Last week I wrote about “How it Happened” explaining the medical emergency that befell me in March and this is an excerpt straight from the article: “My memory was gone, I forgot how to use my computer; or even how get money from the NFCU” Which brings me to an article I wrote last year about giving your wife an emergency bank account to help her through the time it would take to have money start flowing again if you die or forget how to use your Puter. The article was written in 2014 and named “It Got Me Thinking” Please take the time to read it; it might help out your loved ones in the future.
Fortunately for team Thompson I practice what I preach. Mayang had ample money to live on while I was down for the count for two point five months, sitting in her private account at her bank here in the Philippines. My medical was covered by Tri-Care, but there are incidental costs that she also had the cash to cover. I rest my case on that subject; start her/him an account right away as one never knows what life will chuck in your path.BTW if anyone want\s to grumble about Tri-Care don’t tell me as I won’t listen, it treated me well and paid the bills on time. Obamacare could learn a lot from tri-care.
About my friend Ron who passed in 2014 and was the subject of my article, his wife eventually came out very well; the two school age children were granted Social Security. His bank accounts were opened back up to her six months later. Ron’s Life Insurance from the government (Military Sealift Command) kicked in 9 months later but not as a lump sum, she is paid a living amount monthly. Ron knew about her friends in the Philippines whom will need loans would have her broke in a month. (Gifts being the proper word for loans) so he made sure there was no lump sum payout.
But while waiting for the accounts to reopen, one car had to be sold to have money to live on for the time involved while waiting on the United States to start paying, and she borrowed from friends, which she paid back as soon as possible.
So the story worked out for the best. But had she had the account, it would have been smoother during her time of grief and confusion. The first week after Ron passed she didn’t have the money for the cost of the funeral.
This is my cautionary tale of woe, and what can happen if you do not prepare, yes I know that most wives here are thought about and plans for the future are in place, but there is that time involved while it all falls into place that I’m pointing out.
And “NO” my future articles will not be all doom and gloom and lectures about health and stuff, I moved a normal Paul article until next week so I could slip this in and move on to brighter days, But once more this seemed important and hearing it firsthand might make one reader take action to protect themselves and their family then my time will be well spent.
The downside to my plan! (And there always is) Is that now I have to refill her account, and I’d not planned for that. But this is the Philippines and Murphy has an I-card and lived here before us! I was just proving that sometimes I’m right!
I swear: there will be humor next week or your pesos will be cheerfully refunded! (By Bob)
Good advice. No matter where or when the emergency takes place it will definitely screw up everyday normal living. If no planning has been done it usually turns into a disaster.
Prior planning prevents piss poor results. The Navy taught us that years ago and I always believed that. I had no idea the day I was admitted that I was even sick! I’m glad we were prepared!
Love your attitude. ,you are so right for older generation. We all need plans because the good will end some day for all of us and we need to take care of out loved ones because no one else will.
May you get stronger by the day so you can write more words of wisdom !!
Planning even when one is young is needed, right?
Absolutely, but the young are indestructible and don’t plan.
Hi Ronald;
It’s like the never ending debate on LiP about should you own or rent a house! I am from the school of ownership, We built our house using cash and have never owed a centavo on it., My wife has a paid for place to live for the remainder of her life, as I don’t have enough money saved to leave her the rent payments.Even the younger generation should be prepared, that Victory Liner can get you at anytime! (lol)
Considering what’s going on in US, house ownership is still not enough security these days. A solar power supply and a vegetable garden should be part of the plan as well.
The best of course is a business with decent income.
Unfortunately, most people consider that the US will remain an endless cash cow and the security for the widows.
It won’t…!!!
Big mistake, don’t count on it!
Cracks are everywhere, the system is crumbling… it’s unsustainable.
If you don’t see it or hear it, it’s because you are blind and deaf or is it because you prefer the ostridge strategy.
There was a time, only about 2 to 3 years ago, this forum would easily have 75 replies on average on each post, look at the numbers today, barely 20.
The posts are the same but the economy is crumbling and so are the dreams.
Palawan Bob;
Trust the US government, under its leftist rule, I think not, but I trust the largest Credit Union on Earth NFCU and that’s where my money is. If it fails we are all doomed no matter how big your garden is, because the unprepared people will trample your fence and take your food. Your business will be looted, and you are living in a country with no 2nd amendment protection so your best laid plans are doomed from day one.
