
Is it true that Duterte has admitted to killing people?
Great role model then. I hope the filipino people know what they are getting themselves into
Many people have made the accusation. I don’t believe it and nobody has ever been able to prove it, despite them trying hard.
Duterte usually speaks in jokes, so unless you have been exposed to him for a while it is unlikely that you would understand exactly what he is saying.
Killing people???? Ever hear of the death penalty? It is just a matter of phrasing. One sounds nicer, right? However, same results.
The Mayor follows the rules of the law.
One of the things that I hear most from foreigners is that Philippine politians are so corrupt. You, though are arguing that they are distinguished gentlemen?
What I meant by comment of “distinguished gentlemen” relates to the tone and hyperbole of both political races in the states and in the Philippines. On one hand Trump openly calls his female competitor ugly. Posts an unflattering picture of his another opponent’s wife suggesting that she’s ugly. Hilary is under investigation by the FBI. Duterte says he wish he could’ve been the first to rape a rape victim. Says his mistresses wont be a problem because he only takes them to short stay hotels. Says he will establish one man rule if law makers disobey him.
I never said that Philippines politicians or any country’s politicians are not corrupt. I believe that most if not all are corrupt in some way. What I am saying is that even the most corrupt politicians seem to have the dignity to at least play the part of a “distinguished” gentleman in public….even though they may be rotten to the core when they are behind closed doors.
Hi Willie – People sometimes say things that they regret. I have said such things, and I suspect you would admit that you have too. Political candidats make the mistake too, but it is a mistake, does not make them bad or dishonorable people in my eyes. Of course you are entitled to your opinion, as am I, and I have no problem with that. But, I just disagree with you this time. I hope that is not a problem.
Ive definitely said many things that I regret in my lifetime. Many things. Ive made many mistakes in my lifetime. Many mistakes.
I can definitely forgive a politician for saying things that they regret or admit is a mistake. The problem is NONE of the candidates that I mentioned above had said that they regret those things or that it was mistake…..
It is not a problem that we see things differently Bob. That’s what makes the world go ’round.
Actually, in your earlier comment you talked about Trump tweeting a pic of Heidi Cruz. Trump did come out and say that it was a mistake and he should not have said it. I saw him make the statement on TV and I agree that he should not have done it.
Yeah, I believe your right on that one Bob
Willie, ever hear of Give um Hell Harry? Same thing, right?
One of those dignified candidates said: “Stuff happens when Kate Steinly (spelling) was killed by an illegal. Are those so called dignified candidates really moral people?
Maybe you misread my post. Im clearly wishing for the days of yesteryear when candidates seeking the highest office of the land were both dignified and morally sound… least in the public. These days candidates don’t even bother “pretending” to be moral. Elections have turned into a reality show.
I guess your words sum it up for me. I would prefer a candidate who truly speaks his mind over one who ‘preyends’ in what he says.
I really don’t understand how pretending with your words is more dignified than telling the truth.
If a candidate is “telling the truth” by saying that he wished he could’ve been the first to rape the Australian missionary or that he would “forget the laws on human rights”, or that he would establish “one man rule if lawmakers disobey him”, or that “his mistresses would not cost a lot because he would keep them in cheap boarding houses and take them to short stay hotels for sex”, then what does that say about those who vote for such a candidate? Are these people really the best and brightest we have? From both countries? That’s a depressing thought.
I would say that if the candidate tells the truth instead of pretending, and the comment was later withdrawn as a mistake, ghat would give voters a good idea of whether he is the right person to vote for. That is why I don’t like the pretending, which you said is more dignified.
One of the many things I have learned in my lifetime is that when people show you who they are…..BELIEVE THEM! I give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they show me who they are. One off remark or comment can be viewed as a mistake or a blunder. But this election season we have seen comment after comment of these kinds of remarks. Hard to believe they are all “mistakes”.
I completely agree that you should believe when people show who they really are. I must say though, some of the statements that you mention were jokes that were made 30 years ago. That has to be taken into consideration.
Halalan 2016 ! Duterte & Bong Bong appear to be leading the pack. If they both win their campaigns , will their victory song be AC DC’s ” If You Want Blood You Got It” ? Haha
I don’t think I can appropriately comment on that. ☺
It will be a better country with Duterte as President. His track record in Davao would be nice, if it represented all of the country. when I worked in Davao there was a much larger middle class trhoughout the country. Now 54 years later one person has to go abroad to help your family be middle-class.
His staff is superb Mayor Jun Evasco and Councilor Peter Lavina are superb in what they do. It will be a win-win for the country — and the negatives now being said against the Mayor are pure garbage – and not reflective of his successful years as a public servant.
Just questioned my wife more about her voting today.
I asked her if anybody was receiving money to vote for a certain person. She said YES, more than 50 percent of voters there! People openly spoke to her about taking money to vote. She said they were all very proud of the fact.
Seems there are many Filipinos who care more about rice on the table and cigarettes in their mouth than the actual future of their country! Just plain dumb!
