Yesterday I got a phone call while cooking breakfast for Bob.
It was really early in the morning. It was just me and Bob who were up. I thought it was an inquiry from the email about some land. I thought it was an overseas call because it was too early for people from here. The call was on my cell phone.
When I said hello, there was a lady asking me who I was? I told her you’re the one that’s calling me, I continue on saying may I know whose on the line please?
Then she asked me do you know Mr. so and so? I was trying to think and tried to remember the name, I told her I vaguely remember the name. I said why? She then said because you’re name is on his skype.
Ah what?
I asked her more if her man emailed me on LiP or about travel in Mindanao or Davao or about Samal? She can’t even answer me.
I was gonna tell her hmm, that’s strange because the only person that knows my skype is Bob. I never gave my skype account to anybody since I never use it. Why would I need skype we have Vonage? We just cut off our Vonage not that long ago. I had another option too if I don’t used vonage my pc was hooked to Bob’s skype account anyway. I like to use Vonage because I can just dial just like a regular phone line. When we didn’t have the Vonage I never used the skype on my pc.
Anyway, I think she saw my number on her husband or boyfriend’s pc or cell phone and tried to dial my number to make sure I’m not the second lady in line.
Holy molly, I don’t really need a jealous wife/girlfriend calling me. Early in the morning it already ruined my day. My goodness by the sound of her voice she’s way younger than me. She should have the confidence with her man not to stray away with other women. I don’t even remember if I communicated with her partner/husband. Geez, I wonder if he inquired from me a condo, a house or a land. I have to dig in through all my emails again.
Living here for over 10 years now, I’ve experienced a lot, I’ve meet too many ladies I thought that could be my friend. But they later tell their boyfriend/husband that they can’t hang out with me because of our age difference. They just don’t want it, their reason I am too old to be their friend they say. I just laugh it off because if they say I am too old for them to be their friend, but look whose talking, their boyfriend or husband is 20 years older than I am! I never had anything against any ladies that were married to older men. A lot of my friends in the States before that I hang out with they were married to older men and we don’t have any problem. But my goodness if they are talking bad about our age difference to be my friend I find it to be odd. I’m not sure if I am too boring for them, I don’t go out during night time. For me and Bob, that’s the time we spent with our kids. See we just like to go out meet people around lunch time. Maybe some of the ladies might still be in bed though. Maybe we are on different time zone. ha ha ha. :-). One thing with me and Bob’s relationship – we trust each other. Well, we would not be married this long if we did not. He can go anywhere without me. I can go anywhere without him. I don’t have to have someone to be with him, same for me. Lots of friends that I know they will have their brother or cousins to guard their husband. Oh well to each his own I guess.
Honestly a friend of ours told me before that his girlfriend, who was really young, in her teens. She confess to our friend that I was a threat. I really speak my mind and I can communicate well. She really had problem with me because her man asked advice from me about money matters. Her boyfriend just didn’t trust her when it comes to money. Of course she’s too young to know how to handle money. All she wants is spent it. She didn’t even knows how much her boyfriend was worth but Bob and I knew. Same stories with our other friends. The lists goes on and on.
too funny. young gals dont want to hang out with you cuz your too old.. lol. Over here, I dont care about hangout with young girls, cuz all they do is barhopping. & all I want to do is foodtrip, And they “your so old Annalie”…. hahhaha.:-)
Hi Ann – Yep, they don’t want to hang out with me. Honestly if we hang out with the guy with the young girlfriend, most of the time the lady will just sits there and just listens to the conversations. Doesn’t share her thoughts, just sit there and play with her cell phone. We’ve meet a few that will communicate with us. That might be why she gets bored when talking to me, I am not talking about night life, or what bar had a good discounts. Ha ha ha… Your food trip plan really sounds awesome. Wish we’re near with each other, I can join you on that. lol.
Good to see you again here my friend. Here it’s a long vacation days. You know how the Holy Week goes here. Starting today some malls are close. Back to open on Saturday.