When your predicted disaster strikes, rest assured that you can laugh and point out to the rest of us that you were right. You’ll be doomed also, but the “I told you so moment” should still feel good!
Looting won’t happen here. Unlike most, I thought that you understood what happened on the 9th of May. But it could be because of your recent health issues.
The Irish are usually wide awake and they are known to recognise the smell of the coffee ahead of the herd.
I am being very subtle in my message, I can’t possibly explain here what’s trully going on. I already tried and I failed miserably.
A few ‘know it all’ clowns brushed me off without offering any valid arguments and made me conclude that I couldn’t possibly help anyone.
Palawan Bob;
Because you are so cryptic about your warnings without any tangible proof, it is difficult to see through the fog.You made a blanket statement of no looting where you are would lead one to believe that you reside where are no other human beings for hundreds of miles around. If the world turns to crap in a hand bucket, and you have something that people need to survive, do you sincerely believe they won’t come and take it for you?
When, Palawan Bob, will it crumble. Tomorrow? December 31st, 2016? Next Year? 5, 10,15,20, 25 years from now?
Will the US merely change philosophically/politically. Or go away entirely?
Hasn’t the US changed greatly since 1950/1960?
The world and the US is in a constant state of flux, Thinks as stupid as unisex bathrooms will come and quickly be rejected by right thinking people. The youth of today are trying to assert there independence, since all the good ideas were used by the smart generations who came before them. Palawan Bob, has for a few years been predicting doom, and he might be right, but if he wants me to smell the coffee, stop talking about it and brew a damn pot!
The best answer I can give is this;
I have known the date of SHTF for the last seven (7) years.
I even made an effort and wrote a letter last year, personal message, to MindanaoBob explaining what’s going on and when it will hit the fan. He chose not to publish it and I understand that. THE DATE HAS NEVER CHANGED FOR THE LAST SEVEN (7) YEARS.
Believe it or not is irrelevant.
I’ll be even more precise.
In a couple of days, we’ll be talking hours.
That’s how close we are now and I am worried.
Not worried for myself, I have had enough time to think about it.
I am worried for all expats who will be gravely affected by this… unfortunately.
Palawan Bob;
If this global calamity does not strike this week as you predicted, will the dates be pushed forward?
Palawan Bob,
Like i said a few month’s ago, this whole thing is really getting tiring. You have changed the date so many times. What will you do when it does not happen in a couple of days as you say? It will be like the boy who called wolf and when/if it really happens no one will believe you.
Prepare the end of the world is coming!!! If we are still here after 8 years of Obama, that tells me we will be here for my grandson’s 65 birthday. I’m still trying to figure out how Palawan Bob will prevent the looting of his place if the end was to come?
Palawan Bob;
The one thing you omitted was where you gleaned this information from,, an event of that magnitude must be know by people other than you, as how could you be the only one privy to it?
You are right there about Obama. I don’t believe he has any idea about the looting either.
The unisex bathrooms just a waste of time and money. As you said they’ll go away. Right now there a topic and that’s about it.
As another poster/member said Palawan’s Bob beief in disaster keeps him going.
Bob said it’s coming this week! I can’t speak for you but I’m keeping my gas tank full, just in case.
I wish it would be only a question of one full tank of gas.
Yes, it’s damn global.
I have several sources of information counter verifying each other… ALL PUBLIC INFORMATION, NOTHING PRIVILEGED.
This will NOT be the end of the world type of event.
But it’s better to have food and water in reserve.
Papa duck, my farewell to you and to a few others who are now in US.
Great advice about being prepared for anything that might happen to you, so your family won’t have any hardships. That’s why i always tell Anne it’s always better to be safe and prepared. She has access to my account. Another thing to have is supplemental health insurance in addition to Philhealth if possible. Even though health care is cheaper here, if you have a major illness and a long hospital stay like you had, the bill will be pretty sizable. You wouldn’t want to leave your wife with a big hospital bill if you pass away. Philhealth paid only 25% of my bill for gallbladder surgery and a few days in the hospital, Blue Cross covered the rest. Even though i only spent a few days in the hospital, it was still a nice little chunk of change.
There was an article in Mindanao bob’s site I don’t recall but it was many years ago, you have to negotiate with your doctor to get the best of philhealth, even if they say 25% there is something more, sorry I don’t have more info than this vague memory of reading it.
