If you live in the Philippines, one topic that comes up regularly is safety. Anytime you come into contact with other Westerners, they always comment in some way regarding the lack of safety in the Philippines.
“You are very brave to live there, you could be killed at any time!”
“Don’t you worry that your kids will be kidnapped?”
“I would never leave the USA, I’m scared for my safety in other countries!”
These are common statements that I hear from people that I have contact with, sometimes even my own extended family. Frankly, though, in my opinion, these people are uninformed, misguided and generally ignorant when it comes to the matters they are speaking about.
Let me first look at each of the questions that I hear, as listed above:
- When people say that I could be killed anytime, I get a real chuckle out of that. Frankly, you can be killed no matter where in the world you live or go to, it can happen in the Philippines, but it can happen in Kansas or Germany just as well. The odds of being killed in the Philippines are, frankly, no higher than being killed in other places.
- Kids being kidnapped? No, I don’t worry about that. If I thought it was a concern, I certainly would not have my kids living here! Look at the spree over the past 20 years or so of school shooting incidents in the USA. Those kinds of incidents are way more frequent than any kinds of kidnapping here in the Philippines. Honestly, the only incidents of children being kidnapped in my memory are of children of wealthy businessmen (usually Chinese), and that usually happens in Manila, since that is the Business/Financial center of the country. School shooting incidents, or other school violence just doesn’t happen here at all in my opinion. I just don’t ever remember a case of anything like that happening. Because of this, I honestly feel that my kids are safer here than they were in the USA. Now, don’t take me wrong, I didn’t worry about safety there either, but if you just look at the raw numbers, the USA is marginally more dangerous than it is here.
- For an American to say something like they won’t ever leave the USA, and they fear going to other countries is, frankly, just silly. Bad things can (and do) happen anywhere in the world, the USA included. Limiting yourself like that is, in my opinion, no way to live an enjoyable life.
On another issue regarding safety, I regularly get e-mails and questions from people asking if Davao is safe, and if there are terrorists on the streets of Davao, and such. Lately, I have begun to ask myself – how can a person be living in the 21st Century and come to the conclusion that Davao City is a killing field? Back in the 1980’s, there were killings on the streets of Davao, and it was a dangerous place. But, those years are only a distant memory, and Davao is, frankly, one of the safest cities in the Philippines. Our City government here in Davao, led by Mayor Duterte, are very serious about maintaining a safe place here. They are vigilant about keeping the City safe from attacks, killings and such.
Sometimes a person will tell me that they feel Davao is unsafe, even quite dangerous. I ask why they feel that way, and the response is usually something like:
I have a Filipino co-worker, and he told me that Davao is very dangerous!
My normal response is this:
Ask your co-worker if he has ever been to Davao. My bet is that his answer is “NO.” Well, I have lived in Davao for years, and I can say from personal experience that the place is safe.
The other day, I found an online tool that fits in with this topic that I am writing about today. It’s called the Global Incident Map, and shows a world map with notations of Terrorist Incidents and other suspicious events no matter where in the world they occur. You know what? If you go look at the map, the biggest cluster of such “incidents” is in the United States! If you focus in on the Philippines, there are 4 incidents shown (and one of them is on the map by mistake because it happened over a year ago, and also turned out to be a false report – I am talking about a kidnapping that is shown on the map). On the US part of the Incident Map, there are 49 incidents shown at the time that I type this. So, more than twelve times the number of terrorist or suspicious incidents. The population in the USA is about 3 1/2 times the population of the Philippines, yet on a per capita basis, the incidence of these incidents is 12 times higher! Is that safety? I really find this Incident Map very interesting, because it shows a clear graphical view of crime that is happening everywhere in the world, and it’s hard to deny what is shown right in front of you.
The same people who have the Global Incident Map also have a “School Safety & Security Map” which shows the USA only. The number of school related safety incidents shown is quite shocking! About the only school safety incidents that I remember in the Philippines are a couple of cases where students ate food that was not good and came down with food poisoning. That is not good, but preferable to me when compared with shooting, bombings and such!
Anyway, really I am not saying that the USA is unsafe. I am only using the crime statistics for the USA because so many Americans tell me how dangerous the Philippines is, yet when you sit down and look at the occurrence of actual incidents of crime and violence, the US is way ahead (?) of the Philippines.
