Yes, there is a lot of computing power packed into those handheld devices. But a lot of social problems are there too. I was looking at my Granddaughters prom pictures, and every classmate had a phone in their hand, even while dancing. A lot of money could have been saved if they all stayed home streamed the music and were texting each other.
Where I’m living in Roosevelt Bataan, there have never been and properly never will be a landline phone service so it’s “Cell/Smart” phones or live in the Stone Age. (Bamboo Telegraph or Coconut Telegraph)
I’ve groused over cell or smartphones use for years. If I meet up with friends for lunch and a few beers, my phone is at home or left in the car while I’m socializing with my friends. All my friends have phones but most restrict their use within the group. Did you come to be with your friends or do Facebooking?
We’ve had some guys sitting with us in a text confab with someone not there. We have levied fines on them (Buy the next round) but the most effective way is moving to another table to give that person the privacy needed to talk with his friends who wouldn’t bother to meet up with him whereas we did.
Were they talking to their wife? Because during lunch our wives are sitting beside us, and now while the old farts are in the beer and sea story phase, the ladies take a table close to us and talk with each other. (And watch that we don’t wander off, after all, it is the Barrio)
The occasional call is accepted; just excuse yourself and step away to talk. It could be family or some other important thing this is understood. My friends know that to reach me, they should call Mayang as she screens those calls when my phone is on the dresser at home..

Have you ever been riding a Jeepney with 10 loud conversations going on around you? And sadly you are required to listen to it. I’m on the Jeepney for the loud Hip-Hop music not a conversation between Do-dong and Apple Pie and will they be meeting at the market. I wonder if they’d all put the phone on speaker as it would be more fun to hear both sides of the conversation; I do hate it when it is one-sided.
In the olden days while in a bar or watering hole the phone would ring and the bartender would call the patron to the old llandlinephone the patron would cover the mouthpiece with his hand to hold a private conversation. If he was dumb enough to admit he was there.
When was the last time anyone saw that? Now they all shout into the phone at the bar, knowing we all are really interested in their call! We are interested, right? (Same as on Jeepney’s and restaurants?)
I use none of the computing power of my phone; the data/WIFI has never been turned on. I have a computer at home, where I enjoy Facebook, with friends while Facebook is spying on us and selling our information to corporations and political parties. Why in the name of the lord, would anyone want to be bothered as they live their life away from home to be pestered all day, because someone liked a post you commented on? I don’t want e-mails on my phone either!
I would not want to remove that Facebook or Twitter (Tweeting at my age?) pleasure from another person; but I just choose to give it a pass in my life. People have the right to do as they want, unless they are bothering other people which most times they are, but just don’t care.
But what I do like about Smart Phone’s is the size of the font, which I can read with ease. The other is the volume so I can hear each call. These are the two most important features I look for in any phone, but it seems the smart phones do the better job in those areas then those little Cell Phones the kids can use.
My wife has three smart phones, One OPPO and two models are Samsung. I cannot explain the reason she needs three, and she has attempted to tell me but left me scratching my head. Here is what I know, if it makes her smile, why would I want to take that smile away? She is otherwise very frugal with our funds. (She plays the lotto every week too.)
As a citified curmudgeon, the use of phones in this new millennium will continue to confound me, as my grandparents were confounded by TV (TV will destroy cultivation! Funny but cable NEWS has.), but when my granddaughter asks me for the newest super dooper Smart Phone, know that I’ll more than likely say yes. Like me she passes her former phone on to another family member who needs one. When I give her a new phone now two people are happy. It’s a Win-Win situation, for all.
In the words of Jimmy Buffett that famous philosopher of Beaches and Beer: If the Phone Doesn’t Ring, It’s me!
Hi Paul
Same as you I don’t use my phone for anything but texts, calls and the odd photo when I have forgotten my camera. Only occasionally have I used the internet. Can’t be bothered with Twitter. As you say Facebook is great for keeping in touch with family and friends, but I don’t want to know what folk had for their meal etc. I haven’t got a smart phone and not bothered about having one.
And right you are, I have a SmartPhone but only because I can read the large text and can hear all the calls. Otherwise that is the only reason. If I could read the little phones like I used to. Internet is only at home early in the morning with coffee. (LOL)
What I do like about Smart Phone’s is the size of the font, which I can read with ease. The other is the volume so I can hear each call. I use nothing else on it and delete APP’s..
What I do like about Smart Phone’s is the size of the font, which I can read with ease. The other is the volume so I can hear each call. I use nothing else on it and delete APP’s..
Cell phones etc. have very sensitive microphones and amplification on them. Why do people feel they have to raise their voice or yell into them. I find that very annoying especially when I am paying in a restaurant to enjoy a meal. The only cell phone I have is the one I only use when in The Philippines and when I get home back in the box it goes til next time. Maybe someday someone will come up with the idea of cell free zones, similar to the smoke free zones we have today.