Take care and God bless!
Interesting article Feyma. It reminds me of something that happened to me here in Florida when I was married to a Filipino lady from Cebu.
Long story short, we had been married probably less than six months when right out of thin air a Filipino lady who somehow had connections with my wife (back in the Philippines) started calling from Miami here in Florida. I talked to her once and she wanted to know our address so “she could come up here and fight with my wife”. (Miami is about 300-400 kilometers away). My wife at the time tried to brush this off (just a crazy lady from her past) but what ever happened, this lady really wanted to pay my wife a visit.
Needless to say, those calls were a little unsettling. That incident taught me a lesson: never cross a Filipino woman.
Hi Rich321 (Rich Bowen) – That’s also a strange phone call for your wife. Wow, the lady still wanted to see your wife and still continue the fight? That really is strange. She should forget about it, they’re already in a different country. She should think that if theirs something bad happened to her, your wife will be one of the person she can call for help. She should be a friend to your wife there in case they were both homesick and can talk about it. But that’s not the case for that lady. They must be fighting about something with deeper reasons.
Anyway, I hope it already been settled with your wife and that lady.
Nice to see you again here! God bless!
When it comes to cooking, there is always that one secret ingredient that makes the dish. When it comes to relationships, trust is the most important ingredient. Without that most important ingredient, some things will just not be quite right. Don’t let someone else’s problem spoil your day. Cheers!
Hi RandyL – So true. Thank you for the nice thoughts.
Have a good day!
I always read your article my friend/ur writers, but never leave a comment. I learn a lot from you guys, you’re my library at home hehehee………… family and I are planning to come home next year, will definitely going food trip then .. puhon 🙂
Thank you friend. It really humbles me to know that a lot of you guys appreciate what we do here on the site. I really appreciate a lot my friend.
Definitely will go for a food trip. Can’t wait to see you and family next year. Gods will.
I will definitely hang out with you Te Feyma. You are definitely NOT boring. When we met you (2 years ago I think!) in Davao, we enjoyed your company. The only thing I regret is that we did not have enough time to chika! Labi na kay pareha ta bisaya. Hope you still remember us.Menchie,Simon and Art from Australia.
Hi Mench – What’s up girl? Yes of course, I definitely remember you guys. We really had a blast roaming around the city. Hey, can’t wait for you guys to retire here, yes we could hang out a lot Mench. We did hit it off. You’re right you guys just stay here short time that time. Maybe next time you can stay longer here in Davao. Will go food tripping then. 😉
Art must be getting bigger and taller than you now? He sure is a cutie and smart kid. Its been that long ago since we saw each other? Are you guys still in Australia? Hope you guys will retire here in Davao.
I’m really glad you drop by here Mench. Good to see you here again. Hello to Simon and Art. Take care and God bless!
Hi Feyma, is insecurity a standard trait amongst women the world over?
There comes a time when a woman just has to trust her husband/partner… For example…
A wife comes home late at night and quietly opens the door to her bedroom.
From under the blanket she sees four legs instead of two. She reaches for a
Baseball bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can. Once she’s done,
She goes to the kitchen to have a drink.
As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading a magazine.
“Hi Darling”, he says, “Your parents have come to visit us, so l let them stay
in our bedroom.
Did you say ‘hello”?
At least a phone call doesn’t hurt as much as a Baseball bat.
Kind regards.
Hi Jim – It seems that way, doesn’t it?
Wow, what an eye opener story you just posted. I guess have to call all ladies to check whose behind the blanket first before doing any tragic moves.
Thank you Jim for sharing. Happy to see you here.
Are you guys still in the UK or in Talakag already? Take care!
Hi Feyma – We came back to Talakag mid January but return to the UK beginning of May to attend our sons wedding on the 19th May.
Trust you guys are all well.