My advice for anybody is that there is crime and violence anywhere in the world these days. Watch what is happening around you wherever you are and be vigilant. That is the best way to ensure your personal safety.
Hi Bob – I find this an interesting topic as I was subjected to the same questions when we lived in Nigeria.
The problem usually is the people asking the questions are ill informed and have never experianced living abroad never mind the country that they are talking about. When the media reports on an incident in the Philippines its as if it effects the whole country. As you said its about being aware and when you live in a particular country one tends to practice this awarness and not take unnecessary chances that would put yourself or others in danger.
Hi Jim – Well said, and very correct. Getting information from the uninformed never works out well! ๐
Good topic. Indeed a couple months ago I blogged on a similar note and I asked several long-time Filipino residents here in the neighborhood about crimes in the past year. Indeed there were some … even to me … someone stole and olf padlock that was hanging open on our front gate. In a 15 or 20 block area (our blocks are small here) there were a number of crimes. Three or four housebreakings. (the trend this past year is to target homes where no one is at home inthe daytime and act like a deliveryman or someone else who has business in the target house. A couple with domestic issues had the barangay patrol at their home about three times to quiet arguments … thye have since separated. A guy left his car idiking in front of his house and someone jumped in and drove it away … hasn't been found, probably went to a chop shop and boy left his bike outside an Internet cafe, unlocked, and someone rod eoff on it. That's about it.
In the same period of time, within 10 blocks of our former home in Colorado Springs there were two murders (6 or 8 in the city overall), dozens of break-ins (three personally, in one year … (cop's advice … get yourself a gun, but be careful you don't use it … sheez), armed home invasions, drive by shootings, liquor store armed robberies, deranged people shooting folks in a church parking lot, and more scholl 'lock-downs' (usually the result of seeing a student carrying a gun on school property, or death/bomb threats by students. The list goes on.
I can't say that any one place is 'safe'. As Bob says, I could walk out the door and be shot a minute from now … but I could die anywhere by any means (and I certainly will, someday). Now that I have lived here nearly two years I feel much safer here thna in the US. And my impresison of Davao City, based on only a short visit, is that it is probably a safer area than where I am living now, outside Manila.
There are many reasons the Philippines may not suit you to visit or live here, but the arbitray issue of 'safety' is not high on the list, or so Dave opines.
Hi Dave Starr – Very interesting on the comparison between crime in your current neighborhood compared with your old neighborhood in the States! Quite a difference in statistics! That ride off on the un-chained bike seems to be a real sign of a crime wave coming into the area, though. ๐ ha ha…
Like you, I certainly feel at least as safe here as I ever did in the States.
Hey Bob, did your kidnappers make you post this message topic? ๐
Hi James – No. Did your kidnappers make you post your comment? ๐ฏ
Hi Bob,
I don't mean this to be rude, but I do feel Filipinos don't help the situation, when aborad they always slam the Philippines, and say silly things about crime and traffic, when I comment that Manila is a breeze compared to Bangkok they seem amazed, even on positive notes, when I ask or say Boracay is Paradise, I get the canned remark "It is SUPPOSED to be beautiful" meaning they have never been. Crime is crime in all parts of the world one must be smart and learn to avoid problems.
Hi John – I totally agree. I find it especially true when it comes to safety issues concerning Mindanao. So many Filipinos (both here in the Philippines and abroad) who have never been to Mindanao are scared to death of the place, and say all kinds of bad things about it here. Having never been to Mindanao, how would they know? ๐ฏ
Hey Bob… Just went through this about 2 weeks ago with my mother. She and her husband are planning on visiting for our wedding in October. The first thing she did is pull up the US State Dept. travel warnings… Reading that thing you would never want to leave home. (Interesting to read the warnings for the States issued by other countries, too). I asked her what she thought some "safe" countries were and then told her to look up the travel warnings for those places. Read the warnings for Spain and England… Very similar to here. I told her it is safe where she is going (The handful of Communist rebels in the North tend to keep to themselves) and that the health warnings tend to be overblown (Get an updated tetanus shot and don't drink water from the tap and she'll be fine).
