Do you know what a “sari sari” store is? If you have ever been to the Philippines, I bet you know! If you have yet to visit the Philippines, though, maybe you don’t know what a sari sari store is.
Basically, a sari sari store is kind of a neighborhood convenience store. I would be that almost 100% of Filipino neighborhoods have at least one sari-sari store! Even most upscale neighborhoods have a sari-sari store! What I have noticed, though, is that if you live in the a more upscale neighborhood, the product selection at the sari-sari store varies a bit. For example, in some of the neighborhoods where we have lived, the sari-sari stores even carried diet coke, which is very rare. But, the neighborhood had a number of foreigner residents, and many foreigners drink diet sodas. so the sari-sari stores adapted their selection to earn some extra customers who might not have shopped there otherwise.
Most sari sari stores are little stores that are operated in front of the owner’s house, and serve maybe 100 or 200 meters of the street in the neighborhood before the next sari-sari store comes into play.
If you live in the Philippines, I bet that you will shop at a sari-sari store on a pretty regular basis.
my grandmother used to have one attached to our house in cebu.
The Sari Sari is my favorite thing about the Philippines. You go and sit down have a drink or snack, and socialize with people.
we have 2 of them just down the road from our house in tarlac .i can get a big 1 qt red horse and a pack of cigarets for under $1 wow i love the Philippines 🙂
here in the states a big beer like that is $2 or $3 and a pack of smokes is $6
Not to mention what the prices are in Sweden!
Ha ha, that is true, Andreas!
Also you can sit right there and enjoy that Beer without being harassed by the police for drinking in public.
the philippines is more of a free country than the USA my wife and i hope to be living there in 10 years or sooner
I say that all the time. We have more freedom in the Philippines then here in the good ole USA land of the free my ***. A business owner does not even have the right to allow smoking in his establishment anymore.
i can go on and on for hours about it trust me but for bobs sake i will just let it go LOL 🙂
nice pics lance
Thanks Tim.
Bob how do I import comments from Facebook to my blog like this? Very cool
I plan on building a small farm in the Philippines, and I will have a Sari Sari attached.
Hi Allan Du Yaphockun – How was business?
Hi Lance Chris Ringler – I like them too.. always so convenient!
Hi Tim A Murphy – We have 3 or 4 within a short walk from the house.
Hi Lance Chris Ringler – Ha ha… that’s true! We’re not in the States any more!
I agree, Tim A Murphy.
Hi Lance Chris Ringler – Freedom rings in the Philippines!
Hi Lance – Check out a WP plugin called “WordBooker” it will take care of comment imports from FB.
Thanks Bob checking it out now.
I personally love the Sari Sari store. They are very convenient and easy.
I do too, Brenton. Convenient, and also relatively low prices.
Bob – My brothers girlfriends family own a Sari Sari store on the outskirts of Dumaguete. Only 1 peso mark up on each item. That a lot of stuff you need to sell to make some good coin. 1 peso extra is worth it for convenience. I know some Sari Sari stores make a bit extra where they can with slightly higher mark ups. Still worth it for ease.
That’s true, the markups are normally tiny.
Happy to help, Lance.
Oh,yes! I remember now.We have a convenience store in my neighbor hood.HB1 is the convenience here.
convenience store is a bit different from Sari-Sari store, though. 😉
then,what is a safari,safari store?
Ha ha… not “safari safari” but sari sari. It is a small store (tiny) that is in front of somebody’s house, along the road. You just go up to the window in front to buy something. Generally you can’t go inside, just to the window where they will serve you.
No problem, John Pearson! 🙂
I am not surprised, John Pearson.
My brother-in-law owns a Sari Sari store near Dumaguette. I spent a couple of afternoons watching the locals make purchases, it was fascinating. He had a little of everything tucked away in the store in odd corners. 20-30 people a day would come to purchase Smart or Globe phone time to the tune of 25 pesos a shot, big spenders might get 50 pesos worth. A pill, a bag of oil, a small sack of rice, a bottle of beer for daddy who just got home from work, one mosquito strip, a bottle of pop into a plastic bag, chicken vitamins; you name it. Prices were beyond reasonable, and he makes a good living at it.