Hello.I was laughing while reading this article of yours.Im also a Filipina & married w/ a foreigner who’s two times senior than me,and living abroad.And like you & your husband, he can go anywhere without me(he even goes back to Philippines alone),& i can go anywhere without him as well(no bodyguards),and sometime from holiday he brought with him some address or e-mail from a friend,but i didn’t give them a strange call or interrogate him “who is this/who is that? or is this your gf?Because its just a matter of trust to each other(because trust is also to give & to receive),and besides ,i want to MAKE IT SURE THAT SOMETHING IS GOING WRONG BEFORE ATTACKING ANYBODY SO THEY COULD NOT ESCAPE!(bad girl huh.?)And you are also right saying, that when hang-outing with this young girl who had a foreigner bf,they just play with their phones, AND IT ANNOYS ME! Really,you were right,they could not make any good conversation except “we went every night in cowboy grill,he bought me lacoste,,shopping………shopping……bar hopping…etc..etc..(though i’m still at my 20’s but i hate hanging-out this kind of girls)So,my husband keep on telling me why im not hanging-out with this ladies here( we are in Greece),i just said THEY ARE NOT MY TYPE.!Though,i can go bar hopping as well,shopping and other things,,but sometimes they must learn how to do a smart things too,without spending their husband’s/bf’s money…!!Greetings from Greece..
Mrs Feyma,
Thanks so much for sharing your story. It’s always enjoyable to read them. Take care and be safe.
Thank you so much PapaDuck. I’m glad you enjoy reading here.
Have a great day. God bless!
Yes trust is everything.
I have been coming to Phili for 3 years now every June for 3 weeks.
Im married with 3 great kids.
I come to phili alone to Palawan and Boracay.
My wife trusts me 100% and when she goes to Europe to visit friends she will go with our youngest (Dylan) to see her side of the family.
She will leave Dylan with family and travel alone to just get away and have time for herself. I trust her 100% also.
Trust is everything and without you should be together.
Here I come again this June.
Love your site read it everyday
Hi Paul Crawford – So true on what you just said. If the couple have some trust issue, they will be in for trouble then.
Thank you for sharing here. I really appreciate a lot. I’m glad you like our site. I will just say then keep reading and keep sharing your thoughts here too.
Have a good Easter!
sorry type “O”
Trust is everything and without you should NOT be together
Hey Paul – Not a problem…. 🙂
Hi Ms Feyma -whoever the lady caller, she must have trust issues with her partner. Must be heading to a doomed relationship. Yikes…
You know a sort of similar thing happened to me though it wasn’t a phone call but a FB email. Some young provincial gal sent me a long email via FB. I don’t even know who she is who or who’s the hubby. I was just amused. I didn’t even bother to reply. 🙂
Hi sugar – That’s what I was thinking when talking to her. Sus, I was gonna tell her what’s on my mind but I had to refrain what I felt. I was just thinking she’s just an immature girl. But oh my, it was hard not to say something. Oh well, I’m so thankful I still had my patience in me. Thank God for it. lol.
At least on an email you can ignore it. But with a phone call you were put on the spot. It’s not a good feeling to get a phone call or an email to this immature girls though.
Good to see you again sugar. Have a good Easter!
Hi Feyma,
With all this social networking a lot of web sites are talking to each other now (data mining). Sites like Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter and Google+. They all share your information if you let them. That may be how your Skype showed up in his account. He may be a Facebook friend or something like that. If you posted your Skype somewhere he may have imported it. You may never have even talked to him, lol. Take care,
Mark G.
Hi Mark G. – I look her and the guy’s name on all my accounts and they are not my friends there. I don’t think she got my skype account because I never used it and never put that info to any of my accounts. I think she was just fishing where did her hubby/boyfriend got my number. He must gotten it when he emailed me about land in Samal, condo’s, safety guide here in the city, or some help about moving to Davao city.
Really strange phone call in an early morning….
Have a great day and a good Easter!