I think there are several reasons this perception exists:
1. Most Americans did not even have a passport until the last couple of years, but now that they are needed for Canada. (10% then, something like 25% now). Unlike Europe, where passports are commonly used to establish identity and, before the EU, necessary to cross borders in an area with many small countries, America is large, with many places to travel domestically (Disney, anyone?) Here in the RP, so many OFWs come and go, there is a far greater awareness of the outside world. Us Americans are not particularly a "well traveled" people.
2. Media… 25 years ago, there were three US networks, with perhaps an hour or two of news per day. Now there are at least 2 dozen 24-hour news channels and those people have to talk about something, whether intelligently or not. This constant need for content makes small incidents appear far more relevant (My God! I hope Britney is alright with her two little hillbilly babies! Them evil terrorists better leave them alone.)
3. Lack of education (ignorance). With the school systems in the States being constantly focused on readin', writin', and cipherin', subjects like history, geography, and social studies are left in the dust. When combined with the drivel the "news" outlets spew, it is no wonder most Americans have an attention span of around 15 seconds and are blissfully ignorant about the rest of the world.
4. Poverty. Poverty is not pretty. When you first land in Manila and see the shanty towns and garbage piled everywhere, the "third world" image is strong. Since, in the States, poor neighborhoods are "dangerous" neighborhoods, the connection exists.
5. The perception of many Filipinos is that the Government is ineffective and does nothing. Becky's family is having a stroke that I am taking her with me (business trip) to GenSan tomorrow. To hear them talk, we might as well be going to Iraq. I hope our visit opens their eyes a bit.
6. Finally, the US Government itself has been feeding the public a steady diet of fear and paranoia in order to keep in power (I HATE removing my shoes at the airport and losing my cigarette lighters… Makes it far too difficult to smoke in the nonsmoking areas!). The reception foreign visitors receive when landing in the US is rude, and disgracefull, at best… Everyone brown is now a threat.
Just my 2 Pesos worth….
Sad isn't it, that we as non Filipinos are so passionate about making things better and educating Filipinos and others about the splenours of the Philippines.
Hi John Miele – you make some really good and valid points there. I am particularly stuck with #4. I had never considered that before, but you are certainly correct. For most Americans, a poor area is a ghetto, run by gangs or drug lords. No matter where it is in the world, an area where the people are poor is something that many Americans live in fear of!
#5 is also a very valid point. So many Filipinos fear Mindanao, even having never been here. Yes, there are dangerous places in Mindanao, no doubt about that. There are also dangerous areas in Manila too! The fact is, though, that the dangerous parts of both places are very limited.
Enjoy your trip! If possible to make it to Davao, let me know!
Hi John – Yep. There are so many splendors to see in the Philippines, and I don't want to keep them all to myself!
Hi Bob – what you say is undoubtably true but I think it's a little more complicated than that. I know that there are parts of Spokane that I would not feel safe at all, especially at night, while other areas that I certainly would. That doesn't mean something or nothing could happen in either place. But would I say Spokane is safe? Depends.
Before I came to the Philippines this last trip, I had every single person that I spoke with (that knew the area) ask me if I was worried about going to Mlang. Of course the only people that knew the area were Filipinos. So in this case, I became concerned because people that actually knew or had been there were questioning me.
Which brings me to my next point. While at Mlang, I neither felt safe or unsafe. I mean I didn't feel at ease but I never feared for my life either. So I think there is definitely something in between. Probably more often than not, especially in a place one's never been.
Hi Randy C – With Mlang, it's a tough one. M'lang is a marginal area where trouble is a bit more likely to happen. For example, with Davao City or Samal, places like that, the odds of a threat to your personal safety is probably very similar to Spokane or Seattle. M'lang is more dangerous, though. While it is still very unlikely that you will experience a problem, there is enough chance that people, if they are being honest, must tell you to exercise some caution. I have been to M'lang, as you know, and I don't have any qualms about going there. But, advising somebody else who is unaware of the situation is a different matter. For somebody like me, I would feel terrible (and possibly have some personal liability) if I were to advise somebody "oh, go there, there is no problem" if it was about an area where I knew that a little more caution should be observed.
You are right, it is something in the middle. Not safe, not unsafe either. Other places like Davao, CdO, Manila or Cebu, I would consider as safe as just about anywhere in the States.
