It was last week and a Saturday morning; I’m on the “Puter,” connected to the world, when I notice the twins were absent, they weren’t inside the house, or in the front or the backyard. But then I heard chopping and falling branches on the empty lot next-door to our house. I went to investigate, […]
Where Has All The Water Gone?
This is the article that I knew I’d be writing back in June 2010, am I clairvoyant, do I have physic powers, or have I just lived here that long and absolutely nothing surprises me anymore? The answer is “Nothing Surprises me anymore!” In June 2010 I wrote an article titled “Water Is Life” it […]
New Shoes
By now we’ve all forgotten about Paul ordering new tires for his new old car. And I won’t blame you, as it was a pretty dull subject to begin with. Heck I forgot until Kuga Greg called and told me the new shoes for my Honda were now in Stock, (You just can’t hear that […]
Man, you’re really nothing!
Several years ago, when this site was still in it’s infancy, I wrote an article entitled “Big Fish, Small Pond.” In recent days, I have been thinking over that idea again, and I had a few thoughts about it, which is why I am writing this article. You may feel a bit put off by […]
In fear, but strong
Last Friday our day started kind of busy. In the morning I already had my day planned out. First go to the Immigration office here in Davao. I told Bob that since I am going in that area me and my niece will swing by at the ukay-ukay place (they called UK here). But It […]
Blogger bash
Last week was a nice treat for us here in Davao. Dave Starr and his family made a journey down south to Davao, and I had an opportunity to spend a fair amount of time with Dave and his family while they were here. I have met Dave previously, but this visit we got a […]