I’ve been hearing through some friends about the racket now of the ladies here in the Philippines, to get money from the foreigners. They will just tell some outrageous stories to the guy, and the guy fell into the hook of the ladies. They will send money that they will end up working so many odd jobs just to send the money to the lady love in the Philippines.
I’ve been writing similar stories regarding guys that were scammed here. I’m not going to stop writing until I know that the guys will open their eyes not their wallets. Been hearing again of guys being scammed for big money by the ladies here. The lady will tell the guy sad stories and to the point of making up stories that she was kidnapped by some druggies. She continues on saying that the kidnapping really meant for her other family member who got involved with the drug dealers, with matching dramas. She was the one that the dealer got for a ransom money, she said.
I think you probably know how the story goes. Since she told the foreigner guy that she was kidnapped and they need money for her safe return. The foreigner was panicking because his beloved lady love was kidnapped. Geez, they might harm her, that’s what his thinking. Of course he shed money for the lady. It’s not cheap. It cost him like almost $5k. To think of it he didn’t really have a decent job. In short he is also struggling to make ends meet. But the lady really needs the money now. He had to give. Or else they will harm her. He digs in to his savings and gave it away to the lady that he never met yet. He really is an angel to the lady, he will give everything she wanted. Gosh, In his mind, he was the light and the shining armor for the lady…. Really! … NOT to the ladies mind… He was just plain naive and gullible.
Another story that the ladies will tell to the guys: That she’s really sick and ends up in the hospital, stayed there for a few days and because she had so many test and stuff and she run up big bills. She then asked the foreigner guy to please pay for the charges. She will say ” my family had no money and we don’t have the means to pay for it. We don’t even have food to eat”. Of course Mr. Nice guy will pay because he is feeling sorry for the lady.
Also the lady will say that she went to school. Not a public school, she really chooses the more expensive private school. The tuition she will tell the guy was way over what that school charges, plus with so many other extra charges too. Really it turned out she didn’t even study there! She was just saying she did to get the guy to for money. I know friends that was scammed like that before, problem is they knew about it and just letting the girls do whatever they pleases. I don’t worry them anymore, When they will tell me what the lady had done again I just laughed it off and say you liked what she’s doing anyway. Just let it be and have fun with her.
To be honest me and my friends will just give a big smile when we heard stories like these. We are used to it. We’ve been hearing a lot lately. Some guys even pretending to be girls just to get money. When time to meet the foreigner they will not show up. Some girls uses other people’s identity just to get money. I was shocked before that a mom uses her 8 year old daughter’s name to correspond a foreigner. It was shocking that me and my friends became speechless.
I felt sorry for the foreigners who fall in love with the ladies here that are not serious on the relationship. And they will end up heartbroken and no money at the end. I know we also have lots that’s true love here. We have lots of successful marriage too. I am just trying to remind others of some of the games of the ladies. I know its rampant now, its not just the Philippines. Just try to be cautious of who you dealing with. Good luck to you guys.
Feyma I am sorry but I have to disagree. It is a buyer beware world out there especially in the Philippines and any foreigner gullible enough to send money to a person they have never met is an IDIOT!!! especially in light of the fact of the thousands of articles written just on this subject matter. There are rip offs everywhere with everything in the Philippines. Name any subject matter and the foreigner will be a target of exploitation. Housing, real estate, shopping, building really almost anything and finally girls. I think many of the victims are extremely insecure and Naive men that are sitting on cloud nine with the thought that a pretty Filipina loves them so much LOL That is truly sad. Again I have no compassion and no sympathy for these guys
This Paul must agree with that Paul!
P.T. Barnum said: “There’s a sucker born every minute!” only now they found the internet.
Hi Paul P. – I don’t blame you.