Dadgum, Bob, the quality of the comments from the community here is high. Quality begets quality, I guess.
After living six years in Manila, I've lived the past three years in Davao City and Malaybalay City Bukidnon and I can say that there is a lot to agree with in this discussion so far.
And I'm continually surprised at how often Manileños who have never been here ask whether I feel safe here. Those that have been here simply never think to ask such a question, I suppose.
Hi Bob. I also think that Philippine press likes to blow up every bad thing that happens in the country. so both filipinos and foreigners get the feeling that the philippines is unsafe. it's the same with my relatives and friends. until now they still ask me if it's safe here in gensan.
Hi Nick Nichols – Yep, the community here is a nice mix. We have some real experts, and also some newbies who want to learn. They help each other, and that, overall, makes for some real nice quality of discussion. I'm glad that you stepped in to add to it.
It's kind of funny, because when the US or other Countries come out with travel warnings about the Philippines, people around the country get up in arms about it. But, if you later tell the same people that you are going to go visit "x" city, they start telling you how dangerous it is! Ha ha… It's a never ending cycle of fear!
Hi Cathy – Nice to hear from you. I think that it's not just the Philippine Press is… that's just the way that the Press in general is. If something good happens, that doesn't make the news, only the bad stuff does, right? Ha ha… I can imagine how your family in Manila must feel about you living in GenSan!
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your excellent work on this site. interesting topic. i am canadian and have had much the same experience here. people, most who have never travelled anywhere outside their province, telling me how dangerous the philippines is, particularly mindanao. As you know, it's frustrating! i own a house in talakag (thanks for your piece on Louise Lynip), and have always felt completely safe there. I spend about 2 months a year there. apart from the odd public drunk hassling me i have had no problem. i was in davao last year and wow! what a nice place. totally dispelled all the negativity about the place i had heard for so many years. do you know anything about the safety in dominorog road to talakag from maramag? I am coming to davao this december and will look you up. cheers.
Ben Levine
Hi Bob
My wife and I often have the discussion about safety in the RP. My wife who is from the Island of Cebu has often heard exaggerated stories about foreigners who had gone walking in the mountains by themselves and had never been seen form again or there body found along the road covered with a few leaves. Personally I feel you need to take a few more precautions in the RP than in my home town of Sioux Falls SD. Most shootings in Sioux Falls are from people cleaning there guns or someone got in the way while taking the shot at a deer. Still in no way do I feel the RP are unsafe and I keep telling my wife that the RP are much safer than many of the bigger cities in the states. Just a few years back there was a gang shooting in the Mall of America that injured some innocent people that had been in the wrong place and I along with many other people still go to the Mall of America. So my plan is to keep going to the RP and some day retire in the RP.
Hi Ben Levine – Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts! It's interesting to hear from you.
Yes, as you know, I've been to Talakag and found the place to be quiet and peaceful! I didn't see any of those public drunks that you mention, but I was there mid-day! ๐
I have not traveled the Dominorog road before, so I can't say for certain. Maybe Jim Cunningham might know more about it, as he is a virtual Talakag native, I'm sure you must know each other.
I'll be looking forward to meeting you during your visit to Davao, Ben!
Hi Larry – Congratulations on having an open mind regarding the Philippines. I hope that your wife has been able to overcome her thinking. I certainly understand about the stories of people getting killed and such, these kinds of stories are rampant, and they are rarely even true. It's a shame!
Yup get it all the time "whaddaya nuts?? retire THERE?? with all the terrorists ??!!!" My response is..what countries have you traveled to? oh..Canada and Mexico? ya say? Lemme tell ya about mexico..better stay in the saftey zone and BE BACK BY NITE FALL or its a 20-80 shot you'll go home in a box ! I firmly belive our USA govt. does not want americans to see what other places have to offer for fear of mass exodus ! PS….I hear instead of the bomb drills in 4th grade they want to teach shooting drills now …..go figure .
