My passport expires on 25 December, 2010, I know the guy in Hawaii who issued that to me, got a real big laugh out of that, but since it was ten years down the road I blew it off. Here in the Subic Area the Embassy has an outreach Program, and every 90 days they […]
Insurance in the Philippines
I’ve talked a little about insurance in the past on this site, but mostly those articles have been related to health insurance, and medical issues. The other day, somebody left a comment here on LiP asking about insurance, but instead of health insurance, he was asking about other types of insurance. He specifically mentioned flood […]
Is anybody minding the store?
Imagine this situation, if you would. Your brother just died in a foreign country, far away from his home. You are mourning deeply for his loss, quite sad. When your brother died, it was under unfortunate circumstances which caused an uproar, only making your loss more painful. Your brother’s body is shipped back home from […]
$$$ Check-Up Time
Well, dear readers, it’s that time of year, again. Time for a little health check-up of your finances, year-to-date income, and – gulp – your estimated income taxes for 2010. Readers who’ve kept up with my articles know that I’m a CPA and I love my work. Helping others do “battle against the beast” is […]
A Pox on the Internet?
Back in May I signed on to Facebook, only because after Googling an old friend and I found him on Facebook. Some people swear by Facebook, me not so much. A lot of friends and relatives did show up, and that was a good thing. But my ex-wife? Please! The one thing I’ve worked so […]