Hi Paul – I know what you mean. Like you, I just could not believe also that with so many awareness on the net, but still many of them still a victims of it. I thought they will check out the person they are dealing with before they give any money. Before I really get angry at the ladies when hearing stories like this. But now I am angry at the guys too, because they can research a lot on the net. If they had time to chat with the ladies, they should had the time to read a lot about the dating and stuff on the net.
Anyway, thank you so much for the nice comment. Good to see you here.
What is to be expected when people open their zippers or pull their dress up first than their minds? LOL
However, I would like to point out that this scam is not only prevalent in boy-girl “virtual” relationships. In disasters, these scams increase in numbers. When Multiply was still great and the administrators wrote a post on helping Ondoy victims, you’d see plenty of comments asking money because they are so “desperate to survive” and even leave a contact number. If they are really broke, how come the internet, phones and “load”? These items are still considered a luxury in the Philippines
Hi Katrina – For sure. lol.
Theirs really good and bad with the internet. But if you know how to used it, it’s really helpful. Problem is, some people use it to scam others.
That’s one of a problem here in the Philippines, a lot of the less fortunate are complaining that they don’t have much money, but they can afford to buy phone and load. It just doesn’t make sense sometimes. Oh well, only in the PI.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
I wouldn’t say only in the PI. It does exist in the US, too..among those on “welfare”. Worse is, many of them will deliberately work short hours just to qualify for food stamps, etc.
It’s incredible that with all the information and stories available online men are still being con by these type of people. Are these men naive, ignorant or plain stupid? Or maybe, the big head gets overrule by their “small head”.
Honestly, it’s hard feel sorry for these men when they don’t use common sense. 🙁
I was on a popular filipina dating web site (we won’t mention names) for about a year! during that time I heard every excuse or story you could possibly imagine and then some! Even one lady complained about her “tooth ache” how it was just killing her. When I asked why she don’t just go see a dentist “oh no money hun …”.
My other favorite is the girl who needs money to buy a web cam so I can see her sexy body. “Uh honey, just go to internet cafe, they have plenty web cam right there …” 🙂 They must think all Americans have “STUPID” written all over their forehead! 🙂
Hi dave toneff – Maybe she had toothache from the chocolates she receives from the guys she was corresponding with. 🙂
Good that you didn’t fell from the trap…. You’re wise man…
Nice to see you here. Keep reading here.
Miss August;
Least we not forget the thousands of women in the world who are conned everyday by convicted felons who they chat with from prisons. Which head do they use? Two sides to every coin. (lol)
They’re just plain dumb! Why would anyone choose to be a “pen-pal” to a convicted felon is beyond me.
I’m not sure about women having two heads… I think we have something else. 😉
Miss August, you may be suprised to learn that the wife of a prison warden in Oklahoma purportedly fell in love with a convicted felon on the prison grounds and helped him escape from the prison under her own husband’s watch. She escaped with him, leaving her two daughters behind. When finally caught some 20 years after the escape, she was living on a chicken farm which she and her felon lover built. Was she conned, or did she fall in love?
Ricardo, August
What gets me is these woman that fall in love and marry these guys serving life/death sentences knowing they will never be able to be with them. Then they continue to put money in there account for commissary and try to smuggle cellphones and other items to them and end up getting arrested them selves. Have a nice day.
Hi Miss August – Geez, tell me about it! I think on the net some of the guys they uses the “small head” for thinking. That’s why, they are so messed up. To be honest with you I felt so depressed before upon hearing stories like this, but now I’m so used to it already. I guess I’m still affected because I am still writing about this subject matter.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate that.
Hey, nice to see you here again.
Have a great day!
Problem these days, common sense is not very common!
Hi Chas – True. Can’t argue you on that.
Wow! who is that girl in the picture?
Whoa, there tiger! She maybe a “he” for all we know. Hahahahaha Sorry, I just couldn’t resist this one. Seriously, though, she looks more East Bloc than a Pinay.
I go with Ricardo on this one. Definetely a gal from Russia or Breakaway Republic of Former Soviet Union.