I have no knowledge on this subject, so I won’t hazard a guess! (lol)
Here’s the rub, Mayang is a joint owner on all my stateside accounts, but when they are notified of a death, they shut down until proper ownership is determined by law, this can take a month or in my friends case 6 months. My hospital stay was astronomical, but covered by Tri Care. I have Phil-Health but only to because my mother-in-law is covered under it.
Yea i will have to get that checked out with my US Bank. We do have an account in the Philippines that she has access to, but i think i will have to beef it up a bit to make sure it will be adequate to last several months.
It can’t hurt you by doing that, but keep your name off the account!
Tri-care? Were you not covered under phil-health ? If your wife is a member of Phil-health, then it covers you as well. Good advise about getting an emergency card or even giving the pin of your bank account card to your wife (if there is no other bank account).
Also good to prepare an affidavit signed by the lawyer, that allows your wife or nearest dependent to access + taking a local life insurance and funeral cover, in addition to the overseas/Foreign one.
Love your family care for them, and good advise of your friend in keeping it protected from greedy relatives.
Also, can you use Tri-care health insurance again after all this?
Tri-care covers 75% until I meet the $3,000.00 Cap then they cover 100%. I met the Cap within the first surgery and was covered for the two more I had the same week, yes we both have Phil-Health, but tri-care also covers my home care Phil-Health won’t, US federal law precludes me from filing on both plans at once, so we use Phil-Health to cover my wife’s mother.
My wife has the only bank accounts in the Philippines as the US is demanding to know if we do so they can tax them. Thank you Mr. Obama, so nothing in this country is under my name.
I wrote about how I protect my family from the US Government, and unforeseen emergencies.
Anne is the only one on our Filipino Account also and will be on any future accounts. Now hopefully next year Obamacare will be repealed so it will make it easier for me to file taxes.
Because of Obama’s new banking rules for people living outside of the US, you are wise to put your name on nothing here. He is forcing foreign governments to report to our IRS what we have.
Tri-care is for life, but in October I must meet the $3,000.00 Cap once more in the new fiscal year. Again no problem, as I have one more importation to reconnect all my bits inside me.. I am pleased with the medical care I’ve received, and the way Tri-Care has taken care of me. And mostly that I had the money put aside for my wife’s protection.
I too was impressed and very pleased with my Gastrologist, who is the president of the hospital and my surgeon who is one of the better ones in the Philippines. Both are trained and both had practices in the US. The only one not pleased with the surgeon was Blue Cross lol.
Hi Paul- The situation regarding access to adequate funds for emergency use in the event of expat illness and worse is all too common here in the Philippines I’m afraid to say, from listening and reading about the subject.
If individuals don’t wish to take advice from fellow expats who have experience of such situations there is not much else one can do.
I think also its common these days as the expat community gets older that many families as well as individuals are being exposed for their unpreparedness for future trials and tribulations in so much that they are living on the breadline and don’t have sufficient funds laid aside to cover eventualities.
Coming to live in the sun is all well and good if you have youth or health on your side and a limited budget but as time and age catches up a well laid plan is of the essence in times of need which surely will happen.
I hope Paul that by writing about your recent harrowing experience those expats who have not already done so wake up and smell the coffee and save their wives, families and fellow expats any future anguish in similar circumstances.
Kind regards.
As you pointed out (I’ll paraphrase) you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.
I also was one of those meandering willy nilly down that primrose Philippine path until my friend Rich died a few years back, and watching what his wife went through was my wake up call. I started her account the next day. She was pleased and told me it made her feel safe. She bragged to a few of her friends and some Kano buddies were put under the gone to plan ahead also, surprisingly my buddies agreed and followed my lead.
If one person reads this and sets up an account to protect his family, my work has not been in vain.
Smart article, Paul. If I could add one piece to your article it would be to be completely honest with your adult children about your finances as well.
I had a close family member who recently died. Turns out there wasn’t a retirement account and no long-term care insurance of any kind. All he had was social security which is not much.
For a while, it was looking like he might have to go into long-term care which is amazingly expensive. It would completely drain everything they have and quite quickly. His wife, who is a dozen years younger, will need any available cash to support herself in the coming years.
All in all, it probably turned out best as he died much sooner than they had predicted.
My take-away? Made an appointment with our retirement people and made an appointment with our tax person. Thankfully, my wife knows just as much about our finances as I do (because we have monthly budget meetings). She’s younger than me (so we know what the odds tell us), but, financially, she should be fine.
This summer we will also be meeting with our adult children, so that they understand everything that we have for retirement and for long-term healthcare.
