I was asked by someone why is LiP not helping out during beginning of school here. That’s going to be June here in the Philippines. That really made me think a lot at first. But after thinking hard, I think its better not for now. We did help out before, a few years ago using our own money. I guess its not really ideal for us to be helping at the beginning of the school. Can’t really afford to do it. We just don’t want to ask here for that too. I think Christmas is good to be asking since its giving time.
I think you probably remember that one of our readers here and of our other blogs sponsored a kid who just started her 7th grade last year. So I thought that he might just be sponsoring her for the whole year last year. I’m so thankful that the person did sponsor the girl again this year. So happy that the person continued on helping the girl. That student that the person were helping thriving to be number one in her class. She’s really a good student. She comes to our house during Sundays to get her allowance, which is sent to us monthly by this reader. Most of the time Bob and I talk with her and her mom. Just to keep up with whats going on with her.
Last Sunday while they were here. We let them try some stuff that we bought at S & R. She’s so funny when she saw the ham and the crackers and cheese and we told her to try the ham. She immediately said: You sure it’s okay to try that meat it looks raw to me. Bob and I just smiled to her and told her it’s okay to eat it right away it’s already cooked. Bob and I each got a piece of ham and ate it. So she followed what we did. She said she likes it a lot too.
While talking to some other people here that organize some charities same questions were asked why not help during the beginning of school year? I told them to be perfectly honest I am not comfortable asking people twice in a year. We are helping out some people during classes starts but not a lot since we are also preparing for our students here in the house. Some of our extra school supplies I gave them to some students that I know and in need.
But in the near future I’m going to give something to the school I graduated during grade school days. Just wanting to thank my Alma Mater for the job well done of our school there. I mean its still in need of a lot of stuff. I know even if few of us helps there at least it will improve slowly. I will try to start, hopefully others will follow too. Some of our neighbors before their kids or grand-kids also successful being working abroad they can also afford giving something there in our school. So I might have my other classmate that teaches in the neighboring town contact most of the graduates there to help out. Hopefully it will be successful though.
For you guys that support the LiP Christmas drive thank you always for being there to help out. So highly appreciated!
Just curious, but ow much does it cost to sponsor a student for the whole year in Davao?
Hi Tito Joe – Right now the guy that’s sponsoring the kid in my article. He is giving 100pesos a day. That includes her meal and fare for the day. We didn’t asked the guy that sponsored the kid for the school supplies, uniform and shoes. We just ask for the daily allowance of the kid.
Thank you so much for asking, at least some people here have an idea of how much to send a kid to school here.
Have a fine day!
That was the same question I was going to ask, but Joe beat me.
Hi Bill S. – Thanks for asking.
Have a good one!
I am sure a lot of us expats sponsor school/education for kids here. Since we are married (most of us) to a filipina, there’s a extended family, and there is surely someone in that family, who needs help for school. I don’t know how many we have helped getting a education in all these years, but it’s not a few. Not to brag, but to say – help the young ones to get a education, even if it is distant family. If there isn’t anyone in the family i am sure Bob and Feyma know familys who need help. It is now that big expense and it really help a lot now and for the future. The biggest worry and concern for parents here, is to see that their kids get an education, it really means a lot.
Hi Axel – I’m pretty sure of that too. I’ve known lots of expats sends the Pinay family to school here. Good for you to helped out your wife’s family too.
I’ve known family here who struggles sending their kids to school. Both parents are working but still the income is not enough for the family’s daily expense. That’s why we got a sponsorship for that kid that comes to our house every Sunday. We know that her parents worked really hard and she excel in her class.
Good to see you here again. Have a wonderful day!
OK. But how many school days in a year there? or is it figured on 6 days a week ALL year?
Hi Tito Joe – Figure 5 days a week. 10 months for the whole school year here.
Always good to see you here!
Hi Feyma – Good article and topic. It is always good to give. Paying for people to be educated helps them for the rest of their life. Keep up your generosity.
Hi brenton – Thank you so much. I’m glad you liked my post. Thanks too for the nice comment.
Have a great day!
Hi Feyma- Whilst talking of helping others. Our mutual friend Fr Franco I recently discovered suffered a major disaster by having all his Rabbit stock as well as his Goats wiped out due to a serious flood at his farm in Buda. I was wondering if we could join together i.e. all web groups here in Mindanao to raise funding to help him set up again in order to continue his very worthy assistance to the indigenes of Buda who rely on his farm for employment etc.