Yes probably from Ukraine or Romania. Talking about conning woman. Russia/Ukraine have more scamming woman than anyone. Alot of them work in large groups and use the same technique. Believe it or not theres a website that lists all the known scammers from Russia/Ukraine and other countries including Nigeria, which has alot too.
Its me in drag, can you send me money, my horse is sick, LoL.
hehehe, good one Chas….i got some spare oats i can send, lol
Hi Jaybee – You are intrigue by that beauty above? That might be a she or a he… Who knows.
Good to see you here.
Feyma it is not just happening with girls from phill but a lot off places mate but what it is doing is giving the good girl that are looking for a man for the right things in mind a bad name and that is the sad part about it there is all ways that one or two out there wonting to take a man down for money i have seen it happen a lot it was happening in the place where we have a home a girl there married and as two more boyfriend just so thay can send her money it is s sad but no matter who or where she is from it will happen and us men must look out for it or pay dear for it in the end so if a girl start to ask for money for get her find one that is after the right things in life…………peter martin tassie
Hi peterjoy – Thank you for the comment and good advice. Really appreciated.
As always good to see you here mate.
Heck, I know that girl in the picture! We met online. She’s a really nice lady. I know because I have already sent her money for a problem she was having.
Yes, she’s from Russia, but she and her little sister saved up all their money and flew to Manila to get a kidney transplant, only problem was, they ran out of money before the operation could be done. Now they are stranded, and if you could please help, just wire me the money, $15,000 USD should do the trick, and I will see that she gets all the money.
Of course this post is bogus, but a lot of lonely desperate middle aged men, in many countries, fall for stories like this every day. Not everyone that boots up a computer is internet smart — many people don’t have a clue as to how to Google something or otherwise “verify” something like dating scams.
All they know is they joined a dating site and, bam, all of a sudden this young “goddess” has proclaimed their undying love and, by the way, needs their monetary help right now for any one of a million seemingly normal reasons.
My thoughts are: the minute she asks for money drop her like a lead balloon, no matter how dire the perceived “need” is. If she never asks for money, there is a good chance she is for real.
So who do I make the check out to?
Will Monoply money do, lol.
“My thoughts are: the minute she asks for money drop her like a lead balloon, no matter how dire the perceived “need” is. If she never asks for money, there is a good chance she is for real.”
DING…Ding…DING! You’re correct!!!
Feyma…I think your post was great and if it helps even one person see the light and not get caught up in the scams going on there then to me it was well worth the effort on your part and a great service to boot. Some on needs to offer a e-book about all of this and call it…”Bootcamp For The Newbee On Line Dater” and pretty well state that if you will go thru our “Bootcamp For The Newbee On Line Dater” your chance’s of getting scammed by the lovley cute-a’s on the date sites will drop tremendous and your wallet will stay nice and fat…
Hi Dan – Thank you so much for the nice comment. That’s really nice of you to say that.
I like that e-book name you think of “Bootcamp For The Newbee On Line Dater”.
Nice to see you here again.
Feyma, here’s my number one piece of advice I give on my website for guys wanting to date or marry pinays. “If they ask for money, RUN! Stop all communication with them. Use some common sense.” My lovely Filipina wife of over 11 years never asked me for one peso the six months we were communicating as pen pals. There are a lot of scammers out there, but there are a lot of sincere Filipinas like my asawa, also.
Hi Dave DeWall – Good advice from you. Hope the guys will listened though.
You’re a lucky guy to have found your lovely wife. Good for you both.
Thank you for stopping by here!
Hi Feyma- There is no fool like an old fool and I’m afraid there is one born every day. I appreciate the embarassment it causes you and decent minded Filipinas world wide.With the age of the internet no matter how many warning you put out on this particular issue another mug will come along and be stung.
I also feel sorry for them but when you live here and meet some of the characters who visit the Philippines to meet the love of their dreams its little wonder the scams continue.