Hi Paul
The unfortunate thing about life is that it always takes an emergency to wake people up.
I have three joint accounts with my wife in the PI so I am hoping we are covered. The reason we have three is that the banking insurance only covers 500,000PHP for an account and banking worldwide still makes me nervous! I’m unsure of the law though regarding joint account in PI. I will have to do some reading. My wife does have her own account as well though which helps the spread of funds.
Our house is bought and paid for so we are also covered there, like yourself. One reason I bought was that I didn’t want to have to add rental costs to my retirement calculations. My choice, whether it is correct or not, but my mind is at peace in the event something happens to me.
It appears you put some thought into her future, commendable to say the least. I don’t have the correct answers, as my plan only applies to me and my wife. But no matter the many different ways it can be done, my goal was to point out that something should be done.
Please feel free to add me as a dependent. I believe by law I am only allowed to received 99% of all your accounts. Oh well, life is tough.
This will put your mind at ease, right?
It really doesn’t take an emergency. It takes trust and common sense, right?
I added my wife to my account years ago. Slowly but surely she learned about the banking system. This wasn’t an easy thing to do.
Now she has almost totally taken charge of out account.
People assume that everyone should know how to balance an account, deposit money, etc. Nope. It takes a lot of patience.
I was single for most of my life, and lived below my means, I never saw the need for that new fancy car, if a hot car was what was needed to get that girl, I didn’t want that girl. I have been able to pay cash for anything I wanted (Including my house in 1999) and the last loan I had was in 1978. But now I’m more than happy to turn that stuff over to my wife, she saves more than me.
Tom N.
That indeed is a story of a guy flying by the seat of his pants without a care for his partner. I’ve seen it so many times both here and in the states, you are right, a wife should know as much as possible about family finances, and how it works when he is gone. Even I have a policy on my wife incase the worst should happen.
We hate to think about it, but if you care you must plan.
Glad to hear you’re on the mend Paul. Look forward to the “normal” articles you write.
As I said above, I’ll be back to normal writing next week!
I thought about this issue for I got married, and yes I had trust issue due to past events. But after watching and listening I decided I would be open with my wife. And she has the info to take care of business if I am not able. The only thing I ask of her is if I am unable to do it please talk to me about it if I am in the hospital or can not get out of bed. If my mind is not able to understand or reply then think as I would and use her best judgement and after being together for 9 years I have been rewarded many times over as she shares her wisdom with me when I would have made grave errors in judgement about our resources. But that is me. each of us need to do things that work for us based on our past and our life.
Great Idea and very good advice.
Mayang and I are well over 20 years together; she has always been more frugal than I could ever be. So even when I’m well she has access to more money than me, as once we bring it into the country it is controlled by her. We’ve done it this way for most of our relationship, and I’m happy with the way it works, so the extra account held by her has never been an issue.
Hi Paul, I have to agree with you you have to have a back up plan we’ve been married since 1987 and my wife takes care of the money, I have a 100 percent
Trust in her we have money available for emergencies if something happens,
The bank asked me if I want a credit card I said no thanks don’t need one if I want something I pay cash, as for Palawan Bob I think some of what he said
Could come true but he’s way to cryptic for me, he should have a column on Mindanao Bob it would be certainly interesting, I would say to those guys with
Trust issues don’t bother getting married marriage is based on trust,
Derek in pasig.
Most of us will find a way to insure the care of our families during a emergency, and the others will fiddle while Roam burns. There is nothing that can be done to help them.
Funny but so true. I’ve always thought^said that those who call the shots, big business/Halliburton, are going to allow Obama to do whatever they want him to do. Reid said about that much once.
There is no way those that built the US are going to let him ruin the country.
They already have!
Is a couple of days one more days and then the hours will kick in? I ask because there is a gas shortage on the island of Bohol.
Thanks for the great advise Paul. Also, Im glad your wrote on this cuz I have a related question I have wondered about, which maybe you could shed some light on.
I contacted USAA inquiring about Life Insurance since I will be retiring next year and the VGLI increases exponentially every so often it just isn’t financially feasible for me. They took all my info but when I mentioned I will be living in the Philippines they said they could not insure me… Do you have any wisdom you could share when it comes to Life Insurance as an Expat? Which companies will insure us and which is a better option, whole vs term for the situatuation?
Thanks for the great advise Paul. Also, Im glad your wrote on this cuz I have a related question I have wondered about, which maybe you could shed some light on.
