I am talking now about employing a younger maid in our household. A lot of them came from the province with little education. They have to work because their parents can’t afford for them to continue their education. Most of them came from a very large family I mean large with 8-10 siblings in the […]
How old is too old for a maid?
I was talking to friends a few months back and one of the topics on our conversation was employing a maid. One of my friends said that he is not comfortable employing a maid that is over 30 years of age because that kind of person is too old to work. I told him ouch, […]
Arranged Marriage?
A few months back I was introduced to a lady who happened to be looking for work. She was brought here by my former laundry lady. Pat was her name and she’s been with us for awhile now. I wrote about her before here on LIP. She seems happy here now. Anyway, like 2 moths […]