I’m afraid that as long as there are men a lookin they’ll be men a tookin for a ride.
Hi Jim – That’s for sure. Internet is good if people just use it wisely. On your last sentence I fully agree with you.
I guess will just continue on spreading the word here according to dating on the internet. ( Good or bad).
Is it raining in Talakag for the last few days? It’s been raining here in Davao.
Good to see you here. Take care!
Hi Feyma – Hardly a day passes without rain of some degree, I would just love a week of straight sunshine for a change.
Well it like I have always heard “A fool and his money will soon part.” I have found that to be so true. I guess these guys see a bueautiful woman and they get stuck on stupid and all common sence goes right out the window. They really should be asking Who What and Why. Who is this person, What does she really want, and Why is she really talking to me. I have had my share of women trying to swindle money before I meet my wife, and they didn’t get a penny.
When I was looking on line for a girlfriend to chat with, any girl posing in her bra was automatically disqualified. If they asked for money…Disqualified. If they wanted me to put them throug school…Disqualified!
Men are given enough blood for the brain and for the penis. The problem is there is not enough blood for both to work at the same time. Anybody that gets burned over the internet deserves it. Guys next time before you pull out the credit card better pull yours out and pull on it. Its cheaper.
I can’t agree LESS with those posters that say that these guys deserve it and they have no sympathy for them. So just because someone was born with less intelligence or reason than you or the average guy somehow they deserve to be taken advantage of !!!
No one deserves to be scammed or taken advantage of. There are some people that are mentally challenged and still access the internet but I guess in your eyes it’s ok if they lose their money for whatever reason.
Just hope it never happens to you all.
For myself when anyone that I haven’t met asks for money they get deleted immediately.
I’m not saying they deserve it, but they certainly won’t get a whole lot of sympathy from me. The reason is that many of them are playing their own scams… They were here in the military, years ago, desperately trying to be teenagers again. Most have had bad marriages in their home countries. Many are after women that they can control or dominate, physically or financial, in ways that are more difficult in the liberated West.
Yes, there are some who really are taken… Many expats seem to lose every ounce of common sense when they come here. Very rarely are these people mentally challenged. The exoticism of it all, combined with some very persuasive sweet young thing who convinces you that you really are a 65 year old sex machine and that you are the love of her life, and you are in a foreign land, far away from your comfort zone. Add in the cheap alcohol here, easily forged documents, and scamming becomes a way of life. I will add that I see so many expats right here in QC or Ermita acting in ways they never would act back home.
The relative anonymity of the Internet doesn’t help. Would you give money to a woman you meet after only a few hours or days if you were in New York or Chicago? Every now and then I see posts from guys asking opinions on finding wives or girlfriends. Yeah, the net is great for meeting people, but there is no substitute for in person. That is always why I tell people if they really want to find that here, then vacation… no pressure or anything. At least you can get a little info from body language. Additionally, the small cost of Bob’s investigative service is money well spent, should you get serious.
John m.
From the original post I believe that Feyma was talking more about via the internet ( correct me if I’m wrong).
You seem to be talking about expats living in the Phils, you are also making a lot of assumptions I guess from your own experiences. You say MANY but how do you actually know how many of those that are scammed are as you describe.
I could easily say something similar from the opposite point of view. Yes I have lived in the Phils.
I just like not to assume that all are as you describe or even the majority (internet scams here) and I don’t believe ANYONE deserves to be scammed, stolen from, injured or anything else just because they are not the sharpest tack in the box. It’s so easy to demonise others by saying or simply believing that the majority are as you describe. But what if someone could prove to you (not poss of course) that the majority are just either slow witted or just people with a caring nature that are trying to help.
Don’t take the above personally, my reply is in reply to yours but could be to anyone in general.
Just say ” Sorry No Money ” and watch how fast they dissapear.
