Life is full of ups and downs. Hopefully we will experience more ups than downs, and if that is the case, most of us will be pretty happy. The same goes for places, I suppose. Sometimes places experience good times, other times places experience bad times. Over the past 5 years or so, for example, […]
Curiosity about my ethnicity!
You probably wonder why I am writing about this subject. Some of you readers here are friends of mine on Facebook. Maybe some of you hardly open your Facebook too. Well if you are a frequent FB user, you’ve probably noticed my recent profile photo. I changed my picture, to one with me wearing a […]
The Monitor
No not the lizard of Arizona fame, and not the ship that fought the Merrimac during the Civil War but the one attached to my Putter that allows me to see all the pretty pictures on the Interweb thingy. The one I had was imported from China it was a 15 inch flat screen and […]
A little Surprise (Part Two)
It now Saturday afternoon (14 Sept) Froggy is making Fog Horn sounds today so it must be raining plus it’s in stereo so Froggy has a new friend, it’s raining a real gully washer (I heard that on Roy Rogers) the new furniture shows up at the gate and driver man wants to start unloading […]
A little Surprise (Part One)
Mrs. Thompson and I had a discussion or if I stated it clearer Mayang told me that our bedroom needed re-painting. She explained that the car was fine and Christmas (And yes in the Philippines we can still say that word, even on the TV and in Newspapers.) was 3 months away. According to her […]
The Ambient Vendor in the Philippines
When I was a kid in the Dorchester section of Boston there was a horse and wagon that came around all summer and sold fruit and vegetables in the neighborhood, and the guy was called a huckster (or Hawker), also there was the Hoodsies truck (Or the Good Humor man) that sold Ice Cream, to […]