I contacted USAA inquiring about Life Insurance since I will be retiring next year and the VGLI increases exponentially every so often it just isn’t financially feasible for me. They took all my info but when I mentioned I will be living in the Philippines they said they could not insure me… Do you have any wisdom you could share when it comes to Life Insurance as an Expat? Which companies will insure us and which is a better option, whole vs term for the situation?
Life insurance is an area I have no knowledge of, I do have a local policy I bought years ago.
I haven’t got the slightest idea what Palawan Bob is talking about. Could somebody dumb me down?
PalawanBob makes all kinds of cryptic predictions. So far none of his predictions gave ever come true.
Bob Martin Tee Hee! Is he from America?
He’s from Palawan, hence the name Palawan Bob. (LOL)
I believe he is. What difference does it make though?
Bob Martin I was just curious.
Sorry Paul for not being clear.
You must be the witness in order to understand it.
Now you can even figure exactly when it will hit the fan.
Palawan Bob;
I’m not laughing or even grinning, but I’d like to say goodbye since the end is so near.
The worst or the saddest part of this ‘story’ is the fact that this date is PUBLIC.
It has been in plain sight for many years for anyone to see it.
Actually, since last year, the date became PUBLIC here in Philippines as well.
Palawan Bob;
I googled it (while the interwebby was still working) and no mention of the doom and gloom coming Monday!
In 75 hours there will be a fiesta on the island of Pangapasan. Pangapasan is a very remote island near the town of Tubigon on the island of Bohol.
Pangapasan doesn’t have any running water. They have electricity from around 11 PM to 6 AM. During the fiestas they are allowed to run the generator for a longer period of time.
The Filipinos on Pangapasan fish for a living. Some fish to live/eat. Others take their catch to Tubigon and sell the lobster, shrimp, or whatever they have caught.
Thank you , I now have one less item on my bucket bother with. (lol)
LOL. I can only take that island for a day. By that I mean I go there in the morning and leave around 3 PM. Once I stayed there for two days. That was too much for me. No running water is a real bummer.
Get used to it starting Monday, when the calamity strikes the world, Bob said we can run, but we can not hide!
Palawan Bob;
Now that I know that the date is upon us, should I bother submitting an article to Bob here on LiP if no one will be here to read it?
I don’t think you’ll be able to brush your teeth/denture, jaws shaking from fear like in cartoon movies, never mind writing.
Besides, I strongly believe Internet will be disabled for several days.
I really have no desire to freak you out ahead of time, but a strong warning like this above will not hurt.
Palawan Bob;
Where I live the internet is spotty on good days so this calamity could come and go and I’d never notice.
Palawan Bob;
You have saved me a few hundred dollars, I was going to by a sound bar for my Samsung TV, but for 75 hours, why bother?
I am successfully flat broke…
Palawan Bob;
And I am gainfully unemployed…(Retired)
Palawan Bob;
I have stocked up on fuel for my generator and car, thanks for the heads up!
That’s a smart move Paul. Must have food and medication as well. I hope your generator can run for several hours without falling apart.
I am afraid, this is the END of us older folks (I am 70); most of us depend on our pension money for living and I am afraid that as of Monday, money availability will become a serious problem during several months, perhaps longer. Who can tough it so long? I certainly hope I’ll be wrong on this issue.
Hi PB,
So what are we talking about Zombie Apocalypse, Meteor Strike, Planet of the Apes, Alien Invasion, Pod People, Killer Bees or Stay Puft Marshmellow Man. Inquiring minds want to know.
Rest in Peace Cruel World!
After 2 months in the hospital I was starting to enjoy being among the living again, damn my bad luck!
Palawan Bob, I have Honda service the generator before every typhoon season, it has not failed in 16 years, plus enough fuel to run for 7 days and longer if I empty the tank on my car.
Now that this post is almost forgotten, I’ll give you one link that explains it all. It’s only one page long. Notice the date it was created… 2012…!!! That’s four years ago. Even the time (11:54 am Chicago time) in minutes is in the Bible…!!!!!!
I personally knew it already in 2009 by analysing SP500 chart.
There are at least 3 other methods to confirm this date. That is what I know. I believe there are dozens that I am not aware of.
All of this is PUBLIC, nothing is hidden or secret. So, don’t blame nobody but yourself if you didn’t know this.
When I mentioned that the Irish can smell the coffee from a distance, I wasn’t exagerating. This Pastor that I met for the first time here in 2010, left Ireland back in 1998! He knew already in those days what’s cooking but he kept his mouth shut for personal reasons, never told me what were the reasons.
