Something has been happening in recent months. Something kind of unexpected, for me at least. It is certainly something good in my view, though. So, what’s been happening? A number of people who read this site have actually been moving here to actually Live in the Philippines! It’s kind of rewarding to me to see […]
Why You Can’t Live In The Philippines
Boy that’s kind of a negative sounding title, isn’t it, Dave? And besides, who died and left you in charge … where do you get off telling me what I can and can’t do? Of course I’m not in charge and of course I can’t tell you what to do… I wouldn’t even if I […]
A move on the horizon?
Feyma and I are thinking about moving. We are not sure yet, but it is on our minds. Where will we move? Not sure yet. We won’t be leaving Davao, but possibly moving somewhere else within the City. We currently live in a neighborhood called “Marfori Heights,” which is quite near to the main part […]
Assume You’re Right, Then Go Ahead
My namesake, Davy Crockett, has been credited with the saying, “Be sure you’re right, the go ahead”. Wise words, but a bit to definitive for me. If I waited until I was sure I was right before making a move, I’d still be back in elementary school. It’s nice to be sure of yourself, but […]
Moving down the road?
Today’s Guest Post is from Alan Cline, an American expat who currently resides in Cagayan de Oro City, in Northern Mindanao. Alan has his own blog, and has also written guest posts here on LiP in the past. The title sounds kind of like some country western song from the US I guess but you […]
Let’s talk!
I’ve gotten a lot of response to my articles over the past couple of weeks, related to my recent visit to Cebu City. The response has been both through comments on the site, and also e-mails sent to me privately from people who have read the articles. It seems that these type of articles have […]