Hopefully I won’t have three answers for your comment like above. But you’re right if you don’t need a cell phone why carry one. When younger even a pay phone had little use to me. I’ll see ya when I see ya was how I lived., land lines became a pain when pestered by telemarketers.
Bob New York, I can remember American relatives yelling into the land line phone. When asked why, they explained that it was a long distance call.
Take care,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
And now LiP has become Facebook?
Amen. I don’t always agree, but when I do it is with Paul.
I’m at the point where the next day I find myself disagreeing with me! (LOL)
I,just want a visa to stay in the phillipines as i have sold my place and getting married therein October
The answer is YES, the way is to contact Bob Martin, it is what he does. CHECK SERVICES ABOVE and the best to you.
A lot of people come to the PH/Pi with very little preparation. It’s a good call to contact Bob with questions.
Over the years I always defer to Sir Bob, on a lot of subjects as he has a firm grip on how it works Living here in the Land of Enchantment..
I got rid of my phone because i never called anyone and nobody ever called me. Easy decision.
I’m getting very close to that but when she is out shopping or ay lunch with family and friends it is good to have a phone in the house.(Still no landline) So I’ll keep it awhile longer.
Several nails on the head here Paul. My own pet hate is loud cell-phone use in restaurants or (back home in the UK), trains. Particularly irking is those people who think their conversation is so important that its OK to ignore that they have chosen to sit in a designated quiet coach! God forbid you try and point it out to them. Don’t get me wrong, I love my gadgets (what would life be without Angrybirds on my iPad?), but not to the exclusion of everything else, and definitely not in public. (Which reminds me of another pet hate – people playing games on planes with the volume turned up. Earphones perhaps?!). At least we can get away from it all by spending a few quite, relaxing hours on the beach. Oh wait, Most of the resorts here are advertising free WIFI now. So it’s phones out, heads down, and ignore the view. Sigh.
Your grievance list has merit I have a tab that is setup to do nothing but allow me to listen to audio books, it could also function as a smart phone until I snatched the sim card out and bought a seperate phone, that is off while I’m reading. (Head phones of course) I listen all the time while waiting, traveling (Of course and not driving) Because a book is a natural treasure even if my eyesight prevents my reading.
All we can do is fight the good fight, as my headphones block the white noise around me. (LOL). Five Star resort and sit with a phone in your hand, its kinda like going to the prom isn’t (LOL).
Hi Paul
Like you I love books. I’ve tried reading on plane journeys using e-books on my iPad but can’t get enthusiastic. I just don’t enjoy it the same as handling an actual book, so for me, this is one area where smart phone technology doesn’t make the grade! Sorry to hear your eyesight prevents you reading. I was having serious trouble 3 years ago and couldn’t read at all even with eyeglasses. Turned out to be cataracts, and after surgery by a wonderful eye doctor here in Davao my vision is great. Don’t need glasses at all (after 40 years).
Keep fighting the good fight! :))
Cataracts too and my problem is only in one eye, they recommended I wait a while. But now the computer is difficult to read. I think I’m done waiting and have the one eye done. But I like the audio books as I don’t fall asleep and can use them while traveling by car and plane. I’ve worn glasses since I was two or 69 years my nose would miss them (LOL)
Another thing to note re the cataracts Paul. Until I started to lose my ability to read I had no idea my eyes were in such bad shape. My problem was bilateral, so I don’t know if it would be the same for you with only one eye affected. But the added advantage I had was appreciating color again. After the first eye was done the difference was quite astounding, as I hadn’t realized my color vision had deteriorated. Once both eyes were done it was spectacular. I guess we lose things gradually so don’t notice. I never take my vision/color appreciation for granted now.
It was my hearing first but that was from 39 years onboard and shooting five inch navel guns as a kid, before the knew about hearing protection. But my government pays me a disability for that. The eyes were are, but I’m going to have them looked at soon.
I’ll be in need of a new phone as well uncle Paul! Great article and I like the featured picture 😉
A couple of rears ago my dear friend Loren and I were at lunch in the Barrio with our wives. We were talking about Hoochy Bars and remembering the Philippines of our 20’s so the ladies took us to one. The four girls dancing were cute, funny and because of the Ate’s with us were on their best behavior.. It was a fun time and these two old geezers had a great time and our wives decided it was time to take a nap. That was a first for me. (lol)
Having too much of a good time there Paul. Might have to drop everyone off back at home and double back 😉
When Water Buffalo fly I’ll be out on my own, my wife knew me when I was a sailor.
nice tease with the cover pic to read your article! Our biggest arguments come from the constant facebook and games they play online.
Bret; I took that picture in the Barrio only because she couldn’t put the phone down. But I still feel the my way of using Smartphones is good for me, but not for all..