well Bob was it such a good idea for you to tell me where to see the maps of all the problems all over the world. I always feel safer in the philippines as not everyone has a gun and loads of ammo. Even in good ole medford, oregon there are nife fights and shooting and gang tagings. Just none of those chickens waking me up at night. ๐
i mostly value opinions regarding these things from people who have travelled the world. not to generalize, but people who have not seen the world tend to base their opinions second-hand or from the tube. just here in the US, there are very biased opinions of neighboring countries. caricatures of canada & mexico.
i just visited central mexico last week. what a different picture from what is perceived in the US. it's hard to tell some folks here how beautiful the country is because what comes to mind is tijuana, border issues & dusty movie depictions.
i've travelled enough to know that the world is very different from what is perceived in the media.
as someone who grew up in davao, i have heard my share of ridiculous comments of filipinos from the north about mindanao. i remember sarcastically telling someone that to travel to davao, you'd have to ride an old propeller plane & that coca-cola is not available in the city. sadly, the guy believed my joke.
there was one american i sat beside on a plane to manila who was adamant that mindanao was an island of savages with bolos in the streets even when i told him i was from there. he said he had first hand account from a pinoy sailor he knew (sure enough not from mindanao).
i was a davao local and the guy still didn't believe me. i guess i came out as a war refugee to him or something. his loss. he can have manila & davao can be our little secret.
My Dutch inlaws and my husband have never seen the Philippines and they fear that my hubby will catch some tropical disease when we visit there. I have this feeling they think it is somehwhat like a jungle out there ๐ with lots of flies and exotic insects — anyways.. looking forward to seeing my hubby's jaw drop when he sees how modern, beautiful and "normal" my country is ๐ .. and also a few days ago some friends of him thought the meats sold in our palengke is full of flies.. never really noticed that much flies .. there were a few but not that bad! but then I promised to send them some photos of the palengke to prove the meats are not that gross. ๐
Hi Brian – Yeah, I remember when I was a kid and we had bomb drills at school where we had to get under our desk for safety and such. It wouldn't surprise me if US schools instituted some kind of "shooting" drill as an alternative. It's a sad day, though, when they have to do that.
Hi Don – I've been to Medford before! It's a quiet little place. If they have those kinds of problems in Medford now, things are certainly on the downturn!
Hi macky – isn't it amazing when people who have never set foot on Mindanao are suddenly more of an expert than people who grew up here? I know the feeling, because I hear it every day through e-mails and such. It makes me wonder – if the people don't want to accept what I tell them, why do they even ask for my advice in the first place? Ha ha… don't get me started! ๐
Hi Mixxy – Here in Davao, if your husband has a problem with the meat from the wet market, you can always shop for higher quality meats from a place like Lisa's Meats. That stuff is as good as what you'll find in the grocery store back home! It's probably even fresher!
Hi Bob.
It is a very important topic you bring up. If ever tourism have to flourish, it is very important to enlighten people about the reallity as it is today. True there have been many stories about crime, but most of them are from the past and years ago.
I have been visiting RP since the early 80ties, and have experienced curfew, wich was not nice. My inlaws neighbour, who was a overseas worker, was shot and killed, and at that time I had to go in hiding for the rebels who was very active in Cebu at that time. Better safe than sorry.
The last 10 years we have gone to Davao only, and I never felt unsafe, however as in all other places when one is moving around, use common sence.
2 years ago we went to Kingman AZ, and felt that to be a very quiet and safe place, when we came home we found out that the crimerate was among the higest in USA.
Last year some of our friends from Hawaii came to visit us in Denmark and, of all places, got robbed in Copenhagen.
I fully agree to your comment and I do not hesitate to come back.
I did read at the global incident map and looked at the RP, and one says:
Quote, 4 men armed with automatic guns shoot bus. End quote.
What did the bus do, to deserve to be shot ???
Hi Bob.
Came to think of, if you do not allready know, that many real estate websites wil tell you about the crime rate in specific areas in USA.
Hi Bob- Ben Levene and I must have missed each other over the years since we have never met up so far.
If you are reading this reply Ben our house is on the main road into Talakag opposite Central Elementary School. Its the white house with the terriccotta roof about 300 meters from the Plaza.
Ben the road you mentioned from Talakag to Maramag is indeed shorter than going the main road to Malaybalay but its a very bad road and I'm informed some unsavoury characters operate in the area. In saying that I have just read in the Sunday Sunstar newspaper that the Talakag to Maramag section of the road will be built properly and when finished will make the jouney to Maramag very quick and this will link up with the Quezon/Buda junction to Davao. I only hope that this project will not spoil the tranquility of Talakag in the future.