They whinge and moan how poor and hard done by they are and yet when they get a chance to make a stand, they take the bribe money.
Once again, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!
They won’t need as many cigarettes when Duterte takes office.
Hahaha. Will give you that one Bob.
People in this area do frustrate me though. Thankfully there are plenty of genuine, sensible filipinos in the rural and mountainous areas only a few miles off the highway. You would swear that they are a different race of people
Maybe President Roy will instill some discipline. He did it here in Davao.
Hopefully President Duterte will respect the rule of law and that everyone – both the guilty and the innocent – deserve to be tried in a court. I understand he doesn’t have a great track record on that in Davao, but people change, right?
If you ask the people of Davao his track record is excellent.
But if you bypass the law, surely you may as well live in the stone age?
There is no solid evidence that he bypassed the law.
He admitted in his weekly TV show last year that he ran death squads in Davao. Same thing at a convention of the Workplace Advocates on Safety in the Philippines. I’m not sure how much more explicit he can get about his involvement.
He uses a lot of sarcasm and humor when he speaks. He is not really admitting.
“Sarcasm”..that is the word that people should learn from the great mayor of Davao City when he speaks. Met him a few times when I was in Davao City many years ago. IMHO he would do a great job as the president of the Philippines. A man with “cojones”. Just my own personal opinion.
I totally agree, Jose. Nice to hear from you, it has been a while!
Right Bob. Until anyone is convicted in a Filipino court of law he is innocent right? Marcos was never convicted in a court of law so he was totally innocent of anything that may or may not have happened to all those political opponents that disappeared while he was in power. Let’s just hope that history doesn’t come close to repeating itself and that all the claims and promises concerning the salvage of “suspected criminals” don’t come to pass. The presumption of innocence applies as much to suspected drug dealers and political opponents as to candidates to office – right?
Of course it applies to all. Have you ever seen me say otherwise?
No Bob, you have never claimed that any criminals were guilty unless proven so in a court of law. Oh, and while we are on the topic of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law, I guess we should just tell the relatives and friends of the fifty-eight people massacred in Maguindanao in 2009 that they should not start accusing or blaming the Ampatuans’s until that protracted court case is resolved.
There is a big difference between a family member of a victim placing blame compared to an object time person placing blame.
I don’t really understand where you are going with that comment but it seems to be aimed at me in a negative way. I am not sure why that would be.
No Bob, nothing negative intended. I really enjoy your posts and the fact that we can make comments without them being censored. I’d probably be best to make any follow-up comments in a PM. If I can work out how to do that.
Hi Malcolm. Sorry if I misinterpreted the previous comment.
Please no comments by PM. I prefer public. I get as many as 800 PMS per day, it is a major demand on my time. Hope you understand.
Okay Bob. I’m not going to go into any detail that might get me thrown out of the country, but I will say that I’m disappointed in your apparent naivety and lack of understanding of the situation here in the Philippines. Basically, people don’t press charges or pursue cases against the members of political dynastys because they would end up with an express ticket to the mortuary. There are some candidates in the current election that have talked about filling Manila Bay with 100,000 suspected criminals if they are elected. This is not rumor, it is what they have said in political rallies. Maybe you’ll say this is just a joke, but there has been no apology yet so perhaps we have to consider it to be a serious threat.
Bob, I don’t think you were here during Martial Law, but if you had been I promise that you and your family would have felt threatened by a President who felt he was above the law and was able to impose summary justice according to his interpretation of the Constitution. If you applaud Duterte and think it is okay for the Davao Death Squad to murder suspected drug dealers then how about the assassination of political opponents? Where is the line to be drawn if it is outside of the law of the land?
The criminal element doesn’t abide within the current laws as do the ordinary citizens. They need to be spoken to and dealt with in a manner that s not comprehensive to law abiding people. There’s no martial law in place so what’s to deter their ongoing corruptive behaviour? The answer is fear for their very lives . It’s the only answer beside Christ himself intervening. Davao i believe even has a 911 emergency number for its residents . Manila needs this and many other improvements.
I realize my comment won’t get past moderators and probably justified but thanks for letting me vent my thoughts . Of course I want law and order for all and improved commerce for a thriving economy in place.
I think i will take my chances with Christ!
Malcolm – I never said anything about supporting the death squads or that I thought it was right. As we already discussed, Duterte has never been charged with or found guilty of having any involvement.
Anyone who can stop corruption and violent criminals is ok with me.
Duterte certainly did that in Davao, let’s see if he can expand his program. 😉
It is a sad state of affairs that the politicians of today are not civilized like those of the past. Hamilton and Burr come to mind,as does Adams and Jefferson. The newspapers of the day dealt in rumor and wild speculation often going in the tank for one side or the other. Yes those were much more civil times if you took out the unpleasantness of the disagreement between the States followed by 50+ years of lynchings. Yes Bob Wee Willie is correct are much better behaved now.
bob i have been going back and forth for years now and have a house, wife and son, this new election has me a little scared, its almost time for me to retire and live there for good but death sentence for drugs and the new president talking about allowing police to beat people or kill people without due process scares the shit out of me. my wife says oh well dont do bad dont get killed…but you know as well as i do how accusations can fly and tsis mis,chis mis, whatever is there and group think or mob mentality, it just does not sound good to me. i ask my wife what if our son grows up and makes a mistake? you think its ok to kill some unknown person for a crime but what if its your son? and we all know only the poor will be beaten or killed, the wealthy will be connected or pay their way out of it. petty criminals will end up getting killed and wealthy will get away with more corruption because the poor will be scared to say anything in defense of their rights.
what do you think about this new guy and things he says?