That was cruel to be called by younger women as old when their partners are 20 to 50 years older than them. I am also married to an American but I’m 8 months older than him. So people are surprised that I’ve got a younger husband because they expect I had married an older American. I knew younger women, who’s in their early 20’s who married 50 something American men. I pity that some of them (the women) cannot speak their minds, cannot assert, cannot make decisions) when it comes to their marriages because these older husbands do everything for them. One 24 year old Filipina who had been living in the US for 5 years as migrant, due to her marriage to a 56 year old man, told me she does not have a state-issued ID or driver’s license. They live in upstate California, but she does not drive and she does not even have a non-drivers state ID, because she said, she does not know it’s needed. Her husband did not tell her the importance of it and never even help her to get it.
HI Bree H. – I know what you mean, but its really a jealousy because their hubby/boyfriend would come to me and Bob for advice on a lot of things that she should help her partner decide with.
I didn’t really encounter what you are describing about to the friends I had in the States. But I heard a lot like what you are describing about to some of my friend’s friend. We talked about it a lot and what to advice to the ladies, because some of them asked advice form my friends. I felt bad for those ladies though. My friends husbands were so supportive and wanted freedom for their lady. We hang out a lot just us ladies cooking food that the guys would not eat. All my friends had the freedom to drive. I had friend that the husband was same age as her. They were the one having a problem. The guy will not buy her personal needs. She had to get a job. That’s another story for me to post I guess.
We are just so lucky that we are not one of those ladies. Thank you so much for stopping by here. Hope to see you more here.
Have a wonderful Easter!
Only problem I have had with the younger woman thing is in going out alone with my Grand daughter; her an extremely well put together young lady with a predominate oriental look. Me an old white geezer. People would look at us and mumble and smirk, which would irritate me. I solved the problem by getting a T-shirt with the words on it–I love her–She is not my lover–She is my grand daughter.
Hi Loren – I have the same problem when I go somewhere with my 15 year old daughter. I get dirty looks and such from people. What ignorance!
Hi Loren Pogue – I know what you are saying. Bob always gets dirty looks when bringing our daughter and nieces. One of my niece was even asked is he your husband? My niece was 16 at that time. Geez…Some incidents in the restaurant’s here when Bob brought my niece and our kids for dinner because I was in Manila for business trip, the waitress knows me and Bob there. She thought that my niece was Bob’s mistress and as if she refuses to give anything to my niece. If Bob didn’t say that “oh you forgot to bring the drink for my niece” after she heard the word “niece” she then super friendly to them and give every order.
Good to see you again here.
Have a good Easter!
Well Feyma I am that 50 something geezer with the young wife. We do get strange looks but most people to seem be just curious. Some have shown real disdain though. I treat her well and respect her. We corresponded and talked on the web for 2 1/2 years before we met in person. By the time we realized the age difference it was too late we were already in love. We have our beautiful little boy now and plans for the future. Her family has accepted me and I them. I don’t think I look or act my age and I treat everyone as I wish to be treated. No strange phone calls so far, lol.
Happy Easter!
Mark G.
Interesting article Feyma…..
I have to agree with you about the younger wives and having nothing to talk about….most of my friends here….not all….are with much younger women and when socializing with them I feel sorry for my wife because she has very little in common with them. Some rarely speak. I personally would have a hard time being in a relationship with somebody so much younger than me, but everyone is different.
On the one hand, here in the US there have always been jealous men, jealous women. I think that is common all over the world.
That being said, my friend (in his 50’s) who is married to a wonderful woman in her 20’s has told me that his wife is a very, very jealous woman. He is very much a ‘family’ man but according to him she feels the pressure knowing that many Filipina women do not care if a man is married.. they want a ‘sugar daddy’.
My girlfriend, in Cebu, also has told me that not all women there are shy, little butterflies. They are very direct and forward when they see a foreigner walking alone in the city or malls.
The woman who called might just be a decent woman who is afraid of losing her man to some less honorable woman. I guess, such is life.