Ben if you click on my link here on this site Bethany Christian Home for Children you will find mt e-mail address if you wish to contact me direct.
Hi Bob – Good topic today. I shall try to give my own view on this subject.
Here in Australia the official government travel advisory website refers travellers to the Philippines to do so with caution, and for Mindanou to NOT travel there! ( maybee a call from you Bob could put them straight ๐ )
I met my Philippino wife here in Australia several years ago, and before my first trip there was told frightening tales of what can happen to you in the Phils , mostly by Philippinos who I believe read too many Philippino ghost story books and like to exagerate and gossip too much, ie Larrys comment about foriegners disapearing into the hills.
I guess the other thing that scares people when they first visit a country like the Phils when they see extreme poverty on a large scale, they think that there can only be rampant crime in those areas.
One of the other observation I have made is that quite often the people in the Philippines, that have crimes done against them are people who are not good to their employees or too ruthless in business etc ( Maybee a kind of Philippino karma?) I'm sure you are NOT in this catagory Bob.
The first time I visited the Philippines, I was not supposed to go "anywhere" without a "chaperone", but after a few days I ran into a guy who had been backpacking all over the Phils and realised that this was ridiculous. I have gone on to meet so many wonderful and interesting people, purely because you treat them as your equal or friend. ( dont think i'm telling you anything new here Bob)
On summing up I think that if you visit the Philippines , you should be more concerned about catching a tropical disease ( which are pretty preventable) or a victim of a natural disaster, than an act of violence.
Hi Preben – I'm glad that you survived your trip to the States! ๐
Hi Jim – I'm glad that this site is now responsible for bringing together two neighbors!
Hi Anthony – tell those government guys to give me a call – I'll straighten them out!
Hi Bob- When you are ust going back and forth on holiday its just coincidence if you bump into all the expats that live in your neighbourhood. During our recent holiday in Talakag I'm sure we walked past Ben's house in Barangay 3 as someone mentioned a Canadian lives there.
Since we will be back in November and Ben mentioned he will be back in Talakag in December I'm sure we will meet up.
You do a grand job on this site Bob – thankyou once again.
HI bob.Of course the U.S.A is safer,with a fence a closet full of guns a pit bull and a security system.But even still you might have the odd drive by shooting.Good judgment is the key to safety.I wonder how safe the people in Detroit MI.feel voted the worst city in the US.I like Davao.Jim.
I am just learning about Davao and know very little but I cannot help but get a vague feeling that if the Mayor of Davao was to do a job swap with the Mayor of London for six months the people of London might see a few improvements as far as security and crime goes ๐
nice article; I am a filipino living and working abroad for the past 18 years, i've met and dealt with westerners everyday, some of them already visited my country and some of them don't', the funny thing is those who visited my country their last visit was like 2 or 3 decades ago and of course their last glimpse of my country seemed to retained in their memories, those guys who have not set foot in the Philippines tend to listen and believe to the guys who already been there, the sad part is, they tell stories and demonstrate the Philippines a decade ago as if nothing has changed since then, i think this contribute to the bad impression of the new comers, another factor is, the media and the travel warnings the US government issues, they portray the Philippines as if we are a paradise for criminals terrorist and such, it is all about the information the US and the media is feeding their nationals about other nation.
what the american would feel if our government issues a travel warning about the u.s?
like. don't go to any u.s high school/ college or university as the chance of getting gunned down is immense?
stay away from any buildings as it might be bombed by the terrorist, or don't walk in a broad daylight in the streets of new york to avoid being mugged, robbed and stabbed?
I've watched "America's Wildest Police Videos" and this only reflects the number of crime happening in the u.s.
i agree that a great number of Americans are ignorant of other nations tradition, culture etc..etc… to them there is only one world and that is the U.S.A. and i can prove it.
how many times you've heard the word "WORLD" in the u.s? a lot!, everything is world for them like "World baseball series",. "World Football Series", "World Wrestling Federation", "World's Wildest blah..blah..blah.." and they do have one thing in common, all of them are americans nothing else. this only proves how the american sees the world owned by them, and i think that this also contribute to some americans being ignorant and arrogant. i don't mean to be rude when i say this, but using the word "World" and it only shows american seems to me like arrogance considering there are hundred more countries in the world.