Give me your email.
PB said his internet is spotty where he lives so he may never know what going to happen. There isn’t any internet service on that remote island I mentioned. So then they will never know what happened, right? Maybe life there is better than we think. No Fox News, CNN, or internet. Just fiesta time.
I don’t mind you writing nonsense here, but for the sake of your loved ones, please do them a favour and buy some extra food instead of planning a trip at a time when you should be at home preparing for the coming calamities.
We only have about 30 hours left…!!!
Palawan Bob;
I’m under strict doctors orders not to consume any demon rum or beer while recuperating, but Monday morning if the do-do hits the fan, I refuse to pass to the next life sober. If nothing happens I’ll tell the doctor it was all your fault and reference this blog! 18 hours to go!!!
3 Days ago you said that there were 30 hours left. That was 72 hours ago. As far as I can see nothing happened. What’s up with that?
I have 1 liter of 12 year old rum waiting.
Regardless of what happens, that rum will be gone before next weekend.
Palawan Bob;
I have a full case of Tanduay Superior 12 year old rum, and 3 each 1.75 liter bottles of Captain Morgan. I’m ready for anything.(I made extra ice using my freezer.)
Hi Paul & PB,
My understanding from PB is that the USA is grounds zero. You will have to live without your retirement and Social Security because the USA is about to cease to exist. I have heard that Yellowstone is actually a super volcano and that when it goes off the Mexican people will actually build the wall Donald Trump has been talking about to keep US citizens from fleeing to Mexico. Am I getting warm PB. Pun intended.
The new Babylon is USA…!!!
Ground zero… Yes!
Iraq was the original Babylon.
And yes, you are right, our pensions (as well as all other western countries) will evaporate temporarily and a few months down the road will be downgraded to a fraction of today’s purchasing value.
My conclusion; there will be a supernatural gallactic event (I don’t know exactly what kind) tonight over much of North, Central and South America.
On Monday, tomorrow, the panic will set-in.
Guess what date is tomorrow?
Answer… 666 …!!!
Sixth day …
Sixth month …
Sixth year …
It’s a very well known “number”.
Jay and Paul
Put Yellowstone and the Cascadia subduction plate together and then you have a problem.
Add to it San Andreas fault and New Madrid fault and you have a huge problem.
Americans have no clue on what kind of boiling kettle they are sitting on. It’s the most unstable continent on the planet!
The Trump Wall… are you kidding?
Hillary will rule… like it or not.
She is the biblical harlot. How can’t you see that?
A fly in the ointment, according to the web site cited as a reference to the impending gloom and doom, it was taken from biblical sources mentioning Mathew and Paul (After he was Saul) here is the rub, that was way before anyone even knew about the United States or North and South America, so we are exempt. The crap will strike Iraq, the old home of Babylon. And really do we care what happens there?
Hey PB. The number “666” as referred to in the King James translated version of the bible (actually spelled out six hundred threescore and six) was recently (2005) corrected to 616 after a third century written document (unearthed in 1895 but was unreadable until 2005 using advanced imaging techniques) was translated from Greek (the original language of The New Testament. This document is the oldest know version of The New Testament. But all hope is not lost. Instead of Month (6), Day (6), and Year (6); just use Month (6), and Year (16). This way you don’t to worry about those pesky time zones in trying to figure out a correct date and you have a whole month to play with. This keeps your “interpretation” alive and well. 🙂
Thanks for the input.
I only read what competent scholars write. They know much better than me.
However I have four other methods of counter verification, all giving the same date.
I am pretty sure that there are dozens of methods that are out there, all giving the same date.
Unfortunately there is ‘the rest of the story’ and that part will be much worst than the GREAT WARNING of today, term that I picked from the Garabandal, Spain event.
Great so I can vacation this Monday in that Iraq region, right?
Whose Monday will the event take place. Our Monday or the States Monday?
Yikes!!!!!!!!!!! We are doomed!
At first, I thought it might be “Babylonian time” (Iraq), but that came and went. Okay, then it might be Philippine time … but that came and went also. Well I said to myself, it must be the “New Babylon” (PB refers to New York as the New Babylon), but alas, that came and went also. So I concluded that a great galactic wind blew THE EVENT astray. 🙂
I sold my car, my house, my dogs, my wife, and gave away all my SM. I even spent all my money. What do I do now?