Hi Ken – Thanks for sharing your story. I bet it was interesting to spend some time watching how the store works! I have some relatives down in GenSan who have a successful sari sari store too. They have owned it for many years already. I have never inquired, but they must be making some money, as it has been going so long now.
states the you tube won’t load
That’s strange, Ron… it loads perfectly fine for me. I just double checked it and it is still working fine. Must be something on your end.
interesting video! I never seen soda served in a baggie b4 lol Can u have it in the bottle? Is your beer served the same way?
Hi Kevin, they put the soft drinks in bags so you don’t have to pay deposit on the bottle. I have had soft drinks from a bag many times over the years.
Have never seen beer served that way. I don’t think many people drink beer from a straw.
Drinking beer through a straw will get you pretty well lit, pretty darn fast. 🙂
I would imagine so, Scott!
I always enjoy the sari sari store just a few steps away from the hotel I stay in when I visit. They seldom fail to have anything I need, they are open 24 / 7 . In the evening there are a table or two with people enjoying a San Mig or Red Horse in front of the place. I buy load for my Globe Tattoo there as well. Run out of load at 2 AM ? No Problem.
I love them too , Bob!
I love the sari sari, I funded the start up of one for my fiancé while she was waiting for her visa, she is smart and did very well. However once she left, the sister put it into bankruptcy in 6 weeks. Not everyone is meant to run a business so my advice is don’t fund one unless the person knows what they are doing:-). Now it is being used as a bed space rental
Hi Dirk ~ no truer words have been spoken. Some folks just are not business se6753.
That is when a sari sari store becomes a sorry sorry store!
That’s funny mike!!!
By the way the profit is in liquor and smokes,
My girlfriends grandmother has a sari sari store beside my girlfriends parents house, she sells most things except alcohol, but within 400 metres of her sari sari store there is 5 of these stores that do sell just about everything, very handy if just want something in a hurry and they sell it ..
Sounds like there is a bit of competition going on for the grandmother.
hahahaha!!! they’re so cute!!!! i love their videos, i think they’re fil-am already based in the Philippines and they’re slowly learning Tagalog and Bisaya as well. good job guys!! sari-sari stores are all over the Philippines and it’s. very convenience.
I love their videos too!
oh!! There is a sari sari next to my apartment and is very convenient indeed!
Water, load, cigarettes, snacks, just stretch my arm .. 😉
They serve turron in the afternoon and I love turron!!
Early morning another lady serves delicious breakfast, fresh donuts stuffed with fresh cream!
I love the sari sari!!! 🙂
Hello Sergio – Mmm… turon!
Didn’t know what turon was. Looked it up, and it sounds like it would be good. 🙂 It will have to go on my list of tries when I get there.
Believe me, Scott… Turon is a good thing!
yes yes! I like turon very much!!!! yummy!
Hi Bob – Yep good old sari-sari stores! and and bakery too.The ones we have here sells spam and skittles. I t’s like garage turned into sari-sari store. They close late at night so very convenient. No need to go to 7-11. It’s a good little business to begin with as well cause people will always buy something.
Hi sugar – there sure are lots of types of designs for sari-sari stores! They are unique to the Philippines as far as I know!
My family used to own a sari-sari store in Manila, right at the heart of universities and schools. It was a big hit and helped augment my father’s income plus send us all 3 broods up to college. BTW, what’s with the double postings Bob?
Hi Jonathan – I didn’t notice the double postings until you mentioned them. That did happen on a few comments that were auto-imported from Facebook to the website. There must have been some kind of glitch on a few of them. Thanks for letting me know.
Hi Bob,
Before I migrated here in US, I use to have small sari-sari store in my bahay kubo(hut). I have enjoyed rendering this service to my neighbors since we live at the top of the boondocks (bundok or in Bisaya BUKID). But it was too much for me to keep it up because a lot of my neighbors were very poor and most often they promise to pay you at the end of the month and almost always you won’t see that money. So byebye sari-sari store for me. I was bankrupt!
Anyways, one thing I miss the most there being in the Philippines is the fresh fruits and fresh vegetables at the wet market. I wish we have that here in US.
I like your suggestion 😉
I will ask to pay at the end of the month ! ehehehe
But…. unless you are a local, don’t get ice in your drink! Freezing does not kill the critters in the water!
It depends on where you are in the country. For example, here in Davao where I live the water is treated. I drink tap water all the time and never have any issues with it.