Hi Jim and Brian – Oh my… is a fight getting ready to break out over Detroit! ๐ฏ
Hi Scott – So, if Duterte had run in the recent elections for London Mayor, he had a good chance of winning! And, Rody doesn't even need all of those cameras everywhere! ๐
Hi dans – Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. It sounds like you are a little upset over the whole thing. I don't blame you for that, but I would advise to let it go, and don't worry about it so much, because there is little that you can do as an individual. In my experience a lot of Filipinos also spread bad rumors about the Country, and that really makes people not come here.
I totally agree with you that for the most parts the US travel warnings are unfair, and I wish that they would not issue those.
Good luck to you dans!
no not at all…..just my sarcastic way of agreeing ! ๐
Hi Brian – Ha ha… Yeah, I was just kidding too! ๐
I just returned 3 weeks ago, from Tagum city, in Mindanao; and I found it to be as safe as any US city. safer than some. I did get a warning about some NPA activity when I was out in the province. I didn't get to spend any time in Davao, maybe next trip in July. The only problem I did have were with all the smog. My alergiies went crazy. Still I felt safe enough to consider retirement to this area or Davao. ๐
Hi Richard D – I am happy to know that you generally had a good trip to Tagum! It's a lovely area. Generally speaking, the NPA does not target foreigners, so you were probably safe in that respect!
I wasn't really worried but my gf's father said not to take me there
Hi Richard D – That is a pretty typical way that Filipino family and friends treat foreigners. They are very protective, and will do anything to keep you away from perceived trouble. It's something that took me a long time to overcome when I moved here. Living here, I am not going to have other people decide what I should or should not do. I am a big boy, and can make my choices, and weigh the dangers or lack of dangers myself. I've had many talks with family members here about that! ๐
May I ask what places in Davao do you not go to….. and stay away from ?? My woman told me she did not want me to go to the wet market (because many bad people there) … what is your thoughts about this? Answer straight forward… Know the rest of what you always say ….. i just like to know your thoughts about the wet market ..
Hi Lenny – Honestly, there is no place in Davao that I won't go. I consider the entire city very safe. I got to the wet market regularly! Going to the wet market is truly a cultural experience.
I met a co-worker that lives in California but was here for work for about a week. He is Filipino and I asked him if he was Tagalog or Bisaya. ๐ That caught him off guard. He said he was born and raised in Manila. I said I preferred to visit Mindanao, Manila had too many places to hide my body. He said if I visit Mindanao I might get my head cut off. My statement was said in jest, I don't think his statement was. ๐
I have to talked to Filipinos in the airport in Manila. They ask where I am going. I say Mindanao. They ask if I am Muslim. I say no. They say I will get my head cut. ๐
A few weeks ago I was having coffee at work with a female co-worker who is in her 40s, born and raised in Iowa. I asked her if she had ever traveled to any countries outside of the U.S.
She told me she went to Hawaii once on vacation. ๐ฏ
People are pretty amazing sometimes.
Hi Danny Thompson – Ha ha… very typical! It would seem that almost every Filipino who is not from Mindanao is scared to death of the place! ๐ฏ
Hi Bob,Media hype is very common these days,bad news sells newspapers,good news does not.Some experiences i encountered many years ago are:The brother of a friend of mine was visiting the uk from S Africa at the time of the Soweto riots,he could not believe what he was reading in the news,he said "the media are making out we are on the verge of civil war,it is no where near as bad as they are making out,most of the unrest is between rival tribes in the ghetto's".My self, I was once robbed at night, at gunpoint,in Paris.I was also attacked by a drunk with a carving knife in the uk (fortunatley, my military training enabled me to gain the upper hand in that situation).Living in the north of the uk,i never feel safe and am always cautious when visiting London,as i am a stranger in that city.Nowhere in the world is 100% safe,and as you mention,when in a strange place,always be aware of your surroundings,its common sense.Regards chas.
Hi chas – Thanks for sharing your tips! I really agree with you regarding the news media.