When I first decided that I wanted to live in the Philippines in the mid-90’s, some people just could not understand why I would want to do that. I didn’t make the move until 2000, and in the interim, a lot of people asked me why I wanted to do such a crazy thing. They couldn’t understand. Even today, so many people still don’t understand my logic. Even people in my own family told me back when I was starting to have the desire to move here that I must be crazy. It’s a lonely feeling when you are a lone wolf, or a pioneer.
The first person that my wife and I told about our desire to move to the Philippines was my Mom. Of course, she didn’t want us to leave, but her feelings went way beyond that. She was absolutely incredulous about even the thought of moving here. My brother asked me how I could live without electricity! I explained to him that electricity was available here, as were most of the amenities that he enjoyed. He thought we would be living in a hut in the jungle somewhere! Others who are not family had similar misconceptions. Friends and co-workers couldn’t understand what would spur a desire to move here. They thought I had a screw loose. But, I was determined, and felt that I had a good basis for my decision.
I’ve been here long enough now that people who are close to me can see that I am happy. My Mom has come to visit several times, and she understands that this is the right place for us to live. Friends, relatives, anybody who is close to me and has communications with me even just from time to time has realized the fact that I made the right decision for myself. Remember, the right decision is different for everybody. Not all people could live here and be happy.
For me, I am a lot happier living here than I was in the United States. I am more successful in business here, I earn more money, and the living expenses are lower. For the most part, I do what I want to do and when I want to do it. It’s a good life. I am also healthier now. I have lost over 130 pounds since moving here! I am more active than before, and take better care of myself.
It’s funny, in 7 years I have gone from being considered a nutcase to having people say that I am their hero! I don’t consider myself to be a hero, but I do know that I am pretty happy with my life and the direction that it is heading!
You are indeed sir!
Ha ha… thanks, Craig. You give me a little chuckle with that, though! 😉
my friends think im nuts too for thinking about moving to davao,but i like it there i only spent a few weeks jan 2006 but i loved it
Hi Ken – Yeah, I know where you stand! I was there too. Friends are great, but sometimes you have to listen to what YOU are telling yourself instead of what your friends are saying. I'd bet that none of those friends have ever been to Davao, let alone the rest of the Philippines.
Hi bob you make one big jump and you win in your life
in philippines.
Hi Bob- When Marilou and I announced that we would be retiring to the Philippines our friends at home thought we were crazy and our relatives and friends in the Philippines thought likewise.
Our friends at home have now see our house and understand the cost of living is a fraction of the UK, they now are queing to come and have a holiday with us. On the other hand our family and friends in the Philippines cannot quite believe we want to retire there as most of the population would give their right arm to get out of the place. The grass is always greener on the other side when you have nothing to compare it with I suppose. But having compared both options the Philippines is still my choice to retire to.
Hi Zois – Yes, I feel that I made a big win on that decision!
Hi Jim – The reactions that you got were so typical of what I heard too! To this day, 7+ years later, I think that some people still think I'm crazy. But, most realize that I made the right choice.
Most of my married friends say i am mad and should be more responsible, those divorced or single are all amazed I had the nerve to do it. I think my situation has inspired three of my UK friends to come here next year, I wonder if i will get commission from anyone?
Bob you and others like you are an inspiration for others-myself incluced. What you and others write provides a basis of knowledge that we need to make our own decisions. Of course the lunch thing is a plus on your side. Ron
I've run across something slightly different – the NIMBY effect (Not In My Back Yard)! A couple of ex-pat acquaintances profess not wanting others to follow in their footsteps. At least, not to the town or province where they live! They fear the impact of increased western influence on their pristine paradise, and groan when a Balikbayan builds his/her family dream house based on western design. ("Don't want anybody Californicating paradise!" is one response to California-style houses popping up.) 🙄
Lucky for me, their "paradise" is a few provinces away!
Hi John – Well….. you are a little mad anyway…. no, just kidding! I hope your friends will enjoy it here when they come!
Hi Ron – That's what this blog is all about, giving people honest information so that they can make the right decision of what is the best move for them.
Hi Paul – Haha.. interesting about those other ex-pats!
There are two categories of people on Earth. those who live their own life, and those who live their life as others dictate. No one is "born into" or "condemned" to be in either group. Every one is empowered to decide which group they will spend their time in. Choose wisely.
Hi Dave Starr – Wise words!
HIbob plan to be in davao again about 17/18 august if we meet at bos coffee shop again the coffees are on you this time.r
Hi Frank – My Mom is arriving on the 17th, so I may be tied up for a few days with her initial arrival. I do hope we can get together, though.
Hi bob glad to hear your mothers coming to vist you . iwill give you acall on the 16 even if just for achat . i known louis lives in davo how about john is he davoa based . iwould like to meet up with the guys while in town. I leave davao for china on the 19.Regards to the mrs.
Hi Frank – I'll see what I can put together during your visit! 🙂