Hi Greg – I have lived under Mayor Duterte for 15 years here in Davao. If his presidency is like his role as Mayor, I think he will do great.
Death Penalty for drugs? If you don’t use drugs or especially deal them, you have no worries.
You talk about what “we all know”… please modify that and count me out when you say “all”.
ok bob i’ve read your websites and learned a lot from both you and visitors here, everything from visa info and BB trips to local customs and attitudes. I trust your opinion and hope your best wishes will be realized, i am a big fan of due process and hope fair trials and good evidence is used before any of the 100000 bodies he talked about begin filling manila bay.
It’s a little concerning about the way he kind of dissed the USA and leaned toward china on the west philippine sea issue and i hope the “peace talks” with the radical islamic folks down south don’t end up being in support of same.
perhaps his rhetoric is just that and not the 1st step toward sharia law, lets pray this is the case.
Hi Greg – It is important to remember that Duterte is the President elect of the Philippines, not the USA, so he will look out for the interests o the Philippines, that is his job.
The US has a checkered history with Duterte, if you don’t know about it, do some searching about Michael Miering and what the US Government did back in 2002, and you might understand more about why he is unlikely to be on the US side very much.
I have lived in Davao for a long time, and have yet to see any bodies floating in the Davao Gulf, so I am pretty sure you won’t see it in Manila Bay either.
Miering…researched and understood, not too surprised really, well i’m with Duterte on that one..
hope it doesn’t reflect on expats or tourists or chatter about that episode devolve into a change in public opinions of folks like us.
One more reason i check in here to learn things and confirm info from other sources.
I’ve been dropping in here at your place for about 7 years now, like the sites and enjoyed your house construction photos!
Thanks for helping me relax a little, don’t want my retirement dream to start hitting snags at this late stage! I’m up in biliran 40 ft from the ocean, i was chief engineer, architect, construction supervisor and laborer on my little house, started in feb. 2015 and finished aug. 2015. Rose and I just had a healthy baby boy jan. 15th of this year.
Thanks again for providing all the info over the years you and your asawa have been a big help to me.
Hi Greg,
We lived in Naval, Biliran for a while. Great diving off Maripipi island and the Sambatuan reserve – although maybe it’s not so much of a reserve these days.
Hi Greg – I have met Mayor Duterte and have never felt that he held the Miering case against me or other expats. His negative feelings are more toward the country than the individual people.
If you have gotten information of value from my site, that makes me happy! It is my pleasure, and we strive to provide accurate information that is of value.
Thanks for your visits over the years.
I’ve been going back and forth to Davao since 1962, when I was a Peace Corps rural elementary English and math teacher. I’m married to a Filipina from Davao City. I met my first wife in Davao City. She died of cancer.
Since 1999 I’ve been an elected city-level official. I’m past president of Michigans city elected officials, and current president of a regional association of governments representing 4.7 million people. I’m saying this to tell you that I understand what good government looks like.
First, Mayor Duterte uses “kill” to mean stop or end, and not to physically end anyone’s life. It’s drama drama, a sometimes Bisayan way of emphasis. It’s a play on words.
Second. Look at his city. He’s put in place many best practices in cities. He’s done this for years. You find very little corruption her eat the local government level. It’s safe. It’s clean. He has cooperated with and helped other cities and provinces for YEARS, especially in times of calamity. That’s why he was elected by the people – because of his real track record.
He has consistently surrounded himself with good staff, regardless of political party. Mayor Jun Evasco, Councilman Peter Lavina, Senator Alan Peter Cayetano.
I believe the 1986 peaceful People’s Revolution under President Duterte, will finally begin. The country will be safer, the middle class will grow and prosper, the poor will gain more help and support and many OFWs will be able to stay home and prosper. Foreign investment will increase and more good paying jobs will be created.
For foreigners dealing with the government will become easier, safety and services will increase, the quality of health care will increase and hopefully Medicare will accept some hospitals throughout the country. I believe it will be a great time to move here. And if air competition is opened up even airfares might go down and direct flights increase to more major cities. I think this election is a win win for everyone including foreigners and the United States. Imagine a peaceful and safe western Mindanao. It was safe when I worked here 1962-64.
Hi Jeff – Nice to hear from you! Hope you are doing well. 🙂
Yep, I think that you and I are nearly 100% in agreement in terms of President Duterte and his potential for the Philippines. I hope he is able to accomplish for the Philippines even just half of what he has done for Davao!