Feyma, I used to get emails from a barrister in Lagos, Nigeria, informing me of the untimely death of my uncle Phil. (Never had an uncle Phil), but that he left me $4 GAZILLION! All I needed to do was supply this barrister with my account number and code, he would gladly deposit it for me. Well, after I grieved for uncle Phil, I still wasn’t dumb enough to actually believe this crap. Unfortunately, there ARE people out there who will send their account info, these same people believe Jesus uses Yahoo, and if they reply to a story sent by Jesus, and forward it to all of their friends and family within 30 minutes, they will be blessed.
I do feel bad for those lonesome individuals who are actually seeking a soulmate, someone to share their life with, and then fall victim to scam artists.
Take my wife, when I first met her, she said, “let me take your watch, someone may snatch it off your arm”! Well, we’ve been married for 35 years now, and to this day, I still haven’t gotten that watch back! It was a Sieko dammit!
Hi Feyma,
I just found myself a new career, i will dress up in drag and join a dating site to scam all those foreigners who have more money than sense, lol. Maybe i could make a small fortune.
Anyway i’ve got to rush off now and look after my sick horse! LoL.
This, +1 😀
Want to know just how many scammers are out there? Take a look at this website:
and you can find thousands of female scammers, world wide. (Apparently they have a sister website for male scammers!)
You can look at the website without registering and get a feel for just how prolific the problem is worldwide. If, heaven forbid, you suspect that you are being scammed, you might want to spring for the $17.99 USD Registration fee. Better to find out now than after you have been taken to the cleaner big time.
Mrs Feyma,
Good post! Keep up the good work. Take Care.
Good article Ms. Feyma…
The truth is, its more rampant than you can imagine….some unscrupuluous people in the Phils make a living out of it. Of course online scamming is not limited to the Philippines alone, but to think our ”kabayans”, our fellow pinays do this for a living makes me so disappointed. And @chasdv, what you have been joking about a new career is one of the modus of people doing online scamming and begging….and whats more sad about it is that some guys do fall for it………And although every one should practice common sense and due diligence when interacting on the internet, I still cant help but feel sorry for genuine guys (not those dirty perves) who got scammed when they only wanted and hoped for a relationship. Nobody deserves to get taken advantaged of and I am sure many people can identify with the feeling of being lied to just for a small amount of money, its ugly…..
Great article Ms. Feyma, what you shared might help some foreigners who are in the same situation…..Guys, please stop sending money to people you only met on the internet, have common sense….Decent Filipinas will never ask you for money nor make up some lame stories (as lame as not eating for days but is online and chatting to you) and ask you to ”help”…..
A fool and his money shall soon part.
Nice post, Feyma. I’m happy to see that the men who post here are intelligent enough not to fall for the scams. But if your blog can enlighten a naive man of these scams, then I say keep posting them.
Love the topic Feyma. You know when I was dating Marlou she never asked for anything from me. Then we got married-wow what a change. (-: Happy in Pinayville. Ron
Oldest tricks in the book, but as already mentioned, there’s a sucker born every minute. As they say, “A fool and their money are soon parted.” When dealing with people in general in any country do your homework.
Ok …..How about this one. I have met a woman
here in Canada…..I have met her friends, both phillipine
and local. She is highly educated. I have substantiated this.
She has a work visa , has a job as a nanny and sends money
home to support two kids and mom and dad.
She just went home on 3 mnth notice with about $2500, because dad has health issues. When she arrives she has found that she has to pay the pharmacy bill…19000 p……the bill at the market ….$14000p . Plus costs for the kids school. One is in university the other 9th grade. She hasn’t been back for two years so bills have piled up.
We have been involved for almost 5 mnth, she know I’m not rich. She’s 38 and I’m 46.
Considering that I have had close contact with her and her circle, and have a good idea about her background, is it still risky to send her a small bit of cash to support her while she is there for 40 days?
How is it possible to check into someone from a place like the Philippines?
I look forward to your reply.